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Bit Of A Yarn

Wiremu 'Billy' Pinn


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So we're told Wiremu...the new 'gun' on the block,  is called 'Billy' by his boss and wants to be called such on the telly...which Sweenz did non stop yesterday..

Theres something very concerning about putting young Apps. on a pedestal like this boy has been..

Sharrock did this with Mick Walker and to be fair it went to his head...big time...

It also happened with J Mack...and his bubble burst as well when he thought he was invincible..

He admitted as much when he said he'd been in a racing bubble and was too immature to handle the high pressure..

Pinn has been flying in the adrenalin fix as well by the looks...caught grinning like a Cheshire Cat behind the camera after getting beaten on an odds on Favorite recently...confidently predicted he's " gunna be the man"...

...but yesterday was hauled in before the Stewards and spoken to adivisedly, with Sharrock and the Riding master alongside, for getting too competitive and not taking cover...

...in the same race he gave up...pinged for failing to ride his mount out...now gone for 2 weeks

Big Red should stop putting him on a pedestal this week then...avoid calling him 'Billy'...give him extra boxes to muck out and a good old boot up the ass...just like the old days

He'll thank Big Red in 10 years time for it...when he gets offered a 10K bet by a Sydney punter..

..he'll be saying "thanks but no thanks"

Edited by Thomass
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Well mumbles 'Billy' didn't show a whole lot of humble and/or media savvy after winning on Somervill's neddy

"Mr. Somerville .told me to give it a hiding"

Yea Na..Big Red needs to give 'Billy' a real boot up the ass for that b/s talk..

While Somerville may have told him his horse needs a strong tide...I very much doubt whether he would have said "hiding"

Pops was shocked...and ended the interview quick smart...

They get media training at App school now...

..this interview should be played at all App. Schools come Monday...

...on what not to say on live telly..even if he was told to give it a "hiding"

Its a bad look...especially coming from an App. Who needs a boot up the ass quick smart...

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It's how quickly he learns from these mistakes that will determine how far he goes in this profession ..it is not for the faint-hearted.

Hopefully AS and  NG Harris will have his over-confidence sorted. It's a fine line between being sure of yourself and up yourself.
So let's be a little forgiving - he is just getting started and is clearly a talented rider.

On a different but perhaps related note ...Sam Collett ahsnt copped a suspension since June last year and has ridden in over 1000 races!

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Absolutely forgiving...

The trouble is this stable has a history of talking their Apps up big time...

That attitude seeps into the psyche and results in "he told me to give it a hiding"

Lets hope Big Red's been informed of what Pinn told Trackside...

...at least he admitted to dropping the whip 

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21 hours ago, Thomass said:

Well mumbles 'Billy' didn't show a whole lot of humble and/or media savvy after winning on Somervill's neddy

"Mr. Somerville .told me to give it a hiding"

Yea Na..Big Red needs to give 'Billy' a real boot up the ass for that b/s talk..

While Somerville may have told him his horse needs a strong tide...I very much doubt whether he would have said "hiding"

Pops was shocked...and ended the interview quick smart...

They get media training at App school now...

..this interview should be played at all App. Schools come Monday...

...on what not to say on live telly..even if he was told to give it a "hiding"

Its a bad look...especially coming from an App. Who needs a boot up the ass quick smart...

Hasn't started his two weeks yet.Be patient with these young fellas.

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Yea well let's hope you tell Big Red what was said...

You'd think he'd be somewhat chastened after NP's meeting...hauled in front of Stipes and told to take cover..then gave up riding and out for 2 weeks suspension...

Somerville must have been wrong about the "bashing" or needs a "hard ride" in S's words

Dropped the whip when it needed a "bash"

Obviously enjoyed the lack of a "bash"

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