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Bit Of A Yarn

If Election day was tomorrow,


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34 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Come on answerr the question.

Not that it matters Labour are dropping out of the race really quick.  26% in today's poll.  Must be a bit morbid at the election HQ Pasta.  How are the group hugs?

I notice crACT are down about 5%....people starting to understand its a party of misfits,unemployed RE agents and assorted ...nutters.

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3 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

I notice crACT are down about 5%....people starting to understand its a party of misfits,unemployed RE agents and assorted ...nutters.

You really are an election novice.  ACT are down 2% not 5%.  Margin of error 3.1%.

National nearly 41%.

I don't think even Borrow Hope Robertson has a big enough checkbook to buy coalition partners not that there is enough votes even with Winnie.

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Two out of every three New Zealanders think Labour is on the wrong track.

Hipkins answer to this highlights how dangerous it is for a political party to live and work in an echo chamber. He eats another sausage roll. Attempts to fearmonger with National and ACT, makes a lame joke to the camera while the morbidly obese Megan Woods laughs awkwardly next to him. He then trots off to have another photo opportunity with party faithful. He then spouts off some policy for a far away land entirely dependent on Labour getting back in. Even if the policy made sense, people would ask why was it not brought in six years ago. 

What Labour needed to do was own what they have got badly wrong and try to secure the votes of two out of every three people that despise them. Cementing the votes of party faithful will never get the job done. The fact Hipkins thinks his losing strategy will result in an election victory shows yet again he is the wrong person to lead NZ.

Labour's answer to all the carnage they've created and dividing NZ looks like this.

Remove GST off fruit and veges and save NZ families a whopping $4.50 a week. This could only happen if Labour win the election and only if unscrupulous Supermarkets pass on that $4.50 saving sometime in 2025. Hipkins then says National is out of touch. You can't make this shit up.

Wake up FFS

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Chris Hopekins better hope the 12-20% undecided,don't want to make the great leap backwards that NACT...have planned for the sheeple.

Hipkins is politically a dead man walking. I find it nauseating watching him farting around convinced he's on the right track, surrounded by a bunch of complete numpty's.  

The best things National have going for them at the moment are ......they are not Labour .....and can't be any worse....apparently 

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

Seems Borrow & Hope Robertson meagre growth figures are based on immigration.  Who would have thought!

B/s.....the Prefu was a kick in the teeth for the Natz .It was nowhere as dire as they were expecting.Current a/c deficit only 6.6% of GDP.GDP forecast growth of 1.3%.

The Natz/crACT alliance are too scared to state their fiscal policy in any detail,and are trying to bluff and bluster their way to...power.

The only Govt ever to bring NZ to the brink of financial  collapse was a National one.People are easily...fooled.

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14 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

GDP forecast growth of 1.3%.

Only bolstered by 100,000 in immigration and the property market improving.  Who would have thought that under a Labour Government.  No real productive growth anywhere.  I doubt you have read the PREFU nor understand it but are just reading off the election cheat sheets you are getting from Red HQ.

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3 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Only bolstered by 100,000 in immigration and the property market improving.  Who would have thought that under a Labour Government.  No real productive growth anywhere.  I doubt you have read the PREFU nor understand it but are just reading off the election cheat sheets you are getting from Red HQ.


The only 'plan' Natz have actually announced is to boost immigration,foreign buyers and re ignite the property ponzi.

In 9 years the last Natz admin failed on productivity.English managed 2 upgrades in NZ's international credit rating...and 3..downgrades.

Your ad hom attacks on me,instead of a critique on content say alot about your limited capacity for real...debate.👎

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8 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

The only 'plan' Natz have actually announced is to boost immigration,foreign buyers and re ignite the property ponzi.

But this Labour Government has already done it!!!

8 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

In 9 years the last Natz admin failed on productivity.English managed 2 upgrades in NZ's international credit rating...and 3..downgrades.

Let it go just like the country will kick this Labour Government to touch.

9 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Your ad hom attacks on me,instead of a critique on content say alot about your limited capacity for real...debate.

How can you debate anything with someone who is stuck in a time warp!  Who doesn't even read or appear to understand the PREFU that was just released!

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I'd be keen to know how many people will cast their vote via either frustration or fear.

I can't see why anyone would be inspired by Labour. Hipkins is just not the man to lead NZ and he's surrounded by virtue signaling Muppets. 

I've seen zero from Luxon to inspire me either and it's clear many people have fears of National and their coalition party or parties. There is also a serious trust issue with Luxon. He insists on controlling the narrative and swats legitimate questions away like flies. I trust him about as far as I can throw a family size fridge freezer 

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4 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

But this Labour Government has already done it!!!

Let it go just like the country will kick this Labour Government to touch.

How can you debate anything with someone who is stuck in a time warp!  Who doesn't even read or appear to understand the PREFU that was just released!

Your opinions are not facts.You are not capable of robust debate because you rely on subjective obsfucation and not real evidence.

Why am I in a 'time warp',identify my failure to read/understand the PREFU=you can't can you.🙁

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Page 3:  The Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Update 2023 (Pre-election Update) shows a similar 
economic outlook to the Budget Update, but with slightly higher activity reflecting stronger 
migration-led population growth.

Page 4:

The Pre-election Update shows a more moderate economic slowdown relative to the 
Budget Update. The main driver is the recent surge in net migration, which contributed to 
an earlier stabilisation in house prices and supported stronger employment growth. A
larger forecast population than the Budget Update implies a higher level of nominal GDP. 
However, recent weakness in corporate and other persons tax means revenue has fallen 
as a proportion of GDP, and this is expected to persist. Consequently, the Pre-election 
Update revenue forecasts are lower than the Budget Update forecasts.

Page 8:

Compared to the Budget Update, our latest forecasts include stronger net migration, both 
in the recent past and in the near future.
Consequently, we now expect quarterly 
economic growth will average 0.4% over the coming year, a more moderate slowdown 
than anticipated at the Budget Update. Over the longer term, a larger population implies 
a larger economy, meaning our forecast for the nominal level of gross domestic product 
(GDP) is higher than it was at the Budget Update.

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9 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

What?  The last 4 months vs 7 years ago?

You've lost it.  But that's OK.  The Labour Party employees that were on the Borrow and Hope Robertson gravy train will soon be on Jobseeker.

What...John Key was in power 4 months ago!!

So what timeframes do you use to make assertions about living in the...past?

As for gravy trains....Steven Joyce refuses to discuss how/why he received $966,000 as a consultant to Waikato Uni.-Waikato Uni announces new expenditure to train doctors and calls it a 'gift' to the Natz!

'there is no corruption in...NZ'.🙄

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50 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Idiot.  You haven't read the PREFU have you?  It reports a recent surge in migration I.e. since the Budget briefing.  Labour deliberately trying to crank up the economy.  But you have a red glaze over your eyes.

' It reports a recent surge in migration I.e. since the Budget briefing'

Don't you realise immigration dried up during covid?

Don't you realise business screamed for more immigrant workers for unskilled and semi skilled jobs,to make their operations viable and cap wages.

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