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Bit Of A Yarn

Affirmative Action ?

Rowley Mile

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A piece posted on the other channel by Rowley's better half.

Ok, let's get your attention. Gaol Time.......yes, I'm not kidding, if we are at all serious about the Messara Report then surely after reading and hearing about the figures being bandied about, eg, the value placed on NZ TAB by relative parties, compared to the value placed on it by TAB CORP....we need to look firstly at the years gone by, the massive losses the TAB has gone through, the massive, out of control costs incurred by NZRB/NZTR, and the misleading, inaccurate and fanciful forward projections released by NZTR/NZRB since 2011.

Surely, there needs to be a forensic investigation into how the budgets were audited/approved/released. These were based on what? Who signed off on these figures? and what accounting firm put their names to the audit sheets? ....if any? Who in fact authorised the loan, the borrowing against cash reserves?

The magic word here is who.....you see it leads to accountability! So far we have had no resignations, surely under the NZ companies and associations statute you have a compliance code? surely? I as a business owner cannot release to the public a knowingly misleading document relating to my business and it's future path, not it's solvency, to that I have to have my auditors sign off and authenticate my statements.

By it's very actions, NZRB has placed it's support behind Mr Messara and Mr Peters, Mr Jackson has agreed to the recommendations, therefore the public/stakeholders have every right to know how we ended up at this point and who took it there. Was it taken there through incompetence or something else, poor investments, poor advice, mismanagement or another scenario?

To move forward Mr Peters as the Racing Minister needs to show leadership, he has so far, but by calling the management of NZRB/NZTR to account is the ultimate commitment to our industry and the image New Zealand portrays on the international stage. 

On social media many are asking, what can we do, especially those within the industry itself, the answer is as clear as the nose on your face, disenfranchised stake/stockholders bring no confidence motions in the board/s......the ball is in your court.

In closing I would like to say, I have after 30 years closed my international/Global marketing company, I would have liked to have supported my trainers in New Zealand for years to come, as an owner/breeder I am disgusted by the behaviour and denial by many involved and this effects my decisions moving forward re my future with New Zealand racing. Of course should Mr Peters and the people he empowers to oversee the re-building of NZRB bring those responsible to account, publicly and transparently I will reconsider my future.

If you don't understand your past, and how we got to this point, then you cannot plan for your future!

I hope those of you that can see past all this get your just rewards, and those of us at the twilight of our lives live to see another thriving New Zealand racing industry.


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38 minutes ago, Rowley Mile said:

A piece posted on the other channel by Rowley's better half.

Ok, let's get your attention. Gaol Time.......yes, I'm not kidding, if we are at all serious about the Messara Report then surely after reading and hearing about the figures being bandied about, eg, the value placed on NZ TAB by relative parties, compared to the value placed on it by TAB CORP....we need to look firstly at the years gone by, the massive losses the TAB has gone through, the massive, out of control costs incurred by NZRB/NZTR, and the misleading, inaccurate and fanciful forward projections released by NZTR/NZRB since 2011.

Surely, there needs to be a forensic investigation into how the budgets were audited/approved/released. These were based on what? Who signed off on these figures? and what accounting firm put their names to the audit sheets? ....if any? Who in fact authorised the loan, the borrowing against cash reserves?

The magic word here is who.....you see it leads to accountability! So far we have had no resignations, surely under the NZ companies and associations statute you have a compliance code? surely? I as a business owner cannot release to the public a knowingly misleading document relating to my business and it's future path, not it's solvency, to that I have to have my auditors sign off and authenticate my statements.

By it's very actions, NZRB has placed it's support behind Mr Messara and Mr Peters, Mr Jackson has agreed to the recommendations, therefore the public/stakeholders have every right to know how we ended up at this point and who took it there. Was it taken there through incompetence or something else, poor investments, poor advice, mismanagement or another scenario?

To move forward Mr Peters as the Racing Minister needs to show leadership, he has so far, but by calling the management of NZRB/NZTR to account is the ultimate commitment to our industry and the image New Zealand portrays on the international stage. 

On social media many are asking, what can we do, especially those within the industry itself, the answer is as clear as the nose on your face, disenfranchised stake/stockholders bring no confidence motions in the board/s......the ball is in your court.

In closing I would like to say, I have after 30 years closed my international/Global marketing company, I would have liked to have supported my trainers in New Zealand for years to come, as an owner/breeder I am disgusted by the behaviour and denial by many involved and this effects my decisions moving forward re my future with New Zealand racing. Of course should Mr Peters and the people he empowers to oversee the re-building of NZRB bring those responsible to account, publicly and transparently I will reconsider my future.

If you don't understand your past, and how we got to this point, then you cannot plan for your future!

I hope those of you that can see past all this get your just rewards, and those of us at the twilight of our lives live to see another thriving New Zealand racing industry.


It is NZRB that has the wildly out of control costs(200 mil plus), NZTR's costs are only about 8 mil and represent about 10%

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However you only have to cast your mind back a few years to the days when purcell, the trough dweller, was on overseas jaunts all the time, Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris etc etc..and he wasn't the only one...incredible expenditure..for what outcome? And who in NZTR actually authorised these junkets..? It is relevant as it is a long lasting culture in NZTR and the Racing Board which has to stop. These people treat the industry the way that labour/greens are currently treating the countries coffers..spend, spend, spend, and when it runs out we'll just borrow more..hopefully the regime that Peters appears to be instituting might have a few more barriers to stop this endless spending on non-essential and wasteful exercises.

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The state that the industry finds it's self in..is the result of succesive  administrations who've purposefully managed it to oblivious outcomes.,

management by crisis is another name for Hegelian Synthesis..a set of management protocols that allow changes to be introduced that would have no mandate if a proper management reign had presided,  Hegelian Synthesis has been used for about 40 years around the world in what maybe termed 'rampant' rates..of course it is very much older than that as a practise that Google will tell you if you ask it.

The New Zealand Racing industry is now well and truly a sick patient from the management by crisis it's been subjected to...

All governments around the world have been run like this in order to bring their respective countries into a 'one world' of governance where Big Business rules

that's the cold hard facts..and we need to lobby and insist that various parts of the industry aren't 'sold down the river' into the hands of Big Business, Otherwise you can kiss goodbye any sovereignty of control over our N.Z. product among other rorted outcomes. 

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These 'reforms'  are by design,  to've delivered what ""One Racing"" was designed to bring about..namely a satelite centralised industry designed to 'click into' the Australian industry like a Leggo brick.

The Globalists are behind this and are in a celebrating mood for their latest conquest.

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1 hour ago, Hedley said:

These 'reforms'  are by design,  to've delivered what ""One Racing"" was designed to bring about..namely a satelite centralised industry designed to 'click into' the Australian industry like a Leggo brick.

The Globalists are behind this and are in a celebrating mood for their latest conquest.

The only thing I can say Hedley is that it's not yet a conquest.

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5 hours ago, curious said:

The only thing I can say Hedley is that it's not yet a conquest.

Looking like it though Curious 

I am detecting a limited amount of enthusiasm to take up the cudgels

And when I think about it from my own perspective I would have to say I fought this battle 20 years ago with Chittick Alexander and Co - do I have the heart for the battle again?  And if by chance we did win(at least kept the asset for the people of Reefton - I acknowledge that the racing aspect is gone) then what thanks would I get - probably none.  90 per cent of the people of the town would have no idea who the President is and 90% of them, when they learn it has gone, will probably reckon it was my idea(I live 50 miles away in Greymouth of course).

So why don't I just run my horse shares out, close my TAB account and open one with some Aussie outfit(not effing TAB Corp!), maybe save some of the $1500 or so a month I waste on this game and if the desire grabs me down the track take a share in one in Aussie.

Without feeling sorry for myself I clearly do not fit the profile these guys want in the industry so rather than have sleepless nights thinking about it perhaps it is time to wave the white flag.  


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17 minutes ago, Reefton said:

Yes if I was sure Winston and the Waikato Mafia could not get their paws on our land I would do

Ffs...you're making it sound worse than those dirty stinking Poms taking their taxs during the Spud blight...

But its Winnie's glorious revenge in reality...

His couzzies got stuffed by you lot a few years back...

...and he's just taking back what's rightfully his whanau

...and Its also called glorious irony...enjoy 

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29 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Ffs...you're making it sound worse than those dirty stinking Poms taking their taxs during the Spud blight...

But its Winnie's glorious revenge in reality...

His couzzies got stuffed by you lot a few years back...

...and he's just taking back what's rightfully his whanau

...and Its also called glorious irony...enjoy 

I think you would be better placed over on the dark side

Anyway my spies tell me it ain't going to happen - too much resistance from the freehold courses being retained


Edited by Reefton
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