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Bit Of A Yarn

~observing the 3headed hydra ...new Govt,their election promises and delivery...

holy ravioli

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8 hours ago, Walt said:

We could see that coming Chief. 

It will cause major inconvenience but those involved couldn't possibly care less. It will also stir up further racial division now those involved have got used to getting their own way with bells on in recent years. 

Don't assume many will turn up.  But do expect the media to wring their hands and blow it all out of proportion.  STUFF must be close to implosion amd certainly irrelevance.  Nearly all the public are over this cry wolf BS.  They just want to get on in a tough economic climate.

If it wasn't for the Maori seats Te Patiti Maori wouldn't be in Parliament.

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

Don't assume many will turn up.  But do expect the media to wring their hands and blow it all out of proportion.  STUFF must be close to implosion amd certainly irrelevance.  Nearly all the public are over this cry wolf BS.  They just want to get on in a tough economic climate.

If it wasn't for the Maori seats Te Patiti Maori wouldn't be in Parliament.

Same page brother

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2 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Don't assume many will turn up.  But do expect the media to wring their hands and blow it all out of proportion.  STUFF must be close to implosion amd certainly irrelevance.  Nearly all the public are over this cry wolf BS.  They just want to get on in a tough economic climate.

If it wasn't for the Maori seats Te Patiti Maori wouldn't be in Parliament.

If it wasn't for the Epsom deal crACT would have been dead and buried years ..ago.

They want to loosen laws so people can run around with sub machine guns!

Talk about a coalition of...chaos.

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12 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

They want to loosen laws so people can run around with sub machine guns!

Gangs have those guns anyway!  Doh!


13 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

If it wasn't for the Epsom deal crACT would have been dead and buried years ..ago.

What deal?  Surely you are not saying they did a deal over Tamaki?

You really need to wash the red haze from your eyes.

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4 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Gangs have those guns anyway!  Doh!


What deal?  Surely you are not saying they did a deal over Tamaki?

You really need to wash the red haze from your eyes.

If you are not aware of the Epsom 'deal' you are wilfully blind.

Big mistake by the Natz.

Social disorder ramping up.....can't end..well.

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35 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

If you are not aware of the Epsom 'deal' you are wilfully blind.

I didn't say there wasn't - but was there a Tamaki deal?

36 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Social disorder ramping up.....can't end..well.

Really?  A few hundred Maori protesting is an indicator of social disorder?  Of course the Left will be doing their utmost to promote it.  Being devoid of intellect it is the all the Left have left.

Let me know when the numbers match the protests by Groundswell let alone the Covid marches!

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16 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

I didn't say there wasn't - but was there a Tamaki deal?

Really?  A few hundred Maori protesting is an indicator of social disorder?  Of course the Left will be doing their utmost to promote it.  Being devoid of intellect it is the all the Left have left.

Let me know when the numbers match the protests by Groundswell let alone the Covid marches!

There was no Tamaki deal...but without the Epsom deal,this new Frankenstein would not have survived.

This  anti Govt display is just the beginning....unfortunately.

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Another broken promise from Baldrick-'every taxpayer will receive a “Taxpayer’s Receipt” from Inland Revenue, showing taxes paid and government payments received including Working for Families and benefit payments. It will breakdown where taxpayers’ money has been spent, eg education, health, and welfare.'

National To Restore Fiscal Discipline | Scoop News

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13 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

There was no Tamaki deal

Right so ACT have made a niche for themselves in their own right.  

13 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

This  anti Govt display is just the beginning....unfortunately.

LOL well then I hope you have a conscience and you talk to your Lefty and mates and get them to focus on the right things.  That said the anti-Government displays aren't going to reach the heights seen under the last Labour Government.

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1 minute ago, Chief Stipe said:

Right so ACT have made a niche for themselves in their own right.  

LOL well then I hope you have a conscious and you talk to your Lefty and mates and get them to focus on the right things.  That said the anti-Government displays aren't going to reach the heights seen under the last Labour Government.

Do you mean...conscience?😉

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

If it wasn't for the Epsom deal crACT would have been dead and buried years ..ago.

They want to loosen laws so people can run around with sub machine guns!

Talk about a coalition of...chaos.

You must be exhausted H.R and those bruises on your forehead are impacting on your thinking and mood. Get well soon mate

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

If you are not aware of the Epsom 'deal' you are wilfully blind.

Big mistake by the Natz.

Social disorder ramping up.....can't end..well.

haha @ Social disorder. A bunch of entitled professional protestors pissing everyone off.

Ready for the tune to be sung with feet stamping and Maori flag flying.

We want more...we want more......more goodies for us now and more guilt for you....more more more

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16 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Sounds like communism.  I think this Government will let people get on with what they need to do.  Less nanny state.

Just another meaningless slogan.

I notice everyone embraces 'nanny state' when Covid or natural disasters strike!

Wage subsidy,compensation...ask the ...gummint.😄

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Just another meaningless slogan.

I notice everyone embraces 'nanny state' when Covid or natural disasters strike!

Wage subsidy,compensation...ask the ...gummint.😄

You do appreciate the wage subsidy and business "loans" were not just about the Government supporting tax payers....with tax payer dosh? They couldn't possibly have pushed ahead with the lock down agenda without those payments....unless they wanted unprecedented rioting. If we are going to discuss what the Government did during that period, it would be remiss not to discuss the long list of things they got terribly wrong while abusing the power they had. 

The Maori protesting today was organized by vested interest professional protestors. How dare the Government hold on to the sweetie bag that entitled Maori now wrongly believe is their right to tuck into all day every day. 

A few months ago, I visited a Maori birthing unit. Wow! it was hugely impressive with all the latest mod cons. It's the best funded birthing facility I've seen in NZ. ...meanwhile, other facilities for the rest of NZ struggle along making do with what they have desperate to be funded adequately. In numerous areas if Maori want the same treatment as "others"...they will be making taking big steps backward. I can promise you that if that facility was for "other" New Zealanders, Maori would be out in the street protesting....again

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7 minutes ago, Walt said:

You do appreciate the wage subsidy and business "loans" were not just about the Government supporting tax payers....with tax payer dosh? They couldn't possibly have pushed ahead with the lock down agenda without those payments....unless they wanted unprecedented rioting. If we are going to discuss what the Government did during that period, it would be remiss not to discuss the long list of things they got terribly wrong while abusing the power they had. 

The Maori protesting today was organized by vested interest professional protestors. How dare the Government hold on to the sweetie bag that entitled Maori now wrongly believe is their right to tuck into all day every day. 

A few months ago, I visited a Maori birthing unit. Wow! it was hugely impressive with all the latest mod cons. It's the best funded birthing facility I've seen in NZ. ...meanwhile, other facilities for the rest of NZ struggle along making do with what they have desperate to be funded adequately. In numerous areas if Maori want the same treatment as "others"...they will be making taking big steps backward. I can promise you that if that facility was for "other" New Zealanders, Maori would be out in the street protesting....again

Your latent racism always bubbles to the...surface.

As for wage subsidies coys like Harvey Norman posted record profits,special divys and never repaid!

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2 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

I notice everyone embraces 'nanny state' when Covid or natural disasters strike!

I didn't at all and suffered personally for it.

2 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Wage subsidy,compensation...ask the ...gummint.😄

Who asked for the subsidy?  But why not take it if it's there - otherwise your competitors take advantage.  

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

You do appreciate the wage subsidy and business "loans" were not just about the Government supporting tax payers....with tax payer dosh? They couldn't possibly have pushed ahead with the lock down agenda without those payments....unless they wanted unprecedented rioting. If we are going to discuss what the Government did during that period, it would be remiss not to discuss the long list of things they got terribly wrong while abusing the power they had. 

The Maori protesting today was organized by vested interest professional protestors. How dare the Government hold on to the sweetie bag that entitled Maori now wrongly believe is their right to tuck into all day every day. 

A few months ago, I visited a Maori birthing unit. Wow! it was hugely impressive with all the latest mod cons. It's the best funded birthing facility I've seen in NZ. ...meanwhile, other facilities for the rest of NZ struggle along making do with what they have desperate to be funded adequately. In numerous areas if Maori want the same treatment as "others"...they will be making taking big steps backward. I can promise you that if that facility was for "other" New Zealanders, Maori would be out in the street protesting....again

You should see most of the Marae's.  

I've always been a proponent of if something is not working do the complete opposite.  Stop throwing money at the perceived problem.

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

Your latent racism always bubbles to the...surface.

As for wage subsidies coys like Harvey Norman posted record profits,special divys and never repaid!

That's a sad and cheap shot that says nothing about me H.R.....but speaks volumes about you.

Many agree that the word "racist" has been weaponized in recent years. It's used to shut down robust discussion and also to put speakers on the defensive for having the audacity in a democratic country to have a different perspective. Once again the obvious aim there is to shut discussion down. It mirrors the way discussion about the transgender movement is closed down if you dare disagree with them. 

For the record, I grew up in Nelson. We didn't have Maori and Pakeha. I feel I speak for many when I say we were just Kiwi's growing up in a beautiful country. 

I've been on board the pro equity journey for better health outcomes for Maori.......but the Labour Government totally fcked that up. Race relations are a delicate sensitive issue that must be handled carefully and respectfully to all. Labour drove a bulldozer over and through it with arrogance and naivety and in doing so,  divided NZ more than at any time since the 1981 Springbok tour. If you live in an echo chamber you may not have noticed any difference but everyone else witnessed it in many ways.

Gifting free passes to serious Maori offenders made NZ a less safe place to live and work in. Pushing Maori patients up hospital waiting lists and "others" down based solely on ethnicity was a retrograde and divisive step, especially when you consider Maori have disproportionate demands on the health system anyway due to lifestyle choice. 

Care and support being dished out like graffiti based on ethnicity rather than need was always going to cause a sense of entitlement in some and resentment in others. To discuss this situation is most definitely not...... latent racism. 

As much as I dislike it, thank you for showing your hand H.R. It gives context to your input in discussions. 



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