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Bit Of A Yarn

Late scratchings


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I can not work out these late scratchings at all. Some who I think have made a fair start get scratched and others who get knocked over or stopped in their tracks stay in the field.

Tessamae yesterday a good example, I thought it would be scratched for sure and ruin the good trifecta dividend but it stayed in the field. 


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To me,i think the video clearly shows the horse who started in front of tessamae was standing ok at the start,the tape was released and that horse just stood there and then just moved in slightly just after that.

so no interference occured prior to the start,so the race had commenced when interference took place. Rough luck for those who backed tessamae,but you would only get a late scratching if interference was happening prior to the start,not once the race had commenced. So i thought the decision to not late scratch tessamae was pretty clear cut correct. 

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