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Bit Of A Yarn

If Election day was tomorrow,


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57 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Supporters of the Monster Raving Loony Party...a.k.a crACT assault reporters at crACT rally.

Punching a Newshub reporter in the face and assaulting other journo's...

What a motley crew of misfits and desperates this party is.Disgraceful for the party of 'law and..order'.😱

Yep don't heckle old women!  Not sure anyone at Newshub could be called a Journalist.  

One cameraman from Newshub was hit in the face by an older woman and another visual journalist was struck by ACT signs.

A Newshub spokesperson confirmed the incident and said their cameraman was not injured.


It followed the disruption of the launch by a persistent heckler, who was eventually escorted out.

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Supporters of the Monster Raving Loony Party...a.k.a crACT assault reporters at crACT rally.

Punching a Newshub reporter in the face and assaulting other journo's...

What a motley crew of misfits and desperates this party is.Disgraceful for the party of 'law and..order'.😱

Exaggeration.  You could get a job in MSM.

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2 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

They are a motley crew.Most candidates are muzzled in case they screw up if interviewed.Van Velden ex Green Party member is allowed to speak,occasionally.

Rimmer -th?id=OIP.A3KvdBPeUP9gWRNo_ZhhIwHaEK%26p

You've just clocked into work? 

I see the city of Wellington is bankrupt.

Actually it doesn't matter what you and the Red Team says from here on in to the election.  They're heading for one of their biggest electoral defeats and no one is listening to them anymore.

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crACT still hard out campaigning....compliments of 'Bomber'

'A gun centric, public service mutilating free market level basic bitch bigotry we are talking about here right?

Amputating the political voices of Māori, Women, Youth, Pacific and Ethnic Kiwis ON TOP of killing off the Human Rights Commission ON TOP OF ankle bracelets on 11 year olds ON TOP OF allowing the gun nuts to abolish the gun registry ON TOP OF  billions into prisons ON TOP OF vast cuts to welfare ON TOP OF sacking thousands of public servants ON TOP OF vast tax cuts to the rich ON TOP OF a referendum to redefine the Treaty and force it upon Māoridom which will spark a civil war ON TOP OF bashing drug addicts, the mentally ill and beneficiaries.'

some policies!

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21 hours ago, holy ravioli said:



What a load of bollocks.  Every one of those figures is wrong. 

Presumably you are referring to net debt.  The figure for Labour is actually double the one you quote and no adjustment as been made for the 2017 figures for NZSF or Crown Assets.

Yet again you are ignoring the shifting off the Government books of debt held by  SOE's and Quangos.

Obviously you've been to Borrow and Hope Robertson's school of economics.

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2 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

What a load of bollocks.  Every one of those figures is wrong. 

Presumably you are referring to net debt.  The figure for Labour is actually double the one you quote and no adjustment as been made for the 2017 figures for NZSF or Crown Assets.

Yet again you are ignoring the shifting off the Government books of debt held by  SOE's and Quangos.

Obviously you've been to Borrow and Hope Robertson's school of economics.

I have had an economist review the figures and I am rock solid that they are acc😜urate...what more could you want?

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the first debate the Sausage Roll munching leader of the Minorities Party...aka Labour was as weak as cat piss. The only time he got fired up was when the subject of prioritizing Maori came up. Same deal last night but this time the LGBT crowd.

Ironic to see today Hipkins on his soap box saying other parties are trying to get traction by being anti Maori. Hipkins is all about virtue signaling and has been trying to harvest votes by being pro Maori.

A recent poll said the majority of New Zealanders think our country is on the wrong trajectory with Race Relations. They are right. This is a sensitive issue that Politicians need to tread very carefully on. Hipkins and Ardern have used a bulldozer.  They have prioritized support people receive based on ethnicity rather than need. They've done the same with health care etc etc. This has understandably created resentment within the largest demographic in NZ. They've instead received extra helpings of guilt instead. 

I think we all agree that better health outcomes for Maori is a worthy goal but not at the expense of non Maori. Better health outcomes for everyone should be the goal. Find ways to encourage Maori in the right direction rather than push them up on the waiting list because they are Maori and shunt others down because they are non Maori. 

Hipkins and Labour are dividing NZ

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8 minutes ago, Walt said:

In the first debate the Sausage Roll munching leader of the Minorities Party...aka Labour was as weak as cat piss. The only time he got fired up was when the subject of prioritizing Maori came up. Same deal last night but this time the LGBT crowd.

Ironic to see today Hipkins on his soap box saying other parties are trying to get traction by being anti Maori. Hipkins is all about virtue signaling and has been trying to harvest votes by being pro Maori.

A recent poll said the majority of New Zealanders think our country is on the wrong trajectory with Race Relations. They are right. This is a sensitive issue that Politicians need to tread very carefully on. Hipkins and Ardern have used a bulldozer.  They have prioritized support people receive based on ethnicity rather than need. They've done the same with health care etc etc. This has understandably created resentment within the largest demographic in NZ. They've instead received extra helpings of guilt instead. 

I think we all agree that better health outcomes for Maori is a worthy goal but not at the expense of non Maori. Better health outcomes for everyone should be the goal. Find ways to encourage Maori in the right direction rather than push them up on the waiting list because they are Maori and shunt others down because they are non Maori. 

Hipkins and Labour are dividing NZ

'Find ways to encourage Maori in the right direction'...like what?

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22 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

'Find ways to encourage Maori in the right direction'...like what?

Education, advertising, health programs etc. 

What we have now amounts to allowing your whanau to make unhealthy choices and when that inevitably catches up, far too many refuse to engage with health professionals. 

There is a bowel screening advertising campaign on at this time. More of that is needed especially in areas our Maori brothers and sister are disproportionately represented in. 

There also needs also to be some personal responsibility with health care rather than the ongoing finger pointing at the system for their own failings. 

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13 hours ago, Walt said:

Education, advertising, health programs etc. 

What we have now amounts to allowing your whanau to make unhealthy choices and when that inevitably catches up, far too many refuse to engage with health professionals. 

There is a bowel screening advertising campaign on at this time. More of that is needed especially in areas our Maori brothers and sister are disproportionately represented in. 

There also needs also to be some personal responsibility with health care rather than the ongoing finger pointing at the system for their own failings. 

You regurgitate platitudes,not...solutions.

Same as right leaning politicians....always vague never specify.

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3 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

You regurgitate platitudes,not...solutions.

Same as right leaning politicians....always vague never specify.

"Regurgitate" = vomiting

"Platitudes" = moral content used too often to be useful


Is that how you participate in the adult sharing of perspectives or are you only interested views from a left wing echo chamber .....ie exactly like Chris Hipkins?

I don't believe I communicate like a politician. I'm a communicator that can talk the ears off a dead donkey , but you're the first in my 61 years to make such a comparison.

As for being right leaning. In 2020 I voted for the first time aged 58 years. I voted Labour. Is that the action of a right leaning person?  That had a lot to do with the way I view Judith Collins and her obscene performance as leader during the election campaign. 

I along with growing numbers of kiwi's are totally disillusioned with Labour. There is no doubt whatsoever they have caused more racial division via their prioritizing based on ethnicity rather than need. 

I live in Nelson, and our hospital has been calling out for help for years. Labour ignored those calls until three months out from election day when they suddenly found one billion dollars to redevelop our hospital. Nelson is a very marginal seat. Every person I've spoken to in Nelson is cynical about the timing that highlights being re-elected as their true priority. 

Teachers were suddenly gifted pay settlements in their long running dispute, once again approximately three months from election day.

Te Whatu Ora nurses were also gifted a pay increase in their long running pay dispute....also approximately three months out from election day.

These increases allowed Labour, as very deliberately planned to take the high ground on respecting our Nurses and Teachers which is exactly what they've cynically done. 

Hipkins has proved himself to be comfortable to look at cameras and misrepresent facts. Not a good trait and calls other statements he makes into question.

You'll be aware of long running pay parity negotiations in the health sector. Unsure if you know much about pay equity and pay inequity in this process as well. There is a huge number of nurses working in the community. They are involved in the care from cradle to the grave. Most of these nurses have the same or better qualifications than Te Whatu Ora nurses. I know this to be factual.

Community nurses have been in crisis for a number of years. They routinely must rob Peter to pay Paul to the point they can no longer do this. They are unable to retain staff and recruiting is a serious issue. I'm not just talking about the nurse that works at your local family doctor's clinic.

Morale is low and nurses are stressed and disillusioned. It's causing issues now when they are expected to offer a high level of care to patients at exactly the same time zero care is coming their way from Government. They are devalued and disrespected via the pay arrangements.  Te Whatu Ora nurses have received meaningful pay increases with the promise of more to come. Community nurses have received 0% pay offers in some cases and crumbs in all others. The gap between Te Whatu Ora nurses and Community / primary care nurses is now getting so bad, many nurses have eventually walked away. I know personally of numerous that eventually gave up and moved to Australia.

Two months ago Community nurses were again treated disrespectfully by Labour. Chris Hipkins made a public statement that totally misrepresented the true situation. 


Then more of the same from Hipkins. That occurred during Wednesday nights News hub leaders debate. 

Gower asked if he nurses in General Practices should be paid the same as those employed at Hospitals. Hipkins said "Yes and we've put 200 million in just this year to achieve that"...Hipkins is either very comfortable to misrepresent the true situation or has no clue about numbers. Interestingly, he did state in the debate he hated math's at school. Nobody is disputing the 200 million figure but everyone in the sector knows his statement about that amount achieving the goal is a complete lie. I can emphatically state the pay gap between Community / Primary care nurses and Te Whatu Ora nurses is now greater than it's been since Labour took over as Government. It's almost impossible to believe Hipkins is not aware of this fact. What a diabolical indictment on Labour.




I along with droves of others have turned against Labour due to their virtue signaling, their priorities, their incompetency and willingness to misrepresent truth. Nothing whatsoever to do with being "right leaning"

I'd hoped we could have a constructive sharing of perspectives on the election even if we disagree with each other. Clearly, that's a bridge too far for some. 




Edited by Walt
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14 minutes ago, Walt said:

"Regurgitate" = vomiting

"Platitudes" = moral content used too often to be useful


Is that how you participate in the adult sharing of perspectives or are you only interested views from a left wing echo chamber .....ie exactly like Chris Hipkins?

I don't believe I communicate like a politician. I'm a communicator that can talk the ears off a dead donkey , but you're the first in my 61 years to make such a comparison.

As for being right leaning. In 2020 I voted for the first time aged 58 years. I voted Labour. Is that the action of a right leaning person?  That had a lot to do with the way I view Judith Collins and her obscene performance as leader during the election campaign. 

I along with growing numbers of kiwi's are totally disillusioned with Labour. There is no doubt whatsoever they have caused more racial division via their prioritizing based on ethnicity rather than need. 

I live in Nelson, and our hospital has been calling out for help for years. Labour ignored those calls until three months out from election day when they suddenly found one billion dollars to redevelop our hospital. Nelson is a very marginal seat. Every person I've spoken to in Nelson is cynical about the timing that highlights being re-elected as their true priority. 

Teachers were suddenly gifted pay settlements in their long running dispute, once again approximately three months from election day.

Te Whatu Ora nurses were also gifted a pay increase in their long running pay dispute....also approximately three months out from election day.

These increases allowed Labour, as very deliberately planned to take the high ground on respecting our Nurses and Teachers which is exactly what they've cynically done. 

Hipkins has proved himself to be comfortable to look at cameras and misrepresent facts. Not a good trait and calls other statements he makes into question.

You'll be aware of long running pay parity negotiations in the health sector. Unsure if you know much about pay equity and pay inequity in this process as well. There is a huge number of nurses working in the community. They are involved in the care from cradle to the grave. Most of these nurses have the same or better qualifications than Te Whatu Ora nurses. I know this to be factual.

Community nurses have been in crisis for a number of years. They routinely must rob Peter to pay Paul to the point they can no longer do this. They are unable to retain staff and recruiting is a serious issue. I'm not just talking about the nurse that works at your local family doctor's clinic.

Morale is low and nurses are stressed and disillusioned. It's causing issues now when they are expected to offer a high level of care to patients at exactly the same time zero care is coming their way from Government. They are devalued and disrespected via the pay arrangements.  Te Whatu Ora nurses have received meaningful pay increases with the promise of more to come. Community nurses have received 0% pay offers in some cases and crumbs in all others. The gap between Te Whatu Ora nurses and Community / primary care nurses is now getting so bad, many nurses have eventually walked away. I know personally of numerous that eventually gave up and moved to Australia.

Two months ago Community nurses were again treated disrespectfully by Labour. Chris Hipkins made a public statement that totally misrepresented the true situation. 


Then more of the same from Hipkins. That occurred during Wednesday nights News hub leaders debate. 

Gower asked if he nurses in General Practices should be paid the same as those employed at Hospitals. Hipkins said "Yes and we've put 200 million in just this year to achieve that"...Hipkins is either very comfortable to misrepresent the true situation or has no clue about numbers. Interestingly, he did state in the debate he hated math's at school. Nobody is disputing the 200 million figure but everyone in the sector knows his statement about that amount achieving the goal is a complete lie. I can emphatically state the pay gap between Community / Primary care nurses and Te Whatu Ora nurses is now greater than it's been since Labour took over as Government. It's almost impossible to believe Hipkins is not aware of this fact. What a diabolical indictment on Labour.




I along with droves of others have turned against Labour due to their virtue signaling, their priorities, their incompetency and willingness to misrepresent truth. Nothing whatsoever to do with being "right leaning"

I'd hoped we could have a constructive sharing of perspectives on the election even if we disagree with each other. Clearly, that's a bridge too far for some. 




All politicians talk rubbish.

You may have noticed since Labour has been in power teachers,nurses,police and plenty of others have had significant pay increases.

In Labours first term I asked a teacher who was on strike why they didn't take such action when the Natz were in power for 9 years!

Her reply....because we knew we would get...nowhere.

Just before the 2017 election the Natz promised new roads/bridges in the far north after years of doing nothing.

John Key to Rodney Hide says it all...'we're not really intersted in policy...Rodney'...just in being ...better managers.'

As for you not voting until age 58....remarkable.Not sure what your vocation is but if you are not in the 1% ......any good legislation introduced in your lifetime that was significant will be down to...Labour.(Muldoons super bribe exempt)


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7 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

All politicians talk rubbish.

You may have noticed since Labour has been in power teachers,nurses,police and plenty of others have had significant pay increases.

In Labours first term I asked a teacher who was on strike why they didn't take such action when the Natz were in power for 9 years!

Her reply....because we knew we would get...nowhere.

Just before the 2017 election the Natz promised new roads/bridges in the far north after years of doing nothing.

John Key to Rodney Hide says it all...'we're not really intersted in policy...Rodney'...just in being ...better managers.'

As for you not voting until age 58....remarkable.Not sure what your vocation is but if you are not in the 1% ......any good legislation introduced in your lifetime that was significant will be down to...Labour.(Muldoons super bribe exempt)


For many years I subscribed to the Billy Connolly ethos on voting. "Don't vote, it only encourages them"....in truth, I was busy elsewhere and never felt inspired by a politician. I wasn't inspired by Ardern but it was my son's first vote so I set an example there. If I was to put all my cards on the table, I'd admit the two big referendums in 2020 played a big part in getting me to the ballot box for the first time.

If you watch the clip where the Chief Executive of Hospice NZ was interviewed in the link above, you'll see up in lights why myself and many others linked to Community / Primary Health care are so frustrated and disillusioned with Labour. 

You know the old saying, if you pay peanuts, you'll get ...........

I've spoken to dozens that feel Labour have very deliberately underfunded community care nurses so they will leave that sector to fill the huge shortage of nurses in Te Whatu Ora. The nurses I've spoken to about this are dark on it. It's also false economy as it has only exacerbated the growing crisis in Community / Primary Care. 

On what planet is it reasonable and fair to pay Te Whatu Ora nurses a staggering 30% more than their equivalent in Community / Primary Care are paid? The fact this is occurring during a cost of living crisis is reprehensible. I obviously have a vested interest in this area. I've lost count at the number of wonderful nurses I've seen in tears and have had enough.

For them, watching Hipkins misrepresent the true situation on such a vitally important issue is a pill they just can't and won't swallow. If they could, many would vote multiples times against Labour next month. 

How to lose an Election.....By Chris Hipkins


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