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NOTICE TO BOAY'ers: Major Update Coming ×
Bit Of A Yarn

Tracks update


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·Continues to progress through the grow in phase of the project. We are currently scheduled to Return to Racing on April 25, to achieve this we would look to
have horses working on the surface from around the 10th of March. Whilst we have indicated the return to racing date this will of course not be rushed, and
the track will need to fully pass all aspects of testing prior to a return.
·There was some concern with a couple of Exterior areas of the Trentham Members Stand where concrete had been dislodged from the facade and ceiling Tiles
blown down in the Seating area. Following a report from a Structural Engineer remedial repairs were carried out to the area of concern with the loose concrete
being removed and sealed and roofing tiles replaced. The Engineer has subsequently signed off the stand for continued use.
·Investigations are ongoing into the track preparation following the Abandonment of the Otaki Races will provide any further updates verbally if available.
·Investigatios are ongoing into the rail placement and track condition following the Abandonment of the Whanganui Races will provide any further updates
verbally if available.
NZTR has agreed to work with HBRI and are leading the development of a Master Plan for Hawke’s Bay Racing. A Project Control Group (PCG) was established
with an independent chairperson (Steve Bramley), two NZTR and three HBRI representatives. The priority for the PCG is to ensure the return of racing as quickly
as possible to Hawke’s Bay. This will be communicated once a full plan is in place and has been provided to the full HBRI Board & Members.
Trials scheduled for the Avondale track were transferred due to the slow recovery of the track post their renovation. The Avondale Track is coming along well
and on schedule to Return to Racing on Wednesday 9 April. Representatives from the Club, Entain and NZTR met on course last Monday and have developed a
plan to reinstall vision and totes on course which had still not been reinstated following the fire.

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