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Talk about losing the plot...

Big Red Sharrock totally blew.. when he saw red over the dog and bone...

To NZTR's Bridgy Flynn

17. Allan stated, “How dare NZTR remove Alfred without hearing my side of the f***ing story” and then went on to say, “I've already spoken to that f***ing Simon Irving, he is a piece of s*** and I have absolutely no respect for that man and I feel the same way about you and NZTR.”

18. He was yelling at a level that Wiremu could hear him but not what he was saying.

19. Allan continued telling me about a man that shared the Sharrock house at the time Alfred was there and this man had told Allan that “Alfred was a lying little c***.”

20. At the conclusion of his tirade Allan told me “You are lucky this conversation has taken place over the phone, it would have been ten times worse if I had seen you in person."

21. After I got off the phone, Wiremu said "I haven't heard him go off like that for ages.”

22. At the conclusion of the testing I gave Wiremu forms that he took away for Allan to sign.

23. On bringing them back to me two hours later, Wiremu said “the boss is still pretty angry.”

24. I said, “at me still?” and Wiremu replied “yes”.

25. I asked Wiremu how he was going with Allan at work?

26. Wiremu replied “good, as long as I don't make any mistakes”.

27. I said, “well best you don't make any mistakes then.”

No wonder Wiri's riding well...he's too scared not to!

Red gets a slap on the wrist fine of 5 Hundy...

...he can afford it and it made him feel better about himself

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Tank are you not taking your pills?  I see your creative writing skills are improving as are your grammar and spelling.  Obviously the remedial classes are working.  Just a suggestion can you use less of that word that the Greens Co-Leader is reclaiming for Maori Women?

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Oh gee guys...not 2 bogans on at once...

Bazz what were you doing up at 3am ffs??

Just got home from a bogan tinder date?

Boxie...I'm disappointed in yous...

The numbered lines are straight off the JCA Inquiry site...

Apparently Red got pissed off when Alfred Chan was taken off him...and he blamed Bridget for it and "if I was there in person it'd be a whole lot worse"

Ya can't be threatening Industry Reps like that these days and get away with it I'm afraid...

..even if you've got Red hair

5 Hundy's a slap...but Red needs to take a chill pill

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52 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Oh gee guys...not 2 bogans on at once...

Bazz what were you doing up at 3am ffs??

Just got home from a bogan tinder date?

Boxie...I'm disappointed in yous...

The numbered lines are straight off the JCA Inquiry site...

Apparently Red got pissed off when Alfred Chan was taken off him...and he blamed Bridget for it and "if I was there in person it'd be a whole lot worse"

Ya can't be threatening Industry Reps like that these days and get away with it I'm afraid...

..even if you've got Red hair

5 Hundy's a slap...but Red needs to take a chill pill

Oh that explains the improvement in grammar and spelling.  Even the creativity can't be attributed to you!  Suggest you stick to cut and paste as it improves your literacy!  

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1 hour ago, Thomass said:

Oh gee guys...not 2 bogans on at once...

Bazz what were you doing up at 3am ffs??

Just got home from a bogan tinder date?

Boxie...I'm disappointed in yous...

The numbered lines are straight off the JCA Inquiry site...

Apparently Red got pissed off when Alfred Chan was taken off him...and he blamed Bridget for it and "if I was there in person it'd be a whole lot worse"

Ya can't be threatening Industry Reps like that these days and get away with it I'm afraid...

..even if you've got Red hair

5 Hundy's a slap...but Red needs to take a chill pill

Its still a bunch of crap T,  you have absolutely NOTHING going on in your life that you live vicariously through others.

You have made shitloads of posts yet have an incredibly low member reputation which indicates you post more often than not low value crap as you have on this thread.

I guess every family has a low level achiever & on this forum thats YOU.

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5 minutes ago, barryb said:

Its still a bunch of crap T,  you have absolutely NOTHING going on in your life that you live vicariously through others.

You have made shitloads of posts yet have an incredibly low member reputation which indicates you post more often than not low value crap as you have on this thread.

I guess every family has a low level achiever & on this forum thats YOU.

Whatever 'low rep' means...I don't give a flying bogan Bazz...

Perhaps not sucking up to peeps means you're not pops of the month...

At least da Princess loves moi!

'Family' have to confront issues as they arise and I'm your anti sycophant...

Alfred Chan felt unsafe in that environment and NZTR's welfare officer had to take over...

...now if you want to brush things like that under the carpet..you can...

But young apprentices are under enough pressure without some hot head boss...

...who obviously has anger issues from the way he talks to female members of the governing body...

I certainly don't want to be like anyone other than moi..especially Big Red...or a bogan

...how many Whakachungas have you had since 3 am?




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  if  you know  the full story  you would think  the same of nztr  too   and  ask you self who is this  man they talk about  ,   not the 1st person  that has  screwed over jockeys  and trainers  


  as    the dwarf said   ,     it  retains around why  he wanted to go to aussie and still does  

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13 minutes ago, gee said:

  if  you know  the full story  you would think  the same of nztr  too   and  ask you self who is this  man they talk about  ,   not the 1st person  that has  screwed over jockeys  and trainers  


  as    the dwarf said   ,     it  retains around why  he wanted to go to aussie and still does  

Gee, if you think I'm on p...take your post..turn it round to face a mirror...and read it back...really loud

If it makes sense...the men in white coats won't turn up...anything else...good luck in the lock up

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14 minutes ago, barryb said:

Thomass, your princess is a figment of your imagination.

You have serious reality issues, I am really worried about your re-integration back into society.

Ive had Beth the pig dog psychoanalyse your posts...

...she thinks you have anger, drinking, sfa SOH and dietary issues...

...she'd like to meet up with you and help...pm moi

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2 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Ive had Beth the pig dog psychoanalyse your posts...

...she thinks you have anger, drinking, sfa SOH and dietary issues...

...she'd like to meet up with you and help...pm moi

if  your so worried about al    ring him find out  

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Putting aside Thomas's drivel , he does have a point , pretty disgusting behaviour by a Licensed Trainer and self appointed "Apprentice Mentor" 

I dare say if it was police matter it may have been taken more seriously , veiled threats of violence and bullying of officials .

I'd gladly take a $500 fine for that 

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1 hour ago, theshu said:

Only ever seen that sharrock  fella on tv once when one of his horses won a race .In the following interview he came across as a jumped up twat.  just my opinion.

Great record with apprentices theshu and a pretty fair one with his horses.  Seemed to me to have a bit of a blind spot with Kawi(as likely as not caused by the grief certain posters on the dark side gave him - me to a lesser extent than some).  Overall though the guy has enough credibility(IMHO) that his opinions should be respected.

I have no idea what the issue was this thread relates to(obviously Alfred Chan his apprentice) but if Officials want to be dickheads then they should expect a bollocking.  These days banks councils government departments all have signs up about not abusing their staff - it never occurs to them that the  problem invariably is the idiot rules and procedures these staff are trying to implement.  Fix the imbecile regulations and the staff will not get harangued.

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10 minutes ago, Reefton said:

Great record with apprentices theshu and a pretty fair one with his horses.  Seemed to me to have a bit of a blind spot with Kawi(as likely as not caused by the grief certain posters on the dark side gave him - me to a lesser extent than some).  Overall though the guy has enough credibility(IMHO) that his opinions should be respected.

I have no idea what the issue was this thread relates to(obviously Alfred Chan his apprentice) but if Officials want to be dickheads then they should expect a bollocking.  These days banks councils government departments all have signs up about not abusing their staff - it never occurs to them that the  problem invariably is the idiot rules and procedures these staff are trying to implement.  Fix the imbecile regulations and the staff will not get harangued.

Reminds me of a little occurence I had in the ANZ Kumeu a few months ago

Was on a 10 min plus wait because the guy in front of me was abusing the hell out of a female teller because she wanted to charge a small fee for doing a money transfer for the guy.

She tried to explain if he did it via internet banking it would not cost him a cent, no way, didn't have internet banking, the guy persevered.  In the end she gave in, when he said, listen I have 3 million deposited in this bank.  I guess he didn't get that rich by being magnanimous.

The manager saw what was happening and came out to relieve the queue

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2 minutes ago, hesi said:

Reminds me of a little occurence I had in the ANZ Kumeu a few months ago

Was on a 10 min plus wait because the guy in front of me was abusing the hell out of a female teller because she wanted to charge a small fee for doing a money transfer for the guy.

She tried to explain if he did it via internet banking it would not cost him a cent, no way, didn't have internet banking, the guy persevered.  In the end she gave in, when he said, listen I have 3 million deposited in this bank.  I guess he didn't get that rich by being magnanimous.

The manager saw what was happening and came out to relieve the queue

I have a horror story(a but more complicated than that but to do with a client's affairs so I won't go into it) that got me trespassed from the local ASB for two years - doesn't worry me as I do not bank there and in any case hardly ever darken the door of my own bank let alone that one.  It was to do with this cursed Anti Money Laundering Act. 

I am long past suffering fools(or in this case robots who masquerade as humans and fail to see that what they are asking simply cannot be done)

Incidentally the anti money laundering act is due to hit the TAB/NZRB shortly as well so be ready for a heap of tedious and inane questions when you are opening a new TAB account or depositing large sums of money.  AND beware that they will have responsibility to report suspicious(whatever interpretation you might have for that word) activity to the Police and are barred from telling you (their customer) they are doing so.


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