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Holy S**T Aaron Kuru


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17 hours ago, Brown fox said:

For the race to be taken off him someone would first have to lodge a complaint.I doubt anybody would be brave/stupid/cold hearted enough

to do so.?

You're wrong BF

The Stipes know that ALL FALLERS are required to be vet checked...

The rules required the horse to be DQ'd and the jockey should have been admonished for continuing...and the CLERK of the course quizzed up on the RULES

Following the race...change the rules if they want

" if a horse FALLS and the jockey has been unseated..but slides alongside...and keeps the reins in hand...and there's no blood and the horse 'feels ok' after a Hundy further...and there's no broken bones...continue on for World famous status...even though this is against the INTERNATIONAL rule...ok"


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8 hours ago, Thomass said:

You're wrong BF

The Stipes know that ALL FALLERS are required to be vet checked...

The rules required the horse to be DQ'd and the jockey should have been admonished for continuing...and the CLERK of the course quizzed up on the RULES

Following the race...change the rules if they want

" if a horse FALLS and the jockey has been unseated..but slides alongside...and keeps the reins in hand...and there's no blood and the horse 'feels ok' after a Hundy further...and there's no broken bones...continue on for World famous status...even though this is against the INTERNATIONAL rule...ok"


id say rules are just a guide line what    a kuru did has done racing a lot better than some midget swearing on tv

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11 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Every country they're showing this video in...they comment

"so in NZ they allow a Faller to continue"

yep...a made up rule on the day

" if the Jock has contact...that's fine now"

...even with all fours pointing to the moon

really are you that upset tommy 

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13 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Every country they're showing this video in...they comment

"so in NZ they allow a Faller to continue"

yep...a made up rule on the day

" if the Jock has contact...that's fine now"

...even with all fours pointing to the moon

wat a load of crap thats nearly as bad allowing people not to go in restaurants with tattoos

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Willy Wally whiz bang....fizzer

Have you the faintest idea about what the rest of the World do?

...you know 'best practice'

....that's why there's a very good reason we have this rule...

...injured horses continuing on...bleeding...broken

If this horse had have been inspected...and found to be bleeding...it would have been an instant scratching...and that's very likely after falling

You can't retrospectively say "what a great performance...deserved it" then make up a whole new rule that our hopeless Stipes did...

The World is applauding...but asking "so NZ has a special rule"

Many horses fall with Jockeys retaining contact with the reins...now our Stipes have opened the floodgates to continue on...injured and bleeding

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T, back up the truck.

Remember that day when you were playing in the mixed foursomes at the Kohi Bowling Club......with the hottest blond blow up doll in East Auckland and you were 6 points down with two ends to go...............of course you remember coz it all got a bit complicated from then on, as you well know.

The pressure was on, the adrenaline was pumping and you were in a high state of excitement. So much so that you needed a quick "relief" so you called a timeout.

With Sexy Suzie under your arm, you raced across the green to the carpark where your motor home was parked. Thirty seconds later you are exiting the van, feeling totally at ease with the world, relieved of the huge burden that only minutes before had been making your eyes water.

But alas, in your rush to get back to the game, you fell. There was an audible gasp from the crowd..........actually it was more of a hiss, as the burst and battered Sexy Suzie deflated in seconds.

To your credit, you held on to her ears, you didn't let go, and the crowd clapped and roared at your atlethic ability and airbagmanship.

You reached into your pocket and grabbed the portable Sexy Suzie Emergency Blow Up Kit, and moments later you are back on the green..........and you went on to win that match T.

It was truly inspiring for all blow up doll enthusiasts worldwide. The video went viral.

You became a household name, as did Sexy Suzie.

However, the beaten team were highly pissed. See, there was a local rule that said no blond blow up dolls were allowed to play mixed foursomes.

How petty they were........poor losers don't you think?

I know they upset you. 

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That's your best phantasy about moi yet D....

Alas...the Mish Bay bowling club is in a shocking state of disrepair...that only a rich Knats property developer could turn it into...

...the only 'viral' that needs spreading is being beautifully done by the fleas of a thousand Camel's...into said Knats armpits...after he thought he was human...

...and not a barbarian who wants to have 2 humps...

But seriously d

Whats your terminology of 'FALL'?

The Equestrian world is 'shoulder and hind quarter'...

..which is exactly what Des's shoulder and hind quarter did...when sliding along the ground...after FALLING

Kuru's ass and flat feet were flat on the ground alongside...sliding too

Im afraid...and I know you're a big fan of retro...the Stipes can't review history...

..and retrospectively make up a rule of "had contact" when no such rule or reference to said 'contact' exists...

...only in a flat race when in the process crossing the line...

Itd be like you jumping the local heifer...getting Her in calf...winning Miss Calf World...

...then telling us making love to a Heifer is ok...even a fat heifer....

...which I find admittedly hard to resist myself...but it's not the done thing...and unfortunately for you ...AGIN THE RULES...OK??

..and society could fall apart...not to mention your ass after your Misses has thrashed it...


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