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Bit Of A Yarn

~observing the 3headed hydra ...new Govt,their election promises and delivery...

holy ravioli

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  On 29/11/2023 at 11:57 PM, Chief Stipe said:

You see @Walt and @Freda the likes of @holy ravioli and the rabid left have only one agenda and that's control.  Then they have to play whack a mole.  So with regard to the stupid smoking laws that Labour implemented all it would have done is hand more revenue to organised crime and particularly the gangs.  Which has seems to be Labour's modus operandi!  

FFS under the law a 36 year could buy a packet of smokes but a 35 year old couldn't!!!  How the hell was it every going to be policed?  Na at the end of the day banning something only pushes it underground.

@holy ravioli was talking about ram raids - does he think that the remaining dairy sellers of cigarettes wouldn't be targeted?  


So if pharmacies start selling meth precursors ,will they be targeted?🙄

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  On 30/11/2023 at 12:45 AM, holy ravioli said:

FYI I did not support the last Govt .

Your flimsy anecdotal evidence is hardly compelling.

Maori deserted Labour in droves.I have seen a number of Maori leaders voice their opinion that this Govt is anti maori.

It is clear that this Govt's priorities are paying off their donors.

Can't see them lasting a full term.Peters is all over Luxon....who does not have the skills for the P.M job.He is always...back pedalling.

I was hoping they could do something positive.All they have is repealing Labours legislation and a bunch of...slogans.Sad....you can bet on productivity not improving,an economic slump and it  will all be Labours ...fault.Hopeless.


You must be even more confused than it first appeared. If you didn't support the previous Government, who did you support? It clearly wasn't National, NZF or ACT as you began your small doggie humping away at a leg while they are still in the starting gates. It can't be one of the 1% parties as with their numbers there was no pathway into Parliament, let alone Government. It can't be the Maori Party as they are celebrating at the moment and you're clearly not a happy camper...aka , bitter and twisted. It can't be the Eggplant Party...oops The Green Party. Were you barking at the moon on Election Night tortellini ?

You say Maori deserted Labour in droves. That statement should be examined. Most people deserted Labour in droves. Labour expected Maori to vote for them in big numbers but sadly, Maori often don't engage in the system for whatever reason. Apathy one of those reasons. When they do, it's invariably what's in it for them rather than the greater good which is why they voted for the Maori Party despite knowing there was little hope of them being part of the Government. 

Labour expected to win the election via voting from the trans community, LBGTQ, Maori, tenants and those on the minimum wage. There was never going to be enough of them and that's even if you ignore those groups not being known for engaging in the process. 

How is it clear the Government is paying off their donors ? If that is correct which I dispute, was Labour guilty of the equivalent? Virtue signaling is not done for fun. Sepuloni is not Deputy Leader on merit. She wouldn't know if her arse was on fire. She's there because she's female and has a Pacific Island background. Poto Williams was NZ's worst ever Minister of Police but she was female and Maori. Kiri Allan was NZ's worst ever Minister of Justice.....but she was female, Maori and lesbian so ticked all the virtue signaling boxes. Labour gambled on losers and.....lost. 

I'm sure Luxon, Peters and Seymour will be losing sleep that you don't think they'll go the full term. Many I've spoken with are convinced they will do at least three terms because they are on a much better balanced path now and it will take that long for people to forgive the inept Labour Party who remarkably are pressing on exactly like nothing has happened. That is both sad and hilarious in equal measures. 

I wasn't a fan of Luxon and said so but I feel he's played his hand rather well. I agree that he has a habit of answering different questions with the same answer but my respect for our media has long since departed so I feel more understanding of his tactic now.

Speaking of slogans. I see the sausage roll munching trannie cheerleader repeatedly referring to the new Government today as the "Coalition of Chaos". Somebody should tell him the election is over and he got spanked. His slogan was a fail. 

You and Hipkins have several things in common. Are you his brother?



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  On 30/11/2023 at 2:29 AM, Walt said:

You must be even more confused than it first appeared. If you didn't support the previous Government, who did you support? It clearly wasn't National, NZF or ACT as you began your small doggie humping away at a leg while they are still in the starting gates. It can't be one of the 1% parties as with their numbers there was no pathway into Parliament, let alone Government. It can't be the Maori Party as they are celebrating at the moment and you're clearly not a happy camper...aka , bitter and twisted. It can't be the Eggplant Party...oops The Green Party. Were you barking at the moon on Election Night tortellini ?

You say Maori deserted Labour in droves. That statement should be examined. Most people deserted Labour in droves. Labour expected Maori to vote for them in big numbers but sadly, Maori often don't engage in the system for whatever reason. Apathy one of those reasons. When they do, it's invariably what's in it for them rather than the greater good which is why they voted for the Maori Party despite knowing there was little hope of them being part of the Government. 

Labour expected to win the election via voting from the trans community, LBGTQ, Maori, tenants and those on the minimum wage. There was never going to be enough of them and that's even if you ignore those groups not being known for engaging in the process. 

How is it clear the Government is paying off their donors ? If that is correct which I dispute, was Labour guilty of the equivalent? Virtue signaling is not done for fun. Sepuloni is not Deputy Leader on merit. She wouldn't know if her arse was on fire. She's there because she's female and has a Pacific Island background. Poto Williams was NZ's worst ever Minister of Police but she was female and Maori. Kiri Allan was NZ's worst ever Minister of Justice.....but she was female, Maori and lesbian so ticked all the virtue signaling boxes. Labour gambled on losers and.....lost. 

I'm sure Luxon, Peters and Seymour will be losing sleep that you don't think they'll go the full term. Many I've spoken with are convinced they will do at least three terms because they are on a much better balanced path now and it will take that long for people to forgive the inept Labour Party who remarkably are pressing on exactly like nothing has happened. That is both sad and hilarious in equal measures. 

I wasn't a fan of Luxon and said so but I feel he's played his hand rather well. I agree that he has a habit of answering different questions with the same answer but my respect for our media has long since departed so I feel more understanding of his tactic now.

Speaking of slogans. I see the sausage roll munching trannie cheerleader repeatedly referring to the new Government today as the "Coalition of Chaos". Somebody should tell him the election is over and he got spanked. His slogan was a fail. 

You and Hipkins have several things in common. Are you his brother?




Not your best work ..Walt..you're all over the place contradictions,delusional conclusions...prejudice,not coherent...at all.😞

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  On 30/11/2023 at 7:33 AM, holy ravioli said:

Dilution much!!!🙄You keep talking about ...9 years!!!!🤡


Come @holy ravioli is this going to be like your horse bets all show no go?  You said they won't last a term.  What odds are you offering?  Mind you another couple of months you'll be completely lost in the wilderness.

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  On 30/11/2023 at 7:18 AM, holy ravioli said:

Not your best work ..Walt..you're all over the place contradictions,delusional conclusions...prejudice,not coherent...at all.😞


I'm really feeling for you H R. You've obviously lost all the joy in your life since the Spanish Archer was delivered to the Sausage Roll man and his team of bewildered troglodytes.  You're switching between peeping out the curtains feeling resentment at those outside smiling and chasing after cars trying to bite the tyres of any driver you see looking happy. 

I hope those feelings pass soon and your fears / nightmares about the new Government are not realized. Then we can have the happy cheerful and very positive Holy Ravioli back with us. Remember, you're special :) 


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  On 30/11/2023 at 5:19 PM, Chief Stipe said:

Come @holy ravioli is this going to be like your horse bets all show no go?  You said they won't last a term.  What odds are you offering?  Mind you another couple of months you'll be completely lost in the wilderness.


You said they'd last 9 years....hit that backpedal.🤪

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  On 30/11/2023 at 7:59 PM, Walt said:

I'm really feeling for you H R. You've obviously lost all the joy in your life since the Spanish Archer was delivered to the Sausage Roll man and his team of bewildered troglodytes.  You're switching between peeping out the curtains feeling resentment at those outside smiling and chasing after cars trying to bite the tyres of any driver you see looking happy. 

I hope those feelings pass soon and your fears / nightmares about the new Government are not realized. Then we can have the happy cheerful and very positive Holy Ravioli back with us. Remember, you're special :) 



As you acknowledge not only do you have an ax to grind,you also admit sometimes you don't want to be...reasonable.Bit of a shame ...really.🆗

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  On 30/11/2023 at 8:55 PM, holy ravioli said:

As you acknowledge not only do you have an ax to grind,you also admit sometimes you don't want to be...reasonable.Bit of a shame ...really.🆗


Only shame H.R is you being bereft of a sense of humour.

You're happy to set the tone with your Luxonettes bit....but when others join in you reach for the high moral ground. 

Yes H.R,  I own my stuff . You should try it. You'll find it liberating.

Repeat after me:

I, Holy Ravioli admit that I have a signed photo of Chris Hipkins on my bedside table. I routinely hum a tune to the dancing Cossacks. I was devastated at Labour's drubbing in the election. I volunteer for the Labour Party and wear Roman sandals with socks on and a big wooly jumper in summer that my mother knitted for me. I believed socialism and communism were the answer to the world's problems but admit now I was so wrong. I now firmly believe the new Government are light years better than the previous bunch of clueless clowns and promise to stop barking at the moon.


1st December 2023.


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Holy Ravioli    



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  On 30/11/2023 at 9:23 PM, Walt said:

Only shame H.R is you being bereft of a sense of humour.

You're happy to set the tone with your Luxonettes bit....but when others join in you reach for the high moral ground. 

Yes H.R,  I own my stuff . You should try it. You'll find it liberating.

Repeat after me:

I, Holy Ravioli admit that I have a signed photo of Chris Hipkins on my bedside table. I routinely hum a tune to the dancing Cossacks. I was devastated at Labour's drubbing in the election. I volunteer for the Labour Party and wear Roman sandals with socks on and a big wooly jumper in summer that my mother knitted for me. I believed socialism and communism were the answer to the world's problems but admit now I was so wrong. I now firmly believe the new Government are light years better than the previous bunch of clueless clowns and promise to stop barking at the moon.


1st December 2023.


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Holy Ravioli    




Only mildly amusing,considering I have already stated I did not support Labour.


You are a real...'Man of La Mancha'.....Walt.

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  On 30/11/2023 at 10:17 PM, holy ravioli said:

Only mildly amusing,considering I have already stated I did not support Labour.


You are a real...'Man of La Mancha'.....Walt.


That's me H.R, Don Quixote at your service.

You do know that just because someone says they didn't support Labour that it doesn't actually mean.....they didn't support Labour. 

They just want to slag off the new Government from day one but at the same time try and distance themselves from the clowns of the previous Government that were gifted a drubbing at the election.

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  On 1/12/2023 at 1:25 AM, Walt said:

That's me H.R, Don Quixote at your service.

You do know that just because someone says they didn't support Labour that it doesn't actually mean.....they didn't support Labour. 

They just want to slag off the new Government from day one but at the same time try and distance themselves from the clowns of the previous Government that were gifted a drubbing at the election.


Very good Walt....give yourself a pat on the back.

You've created a straw man that you can win an argument ...with.🙄

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