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Bit Of A Yarn

~observing the 3headed hydra ...new Govt,their election promises and delivery...

holy ravioli

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One could be forgiven for thinking Luxon was sharing the P.M's role with Winston,going by the press conferences where Winston dominates.

The pre Xmas priorities -repeal the fair pay Act....something that exists in Australia and is a reason Kiwis emigrate there.

-pacify the tin foil hat brigade with 'reserve against'WHO regulation updates.

-repeal RMA reform legislation to accomodate big developers agendas.

-visit Australia...God knows ..why!

-present a mini budget.

This alone is a terrible indictment on this troika of disaster...'Reversal of smoke-free laws to pay for tax cuts estimated by Treasury to add $5.25b in health costs, cut productivity growth by $5.88b and destroy 588,000 Health Adjusted Life Years'

Buckle ...up.🦨

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Just sworn in and already more policy promises ...abandoned.

'but as Willis and Luxon revealed soon after the agreements were signed, there are two quite significant policies that will not be followed through on: pledges 18 and 25 of its economic plan, boosting a Working for Families Setting, and scrapping an “app tax”.

The new Government will keep the so-called “app tax” National had pledged to remove. '


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What would they know!

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners says it is astounded with the new government's plans to repeal anti-smoking laws - some of the toughest in the world - which banned young people from ever being able to purchase tobacco in their lifetime in efforts to make the country smoke-free.

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

And another masterstroke....reintroducing meth precursors to Pharmacies!

Psuedo etherdrine products to be stocked again in Chemists nationwide.

Big Pharma=big donors want to make big profits.

An increase in ram raids,robberies....probably.

How do you explain that P production has increased since the ban was put in place?  

Then again was it actually banned or just made prescription only?

Don't forget to mention Jacinda Adern billions given to Pfizer and Merck for useless Covid drugs.  We are still paying as well.  Molnupiravir was tens of millions of wasted money to stock something that has never been used.


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12 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

What would they know!

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners says it is astounded with the new government's plans to repeal anti-smoking laws - some of the toughest in the world - which banned young people from ever being able to purchase tobacco in their lifetime in efforts to make the country smoke-free.

What the fuk would the Royal NewZealand College of General Practitioners know, this is the same mob that committed genocide on NZ poisoning the entire population with kill shots. The same mob that denied Ivermectin was a safe and effective theraputic drug for Covid in the face of thousands of studies world wide that said otherwise. This mob of killers are brought and owned by Big Pharma who in turn are answerable to Klaus Schwab the Chairman of the WEF. Klaus is the one whom stated you will eat bugs, and you will own nothing and be happy, so please stop using The Royal NsikZ College of General Practitioners as an example of moral high ground, its akin to using the Mongrel Mob as virtues of all things good. NZ running at 20% excess deaths per year on 2019 stats, thousands maimed and sick because of these killers. I could go on. Hopefully a day of reckoning awaits the people that perpetrated the worst genocide in the history of world.

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

How do you explain that P production has increased since the ban was put in place?  

Then again was it actually banned or just made prescription only?

Don't forget to mention Jacinda Adern billions given to Pfizer and Merck for useless Covid drugs.  We are still paying as well.  Molnupiravir was tens of millions of wasted money to stock something that has never been used.


You need to stop stop living in the past.

I can see 'whataboutism' becoming your default setting for making excuses for this coalition of...chaos.

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"Reversal of smoke free laws to fund tax cuts"

Labour has attempted to take the high ground here and our media with it's agenda are pushing the narrative that the reversal will pay for the tax cuts. Context with both claims has been deliberately lost.

Labour had been in Government for 312 weeks yet the smoke free laws were so important they didn't even get under way. Lets not forget that and let's also not forget that Labour had a great record of......wasteful spending. The new Government had vigorous coalition talks. Plenty of negative chat about the amount of time being taken with those talks. Part of the talks involved policies of the parties involved and their desire not to indulge any further wasteful spending.

We all want fewer deaths on our roads but the road to zero was never going to make a meaningful difference. There is every chance the only time zero comes into play with the results would be that despite spending tens of millions of tax payer funds on the road to zero, it would make zero difference.

The left wing media via their agenda have been busy trying to undermine the new Government from day one. With that in mind the question was asked "will any of the funds saved on reversing the smoke free laws be used on funding tax cuts?. The answer is likely yes but it would be the same answer if this question was asked.     "Will any of the funds saved on reversing the smoke free free laws be used to fund life saving treatment in other areas?"

Now, that "yes' answer has been used to lambast the new uncaring Government. What a load of old shite.

Despite having my reservations, I feel optimistic about our new Government. The claims made that they will send race relations backwards are utter horse shit. Have these people not been paying attention? The previous Government has driven a bulldozer over delicate race relations. That's why the majority of New Zealanders felt Race Relations were heading in the wrong direction prior to the new Government taking over. You have a minority of New Zealanders feeling more entitled than ever to demand and receive whatever they want while the majority of Kiwi's were force feed an agenda they didn't buy into. All they received were big helpings of guilt over historical events that had nothing to do with them. That guilt was deliberate to then justify their agenda.

Care and support should always be on the basis of need.....not ethnicity. The new Government endorse that. We all want better health outcomes for our Maori brothers and sisters.....but not at the expense of our non Maori brothers and sisters. 

I predict we'll see large scale rioting by Maori inside the first year of the new Government's term. Waitangi Day 2024 will be a taste of things to come. The now entitled Maori are being stirred up by the agenda of our alleged media and they don't need any stirring up. 

What I'd like to see is the Government given the three year term they won to bring in positive change. If they fail, vote them out in 2026. That's how a democracy should work. This bullshit of losing the election due to divisive incompetence and virtue signaling and then bleating about the new Government all day every day has already got old. 

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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

' This bullshit of losing the election due to divisive incompetence and virtue signaling and then bleating about the new Government all day every day has already got old. '

Don't know  where this is apparant.

This 3 day old Govt can be judged on what they do....so far ,underwhelming imo.

What exactly do you find underwhelming? 

Getting the balance right with all three parties has not been easy but it's been completed and with all three leaders seemingly happy with the result and with the other leaders involved. If we put bias to one side that must be seen as an encouraging success.

What I've found disturbing is the way our alleged media have attempted to take the high moral ground at Winston Peters comments about the 55 million dollar journalist fund. They have been relentless and it's incredibly boring. The people of NZ know enough about the fund to form their own perspective and there is little interest in pursuing the topic but journalists today were incessant. The line of questioning of Luxon today was 100% about what the journalists wanted. Nothing whatsoever to do with what NZ wanted to hear about. It was truly nauseating.

The only fail I've witnessed in the last three days comes from our alleged media. If you want further confirmation of a personal agenda at work, watch Jenna Lynch TV3 political editor tonight with their 6pm news. She absolutely hates Winston Peters  

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1 hour ago, Freda said:


Is that the best you can do Freda?🙉

Have you heard the re release of...'smoke gets in your eyes'' by the Luxonettes?

Lead vocal-Shane cigaReti,

lead guitar-Winfield Peters

drummer =Chris 'baccy' Bishop

arranger-Nicotine Willis

producer-Philip Morris.

Its going...viral or at least spreading like...Cancer.

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37 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Is that the best you can do Freda?🙉

Have you heard the re release of...'smoke gets in your eyes'' by the Luxonettes?

Lead vocal-Shane cigaReti,

lead guitar-Winfield Peters

drummer =Chris 'baccy' Bishop

arranger-Nicotine Willis

producer-Philip Morris.

Its going...viral or at least spreading like...Cancer.

Sad and disappointing post Ravioli. I hoped you'd be able to muster up something more than inane drivel but it's clear you've be sucking on a lot of lemon's lately over the election result and your mind is a befuddled mess. Get well soon mate

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

Sad and disappointing post Ravioli. I hoped you'd be able to muster up something more than inane drivel but it's clear you've be sucking on a lot of lemon's lately over the election result and your mind is a befuddled mess. Get well soon mate

Thanks....look the other way...smoking is good for you....access to ephedrine is another step in the right...direction.

Anti maori, anti health, anti worker, anti renter, anti environment, anti people... if you think the last Govt was incompetent,you ain't seen nothing yet.
Btw don't patronise..people.
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2 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Thanks....look the other way...smoking is good for you....access to ephedrine is another step in the right...direction.

Anti maori, anti health, anti worker, anti renter, anti environment, anti people... if you think the last Govt was incompetent,you ain't seen nothing yet.
Btw don't patronise..people.

Pot calling kettle black on the patronizing aspect.

Your bias stands out like a runny turd on snow. Where do you get the "anti" from?

If you're Native American and you're proud of your culture, does that mean you're anti white? Being a supporter of one thing, doesn't necessary follow that you are anti something else.

I don't know who you mix with by my circle is mixed. Probably a few more conservative supporters than left leaning and that has increased in recent years despite everyone I know giving Mrs Ed a fair go. The talk I've been hearing over the last two years is strongly indicative of a Government that was very obviously dividing our country in the way they prioritized Maori and with the hijacking of the English language at rocket speed. These things need to be handled slowly, carefully and respectfully to all. Labour totally fcked that up trying to get it done in one electoral cycle regardless of the consequences. Their naivety was doing irreparable damage. The new Government is putting that right but is most definitely not anti Maori. That's just a cheap shot.

Labour had six years to get the smoke free laws into the community but instead did a rush job late in the piece. Are they anti smoke free for doing absolutely nothing for almost six years?

Anti worker? Where?

Anti renter? Where? Landlords have been portrayed as villains by Labour and laws put in place that meant shithouse tenants could take the piss and many did. I saw a case where a landlord's property was trashed and no rent was paid for years. The tenancy court remarkably allowed the tenant to stay and pay the arrears at such a pathetic amount that it would take 67 years to repay the debt. Something needed to be done and it finally is. Mercifully.

Anti people? You mean anti left leaning wokestars that see anyone not of their ilk as the enemy that must be wrong. People not unlike yourself that portray anyone that supports the new Government as being right wing haters of Maori etc etc?

It's possible the new Government may have to tinker with the balance to get it just right but where were you when Labour threw all balance out the window with their divisive policies and priorities? 

Do you believe like Hipkins that asking for female toilets and changing rooms to be a safe place for women and girls is nothing more than spreading hate against the trans community? I don't know one single person that agrees with Hipkins but he lives and works in an echo chamber. Do you?

I watched Hipkins desperate attempt to grab relevance with his shadow cabinet today. Same shit, different day. They have learned nothing and are just pitiful. It was their rank incompetency and divisive agenda that set up a dynamic allowing National to return to Government. If you must point your finger of judgement, that's where you should point it. 

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4 hours ago, holy ravioli said:

Is that the best you can do Freda?🙉

Have you heard the re release of...'smoke gets in your eyes'' by the Luxonettes?

Lead vocal-Shane cigaReti,

lead guitar-Winfield Peters

drummer =Chris 'baccy' Bishop

arranger-Nicotine Willis

producer-Philip Morris.

Its going...viral or at least spreading like...Cancer.

You see @Walt and @Freda the likes of @holy ravioli and the rabid left have only one agenda and that's control.  Then they have to play whack a mole.  So with regard to the stupid smoking laws that Labour implemented all it would have done is hand more revenue to organised crime and particularly the gangs.  Which has seems to be Labour's modus operandi!  

FFS under the law a 36 year could buy a packet of smokes but a 35 year old couldn't!!!  How the hell was it every going to be policed?  Na at the end of the day banning something only pushes it underground.

@holy ravioli was talking about ram raids - does he think that the remaining dairy sellers of cigarettes wouldn't be targeted?  

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

Pot calling kettle black on the patronizing aspect.

Your bias stands out like a runny turd on snow. Where do you get the "anti" from?

If you're Native American and you're proud of your culture, does that mean you're anti white? Being a supporter of one thing, doesn't necessary follow that you are anti something else.

I don't know who you mix with by my circle is mixed. Probably a few more conservative supporters than left leaning and that has increased in recent years despite everyone I know giving Mrs Ed a fair go. The talk I've been hearing over the last two years is strongly indicative of a Government that was very obviously dividing our country in the way they prioritized Maori and with the hijacking of the English language at rocket speed. These things need to be handled slowly, carefully and respectfully to all. Labour totally fcked that up trying to get it done in one electoral cycle regardless of the consequences. Their naivety was doing irreparable damage. The new Government is putting that right but is most definitely not anti Maori. That's just a cheap shot.

Labour had six years to get the smoke free laws into the community but instead did a rush job late in the piece. Are they anti smoke free for doing absolutely nothing for almost six years?

Anti worker? Where?

Anti renter? Where? Landlords have been portrayed as villains by Labour and laws put in place that meant shithouse tenants could take the piss and many did. I saw a case where a landlord's property was trashed and no rent was paid for years. The tenancy court remarkably allowed the tenant to stay and pay the arrears at such a pathetic amount that it would take 67 years to repay the debt. Something needed to be done and it finally is. Mercifully.

Anti people? You mean anti left leaning wokestars that see anyone not of their ilk as the enemy that must be wrong. People not unlike yourself that portray anyone that supports the new Government as being right wing haters of Maori etc etc?

It's possible the new Government may have to tinker with the balance to get it just right but where were you when Labour threw all balance out the window with their divisive policies and priorities? 

Do you believe like Hipkins that asking for female toilets and changing rooms to be a safe place for women and girls is nothing more than spreading hate against the trans community? I don't know one single person that agrees with Hipkins but he lives and works in an echo chamber. Do you?

I watched Hipkins desperate attempt to grab relevance with his shadow cabinet today. Same shit, different day. They have learned nothing and are just pitiful. It was their rank incompetency and divisive agenda that set up a dynamic allowing National to return to Government. If you must point your finger of judgement, that's where you should point it. 

FYI I did not support the last Govt .

Your flimsy anecdotal evidence is hardly compelling.

Maori deserted Labour in droves.I have seen a number of Maori leaders voice their opinion that this Govt is anti maori.

It is clear that this Govt's priorities are paying off their donors.

Can't see them lasting a full term.Peters is all over Luxon....who does not have the skills for the P.M job.He is always...back pedalling.

I was hoping they could do something positive.All they have is repealing Labours legislation and a bunch of...slogans.Sad....you can bet on productivity not improving,an economic slump and it  will all be Labours ...fault.Hopeless.

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