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Bit Of A Yarn

FYI Yankiwi aka Charles Bidwell isn't banned he is only moderated.

Chief Stipe

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Miss information is in the eye of the beholder. I think what you have done is wrong. I like to decide what I want to read or listen too. I do not need you to decide for me. Your argumentative and combatative stance on every subject does you no favors. I think you should be moderated too. That what I think, and I support Yankiwis right to free speech whether you you deem it misinformation disinformation or not. Keep going like you are and your site will die a slow death.

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I am a believer in free speech, but even free speech has boundaries such as defamation. Also, we have the Broadcasting Standards Authority which Hoskings and his Mrs found out about when they each spread false stories.

Chief runs the forums so he can choose who wishes to ban or otherwise.


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3 hours ago, Freda said:

I'm not taking sides...but I am quite able to decide for myself what to read, what to do, what to think.  I don't need help.

Of course you don't need help Pam.  But I draw the line at certain things.  I will explain in due course.

Moderation is not banning from posting it is a method by which as owner of the site I have a chance to review content before it is posted.

Some of those who are being moderated have written some pretty offensive material which I haven't released for public viewing.  It hasn't been deleted just hidden.

That isn't the line Charles has crossed although he has been close on a couple of occasions especially in regard to GRNZ officials.  

However either deliberately or not at times Charles aka @Yankiwi has posted analysis that is misinformation i.e. it deceives.  That is the last thing the industry needs or perhaps needed.

Ask yourself how many times has he posted anything positive about the industry and the people who work i it.

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4 hours ago, aquaman said:

Miss information is in the eye of the beholder.

Misinformation is information that is published to deceive.  I've seen you write many times about information published during the pandemic that was deceptive.

4 hours ago, aquaman said:

I like to decide what I want to read or listen too.

All well and good however as the owner of a site that allows anyone to publish what they want I have an obligation to ensure that posts don't cross certain lines.

More importantly I have taken it upon myself to provide a balance in views.  Each racing code has a group whose intent is to trash everything.  When was the last time you posted anything positive about Greyhound Racing?  Are your trousers black?

4 hours ago, aquaman said:

Your argumentative and combatative stance on every subject does you no favors

That's your opinion but arguably @Yankiwi 's and your stance is equally combatative.  I'd argue I'm providing some balance to the argument.  Sadly no one else is probably because they have been trying to make thing work and make a living out of the industry rather than bring it down.

4 hours ago, aquaman said:

That what I think, and I support Yankiwis right to free speech whether you you deem it misinformation disinformation or not.

I'll state again he ISN'T BANNED.  His posts are in a holding pen until I read them and release them.

He crossed the line with the National Track Manager because his obsession and dare I say narcissism didn't allow him to consider that there were other people affected who probably didn't want the whole sordid affair debated on social media.  That was the final straw for me and I've been pretty tolerant to date and made it really clear what the line is.

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