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Bit Of A Yarn

Levin jumpout trainers...WAKE THE F UP!!!


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So the organisers wanted to get filming of these MAJOR jumpouts up for Punters...

...as is now required in Victoria...it's Da RULES OK??

And for some reason they asked the trainers for their opinion...wtf have they got to do with it you may ask?

"no, we don't want them filmed...it'll affect the sale of said neddys...if potential buyers see how bad they gallop"


The lamest most blatant lie ever...

..it's all about these trainers setting up a PUNT for them and their owners...nothing less

No wonder the industry is a basket case then...

These trainers have no idea about how they'd cope without the PUNTER..

Running for ribbons is what they'd be doing every week ffs...that's what

NZTR need to tell these idiot trainers to get the F off your high horse...stop lying...

...and let the punters have what they want

...easy az...just do it



Edited by Thomass
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The Levin Club is clearly gutless in this case anyway....

And if NZTR refuse to accept responsibility for the yawning f in cavern where the 'NZ punter' once inhabited...

...it's time NZ Punters started strike action...or invest in jurisdictions that actually give a f about Punters...

...oh hold it...NZ Punters already do..my bad


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Don't tell moi you're a 'Levin trainer' box??

Neill Davis is spitting that his clients can't have his expert knowledge at their disposal so he can analyse galloping actions...

Now Im not one to spruik Formpro...

...but NZ Punters have every right to use jumpouts as a tool...

Especially the Levin ones...which is certainly not a morning jumpout and doughnuts coffee session

The filthy lying Levin Jumpout trainers....because that's all they are....using feeble lame excuses that are totally nonsensical...

...and then crying they're running for feeble stakes...

...makes me want to puke all over them...f them

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22 hours ago, Thomass said:

Don't tell moi you're a 'Levin trainer' box??

Neill Davis is spitting that his clients can't have his expert knowledge at their disposal so he can analyse galloping actions...

Now Im not one to spruik Formpro...

...but NZ Punters have every right to use jumpouts as a tool...

Especially the Levin ones...which is certainly not a morning jumpout and doughnuts coffee session

The filthy lying Levin Jumpout trainers....because that's all they are....using feeble lame excuses that are totally nonsensical...

...and then crying they're running for feeble stakes...

...makes me want to puke all over them...f them

Thomass, time to man up and name the " filthy, lying Levin  jumpout trainers "--- so they are tarred with the same brush as legendary plunge setters Colin Jillings, Henry Davis, Ray Cleaver, Jack Winder, Wayne Walters, Clem Bowry, Allan Jones, George Musson  or Jack Denham ?   Any of these crafties----- G Haigh, A Davies, S Kay, I Kelly or D Beck ?

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Soz dee Wharf...

...but the days of Stuey McKinnon and his Unc Bill Winder setting up a punt sight unseen are OVER ROVER

NZ Punters are a dying breed...

...and they won't be rodgered any more thanks

FYI...all of the Trainers who use the Levin jumpouts and lied their pants when making up the feeble lying excuses when refusing the option of filming...

....need to WAKE THE F UP...and bugger off to Arstralia...

where they'll be made to face the cameras....and SMILE 

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11 minutes ago, mardigras said:

What a joke. Trainers can just set up shop at home. Like Dabernig and Hayes. Jumpouts? FFS, you're not right in the head.

If you want to watch a jumpout, get off your fat arse and get to the track.

Next he'll want video of all track work that he can watch at his leisure in the lounge at 10 am with his Latte. And if trainers take a few for a gallop on the beach, he'll expect a night vision camera to be there. I hear reports of the odd Derby at Ballydoyle but never saw a video of one.

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Why do you think HK is the punting Mecca C??

They have all that...and more...like access to veterinary administrations...You name it....

Meanwhile Danza Weir just got his Ass fined for mixing his team up in a jumpout report that were complete fabrications...

.good job...

The Levin jumpouts are a major exercise now...just like Trials...

Of course they should be Videoed..

And the Levin Trial Users....aka 'Trianers'

..should be told to take a running f in jump with their LAME LYING EXCUSE



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2 minutes ago, Thomass said:

FY Ignorant information the organisers wanted to video the event...at no cost...

...for the benefit of the industry... and Punters...

wtf knew...not you

Give up


It's irrelevant because your idea is that they all do it. You're mentally challenged.

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3 minutes ago, Thomass said:

You tell us we need NZ Punters investing on our product...and not overseas product...

...is that true?

Sure do. But this idea wouldn't change that. And everything comes at a cost. Perhaps when there is a few hundred million spare, they can enhance the offering to punters by way of trivial things like these.

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It just gets better and better. So all the punters are going to go to utube and watch these jumpouts. Woohoo. Like all those punters on twitter wanting updates from the RIU I suppose. You're lightweight. Thinking of a punter here or there and incapable of thinking about something that will work. 

No wonder we are in the state we are in. All your previous ideas they've adopted and getting no money for.

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