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Bit Of A Yarn

The WHIP FARCE continues..a THRASHING Apprentice


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So Simon says..George....back in February...

...after Trudi well and truley broke the RULES OK...in a G 2 race...winning by a nose 

Yet no inquiry into the result...because it's not in the RULES OK.??

Protests aren't allowed...WTF?

Now we have the case of Apprentice CHOWDHOORY...winning a race by 3/4L on Monday

Unmercifully thrashing his mount 37 times in the final straight....22 times before the final 100m..with a brief 3 stride semi- merciful break...the rules...5 times with a 5 stride break...

Of course no protest allowed...even though the runner up stuck to the rules

Another FARCE then.....

But not only that...this is a very bad look for racing...if the media get hold of this the public backlash will be severe...

Especially so when they find  CHOWDHOORY will only spend 7 REAL days on the sideline...in his area...again...FARCICAL

Of course the RIU's Godber brushed it under the carpet on the Wednesday interview when he said...

"no nothing unusual this week Dezzy...the whip rule found less Jockeys getting charged"


Read and weep for the sport and the bad publicity that will follow...the industry needs to act now and change the rule...and with more severe punishments 

"Mr Coles demonstrated the incident using the available video footage. He identified Mr Chowdhoory racing near the lead and showed that he struck his mount 22 times from the 400 metres to the 100 metres.
He said that Mr Chowdhoory used his whip a further 15 times in the last 100 metres which meant he used his whip 37 times in the final straight. He said that the only respite was for 3 strides.

Mr Chowdhoory accepted the number of strikes that were counted out aloud by the Stewards. He was unable to offer any explanation to the Committee for the excessive and unacceptable manner in which he used his whip.

Mr Harris said he couldn’t believe the way Mr Chowdhoory used the whip in the final straight. He said that he had spoken to Mr Chowdhoory before the race and advised him that 2 taps would be sufficient to keep his mount going.

In conclusion he stated that he threw his hands up because he doesn’t know where the riding display came from.

In answer to a question from the Committee, Mr Williamson and Mr Harris assured us that Mr Chowdhoory was fully aware of the Guidelines with respect to acceptable use of the whip."




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And the JCA panel of Dooley and Scott just about had an apoplectic attack when they viewed the video nasty...

And of course under the new 'improved' vicious guidelines...where "suspensions must be meaningful"...

...they just ignore the fact this boy only rides in the North..and got 7 measly days...

...wet bus ticket stuff...

...read and weep again at how hopeless our Feds are...

"It is clear when reviewing the video films that this is the worst breach that the Committee has ever witnessed under this Rule.

The manner in which Mr Chowdhoory used his whip 37 times in the final straight is appalling and a terrible look for the racing industry.

The significant aggravating factors are, the offending is inexcusable, grossly unacceptable and raises alarming animal welfare and public concerns. The punishing force and quantity of strikes applied to EGO PRINCESS is unprecedented and deemed as absolute high end.

In addition the Committee determined that the gravity of the breach and the culpability of Mr Chowdhoory is high end. It is extremely important that a penalty has the effect of deterring riders from committing similar offences.

The Committee observed that Mr Chowdhoory was using the whip with his arm above shoulder height which is deemed to be unacceptable under the whip Guidelines."

Edited by Thomass
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And a very good piece scribed by FORMPRO on this matter...but it's not the first case...far from it...Trudi's Group 2 effort in February a shining example of course...

Was this the first case where the winner should have been relegated after getting a definite advantage with a blatant overuse of the whip?

In race three at Avondale on Monday, Ego Princess was hit hard 28 times with the whip from the 300m to the 100m mark and two strides were taken without being whipped!

The horse, Ego Princess, responded well and was able to pass three other horses around her where the riders had adhered to the rule of five strides or less with the whip and five without till the 100 metre mark. The second horse connections could have protested that the winner had clearly received an unfair advantage,  but the rules as they are now, say that you can’t protest on those grounds.

The rider, Kavish Chowdhoory, was given 12 days for blatantly breaking the rule. Is it time that connections can protest on the grounds that the other horse received an unfair advantage?

This was just a $10,000 slog in the bog maiden, but it is going to happen in a Group race sooner rather than later.

The perception will be that the winning connections and punters will have received an unfair advantage just like any other unfair advantage like drugs or interference. So why not a whip advantage?

Edited by Thomass
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You'd also think "grossly unacceptable...punishing force" would draw more than a 7 real day suspension as well wouldn't you?

I would have thought a calendar month rather than the ridiculous 'national days' b/s would have been the minimum...

...and a month spent at the petting Zoo...being kind to animals

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I'm sure being in a good stable he'd have learnt his lesson...Maybe peeling onions

...White line fever can get the best of them though...Trudy being the standout in the G 2...

So the RIU need to take this on the chin and get the damn rules changed...in a number of ways

7 real days is not "suspensions must be meaningful" for this shocker..

what a crock...

Thats why Godber said last week..." no nothing out of the ordinary this week Dezzy"

ffs...he was embarrassed and tried to sweep it under the carpet

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Dizzy was on last week...and toed the party line as usual

These 'journos' get an email through from Godber stating what he wants to talk about...

Poor Dizzy wouldn't have known about the CHOWDHOORY case though...he's too busy to worry about 'journo' stuff...

This week Neil Davis rang up after I tweeted Neil to give Godber a tingle

"wtf can't Connections protest Mick...what if it was a G 1 ffs"?

" ahhhh ummmm ahhh....haha...well I think they can in Oz...but we sure don't follow Oz in everything....oh yea but we're constantly reviewing these kinds of things"

ffs...of course there was no mention of the pathetic suspension of 7 meaningless real days either...

Godber..."of course before the 100M is a long way from the finish"

What G forgot to mention is that the strikes within the last 100M were above shoulder height...and that's illegal

Just like Trudy did in her G 2 win...illegal above shoulder height winning by a nose..

..and no protest allowed...f me

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  • 2 weeks later...

So yet another whip farce

Wait until Geoergy Simon gets hold of this one on the Thoroughbred review show on Trackside

..oh hold it...that finished 3 months ago...thanks for f in nothing Racing Board

Anyway Shorn Fannin gets done for an over the shoulder whip thrashing...

8 HARD over the shoulder thrashings...

...and gets up by a 1/2Hd...

...and not a protest to be allowed

..and he gets 2 lousy days suspension...

ffs...change the rule NOW suits

htf can you cheat...and still be able to keep the race

Like Trudy Did in a G2 race back in Feb...

Do the right thing...or just BAN THE WHIP

...even down the shoulder...to ease the Industry in for a 


...the young generation will love it

Mr Fannin acknowledged he understood the rule and confirmed his admission of the breach.

Mr Goodwin played the video several times highlighting the manner in which Mr Fannin used the whip from the 100 metres to the finish. He explained that Mr Fannin raised his arm above shoulder height when striking his horse approximately 8 times. This is deemed unacceptable as per a directive issued by NZTR dated 1st August 2017

Notwithstanding the above, it will also be deemed to be unacceptable where a rider uses the drawn whip:
• when a horse is out of contention 
• when a horse is showing no response
• when a horse has no reasonable prospect of improving or losing its position 
• after its chance of winning or being placed is clearly gone 
• when a horse is clearly winning
• after passing the winning post 
• using the whip with the arm above shoulder height.

Mr Fannin has been charged with excessive use of the whip. The Committee understands that the charge relates to the style he has used rather than the number of strikes. The films, in particular the head-on video, show Mr Fannin raising his whip in a flamboyant manner with his arm above shoulder height. This style draws attention to his whip use and is unacceptable. We note that Mr Fannin has been made aware of this fact by the Stewards on a previous occasion.

Aggravating factors are the stake and status of the race with this being classified as a Feature Jumping Race on the racing calendar worth $50,000.

Taking into account all of the submissions it is our opinion that a 2 day suspension is an appropriate penalty.

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19 hours ago, Hedley said:

2 Days is pathetic..especially in that he's come to their attention previously! 

The Stipes and Stewards have no consistancies in their administration of their rules..typical Kiwi crap

Yep..especially in winning the race by a narrow margin

It appears they've given Jumps Jocks special handling though

Flats get 2 fines then a 6-8 day suspension...

Formpros mate Lacey...who's on the Tauranga club Committee said he's going to contact NZTR and lobby them for a rule change

Enable connections of those racing within the rules to protest...

He also said he's spoken to JCA member panels who would have no problem in coming to a conclusion that horse's breaking the whip rule can be relegated...

Good luck with that Lacey


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear...yet another Shorn Fannin ride...trying too hard to win...

Gets up in the shadows of the post on MASTER POET but breaks the whip rules badly...out until August

Would Shorn have won without breaking the rules??

Na...were the connections of the 2nd horse allowed to protest??

Haha, don't be stupid...you get a stupid rule like the Whip farce...

...and you can't expect suits to make sense by allowing a protest

ffs...read it and weap...ITS A FARCE

...and the SUITS are in on the FARCE

This is Mr Fannin’s third breach of the whip rule in the last 12 months and NZTR records show that he has had 54 rides to date this season. The breaches have occurred over a relatively brief period of time and Mr Fannin continues to show a disregard for the use of whip guidelines.

It is of concern to the Committee that it is only Mr Fannin’s second day back riding after having served his earlier whip suspension. His record under this rule is poor and notably the worst of the jump/highweight riders.

By any measure 18 strikes of the whip is grossly unacceptable and places Mr Fannin at the top end of culpability.

The Informant sought a suspension of between 4 and 5 days whereas Mr Fannin asked the Committee to consider a combined fine and suspension. We note also that his mount MASTER POET won the race, but for the purpose of our decision we treat this as a neutral factor.

In assessing an appropriate penalty, we considered and gave due weight to a number of competing, but nevertheless relevant factors.

These included the need to strike the right balance between Mr Fannin’s degree of culpability and the need to ensure animal welfare consideration is paramount.

The Committee felt the breach was sufficiently serious to ensure that the penalty needed to ensure Mr Fannin is held to account and we denounce his conduct. 

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41 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Oh dear...yet another Shorn Fannin ride...trying too hard to win...

Gets up in the shadows of the post on MASTER POET but breaks the whip rules badly...out until August

Would Shorn have won without breaking the rules??

Na...were the connections of the 2nd horse allowed to protest??

Haha, don't be stupid...you get a stupid rule like the Whip farce...

...and you can't expect suits to make sense by allowing a protest

ffs...read it and weap...ITS A FARCE

...and the SUITS are in on the FARCE

This is Mr Fannin’s third breach of the whip rule in the last 12 months and NZTR records show that he has had 54 rides to date this season. The breaches have occurred over a relatively brief period of time and Mr Fannin continues to show a disregard for the use of whip guidelines.

It is of concern to the Committee that it is only Mr Fannin’s second day back riding after having served his earlier whip suspension. His record under this rule is poor and notably the worst of the jump/highweight riders.

By any measure 18 strikes of the whip is grossly unacceptable and places Mr Fannin at the top end of culpability.

The Informant sought a suspension of between 4 and 5 days whereas Mr Fannin asked the Committee to consider a combined fine and suspension. We note also that his mount MASTER POET won the race, but for the purpose of our decision we treat this as a neutral factor.

In assessing an appropriate penalty, we considered and gave due weight to a number of competing, but nevertheless relevant factors.

These included the need to strike the right balance between Mr Fannin’s degree of culpability and the need to ensure animal welfare consideration is paramount.

The Committee felt the breach was sufficiently serious to ensure that the penalty needed to ensure Mr Fannin is held to account and we denounce his conduct. 

I've read it and wept.

It was hard work though. Don't you wish they'd write this stuff in English?

The Committee felt the breach was sufficiently serious to ensure that the penalty needed to ensure Mr Fannin is held to account and we denounce his conduct.

Wtf does that mean?

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2 hours ago, curious said:

I've read it and wept.

It was hard work though. Don't you wish they'd write this stuff in English?

The Committee felt the breach was sufficiently serious to ensure that the penalty needed to ensure Mr Fannin is held to account and we denounce his conduct.

Wtf does that mean?

He was a naughty boy.

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17 hours ago, curious said:

I've read it and wept.

It was hard work though. Don't you wish they'd write this stuff in English?

The Committee felt the breach was sufficiently serious to ensure that the penalty needed to ensure Mr Fannin is held to account and we denounce his conduct.

Wtf does that mean?

Yep, it goes back to their want of trying to justify their existence...

High Court type wannabes on huge stipends...the industry can ill afford...writing a load of long winded crap...

Fannin will be gutted his conduct has been "denounced" obviously...

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Sounds like a typical sentencing day in district court to me.  Firm reprimands in fancy words - frantic finger-wagging - final final FINAL (this time I really mean it) warnings - and at the end of it - for the bit that really counts (the defendants pretty well sleep through the wahhhing until the business end of proceedings ....) - a thorough slapping with the traditional wet bus ticket.

That'll teach `im alright ... won't do THAT ever again ....

Edited by jess
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Oh yes sure is wet bus...double decker for sure...

Now Andy Lacy...aka the Money Shit shot...now On the Committee of the Tauranga Club...

...has made submissions on a rule change to NZTR....after reading it on here and joining the momentum express....

Theres not much doubt a G1 race will be the subject of desperate over use sooner or later...

...a Jock who's been taken aside by the owner

"pssst..don't f in worry about the whip rule...this horse needs a good persuader...and I'll pay your fine....The fillie's future breeding prospects hinge on it"

oh yep

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Oh yes Bertygem...I guess he at least reads this site to know what it possibly takes to get "farcical" rules changed...

And now CHOWDHOORY's at it again yesterday

Gets 11 days for another whipping...lost by a Half head...kept 2nd by that much and the 3 Rd horse can't protest...tf?

ffs...almost every week now this 'rule' has been shown up as a farce...

whip the hell out of them...keep the placing...and the owner pays the fine

And the RIU want INTEGRITY in their name!!

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Yep he was definitely riding in an Octopi genius way....

Arm above shoulder height and the Feds in mock indignation..

...if they were serious about it...they'd be rooting for a change to allow PROTESTS

...then you'd see very few riders breaking the RULES....OK

but they're not....so they keep breaking the rules


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