Welcome to our new forum for racing, sports and anything else people want to yarn about. The new site was born out of a desire to offer something fresh and unencumbered but also a site that offers services to racing and sports. Please visit often for new functionality and other surprises.
Some rules....yep there are always rules:
Tipping winners is allowed - please message the Chief first so he can get the best odds!
- The Privacy of posters/members of this site is paramount. At no stage will a person's personal details be passed to a third party. If they are requested by an authority we will first contact the individual concerned and wait for a court order for a release of the information. In our experience such requests are very very rare and only occur if an individual has overstepped the mark by a very long margin;
- Generally moderation will be performed retrospectively, that is posts will only be edited or removed AFTER a complaint or review that shows a clear violation of the following:
- A law has been breached e.g. defamation, slander, the Harmful Digital Communications Act;
- A person's family has been abused. We have no problem with robust debate between individuals but a line is crossed when attacks are aimed at or affect people who don't have the opportunity to reply;
- Blatant business promotion without prior approval. Please check with BOAY Management first. We welcome advertising however the site does cost money to run and we would like to help you promote your services or business but some form of payment to do so will be gratefully appreciated.