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Bit Of A Yarn

If Election day was tomorrow,


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3 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

True to form...ignore the message and attempt tp denigrate...the messenger!😒

Fight fire with fire that's what I say.

Anyway you accuse the next National led Government of doing something they haven't done yet.  While ignoring the fact that your lot Labour are already doing it!!!

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

FFS are you having memory issues?  Didn't you say growth under National would be based on immigration?

BTW you assume I vote National - I won't vote for them because of their Net Zero policy.


I said-'It's the Key programme rebooted....mass immigration and flipping houses for profit-'Get NZ ...back on housing crack'

Well crACT is even worse.Your old lecturer at Lincoln did a good job on..you.

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6 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

How many first home buyers are in the market for a home worth over $2m?

it would be rare I agree but what is not rare would be numbers being deliberately blurred and avenues available to get around the 2m mark.

Levers being pulled via tax breaks etc for Landlords / investors being reintroduced will cause investors both here and offshore to dive back into buying NZ houses. This will obviously cause house prices to increase.  That is a shocker for first home buyers. At present house prices may have dropped approximately 20% from the highs of 2021 but the amount people can borrow has also dropped around 20% due to high interest rates. They will be completely shut out if prices rise, unless of course they are ok about being part of a growing number of kiwis being displaced from buying the home they would normally have obtained in their own area. They'd either have to buy an undesirable property in an undesirable area or move away from their work, family and friends.

National have significant relationships with China and that is cause for real concern. Using NZ based trusts with a NZ IRD number is a well worn routine for offshore investors to buy NZ homes.....along with of course, family / extended family / friends living here that buy properties on their behalf.

Young kiwis are leaving NZ in droves and the politicians couldn't care less about this. If National do what they have always done, even more young Kiwis will give up and leave. 

I trust both National and Labour......0%   Saying Willis will do better than Roberson is hardly inspiring 

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32 minutes ago, Walt said:

Young kiwis are leaving NZ in droves and the politicians couldn't care less about this. If National do what they have always done, even more young Kiwis will give up and leave. 

So they are leaving in droves already.  What evidence is there that the droves will increase with a change in Government?

I'm sure many that haven't left yet may decide to wait and see.

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7 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

So they are leaving in droves already.  What evidence is there that the droves will increase with a change in Government?

I'm sure many that haven't left yet may decide to wait and see.

The numbers leaving NZ is an exodus. 

A countries future is obviously connected to it's young people. Those with the intellect and determination to move forward are the very people leaving. They are disillusioned with the dynamics here and up at the sharp end of that is home ownership. I can point to dozens of driven young people that were born here and very much wanted to stay but have eventually given up.

Trying to buy their own home in their home country can be soul destroying for many.  Two of my own daughters moved to Australia in recent years. Both now own impressive properties and a lifestyle they struggled to get near in NZ.

There's an army of first home buyers here bashing their head into the wall. Watching investors pushing them aside at house auctions so they can add yet another family home to their housing investment portfolio doesn't exactly give them warm fuzzies. If you are removed from this relentless dynamic, you may not even be aware of just how big it's been in recent years. That has only calmed down since Labour removed tax advantages and of course, high interest rates. Any advantage first home buyers may have felt by house prices dropping has been wiped out by high interest rates. Only a small minority of them can save the 120k to 200k as a 20% deposit so they will cop an even bloodier nose with interest rates.

National will obviously reinstate tax advantages to investors / landlords. They will inevitably zero back in on our housing market. This will be the last straw for many young, bright and driven kiwis. Based on current and past conduct, the Government of the day is only speeding up their departure. I want them to stay here.

I despair for them when I hear National proudly talking about looking after investors regardless of the devastating impact that will have on others. The dynamic and priority is wrong. I want investors / landlords to be looked after........but not at the expense of our young people.






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My take on NZ Politics is not exactly positive.

Helen Clark made me feel a little unwell. When the Nats under JK arrived in 2008, I felt optimistic but over time that feeling faded away. Things that pulled my chain were the sudden change of demographic, especially in Auckland. When Winston Peters talked about Queen Street looking like Beijing or Mumbai, he was absolutely right. I embrace the melting pot but they got it badly wrong and buried "balance" in the nearest landfill. It looked and felt like we were gifting our country away.

The close connections between the Nats and China had alarm bells ringing. The indifference displayed toward those that are not Nat voters was a huge disappointment. This was especially so when it came to those in the bottom third doing it hard.

A housing crisis was unfolding right under our noses. Not only did the Nats ignore it, they claimed everything was just far king dandy. 

The Rock Star Economy may have looked good on the books but the reality at the coalface was a different ballgame. 

John Key said there was far too many empty chairs around NZ dinner tables as a result of kiwis upping sticks and leaving. He adamantly claimed he'd put that right but instead, he actually sped up that process. 

NZ to me felt divided between the haves and have nots. The only priority seemed to be $$$$$.

It was this in my view that created fertile ground for Ardern to arrive on scene and be embraced. 

Labour got a few things right but others they got badly wrong. 

Better health outcomes for Maori is an excellent goal but better health outcomes for everyone is far more important.  When you prioritize support and health care on Ethnicity, you've just driven a D10 bulldozer onto very thin ice. You've also created entitlement in the brown team and resentment in the much larger "others" team. This divisive agenda is reflected in Labour's crappy ratings.

They are not reading the room at all. They have gone to the Casino and put all their chips down on the brown vote and the men playing dress ups. Hipkins started ok but it wasn't long before he forgot what a woman is. Then when Winston stated women and girls should be safe in their toilets and changing rooms from fully intact biological men, Hipkins stated Peters was spreading hate toward transgender people. Peters wasn't of course but it was a confronting reminder of why Labour have put hate speech laws on the backburner until post election and how those laws would be used by vested interest to control the narrative. 

Three Waters makes a mockery of democracy but Labour not too concerned about that. 

Their handling of the finances has been a train wreck.

Virtue signaling has ruled the roost. Watching the Labour Government implode was just a matter of when. Their handling of the housing crisis highlighted just how far out of their depth they are. Our health system is a mess made even worse under Andrew Little. I have great respect for our Nurses and Doctors but they are peeing into a gale. Over the last few months Hipkins has finally put priority on resolving at least some of the long running disputes with our nurses and teachers. How sad that the motivation in terms of timing is about their own political survival. To hear Hipkins then deliberately misrepresent the numbers and their pay scales within nursing highlighted just how broken the system is and how comfortable Hipkins is to look into the camera and .....lie. Te Whatu Ora nurses have finally received some better news with their pay dispute but it must be remembered there are thousands of community nurses that are just as qualified if not more than their peers at Te Whatu Ora but they have been blanked yet again. Many were just holding on by their finger nails. This is an area near and dear to me so when I see Hipkins misrepresenting truth, I know he is the wrong person to lead NZ.  There are nurses in the community now in senior roles receiving 60% less then their equivalent at Te Whatu Ora. Hipkins described this situation as a few nurses at General Practice Clinics that will instead need to negotiate with management. This is the misrepresentation of truth at the end of a long long rainbow. I know of three that said this was the last straw and finally resigned. 

Pay parity, pay equity, pay inequity. What a joke. It's a shambles. Hipkins fully aware the nurses involved with not state their case to the media due to restrictions etc so he spits in their face and then and then gets a free pass that he budgets on. 

It's the carnage that Labour has created that has set things up for National to regain Government. National however are about as inspiring as warm flat beer. Yes, a better option than Labour but Donald Duck would be a better option than Labour. 

I'm convinced Labour has missed the boat due to the echo chamber they live and work in. It's all about the agenda. Nothing they say or do now will change the election outcome. They are by the garage door just marking time before being thrown into the rubbish skip in October.....exactly where they belong. 

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18 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Yes Labour have been underwhelming....however the mayhem a Nact Govt will inflict on NZ will give your children or grandchildren no ambition to stay in what is becoming a giant retirement village and playground for the rich.

Honestly do you really think a new Government would be worse than the current one?  The worst you'll get is the same.  However at the least the Nats and Act understand business.

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

John Key said there was far too many empty chairs around NZ dinner tables as a result of kiwis upping sticks and leaving. He adamantly claimed he'd put that right but instead, he actually sped up that process. 

But that isn't exactly true according to the statistics.  Interesting you and Holey Pasta a poles apart on migration.

Under Key there was a net increase I.e. more arrived than left.  The numbers that left didn't change during the Key Government.  

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4 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

But that isn't exactly true according to the statistics.  Interesting you and Holey Pasta a poles apart on migration.

Under Key there was a net increase I.e. more arrived than left.  The numbers that left didn't change during the Key Government.  

I don't know what the answer is in terms of the best Government for NZ Chief. I just know it's clearly not National or Labour. 

Surely we deserve better than one isn't quite as bad as the other. 

I can relate to all those feeling disillusioned by the options they will have in October. 

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4 hours ago, Walt said:

I don't know what the answer is in terms of the best Government for NZ Chief. I just know it's clearly not National or Labour. 

Surely we deserve better than one isn't quite as bad as the other. 

I can relate to all those feeling disillusioned by the options they will have in October. 

I wonder how the average Yank feels with the option of either Biden or Trump?

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12 hours ago, Freda said:

I wonder how the average Yank feels with the option of either Biden or Trump?

Great question Freda,

Puppet Biden the sniffer can't walk the distance of a snooker table without tripping over an imaginary banana skin and hasn't strung a coherent sentence together since the Nixon administration. Harris is an absolute disgrace but was the right ethnicity and gender to tick the virtue signaling boxes. She will be remembered for talking to the American people as if they were all in kindergarten and of course her maniacal cackle. She's obliterated the importance of the VP role.

Any American that has the audacity to see this and think the US needs and deserves much better is described as a terrorist threat. 

The Biden administration knows exactly who their biggest rival / threat is to expose and send them packing.  Donald J. This is the number 1 reason for the charges they are dumping on him via the D.O.J. They are simply doing everything they can including full on skullduggery to eliminate their biggest political rival............in the land of the free and home of the brave. 

The NZ Election will be dirty ....but the US Election next year will be on a different planet and with so much at stake. 


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