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Bit Of A Yarn

If Election day was tomorrow,


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who would you vote for?


For me, it's New Zealand First at this time. 

I feel the choices we have at this election are the most stark I've ever been confronted with. 

Labour are a train wreck. I trust them about as far as I can throw an adult Elephant. Via their agenda, they have divided our country in different ways, mostly ethnicity. Labour have consistently shown they are out of their depth. They deserve to be sent packing for a long long time.

National will win the election but not on merit. People feel so dirty on Labour that it's set things up for a National Party win. We've gone back to voting a Government out rather than being inspired and voting in a new Government. I flat out don't trust anything Luxon says. He's danced around trying to keep his authentic self out of view as he knows most will recoil from it. He's also attempting to be everything to everybody which I feel deeply suspicious about.  I'm certain he will use the state of the books to bring in huge changes and then justify doing so. Most of those changes will advantage the wealthy and disadvantage those doing it hard. Labour prioritized Maori and Pacifica. The bottom third.  National will prioritize those doing well. The top third. Yet again, the middle third will be overlooked. 

ACT are not for me but Seymour does make a bit more sense than many in Parliament so I give him that. ACT will be part of the coalition Government with National. 

Greens make me feel unwell. Their co-leader has made appalling statements about the biggest demographic in NZ. The rest of us would have been canceled had we done similar. She then used a completely implausible excuse for making the statement while being a massive cheerleader to the transgender movement. I feel every time there is a potential climate related issue on the news the Greens rub their hands knowing that will help harvest some votes despite them achieving nothing meaningful at all in Parliament. The biggest policy statement at this time involves taxing the wealthy (mostly white folk) and redistributing it to those at the bottom end (mostly non white) 

NZF. They appear to me at least to be the best of a bad bunch. If NZF can grab 7%+ of the vote and National need them for the coalition, it will have a much better balance than just National and ACT.....in my opinion.  


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19 hours ago, aquaman said:

None of the above for me, all untrustworthy and liars. Tossing up between Liz Gunn and NZ Loyal or Brian Tamaki and Sue Grey. Hoping they can combine before election, either way Walt, none of your lot are getting my vote.

Fair enough Aquaman...one thing for certain, I can't remember an election where the choices are so stark. I bump into a lot of people that support Liz Gunn. I just can't see a pathway into Parliament at this time, let alone Government.

I think if you wanted to see the establishment shit themselves, just combine some of the smaller parties. 

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Next year will be tough whoever is in charge.

The Natz never have any meaningful policies-'David Garrett -"I remember Rodney Hide telling me that at one of his regular meetings with Key, Key said: “We’re not much interested in policy Rodney; we just look after driving the ship more efficiently'

'The greatest threat to New Zealands economy is the National Party .Nationals last term in power New Zealands economic growth barely made 1% per annum over 9 years driven largely by record migration.So I fact New Zealands economy shrank for 7 of the 9 years National were in power.That would have been far worse if it had not been for the nearly $65 billion capital injection from the Canterbury earthquakes.National say they are better economic managers for the well off but for the 60 to 70% of not so well off its Austerity.'

I see a real depression on the horizon.A Nact govt will dance to whatever tune the U.S decides.The rich will get richer,the country will be 4 sale at discounted rates due to a dollar in the 40's.

Social unrest like we have never seen before ,guaranteed.

Labour are just Natz lite.

TOP have the most progressive policies but not the money/profile needed to ..succeed.

Winston has contoured his populist manifesto to ensure he...'rides again'.

As for Grey,Tamaki,and religious parties.....do behave.

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On 29/08/2023 at 11:25 AM, holy ravioli said:

The greatest threat to New Zealands economy is the National Party .Nationals last term in power New Zealands economic growth barely made 1% per annum over 9 years driven largely by record migration.

That's a lie.  You can't blame the Key Government for the GFC and the 2008 negative growth.

Now we have an out of control Reserve Bank working to the letter of Robertson's memo regarding QE.  They've printed at least $150 billion of debt.



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Christopher Taxon and Nicola 'shriek' Willis want to introduce 4 new taxes to reward their wealthy donors and get the NZ property market...back on..crack!

One economist described their policy of 15% tax on foreign buyers as 'bullshit'.

The Nazt refuse to release the basis of costings for their policies.

The Natz and their partners crACT will inflict absolute mayhem on our..country.😱

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5 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Christopher Taxon and Nicola 'shriek' Willis want to introduce 4 new taxes to reward their wealthy donors and get the NZ property market...back on..crack!

One economist described their policy of 15% tax on foreign buyers as 'bullshit'.

The Nazt refuse to release the basis of costings for their policies.

The Natz and their partners crACT will inflict absolute mayhem on our..country.😱

You're barking at the 🌙 

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21 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Christopher Taxon and Nicola 'shriek' Willis want to introduce 4 new taxes to reward their wealthy donors and get the NZ property market...back on..crack!

One economist described their policy of 15% tax on foreign buyers as 'bullshit'.

The Nazt refuse to release the basis of costings for their policies.

The Natz and their partners crACT will inflict absolute mayhem on our..country.😱

Actually the 15% tax cannot happen with China under the free trade agreement. There is a clause that says Chinese can only be taxed what NZer's are.

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Just watched Q&A .Tame absolutely eviscerated the Natz new 'ruthenasia'...Nicola 'shriek' Willis.

Their new taxes cannot withstand the scrutiny of experts...the numbers they rely on are laughable.

As for crACT,their new no.4 just parachuted in from Aussie and comes across as a very shifty,little toot with nothing to...offer.

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Just watched Q&A .Tame absolutely eviscerated the Natz new 'ruthenasia'...Nicola 'shriek' Willis.

Their new taxes cannot withstand the scrutiny of experts...the numbers they rely on are laughable.

As for crACT,their new no.4 just parachuted in from Aussie and comes across as a very shifty,little toot with nothing to...offer.

Anything will be better than the Borrower Robertson.  Sold the country to the money lenders.

September 12 when the books are opened will be the death knell of the Labour Party for at least 2 terms. 

THEY will be eviscerated at the polls.  Here's hoping Bob Jones's prediction that your lot will only get 20% of the vote is correct.  

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

Anything will be better than the Borrower Robertson.  Sold the country to the money lenders.

September 12 when the books are opened will be the death knell of the Labour Party for at least 2 terms. 

THEY will be eviscerated at the polls.  Here's hoping Bob Jones's prediction that your lot will only get 20% of the vote is correct.  

Jones is rarely right about anything,including boxing.

If things are so bad,why does NZ still enjoy such a high rating by the international credit agencies!😄

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3 hours ago, aquaman said:

Actually the 15% tax cannot happen with China under the free trade agreement. There is a clause that says Chinese can only be taxed what NZer's are.

That must put the cat among the pigeons. Lifting the foreign buyers ban may or may not be a reasonable business decision for the country, but it's rank for Kiwi first home buyers that have been so disillusioned with the dynamic that they are leaving NZ in droves. 

The tax on offshore buyers always had a placating look about it but if they can't actually tax the Chinese offshore buyers, National must be called into question. Lets face it, the Foreign buyers ban is really just a euphemism for "Offshore Chinese, Foreign Buyers Ban". It's well known that National has very close links with China so if they have been exposed for totally misleading the NZ public while knowing the tax didn't even apply to offshore Chinese buyers, can they be trusted with anything they say? 

Edited by Walt
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17 minutes ago, Walt said:

That must put the cat among the pigeons. Lifting the foreign buyers ban may or may not be a reasonable business decision for the country, but it's rank for Kiwi first home buyers that have been so disillusioned with the dynamic that they are leaving NZ in droves. 

The tax on offshore buyers always had a placating look about it but if they can't actually tax the Chinese offshore buyers, National must be called into question. Lets face it, the Foreign buyers ban is really just a euphemism for "Offshore Chinese, Foreign Buyers Ban". It's well known that National has very close links with China so if they have been exposed for totally misleading the NZ public while knowing the tax didn't even apply to offshore Chinese buyers, can they be trusted with anything they say? 

It's the Key programme rebooted....mass immigration and flipping houses for profit-'Get NZ ...back on housing crack'!Labour guilty of the former too.

So much for productivity and real economic stimulus.

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39 minutes ago, Walt said:

Lifting the foreign buyers ban may or may not be a reasonable business decision for the country, but it's rank for Kiwi first home buyers that have been so disillusioned with the dynamic that they are leaving NZ in droves. 

How many first home buyers are in the market for a home worth over $2m?

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23 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

It's the Key programme rebooted....mass immigration and flipping houses for profit-'Get NZ ...back on housing crack'!Labour guilty of the former too.

So much for productivity and real economic stimulus.

Let it go Holey Pasta.

Looks like Chippy and Borrow Roberston are already onto the immigration gig.  Thanks for the 501's bro's!


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6 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Let it go Holey Pasta.

Looks like Chippy and Borrow Roberston are already onto the immigration gig.  Thanks for the 501's bro's!


Again comprehension...501's are the result of AUSTRALIA'S policy,a sovereign nation.

You really have NFI!🤪

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