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Bit Of A Yarn

The WHIP FARCE continues..a THRASHING Apprentice


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Read it and weep...maybe ban any whip use for a month...that'd learn them

Mr Oatham demonstrated the incident using the available video footage. He identified Mr Chowdhoory racing inside the 300 metres and counted that he struck his mount on 7 occasions prior to the 100 metres without the required respite. He said Mr Chowdhoory used his whip in an extravagant manner and his arm was raised above shoulder height which is not permitted under the Guidelines. He said the manner in which Mr Chowdhoory was using the whip was excessive and people looking at the race would think that Mr Chowdhoory was punishing his horse. He said this type of riding is not acceptable under modern standards.

Mr Oatham further stated that the Stewards were concerned with the whip action in the final 100 metres of the race. He said the whip was used in quick frequency and Mr Chowdhoory’s arm was raised above shoulder height. In conclusion he said Mr Chowdhoory breached the Guidelines on a number of factors and reiterated that it is not acceptable.

Mr Chowdhoory accepted the number of strikes and stated that he has to work on his whip action. He recognised that it is a breach to use his whip above shoulder height. He had no explanation as to why he used his whip in an excessive manner.

Mr Harris said that he witnessed the “aggression” displayed by Mr Chowdhoory in the last 50 metres when he was trying hard to win the race. He said that he informs all Apprentice Riders that less is best when it comes to using the whip.

He added that all Apprentices needed to be kind to their mounts.

He said that Mr Chowdhoory is a keen young Apprentice and he was disappointed that this is Mr Chowdhoory’s second incident concerning excessive use of the whip. He is of the view that Mr Chowdhoory is not ready to use the whip as he is still learning his trade and acknowledged that public perception is essential.

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