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NOTICE TO BOAY'ers: Major Update Coming ×
Bit Of A Yarn

mathew pedens latest comments

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The latest press release says "hrnz is urging a change of  mindset around racing young horses."

from 1 october 2025,yearlings can go to the trials,although they won't race until they are at least 2"...."so it isn't a major change"

now when alan clark was fined $200 18 months ago, for starting his yearling at a workout in september,the decision on the riu website said clark started his horse,massive merc  "prior to the permitted time being 1 october 2023".

later that decision said this "rule 402 provides:no horse under the age of two years shall compete in any race(except that nothing in this rule precludes a horse being entered and started in a workout or trial after 1 october in the year before it becomes a 2 year old under rule 401).

so,ive read this lastest HRNZ press release and it appears Mr peden is saying that its new for yearlings to be able to trial after 1 october,when in fact they can do that already.

Wouldn't it be a basic thing,that the fella coming up with the strategy to create bonuses and encourage 2 year old racing, actually fully understood the topic and the rules hes talking about first?.

I've read the full press release and things he said later in the press release, seem to ignore other obvious factors which he doesn't seem to factor into his thinking.

Edited by the galah
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