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Bit Of A Yarn

~observing the 3headed hydra ...new Govt,their election promises and delivery...

holy ravioli

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  On 1/12/2023 at 10:58 PM, holy ravioli said:

Buyers remorse after 6 days ...A National voter...

Sir Ian Taylor: The unintended consequences of the new government | Stuff.co.nz


Well done H.R. 

You found someone who's unhappy because he didn't get all of his election wishes. 

As you know now, I'm about context and balance so with that in mind, be sure there are many tens of thousands of good kiwi's that are not feeling any buyers remorse whatsoever, in fact they are still celebrating the relief of the divisive & damaging Labour eggplants mercifully being gone. Now our beautiful country can get back on the road to recovery, despite the incessant bleating from losers in the cheap seats

Helpful tip. Stop sucking lemons all day. That can't be good for you.

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  On 1/12/2023 at 10:58 PM, holy ravioli said:

Buyers remorse after 6 days ...A National voter...

Sir Ian Taylor: The unintended consequences of the new government | Stuff.co.nz


He voted to get rid of the Labour Government - he's hardly a committed National voter having only voted for them 3 times in 55 years!!!!   Perhaps Stuff should have written the headline - The Unintended Consequences of MMP?

What odd's are you offering that Tova and or Stuff won't last 3 years?

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  On 1/12/2023 at 11:59 PM, Chief Stipe said:

He voted to get rid of the Labour Government - he's hardly a committed National voter having only voted for them 3 times in 55 years!!!!   Perhaps Stuff should have written the headline - The Unintended Consequences of MMP?

What odd's are you offering that Tova and or Stuff won't last 3 years?


Seeing as you are itching and scratching for a bet...I will bet $100 that this coalition Govt in it's existing form does not last more than...3 years.

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  On 2/12/2023 at 5:28 AM, holy ravioli said:

Seeing as you are itching and scratching for a bet...I will bet $100 that this coalition Govt in it's existing form does not last more than...3 years.


FFS back pedalling - you said they wouldn't see the term out!  WTF does "in it's(sic) form" mean?

BTW it's is a contraction for "it is"!

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  On 2/12/2023 at 5:28 AM, holy ravioli said:

Seeing as you are itching and scratching for a bet...I will bet $100 that this coalition Govt in it's existing form does not last more than...3 years.


Pretty sure you stated you can't see the Government lasting three years which is any amount of time in the first term from one day to three years. Now you've changed that to not lasting longer than three years. Obviously H.R, you're backtracking on your initial statement which reflects a lack of confidence. I'm sure Chief with accept your retraction and apology :) .

It's encouraging that you're now seeing enough positive signs with the new Government to retract your original prediction. If you keep it up you may even stop using the Sausage Roll muncher's term of a "Coalition of chaos" before long and actually vote for National yourself in 2026. 

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  On 2/12/2023 at 8:32 AM, Walt said:

Pretty sure you stated you can't see the Government lasting three years which is any amount of time in the first term from one day to three years. Now you've changed that to not lasting longer than three years. Obviously H.R, you're backtracking on your initial statement which reflects a lack of confidence. I'm sure Chief with accept your retraction and apology :) .

It's encouraging that you're now seeing enough positive signs with the new Government to retract your original prediction. If you keep it up you may even stop using the Sausage Roll muncher's term of a "Coalition of chaos" before long and actually vote for National yourself in 2026. 


Nice that I've got a tag team that runs interference for each other!

No mention of the Chiefs repetitive 9 years...claim...hell no ,how would that maintain our..double standards!

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  On 2/12/2023 at 7:53 PM, holy ravioli said:

Nice that I've got a tag team that runs interference for each other!

No mention of the Chiefs repetitive 9 years...claim...hell no ,how would that maintain our..double standards!


Really @holy ravioli seems you have had your daily glass ov vinegar for breakfast with a side of hypocrisy.  Was the Pot Kettle black?

So I take it you have back tracked on "this Government not lasting the first term"?  

Or like your horse racing selections would you rather wait until closer to the next election, like one day out to determine what track conditions will be like?

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  On 2/12/2023 at 8:00 PM, Chief Stipe said:

Really @holy ravioli seems you have had your daily glass ov vinegar for breakfast with a side of hypocrisy.  Was the Pot Kettle black?

So I take it you have back tracked on "this Govenrment not lasting the first term"?  

Or like your horse racing selections would you rather wait until closer to the next election, like one day out to determine what track conditions will be like?


So I take it you have back tracked on "this Govenrment  lasting for 9 years?  

This is how you spell...'government'-didn't take long...did it?😄

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  On 2/12/2023 at 8:54 PM, holy ravioli said:

I have only offered one bet regarding this Govts term...so no back tracking...there.🙄


I beg to differ H.R. ...yes, you've only offered one bet but that bet is a clear back track on your original statement that they wouldn't see out the term. Your bet offered however is that they don't win a second term.

I can see why your confidence is diminishing. The Government is in the eyes of many, on the right track. Labour however are still barking at the moon with the same players all convincing each other from their echo chamber that their election drubbing was just an anomaly. Haha, good luck with that one :)   

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  On 2/12/2023 at 11:52 PM, Walt said:

I can see why your confidence is diminishing. The Government is in the eyes of many, on the right track. Labour however are still barking at the moon with the same players all convincing each other from their echo chamber that their election drubbing was just an anomaly. Haha, good luck with that one :)   


I agree and as for Winston - well everyone knows Winston.  He'll be off on diplomatic missions when he isn't attending race meetings drinking single malt whiskies soon enough.

Honestly I didn't think Luxon would step up but I believe he is.  The proof for that is the squeals from the media, unions, academics and other Labour patsies on various boards.

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  On 2/12/2023 at 11:52 PM, Walt said:

I beg to differ H.R. ...yes, you've only offered one bet but that bet is a clear back track on your original statement that they wouldn't see out the term. Your bet offered however is that they don't win a second term.

I can see why your confidence is diminishing. The Government is in the eyes of many, on the right track. Labour however are still barking at the moon with the same players all convincing each other from their echo chamber that their election drubbing was just an anomaly. Haha, good luck with that one :)   


Vague commentary that serves no useful...purpose.🤪

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  On 3/12/2023 at 12:59 AM, Chief Stipe said:

I agree and as for Winston - well everyone knows Winston.  He'll be off on diplomatic missions when he isn't attending race meetings drinking single malt whiskies soon enough.

Honestly I didn't think Luxon would step up but I believe he is.  The proof for that is the squeals from the media, unions, academics and other Labour patsies on various boards.


'Honestly I didn't think Luxon would step up but I believe he is.  The proof for that is the squeals from the media, unions, academics and other Labour patsies on various boards.'

No surprise 1 + 1 = 3...in your world.Hopeless.🙃


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  On 3/12/2023 at 2:17 AM, holy ravioli said:

'Honestly I didn't think Luxon would step up but I believe he is.  The proof for that is the squeals from the media, unions, academics and other Labour patsies on various boards.'

No surprise 1 + 1 = 3...in your world.Hopeless.🙃



So why did you need to quote me twice?  What's your definition of "hopeless"?

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  On 3/12/2023 at 12:59 AM, Chief Stipe said:

I agree and as for Winston - well everyone knows Winston.  He'll be off on diplomatic missions when he isn't attending race meetings drinking single malt whiskies soon enough.

Honestly I didn't think Luxon would step up but I believe he is.  The proof for that is the squeals from the media, unions, academics and other Labour patsies on various boards.


Me thinks Winnie already back enjoying his single malts :) ...One thing for sure, he has more personality and spine than many in Wellington. I find myself enjoying Shane Jones more than expected but that could be related to his humour and the way he swats away bleeding hearts like blowflies. 

The squeals we are hearing to and from the media are nauseating and best treated with the contempt the deserve.

I'm not sure how Luxon could have played his hand any better than he has in recent weeks. If he continues to lead as PM in a similar manner things will be fine....despite the protestations.

Snowflakes are always going to be.....snowflakes. They often have extreme difficulty working out if they are Arthur or Martha but still refuse to even consider the evidence.

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So not even 1 week in the Govt is exposed using their playbook of -lie,deny,-then lie again.

Luxon told the nation that Labours smokefree legislation would mean only 1 outlet in Northland could sell tobacco products.

His right hand man ,former Philip Morris Tobacco coy lobbyist,doubled down on Q&A this morning.

It was pointed out that the real number is 35 outlets...not 1...(35  is 34 more than..1)

This information is easily available online.

A harbinger of the M.O of this coalition of calumny.Sad.NZ deserves...better.😬


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