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Bit Of A Yarn

Pip and the Possum...


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This  Lass still finding her way on presenting for Trackside should be reminded along with the smooth Andre Poutama that they both are apart from being intimately connected  "Vital" in giving evidence to the S.P.C.A for the betterment of our sport. Both have critical  evidence of the Live Killing at their previous  employer  Brendon and Lisa Cole. Come clean you two as this otherwise  will not  dissapear ever !.. You both have a future a head of you but with this hanging over your Integrity makes things Murky... Come on guys,  "Come clean" and help the decent people within our sport by doing the decent thing...

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She was  involved !!. Ask her!!. The crazy thing is she,  did not carry out instructions from Cole  and  Pip   is in the right.  Where she is Wrong, is, that she should clear herself and speak up.. Same as Andre, and wee brother Darcy Poutama. These two  made up a signed declaration about Cole and the Live Killings and this was presented to the N.Z.G.R.A. It mysteriously dissapeared and was not acted properly with Integrity apon... Don't get us started Pasketti    

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