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~Lucks in for the right...

holy ravioli

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13 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

@holy ravioli any rational person would give you the award for BOAY's Most Deluded.

Instead of throwing insults just sit down have a cup of tea and face the reality that you have at least another 3 years of living with a right of centre Government.

I accept the election result.

Who would have guessed that a mere down vote would have turned what seemed like a measured and respectable commentator into an incorrigible,fastitidious......snowflake.

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34 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

I accept the election result.

Who would have guessed that a mere down vote would have turned what seemed like a measured and respectable commentator into an incorrigible,fastitidious......snowflake.

FFS take a long look in the mirror.  You're an irritant who speaks in ideological slogans and throws clown emojis around  like confetti.  

Barely any of what you write makes sense.  If you don't vote Labour or National I can only assume you don't vote at all as far as I know there are no Communist party candidates.

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11 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

FFS take a long look in the mirror.  You're an irritant who speaks in ideological slogans and throws clown emojis around  like confetti.  

Barely any of what you write makes sense.  If you don't vote Labour or National I can only assume you don't vote at all as far as I know there are no Communist party candidates.

Everything I do...is done...in the best...possible...taste!

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20 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Everything I do...is done...in the best...possible...taste!

Unfortunately, your taste appears to reside in dark orifice.

I have seen very little evidence that you've accepted the election outcome. What I have seen is a repeated accusation that National are now in power due to the donations of wealthy supporters and a bunch of fearmongering bullshit. If that is accepting an election result, I'm curious what you think having a tanti over the result would look like. 

For your own mental health and well being, at least try and be honest with yourself. 

FYI....hundreds of thousands of voters gave their vote to National in this election. NZ doesn't have hundreds of thousands of wealthy people so by simple mathematics we know the overwhelming majority of people that voted National are not wealthy. Why then do you keep pushing a narrative you know is false? 

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

I have seen very little evidence that you've accepted the election outcome. What I have seen is a repeated accusation that National are now in power due to the donations of wealthy supporters and a bunch of fearmongering bullshit. If that is accepting an election result, I'm curious what you think having a tanti over the result would look like. 

@holy ravioli conveniently overlooks the contributions from the unions to Labour.

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2 hours ago, Walt said:

Unfortunately, your taste appears to reside in dark orifice.

I have seen very little evidence that you've accepted the election outcome. What I have seen is a repeated accusation that National are now in power due to the donations of wealthy supporters and a bunch of fearmongering bullshit. If that is accepting an election result, I'm curious what you think having a tanti over the result would look like. 

For your own mental health and well being, at least try and be honest with yourself. 

FYI....hundreds of thousands of voters gave their vote to National in this election. NZ doesn't have hundreds of thousands of wealthy people so by simple mathematics we know the overwhelming majority of people that voted National are not wealthy. Why then do you keep pushing a narrative you know is false? 

Ahem,NZ actually does have hundreds of thousands of wealthy people.

Owning a house qualifies most people.

Why do you think so many wealthy people donated so much?

We can all accept the election result.Another minority Govt.

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22 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Ahem,NZ actually does have hundreds of thousands of wealthy people.

Owning a house qualifies most people.

Why do you think so many wealthy people donated so much?

We can all accept the election result.Another minority Govt.

Being "wealthy" is relative. A home owner is wealthy in comparison to somebody sleeping rough on the streets but a hard working family struggling to meet their mortgage payments and increase their standard of living are not wealthy in comparison to people on the rich list donating to political parties. 

Politicians are well known for blurring numbers so they say exactly what they want them to say. In 2014, The National Party farcically claimed the large increase in reported crime was the result of  people having more confidence in crimes being solved so were reporting crimes they previously wouldn't have done so. A insult to crime victims and the intellect of most people with a brain bigger than a sultana.

Earlier this year, the Labour Government copied the National Party playbook and made the same ridiculous claim. 

Back to reality, many New Zealanders that work hard for their modest success voted for National. We can't say for certain what their motivations are but we do know the majority of New Zealanders believe Race Relations are on the wrong trajectory. We know Labour have exacerbated that situation by prioritizing care and support based on ethnicity rather than need and the majority of offenders benefiting from Labour's quest to reduce the prison population were Maori. This was making NZ a less safe place to live and work. 

We also know the tax system has been used in a punitive manner against successful people by Labour and that needed to change. My contention is National are now in Government due to a large scale rejection of Labour by New Zealander's across the board. We shouldn't be pointing the finger at the wealthy for this. Labour have been their own worst enemy. I, like many celebrate their departure. I hope Labour do a complete reset. A very good place to start is with Hipkins. He's weak and light years from being a leader. It's also clear he appears to be ashamed of his own ethnicity. We already have a Maori Party. How well did it work out for Labour and Hipkins being the second Maori Party? 

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I believe a backlash about Maori political influence and crime were big factors in the election.Economic policy definitely wasn't.

-'We know Labour have exacerbated that situation by prioritizing care and support based on ethnicity rather than need and the majority of offenders benefiting from Labour's quest to reduce the prison population were Maori. This was making NZ a less safe place to live and work. '

This is  a quite audacious commentary.Labour was trying to address the lopsided stats regarding Maori incarceration and that also applies to need.Bill English acknowledged a social investment approach,identifying the reality of where support was required.

The entire western world is experiencing a huge ramp up in crime like ramraids,robbery,assault.....drilling down for the causes, shows that the huge inequality in society compliments of 80's onward neo liberal ,greed is good policies is the...culprit.

As for tax,it is a complete misconception that NZ'ers are taxed at higher levels than most of our peers.

Australia has much higher rates of taxation.Tax cuts is a popular topic and default setting for the right seeking election votes.

There is no brighter future for the younger generation in NZ.Labour and National have no vision.....maintain the status quo...and kick the can down the road for someone else to worry about.

Hipkins is a Bill Rowling type-decent,well intentioned but handed a hospital pass by the quitter Ardern.

As for Luxon....his lucks in,because he has no charisma,no real plan to grow the economy or address the most pressing issues.

Will he get the knighthood he's after....?-time will tell....!

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54 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

This is  a quite audacious commentary.Labour was trying to address the lopsided stats regarding Maori incarceration and that also applies to need.Bill English acknowledged a social investment approach,identifying the reality of where support was required.

So Labours approach to improving the stats was to let Maori out of jail?

What happened to the billions given in Treaty settlements and topped up via other "social" programmes?

Go cry me a river.

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35 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Is it?  What about all the other taxes other than personal taxation?

The excise on fuel in OZ is 47% vs NZ at 70%.

Australia has stamp duty,CGT, and numerous levies like Medicare.

120,001 – $180,000=37% 

$180,001 and over45%


Over $70,000 and up to $180,000=33%

Remaining income over $180,000=39%

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Australia has stamp duty,CGT, and numerous levies like Medicare.

120,001 – $180,000=37% 

$180,001 and over45%


Over $70,000 and up to $180,000=33%

Remaining income over $180,000=39%

Do you get anything right or do you just deliberately obfuscate? 

You neglect to mention that in OZ you don't pay tax up to $18,200 in NZ it is 10% up to $14,000.

You only pay $1,300 more in tax in OZ if you earn $180,000 BUT if you earn $45,000 you are $1,800 worse off in NZ!!!!  

Not to mention that unleaded 91 fuel is $2.00 in OZ and $2.60 in NZ!!!

I thought you would be a bit more sensitive to the needs of those on a lower income!!!

So compared to OZ we ARE taxed higher!!!!!

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12 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Do you get anything right or do you just deliberately obfuscate? 

You neglect to mention that in OZ you don't pay tax up to $18,200 in NZ it is 10% up to $14,000.

You only pay $1,300 more in tax in OZ if you earn $180,000 BUT if you earn $45,000 you are $1,800 worse off in NZ!!!!  

Not to mention that unleaded 91 fuel is $2.00 in OZ and $2.60 in NZ!!!

I thought you would be a bit more sensitive to the needs of those on a lower income!!!

So compared to OZ we ARE taxed higher!!!!!

Add maths to your deficiency catalogue.

I showed the higher bands because of the calls for a wealth tax...and the Natz policy to reduce taxes for the...wealthy.

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Add maths to your deficiency catalogue.

I showed the higher bands because of the calls for a wealth tax...and the Natz policy to reduce taxes for the...wealthy.

You're the one that is deficient.  I've just proven that you are worse off in NZ than OZ up to $180,000.

National proposed tax cuts for everyone up to $180,000.  DUH!  That includes EVERYONE who earns less than $180,000.  They will be increasing the tax band thresholds.

Suggest you have a good read here:  https://www.national.org.nz/delivering_tax_relief

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4 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

I believe a backlash about Maori political influence and crime were big factors in the election.Economic policy definitely wasn't.

-'We know Labour have exacerbated that situation by prioritizing care and support based on ethnicity rather than need and the majority of offenders benefiting from Labour's quest to reduce the prison population were Maori. This was making NZ a less safe place to live and work. '

This is  a quite audacious commentary.Labour was trying to address the lopsided stats regarding Maori incarceration and that also applies to need.Bill English acknowledged a social investment approach,identifying the reality of where support was required.

The entire western world is experiencing a huge ramp up in crime like ramraids,robbery,assault.....drilling down for the causes, shows that the huge inequality in society compliments of 80's onward neo liberal ,greed is good policies is the...culprit.

As for tax,it is a complete misconception that NZ'ers are taxed at higher levels than most of our peers.

Australia has much higher rates of taxation.Tax cuts is a popular topic and default setting for the right seeking election votes.

There is no brighter future for the younger generation in NZ.Labour and National have no vision.....maintain the status quo...and kick the can down the road for someone else to worry about.

Hipkins is a Bill Rowling type-decent,well intentioned but handed a hospital pass by the quitter Ardern.

As for Luxon....his lucks in,because he has no charisma,no real plan to grow the economy or address the most pressing issues.

Will he get the knighthood he's after....?-time will tell....!

The situation regarding prioritizing Maori is akin to the original mindset associated with Speed Cameras and how they were sold to the public. Government of the day flew a kite about tolling many NZ roads as another tax grab. They learned there was zero appetite for it but they also learned at the same time speed cameras and the revenue they gathered would be a much easier sell especially if it was under the guise of "Road Safety"....Speed Cameras are just the collection of tax and have made little if any difference to the number of people we lose on our roads.
"Better health outcomes" for Maori is also an easy sell. We all want better health outcomes for everyone, including Maori but when you dive in here you see far more at play. It's an unmistakable agenda. Kiwi's recognized that agenda and rejected it.
Maori do have poor health outcomes. A big part of the cause there is their reluctance / refusal to engage with the system. An alternative option is put in place and the result is invariably similar. The usual situation is to blame the system rather than question the motivation etc of the person refusing to engage. Ironically, if you wave boxes of freebies, supermarket and petrol vouchers , boxes of KFC etc, all of a sudden motivation is quickly found. This does not go unnoticed. Our health system has been turned on it's head in a one size fits all approach to Maori. If you're Maori, you'll be gifted priority over non Maori even if your health condition is self imposed. You have Jane on the waiting list for breast screening for 10 months. Slowly, she made her way up the list. Then Moana arrives ten months later with the same condition as Jayne. Moana, due to being Maori is hoisted up the waiting list while Jane and others that are non Maori are shunted down. This has not gone unnoticed.
I've seen the prioritizing of Maori at both Te Whatu Ora and in Primary Health Care. These nurses want the best health outcomes for everyone but have had an agenda rammed down their throat even in areas where Maori are few and far between. They've tried to correct this blunder in recent months when confronting evidence highlighted non Maori were being discarded in favour of Maori in bigger numbers that top brass realized despite nurses making them aware of this many times. There was a mad dash away from the public eye to correct those figures. In truth, balance had been lost and that's reflected far and wide. I've witnessed this with my own eyes and have multiple family members involved.
One of the fav tools to gain widespread compliance is "guilt" over distant past history. In addition to that, anyone that has the audacity to speak about it is quickly deemed a racist. I believe many of the people frustrated by what's unfolded decided to hush and get their revenge on election day.
Then we have the law and order issue. When the Government decides to lower the prison population by big numbers, Maori are the main benefactors of this. Their serious crimes are routinely downgraded so they can be gifted Home-D to keep the prison population down. Cultural reports are another tool used to keep Maori out of prison. Do you think Maori offenders are 100% aware of this? Do you think they heard the Police Minister remarkably state NZ Prisons are no place for Maori?
As for ram-raids. Ardern appointed the most useless Police Minister in NZ History. Poto Williams. This was yet more virtue signaling from Labour. Williams stood by doing absolutely zero while the ram-raids got a foothold right across the criminal fraternity of NZ. Ardern said she had confidence in Williams despite the rest of NZ knowing she was the epitome of an incompetent fool right out of her depth. Nek minute, Ardern sacks Williams and states she had lost her focus. How is it possible for the Police Minister to lose her focus during a diabolical crime wave? It's not!...the reality is Williams never had any focus.
Another big issue for Kiwi's is the relentless pushing of Te Reo. Kia Ora are the start of the news bulletin turned into longer and longer sentences spread through the bulletin despite the overwhelming majority of Kiwi's not understanding what was being said and only a very small percentage of viewers being fluent in Te Reo. 
The name of our country was forcibly being changed right under our noses as it's rammed down our throats. Zero mandate to do so and feel at least some Maori use the word Aotearoa as a way of saying fark you to all those non Maori that resent the forced change of the tail wagging the dog.  My father, grandfather and great grandfather fought for New Zealand. Not Aotearoa. When you start changing really important words and names and with no buy-in, the resentment will grow. 
The changing of place names and road signs to Te Reo is not a huge deal but it's another forced change on the majority that creates resentment. 
I had numerous contacts will Bill Rowling in the early 1970's at the Nelson races. Lovely man but a lamb to the slaughter against Muldoon. I don't believe Bill was weak, just born 50 years to late. Chris Hipkins on the other hand is weak and pathetic. I find him nauseating. I'm convinced he got rid of Michael Woods over the Airport Shares nonsense as an insurance policy for when he inevitably lost the election. Woods was the very obvious replacement for Hipkins as leader post election and Hipkins knew that with bells on. He's also a liar.
The fact Hipkins needed a coaching lesson on fighting from Helen Clarke is a very good indicator of how weak he really is. It also didn't go unnoticed that every photo opportunity Hipkins created during the campaign showed him with a group of brown faces. It was as if he wanted to rub the biggest demographics nose in it. Labour have completely lost their way. The election was still winnable even after Mrs Ed bolted and despite the Kiri Allan circus. Hipkins only got fired up during the debates when three subjects were raised. Maori, LGBT and Beneficiaries. Very telling and again, this didn't go unnoticed. Luxon is not stupid, hence his continued narrative of looking after the squeezed middle. The exact group Labour have delivered nothing to.....except guilt. 
Farmers are not the problem in NZ and neither are the mum and dad investors with two homes yet these two groups have been vilified by Labour. 
Will Hipkins be gifted a knighthood? A fair question. My pick is no but John Key said the knighthood was a right of passage so who knows. If you rephrased the question to "Does Hipkins deserve a knighthood? "...the answer is absolutely not. 
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Very informative and interesting post.Must say alot of it makes sense.

You are bit harsh on Hipkins imo.

I think his election strategy was very,very poor.

Can't see any reason he deserves a knighthood,mind you I don't think politicians and sportsmen do.

'squeezed middle','hardworking kiwis',a brighter future'are all meaningless slogans.

Luxon won by default.Can't think of any other reason than a knighthood as to why he bothers.

His campaign is a rerun of the Key campaign.

With the incoming police minister likely to be Mitchell,you can bet on one thing..the prison muster will increase but so will social unrest and protest.

His latest brainwave is to make tattooed gangsters cover their facial tats with foundation!

Maybe he has shares in Thin Lizzy!

Just cannot identify talent in this new Govt lineup.

The IMF and ratings agencies have already warned them as they did Truss in the U.K....that NZ's credit rating will be at risk from their fiscal plans.

They have proven to be serial liars in the same mould as Key and co,who said they would not increase G.ST....so I expect they will temper their plans accordingly.

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58 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

You're the one that is deficient.  I've just proven that you are worse off in NZ than OZ up to $180,000.

National proposed tax cuts for everyone up to $180,000.  DUH!  That includes EVERYONE who earns less than $180,000.  They will be increasing the tax band thresholds.

Suggest you have a good read here:  https://www.national.org.nz/delivering_tax_relief

'EVERYONE who earns less than $180,000.=patent nonsense.

You  have proved nothing.The tax thresholds are changed,and their is a cohort that are alot better off...not the so called 'squeezed middle'.

If the Natz ax 15,000 public sector jobs you put 15,000 of the squeezed middle out of work.

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15 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

If the Natz ax 15,000 public sector jobs you put 15,000 of the squeezed middle out of work.

Really?  Just shows how out of touch you are.  Between MBIE and MPI there are over 6,000 employees earning $120k plus.  IF they are that good then they'll find employment elsewhere fairly quickly or we save taxpayers money.

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26 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

That's ACT - National said less however 15,000 would be a good start.  Not that you seem to frequent the real world but anyone who has had to deal with MPI or MBIE would be glad if the 15,000 all came from those two Ministry's.

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18 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Very informative and interesting post.Must say alot of it makes sense.

You are bit harsh on Hipkins imo.

I think his election strategy was very,very poor.

Can't see any reason he deserves a knighthood,mind you I don't think politicians and sportsmen do.

'squeezed middle','hardworking kiwis',a brighter future'are all meaningless slogans.

Luxon won by default.Can't think of any other reason than a knighthood as to why he bothers.

His campaign is a rerun of the Key campaign.

With the incoming police minister likely to be Mitchell,you can bet on one thing..the prison muster will increase but so will social unrest and protest.

His latest brainwave is to make tattooed gangsters cover their facial tats with foundation!

Maybe he has shares in Thin Lizzy!

Just cannot identify talent in this new Govt lineup.

The IMF and ratings agencies have already warned them as they did Truss in the U.K....that NZ's credit rating will be at risk from their fiscal plans.

They have proven to be serial liars in the same mould as Key and co,who said they would not increase G.ST....so I expect they will temper their plans accordingly.

When you consider Luxon has a long standing relationship with JK who is his political mentor, it makes sense their election campaigns have strong similarities.

When you line up the cornerstone policy from both parties, you can't help but question WTAF Labour were thinking.

We have a cost of living crisis that is hurting big numbers of people. The right time for Tax Cuts to give folk some meaningful relief even if we know the data highlights creative license has been exercised with the actual amounts people will receive and how they will be paid for.

One -nil to National there.

Up step Labour and contradict their own finance minister with their cornerstone policy to win the election. Remove GST off fruit and veges. If it's implemented, it would take effect in late 2024-2025 despite people needing relief immediately. If untrustworthy supermarkets passed on the savings to kiwi's and that's a big "if", Kiwi's would save $4.50 a week ffs!...that was an own goal by Labour.

Result, Two-nil to National.

Further compelling evidence Labour were leaderless and unfit to Govern. 

So pleased Hipkins has a new partner. Toni with an "i". I'm sure we have all been very worried about that. Yes, I am harsh on Hipkins. 

Cunliffe apologized for being a man. Hipkins has effectively apologized for his own ethnicity. He's weak, he's helped divide our beautiful country to suit the Labour agenda and he's a far king liar. I'm sick of the way he sold himself as "the boy from the Hutt" while he stuffs another sausage roll into his mouth while surrounded by an ocean of brown faces. NZ needed and deserved way better than that nonsense. He will be replaced as leader early in the New Year.

I don't trust Luxon but I do feel they will do much better than Labour. 

We are already seeing a well overdue tougher stance on gangs. Labour gifted gangs a free run and I like many others, celebrate that now ending. 

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The first MBIE employees (probably 1,000 of them) to go should be those involved with the Fart Measuring Sattelite.

You see the cost isn't just salaries (avg.  $120k+ per employee) but the cost of the dumb arse decisions they make.


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