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Bit Of A Yarn

Eligible / ineligible Taranaki Challenge Sat

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Just browsing noms for Saturday and noticed that $100k Taranaki race is programmed, a special conditions 1400m...not sure what the conditions relate to as can’t seem to find it on the NZTR website????

Also noticed amongst the noms is Beltoy...Someone mentioned they heard on Trackside, this horse returned a positive after its win at Taranaki...so I’m now pondering..... why haven’t the RIU make some sort of statement regarding the status of this horse considering the media interest surrounding this race. As this horse had won previously at Taranaki by a big margin...it just opens a can of worms. ..and if its subsequently advised the swabbed horse is disqualified, who then becomes liable for the compensation to the owners who missed out...

This is a lot of money in NZ and every horse eligible should be able to have a crack at the cash. owners need to know it’s a level playing field.  Perhaps more transparency from those charged with policing our industry would give owners a bit of comfort. 


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It was when BS was on hols and Marc long blink Cookson was on...

I didn't hear it but someone on here swore they did...plus 2 others...thats 3 more than the November lot..

I tweeted Rodders asking if there were really 3 more p positives at NP again


Im picking Cookson may have got his wires crossed...but wtf knows 

..this is what you get when the SECRETIVE RIU SECRET this info now...until after the JCA have heard the case...

...and these November positives have got lawyers all over them now...with no case being heard by the JCA...in the near future

As Malted points out it's an outrage of mammouth proportions...

..as soon as the first A sample comes back there should be immediate DQ's and rating points dispersed to others...

...of course these rumours are allowed to fester because the BLOODSTOCK AGENTS are the only ones notified...apart from connections...wtf?

A total farce

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Thanks Tommo,  what a farce alright, the innuendo can kill a business, so if Cookson allegedly  said that, he should be made to apologise......on TV......or, RIU should investigate as to who exactly went public with an allegation as serious as that......are things so crook over there media has to make up stories ...oh that's right, that's what media does.....or will we learn something......eventually.

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On 21/08/2018 at 9:42 PM, Thomass said:

It was when BS was on hols and Marc long blink Cookson was on...

I didn't hear it but someone on here swore they did...plus 2 others...thats 3 more than the November lot..

I tweeted Rodders asking if there were really 3 more p positives at NP again


Im picking Cookson may have got his wires crossed...but wtf knows 

..this is what you get when the SECRETIVE RIU SECRET this info now...until after the JCA have heard the case...

...and these November positives have got lawyers all over them now...with no case being heard by the JCA...in the near future

As Malted points out it's an outrage of mammouth proportions...

..as soon as the first A sample comes back there should be immediate DQ's and rating points dispersed to others...

...of course these rumours are allowed to fester because the BLOODSTOCK AGENTS are the only ones notified...apart from connections...wtf?

A total farce

lmao   bloodstock agents  1st to know  i think in the 1st round they were because one was owner  agent    ,    just shows you how much   there  is of gullible people  out   there   lmao      sounds like  thomas has  his wires crossed too 

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12 hours ago, MaltedMilkshake said:

Please can anyone tell me why the so-called dedicated followers of fashion, AKA Bloodstock agents, are privileged to receive this information?  Why them?  What is the rationale behind this?  

OMG...John Messara please .....please stop this unprofessional, incredulous crap.

It started with a neddy named YOGI...

...sold to clients of Weir... after returning a positive swab when winning at Riccarton

knowledge only after the sale due to the RIU changing their protocols of non announcement of positives until after the JCA have heard the case

The Agents were ropable upon hearing this and demanded to be told as soon a positive came through..

So they pillow talk and rumours and innuendo now abound...

...hence Godber having to confirm certain rumours by announcing said positives on a bit by bit basis

TRANSPARENCY is non existent at the RIU

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