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Bit Of A Yarn

Winston standing up to divisive entitlement


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1 hour ago, Honestjohn said:

you didn't vote for him but I respect his thoughts on this maori bs that has infiltrated our gooberment. Socialist chippy is still there.  Thought he would be rolled. 



Hey HJ,

Forcing Maori culture / language onto people should never be the way forward. Anyone that resents what's unfolded is of course quickly deemed a red neck racist.

If things were handled in a slow and respectful manner to all, "buy in" on a far bigger scale would almost certainly have been achieved. Instead, Labour, arrogantly drove a bulldozer over it. They created a sense of entitlement among Maori and resentment among non Maori. Ironically, Labour made very little positive difference and ended up pissing everyone off and that was highlighted with the election outcome.

Just prior to the election a poll showed the majority of New Zealanders believed race relations were worse now and headed in the wrong direction. It's appropriate and timely that the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi are examined.....but clearly, the minority in a democracy don't want that and are threatening mayhem.

Hipkins had an opportunity to connect with the majority of New Zealanders and in doing so, win the election. His plan was to play on the "boy from the Hutt' bs and being a sausage roll muncher. Honestly, do you really think the majority of Kiwi's are that shallow?

He missed the boat on the trans gender issue and that situation was highlighted by his attack on Winston Peters for having the audacity to state that Female toilets and changing rooms need to be a safe place for Women and Girls......Hipkins farcically described that statement as "encouraging hate toward the transgender community". 

Hipkins is all about virtue signaling. Even during the election campaign almost every photo you saw of him was with a sea of brown faces. It was exactly as if he was ashamed of his own ethnicity in a similar way that another previous Labour leader David Cunliffe was ashamed to be a man.

Maori, Pacifica, LBGT etc were the gamble of a weak Hipkins and that is what he will be remembered for. He couldn't possibly change his spots now and even the eggplants at Labour know that. He has a 0% of winning in 2026 which is why he has a 0% chance of being the leader at that time. It's just a matter of when he gets rolled. They needed the leader to steady the ship after the election drubbing. He did that eventually after running away and hiding for several days. 

There will be a plan hatched up during the summer and when Parliament resumes Hipkins will be replaced as Labour's leader. When you look at who Labour have in their echo chamber, it's impossible to get enthused about who Hipkins replacement will be. 


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On 12/13/2023 at 9:17 AM, aquaman said:

Just had a thought, Willie Jackson for the next leader of the Labour Party.

Not as left field (pardon the pun) as it seems Aquaman. 

He is a big voice within Labour and I believe why Mrs Ed cut tail and ran. She knew Labour couldn't win the 2023 election with some of it's most contentious Maori policies but Willie Jackson on behalf of their Maori Caucus refused to yield. Nek minute....Ardern .........has no gas left in the tank.

Despite Maori and most others dumping Labour like a cup of vomit, they are as committed to their virtue signaling as much as ever. With that in mind, Willie Jackson would be a perfect leader for them and an authentic reflection of who and what they are now. 

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