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Bit Of A Yarn

ANOTHER TRAGEDY narrowly averted at TRENTHAM


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So O'Malley's just about to challenge for the lead on PADDY BOURKE and about to pass the 'pin secured railing' that allows access to the track from the outside winter railing...

Hannam is squeezing through a narrow opening forcing O'Malley even further towards the outside rail...

O'Malley suddenly sights the access rail is down and part way out into the track and on his line...heading directly into the now exposed dead end railing...

...an extra push from Hannam...and PB impales himself into the old type aluminium butt end...

The reason??

Someone under K Treweek's Course Management team...forgot to secure the "pins"


So yet another Human error from somebody "failing to do their job properly" as the RIU's Godber puts it...

Any 'RIU Investigation' with fines and a solution that it won't happen again after a new 'health and safety' protocol is put in place that doubly secures the rail and gets cross checked by someone other than an 'I forgot' track employee??

Yea Na...there'll be an ' internal' audit and no public explanation as to who was responsible or what 'solution' has been arranged....and ticked off as another...

'FREAK ACCIDENT' avoided...like the now infamous MATAMATA DEATH...that wasn't avoided...

The other matter that's glaringly obvious are these courses that stand alongside of Trentham..namely WANGANUI and ROTORUA as...

...ACCIDENTS WAITING TO HAPPEN....when running on single 'fast lanes'...especially the later two....

Just do what Riccarton did and overwater the outside 5M's...Its that simple...like inserting some pins and extra lashings of lash....

Read it and weep

PADDY BOURKE (S OMalley) A request for a ruling under the provisions of Rule 902(1) was filed with the Judicial Committee. It requested that the Committee determine whether PADDY BOURKES chances were affected due to a section of the outside rail having fallen to the ground near the 100 metre mark, where runners make their way out on to the track from the enclosure, which then protruded out on to the track proper.

In attendance at the hearing were the rider S OMalley, trainers representative Mrs Oulaghan, and RACE representative K Treweek. Mr OMalley advised the committee that despite racing in tight quarters his chances of finishing in a higher placing had been materially affected by his having to take evasive action to avoid making contact with the fallen section of rail. After viewing footage it was established that the rail had been in place when runners left the enclosure but had somehow become dislodged after horses headed to the start.

The JCA was of the opinion PADDY BOURKE had been denied the opportunity to finish in a higher position and was subsequently declared a non-runner with all investments being refunded. The rail was examined following the inquiry and it was considered pins may not have been correctly inserted after the previous race by ground staff. 

Edited by Thomass
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It's always the way, that one fk-up outweighs the 99% of times when everything goes smoothly....but the point Thommo is making ( very well IMO ) is that the checks and balances aren't there to prevent the inevitable mistakes...and its not just the wrong colour paint or the omission of the baking powder, the lives of people and horses are on the line.

That's why critique is so important, not to be dismissed with a ' I'd go to war with these guys'  attitude.. as if they shouldn't have to EVER stand scrutiny. 

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Too true Freda...

The old saying 'familiarity breeds contempt' is more than likely a factor in these incidents as well...

...some of the crews have been doing the job for so long they tend to lose respect for the either old or unaccepted 'new' rules that require more stringent behaviour...

In the case of the Matamata tragedy the Starter thought he didn't have to remind the crew to attach a lead or simply pull the reins over the head...then the attendant relied on his other mate to catch the mare on the way out...

...the same goes for the horse left behind...Trevor Harrison hadn't called "last one coming...all clear" when Sargent simply let them go thinking Harrison had forgotten to follow normal protocols...

And again Harrison sloppily leaving off Barrier Blankets on the Starters Card lists...because he 'always' remembers...

...which he didn't...in our Premier Derby race...where the runner up was beaten narrowly after losing 2L at the start

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