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TDN Q&A With Tanya Gunther

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John and Tanya Gunther, owners of Glennwood Farm in Kentucky, are not only the breeders of G1 St James’s Palace S. winner Without Parole (GB) (Frankel {GB}), but also the breeders of this year’s American Triple Crown winner Justify (Scat Daddy). At a recent visit to Newsells Park, John and Tanya spoke to TDN and GBRI about their two superstar colts.

TDN: What do you remember of Justify as a young horse?

Tanya Gunther: He was a foal that stood out from the crowd. He was always very gregarious, and would come up to you in the field. He was never hiding behind his mom. He was a solid personality. Always kind of aggressive, but in a good way, and he kind of knew he was the boss out there. So, he was like that as a foal. Very strong-bodied as well, and good walker. A very big walker.

TDN: You can say that you’ve bred a Triple Crown winner. What does that mean to you?

TG: It Is hard to put into words what that means. It is just such a special thing, and something we never thought would happen. You dream about it happening, even just winning one leg of the Triple Crown. So to breed a Triple Crown winner is just out of this world. We were so excited, and the farm has been so excited. Everybody on the farm. From time to time, I’ve been in tears over how excited and happy they are. They’re just so proud as well, and that makes us very happy, to see everyone so proud and enjoying the moment. And it’s just been a huge thing.

TDN: Unfortunately, he’s been retired. What’s been your reaction to the news?

TG: We would have loved to see him at least in the Breeder’s Cup. I think he would have performed very well against older horses, and it’s just a shame he isn’t able to prove that. I think he showed that he is the top 3-year-old this year, and that I think you would be hard pressed to find an older horse that would have beat him in the Classic. But I don’t think he has anything to prove.

TDN: For a small boutique breeding operation, you’ve had remarkable success. What’s the secret?

John Gunther: The secret? I’ve been studying bloodlines and racing for a number of years and I have to give a lot of credit to my daughter, Tanya. She’s very analytical in her decisions when it comes to planning the matings of our mares. I actually would have to say that having Tanya, who was in investment banking for a number of years, and wanting to pursue her passion with the horses as she grew up with them, her making that decision to move to Kentucky several years back, that’s certainly been a big part of our success.

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TDN: You have been having great success in Britain with your broodmares too. Why did you decide to have horses in Europe?

JG: It’s been a tremendous experience for us, and several years back, I felt there was a shift in the stallion power shifting from the West to the UK, and that gave us an opportunity to send a couple of mares over and breed to some of the best stallions in Europe. I think the selection of stallions over here is exceptional. It gives you lots of opportunities, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend other fellow Americans to doing the same thing.

TDN: You have you UK based stock in Newsells Park Stud. Why did you choose them?

TG: We got to know Julian Dollar and Newsells Park through Nathaniel (Ire), actually, originally. And then they consign, and they’re a great breeding operation as well. So it kind of fit all needs for us, because we send most of our yearlings through the sale, so it fit together well. And Julian’s a very honest, easy person to work with, and that’s a key criteria for us.

TDN: Without Parole has been your standout horse on the European racing scene this year. How was your experience at Royal Ascot?

TG: My dad and I have been coming to Royal Ascot for years and years as spectators, and just enjoying the event. And we would always say, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we had a runner one day?’ So when Without Parole came along, and we had our first runner, and it was in a race such as the G1 St James’s Palace S., so prestigious, it was incredible. So to have Without Parole in that race, and to win it, was just jaw-dropping. We couldn’t believe it.

And it was so emotional, because my dad bought Marozia (Storm Bird) way back when, then bred Without You Babe (Lemon Drop Kid), and then has gone on to breed Without Parole. So we’ve been with the family a long time. And Royal Ascot, they just put on such a great event. They treat you very well as an owner/breeder. You have access to everything, and they really help you with that, and just to have a good time and enjoy it as best as you can.

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