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Box Seat- Dexter Dunn’s thoughts?


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Box Seat this week had the second part of the interview with Dexter Dunn.

Very interesting listening to his thoughts.

He suggested that we might be overdoing the Standing Starts and should be more mobiles, which I agree with nowadays as the starts are just not

good enough.

There has been no improvement with them and just turns the punters off, not that it seems to concern HRNZ though as they allow the crap to continue.

How come the Stipes dont mention the poor starts in their report, cos they are all mates!

The second very interest thing Dexter said was that he thought people in the industry seemed to enjoy the short track racing???????

Personally think that serious punters hate the mile racing  that the Clubs have brought in in recent years.

He is used to the boring racing that he drives in, in the United States so will not be aware of what is going on here.

Would be good to know whether this mile racing does actually attract punters to the races and is there more wagering on them?

I would be extremely sure that it does not encourage wagering at all and is a turnoff for most serious punters and enthusiasts.

Edited by Brodie
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