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race 5 methven/victorian stipes.

the galah

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1 hour ago, Blackie said:

Touching a horse’s hoof at speed is enough to give it a little go fast, don’t need to be its hock.. just ask someone who’s driven one touching the foot rests or wheels.

yes i understand that.

The most talented horse we believe we ever had,was so big he used to hit the footrests. He was just so fast but then the faster he went the harder he hit them and in the end he just lost all confidence and went through a phase where he would bolt then panic and gallop.

He was that big we got every bit of gear made for him and even a 76 inch hopple was tight on him. The racecarts simply weren't legally big enough and in the end,with all the bigger gear, he just learnt himself to coast around in 1st gear so he didn't hit the footrests. We qualified first go but then retired him as they didn't make shoes big enough for him and every farrier i spoke to,no one said they could or would make a pair of shoes for him. I knew one of them did,but he had seen him run fast in training and for some reason didn't want to help,so he wore an aluminium shoe that the shoe place said they imported for some clydsdale owner,but they were still too small and the  day he qualified he came off the track with 2 quarter cracks bleeding.One time he had an injury and we sent him to a very well known vet for treatment for a week and his comment when we got him back was,you've got a very special horse here. I guessed he had checked his heart out or something but he wouldn't say why when i asked him,just repeated it.

Obviously i'm describing something different than a horse getting a fright for a couple of strides,but i know how it can't scare them.

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15 hours ago, the galah said:

Well thats what you think.

I think your "Doubling down on stupid" there chief.

The victorian stipes have never said his foot hit his horses hocks and the video shows his foot never hit his horses hocks....

The stipes say there was contact with the horses hind leg on a couple of occassions.

my advice to you is just look at the video again and you will see the stipes are saying leg,not hock, because the contact is around the bottom of the leg(the  hoof of the horse),no where near the hock.

Hock, leg, fetlock, hoof...  the Stewards and we both agree Moran hit some part of the leg of the horse with his suspended boot.  That's against the rules.  The rules allow for disqualification.  The stipes agreed Moran took his leg off the foot rest which subsequently hit the horse.  Disqualified.

Case closed.

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3 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Hock, leg, fetlock, hoof...  the Stewards and we both agree Moran hit some part of the leg of the horse with his suspended boot.  That's against the rules.  The rules allow for disqualification.  The stipes agreed Moran too his leg off the foot rest which subsequently the horse.  Disqualified.

Case closed.

Gets his chance on Saturday for redemption in the Pure Steel FFA on Saturday. Captain Hammerhead didn't make the Hunter Cup field after the DQ, (wouldn't of placed in that anyway) , so Goes around the race before.

Might be 4-1  in race 5 and very hard to beat, and worth a few bucks. kicked well to win at Shepperton ? 🤣😉  before getting DQed. 😎

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i've always found it very interesting watching the reactions of horses who make contact with footrests.

Not all horses react the same.

But they all initially seem to get a fright ,which is totally understandable.

I also believe contact is a factor in horses breaking,more than is officially recognised. 

I think its especially stressful for big horses when they are early in their careers as the reason they are making contact is because the length of their stride is so big.

to me ,heavens rock was the perfect example of the stress caused by making contact and the long term psychological effects on a horse ,who go through the worry of encountering that stress every time they run at speed,especially early in their careers when they are getting used to the stress.i think it can be mentally traumatic for some.

I assume that is what heavens rock went through ,they said that was his issue and i had seen the horse we had react exactly the same previously.

Reggie golightly i think is another example of how it effects a big horse.

Reggie golightly,a r39 horse who has not won for 2 years ran 2.56 in a trial at ashburton 5 months ago ,running his first mile in 1.54.9,the 2000 in 2.25 and running an overall time of 2.56 for the 2400m,fresh up in a trial at ashburton about 5 months ago. He did it seemingly under restraint the whole way ,winning by a huge margin,at one stage being almost being half the length of the straight in front.

. I assume he was running so fast because he is such a big horse and his feet were either touching the wheel or footrest or some contact was being made.

i believe that trial was a good example of just how it can mess with a horses head to have that happen. And if you have followed reggie golightly,you would say,well hes won 4 races but he doesn't seem to try very hard moost of the time. But really,if you think about it,its not because he didn't start off not wanting to try,its because ,i'm guessing the experiences he would have had due to being so big. 

anyway,i have gone off on a wee bit of a tangent and maybe no one is interested,but i think,a lot of traits horses have are a result of their breeding,but horses mindset is also shaped by the experiences they have had.We say this or that about their attitudes and habits,and maybe its true ,but also maybe we should realise we are judging some harsher than is deserved.

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44 minutes ago, the galah said:

anyway,i have gone off on a wee bit of a tangent and maybe no one is interested,but i think,a lot of traits horses have are a result of their breeding,but horses mindset is also shaped by the experiences they have had.

Was quite interesting. I understand some are only interested in the betting, but the Breeding and Training are All part of it too and good on you for pointing out some experiences. The attention to detail always makes a better product 👍.

Agree totally that the breeding is a huge factor , as is the training experience in getting a horse in right frame of mind to race well. 

Each decade see's them get faster and fast , and better and better.

Here are 4 Multiple Interdominion Winners , that were the best of their decades.  Winning miles easily and excelling at distance racing as well . just true Great horses. and showing the stride length and increase in speed there- fore.

Top is Village Kid . The best of the 80's , and Our Sir Vancelot . The best of the 90's . 3 Interdom wins . usually running between 1.55 to 2.00 mile rates for their races.

This century they accelerated further . from 2010 when horses like BEAUTIDE there (red silks)  , with a Magnificent long stride  . Beat Christen Me in the Miracle Mile ( Christen Me the NZ champ beat him the following year though to square the ledger) and won 2 Interdominions. Look at that sectional behind him in photo . A 26.5 quarter Mid-race. That would wipe the floor with Anything from last century.  these horses running 1.50 to 1.55 all the time .

Hoofs certainly higher and getting near footrests now lol 😅. Lennythe Shark there, a supreme horse, won heaps, but  had to take a number of NZ Allstars on a lot of the time. and think he was beat a nose in the Miracle Mile by Natalie in 1.47 😳. Low flying .

And for the past decade the Super good BETTOR's DELIGHTS the like of Lazarus, and Leap To Fame, and Tiger Tara are the absolute supreme Beasts . Winning every Big race going and thundering to victory with a magnificent Gait and stride . I think that's why they removed the old footrests ? and just a wee bar there now on the sulky for the drivers boot. > These bad Boys would be smashing the thing to Pieces 🤣😂😎 . High Flying . (don't have photo's of them yet , but they are the Best ever) 





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1 hour ago, Gammalite said:

Was quite interesting. I understand some are only interested in the betting, but the Breeding and Training are All part of it too and good on you for pointing out some experiences. The attention to detail always makes a better product 👍.

Agree totally that the breeding is a huge factor , as is the training experience in getting a horse in right frame of mind to race well. 

Each decade see's them get faster and fast , and better and better.

Here are 4 Multiple Interdominion Winners , that were the best of their decades.  Winning miles easily and excelling at distance racing as well . just true Great horses. and showing the stride length and increase in speed there- fore.

Top is Village Kid . The best of the 80's , and Our Sir Vancelot . The best of the 90's . 3 Interdom wins . usually running between 1.55 to 2.00 mile rates for their races.

This century they accelerated further . from 2010 when horses like BEAUTIDE there (red silks)  , with a Magnificent long stride  . Beat Christen Me in the Miracle Mile ( Christen Me the NZ champ beat him the following year though to square the ledger) and won 2 Interdominions. Look at that sectional behind him in photo . A 26.5 quarter Mid-race. That would wipe the floor with Anything from last century.  these horses running 1.50 to 1.55 all the time .

Hoofs certainly higher and getting near footrests now lol 😅. Lennythe Shark there, a supreme horse, won heaps, but  had to take a number of NZ Allstars on a lot of the time. and think he was beat a nose in the Miracle Mile by Natalie in 1.47 😳. Low flying .

And for the past decade the Super good BETTOR's DELIGHTS the like of Lazarus, and Leap To Fame, and Tiger Tara are the absolute supreme Beasts . Winning every Big race going and thundering to victory with a magnificent Gait and stride . I think that's why they removed the old footrests ? and just a wee bar there now on the sulky for the drivers boot. > These bad Boys would be smashing the thing to Pieces 🤣😂😎 . High Flying . (don't have photo's of them yet , but they are the Best ever) 





you make a good point about how carts these days have been modified from what they once were.. 

some are marketed with specific comments like, the viper race cart,it says "no trouble with horses hitting footrests...widest wheel span on the market when fitted with viper speed wheels"...and these days sulkies seem designed better  to help keep a horses body straight which helps as well.

Really i suppose its an advantage in having a horse trained by a big trainer who has all the flash sulkies and could use trial and error to work out what sulky worked best to avoid a big strding horse making contact. Harder for a trainer with just a couple in training to go and spend a few thousand on another cart with no guarantee it will solve the issue..Occassionally some may still have too long a stride or they may still swing their back legs out further and get close to the wheels at speed or whatever.

actually its very interesting to note the different actions of each horse when they show the head on films of the final stages. you wouldn't realise how different they can be unless you were driving or positioned next to them.

I guess what type of footrests are on a cart can figure into whether a driver is more likely to drive with his foot out of the footrests if unbalanced.

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1 hour ago, the galah said:

guess what type of footrests are on a cart can figure into whether a driver is more likely to drive with his foot out of the footrests if unbalanced.

yes I didn't realize it was such a problem until this DQ incident.

there's lots of examples around all the time 🤔.

3 Sept 2024  General: Driver N Ford was questioned regarding his right dropping from its foot-rest midway ... Sulky struck leaving the 300. Tightened

4 Nov 2024  Mr Trotter was also issued a $100 Minor Infringement Notice for driving with his foot removed from the sulky footrest for a distance roundin

3 Jan 2025  Horse Sales ... Driver Sebastian Piltz was issued a reprimand under AHR Rule 170(1)(a) for allowing his right foot to slip from the sulky footrest 

10 Mar 2024  Stipendiary Stewards Report ... Mr Orange was warned for using his whip with his foot removed from the sulky footrest on one occasion in the run ...

23 Dec 2024  ENABLE ME NZ – Driver C Geary momentarily dropped his right foot from the sulky footrest in the home straight on the final occasion. T

RNESS RACING STEWARDS REPORT ... Driver D. Ford momentarily dropped his foot from the footrest before immediately replacing it, no action was

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On 29/01/2025 at 7:27 PM, Gammalite said:

yes I didn't realize it was such a problem until this DQ incident.

there's lots of examples around all the time 🤔.

3 Sept 2024  General: Driver N Ford was questioned regarding his right dropping from its foot-rest midway ... Sulky struck leaving the 300. Tightened

4 Nov 2024  Mr Trotter was also issued a $100 Minor Infringement Notice for driving with his foot removed from the sulky footrest for a distance roundin

3 Jan 2025  Horse Sales ... Driver Sebastian Piltz was issued a reprimand under AHR Rule 170(1)(a) for allowing his right foot to slip from the sulky footrest 

10 Mar 2024  Stipendiary Stewards Report ... Mr Orange was warned for using his whip with his foot removed from the sulky footrest on one occasion in the run ...

23 Dec 2024  ENABLE ME NZ – Driver C Geary momentarily dropped his right foot from the sulky footrest in the home straight on the final occasion. T

RNESS RACING STEWARDS REPORT ... Driver D. Ford momentarily dropped his foot from the footrest before immediately replacing it, no action was

yesterday at hawera.

Race 1. a driver warned for driving with his foot down for about 9 strides(same as moran), with 500m to go,then in a race not long after a driver did the same thing for about 4 strides with 350m to go,but no mention at all in the stipes report.

i guess the fella in the first is a small timer,but it seems strange to treat them differently.Why did that happen?

both horses placed.

Both drivers i assume just lost their balance a little when pulling the ear plugs.  mind you ,would others assume differently going by some replies on this thread? 


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22 minutes ago, the galah said:

yesterday at hawera.

Race 1. a driver warned for driving with his foot down for about 9 strides(same as moran), with 500m to go,then in a race not long after a driver did the same thing for about 4 strides with 350m to go,but no mention at all in the stipes report.

i guess the fella in the first is a small timer,but it seems strange to treat them differently.Why did that happen?

both horses placed.

Both drivers i assume just lost their balance a little when pulling the ear plugs.  mind you ,would others assume differently going by some replies on this thread? 


Did they touch the horses leg?

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1 hour ago, Trojan said:

Did they touch the horses leg?

who can really know?

its too hard to tell from the video,just you can see the drivers feet down near the lower part of their horses leg. 

its a bit like watching a jockey strike a horse with his whip,when viewing the inital trackside race video.Then,even if you have the right camera angles,its still hard to tell. 

I guess they are similar in that there is an assumption that it may have happned.

i think the key is applying that asumption consistently,either way,is the only way to be fair.

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37 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Yep disqualify them all.  Black and White no defence no  mitigating circumstances.

I guess that would be consistency.

Only problem with that is ,using your policy,once a driver does drop a foot from the footrest,why would they keep trying, as they know they are guaranteed disqualified anyway.

and exactly what point in a race.and why.

Just a note.

Alan pyers again dropped his foot from the footrest yesterday,this time on a different horse to the first day.He actually did so for over half the length of the straight, at the finish of that race.

No foul driving charge again. Just a common sense approach with a $100 fine.

You see,although he was in contention at the time he dropped his foot,no one really could say, that he intentionally did it to gain an advantage.Then again,hes lucky hes not in victoria i suppose.

Also i note the same driver who drove with his foot out of the foot rest at methven for the whole length of the straight at the start of a race,may actually do it regularly as he did it again yesterday.No mention again as ,once again,i think people know it wouldn't be intentional to gain an advantage. What would victorian stewards make of his driving?


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2 hours ago, the galah said:
3 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Yep disqualify them all.  Black and White no defence no  mitigating circumstances.

I guess that would be consistency.

Only problem with that is ,using your policy,once a driver does drop a foot from the footrest,why would they keep trying, as they know they are guaranteed disqualified anyway.

Then add the condition - if your foot or any part of you leg makes contact with the horse when your foot is out of the foot rest - disqualified.

Easy peasy.

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12 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Then add the condition - if your foot or any part of you leg makes contact with the horse when your foot is out of the foot rest - disqualified.

Easy peasy.

None of that is necessary.

No point in changing something that isn't broken.

Just keep applying common sense as has been.

Mandatory disqualifications  would just end up with situations where such an outcome would be unfair. e.g. someone accidentally drops a leg when winning by a margin.

The victorian stipes used a sledgehammer to crack a walnut and left the perception of fairness and balance squashed for many.

but hey,it will all be sorted on on appeal i guess,but perceptions will remain.

I'll move on now from this topic.

All those chickens that are dieing or being put down because of the bird flu, in the usa, is something that interests me.Quite an amazing story that our media seem to be ignorining.Every time i turn on our tv news,its always about how bad the coalition governement are treating the maoris and also a story about how bad something donald trump has done.No wonder people don't watch them like they used to.

 In the usa its being reported 17 million chickens died or were put down because of it in just a couple of months.

That bird flu seems to be sending panic around many parts of the world. A lot of the talk about vaccinations to protect the chickens,although i recently read the vaccine they are considering doesn't work on the stain of bird flu killing everything.I read about one big egg laying company who has 6 million chickens who is seeing ten thousand die every day as they try and implement putting down so many of their chikens. The ceo of that company saying what they are doing to halt the spread isn't working anymore. Apparently some of the big companies changed things about 10 years ago ,when they had an outbreak,like busing in workers,workers showering before and after work on sitye,all vehicles coming onto the site of the factories being washed and disinfected.

If i was a chicken or bird living in otago,i would be feeling a little bit concerned about my and my neighbouring featherr friends welfare. coincidencwe they put down all those laying chikens at that big pultry farm and then not that far down the road,as the crow flies,they have had all thsoe birds die of what they say is botulism.


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2 hours ago, the galah said:

That bird flu seems to be sending panic around many parts of the world.

An interesting swing of topic. Feet back in the footrests and All is well.

They keep saying the Bird Flu not in Australia , but I suspect it is a Taboo Topic in the Media and Never mentioned.

Due to the Huge market of Eggs and Poultry sold in Oz everyday. I suspect something happened as the Eggs completely disappeared off our supermarket selves for a few weeks it seems. they are back now though.

We get NO Covid coverage in the media at All alarming people either. another Taboo topic these days. Even though outbreaks a ride in the Aus cities at the moment. Just personal risk these days.

FYI   here's a snippet of the latest bird flu mention for Oz.

There are many strains of the virus, including the H5 strain that's caused mass poultry deaths overseas. Australia does not have this strain. Avian influenza can be carried by wild birds such as ducks, geese, and swans. If wild birds mix with our backyard poultry and pet birds, the virus can spread to them.4 days ago

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6 hours ago, Gammalite said:

An interesting swing of topic. Feet back in the footrests and All is well.

They keep saying the Bird Flu not in Australia , but I suspect it is a Taboo Topic in the Media and Never mentioned.

Due to the Huge market of Eggs and Poultry sold in Oz everyday. I suspect something happened as the Eggs completely disappeared off our supermarket selves for a few weeks it seems. they are back now though.

We get NO Covid coverage in the media at All alarming people either. another Taboo topic these days. Even though outbreaks a ride in the Aus cities at the moment. Just personal risk these days.

FYI   here's a snippet of the latest bird flu mention for Oz.

There are many strains of the virus, including the H5 strain that's caused mass poultry deaths overseas. Australia does not have this strain. Avian influenza can be carried by wild birds such as ducks, geese, and swans. If wild birds mix with our backyard poultry and pet birds, the virus can spread to them.4 days ago

Interesting that australian press release emphasis they don't have the deadly strain(h5n1) causing most of the current issues in the usa.

i had read Victoria did have an outbreak of the h7 avian bird flu mid way through last year and they culled 1.3 million birds.They had the all clear recently.But you would think its inevitable there will be future outbreaks.It had been reported there were cases in nsw and australian capital territory last year as well. 

i agree with you gamma when you suggest that authorities must be more worried than they let on,given it can jump species and has been found in 48 mammal species,including even dolphins and polar bears.They are worried in the usa about it having shown up in dairy cattle.It seems to spread by hitching a ride with migrating birds,especially ducks and geese.

Interestingly they reckon the first time a strain of bird flu was detected was 30 years ago in china.

The lack of media content around the topic is interesting.

In the usa,its predicted egg prices  may get to record highs in the usa. I even saw one programme the other day where it said a dozen eggs were $19 in one state. (Thats USA $).the price seems to vary an awful lot ,state to state.


being "the galah",i am taking particular interest.

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3 hours ago, the galah said:

authorities must be more worried than they let on,given it can jump species and has been found in 48 mammal species,including even dolphins and polar bears.They are worried in the usa about it having shown up in dairy cattle.It seems to spread by hitching a ride with migrating birds,especially ducks and geese.

Hopefully they'll get on top of it. There's always been a bit of bird flu around decade to decade.

We had those blasted Flying Foxes jump species and kill horses once. Heaps of them flying around the place in the evening. I was heavily caught up in that Hendra virus breakout in the 90's , that killed a horse trainer and a horse Vet too. It was un-imaginarly scary time. thankfully they made a vaccine and controlled it thereafter.

Speaking of Galahs , I heard a different squacking this morning instead of the usual Kookaburra's and Lo and behold here was some Galahs wandering around on the road outside the house. My little dog checking them out as we pulled out of driveway. was trying to shoo them off the road. Haven't been around here before , and they better move on as a python around here somewhere 😆. They are magnificent birds (just like the Kooka's, Cockatoo's and Magpies around the place).  cannot stand the bloody crows though. 

was just taking some Budgies home to their owner after modifying their cage at my place. 2 Nights ago they were flapping like mad outside on my table workbench , so went to check them out and A great Big Carpet Python , 2m long bastard was sitting on top of the cage !! 😳😳 hadn't seen one here for 20 years , but had 2 budgies for 3 days , and one turns up looking for easy tucker. hooked him off on the end of a long rake , and dropped him over the fence to the neighbours. they normally hide all the time and you never see them. Will never be able to tell the Mrs though that snake turned up 🤣 , or she'll never come back home. (Just me and little Leo here at the moment) 



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18 hours ago, the galah said:

Just keep applying common sense as has been.

Mandatory disqualifications  would just end up with situations where such an outcome would be unfair. e.g. someone accidentally drops a leg when winning by a margin

How do you accidentally drop your foot from the foot rest and hit your horse with it?

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18 hours ago, the galah said:

'll move on now from this topic.

All those chickens that are dieing or being put down because of the bird flu


18 hours ago, the galah said:

In the usa its being reported 17 million chickens died or were put down because of it in just a couple of months.

So why hasn't the Covid vaccine wizards created a vaccine for chickens?  Surely a EUA could be granted that allows them to circumvent all the normal development and testing protocols.

Or are Moderna and Pzifer waiting for the H1N1 pandemic in humans?

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12 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:


So why hasn't the Covid vaccine wizards created a vaccine for chickens?  Surely a EUA could be granted that allows them to circumvent all the normal development and testing protocols.

Or are Moderna and Pzifer waiting for the H1N1 pandemic in humans?

Maybe they should do some gain gain- of- function  research on the bird flu,just in case there is a pandemic in humans. Maybe get dr fauci to fund it and have the wuhan lab do it.? 

hang on,that type of research on the covid  virus didn't turn out too well i suppose.

Actually i had read recently many scientiists are advocating for exactly that to protect humans down the track..Others aying,well duh,haven't you learnt anything.

some countries are actually stockpiling a h5 vaccine for use on humans,should there ba an outbreak effecting humans. the likes of the Uk,usa,eu,japan.

I was reading a week ago about how some countries vaccinate their chickens for the bird flu and some don't.

sounds exactly like covid or the flu though. vaccinate for one variant then the virus mutates into another variant making your vaccine not as efective. 

I wonder if chickens could be mandated to take the vaccine. probably i suppose.I wonder if they could just give up there jobs as a laying hen if they didn't want to take it. chickens don't really have freedom of choice.  

actually they do vaccinate the chickens in lots of countries  to protect agianst the bird flu,and in lots they don't.

theres major trade issues and some believe the vaccinations could do enough to hide symptoms enough, to allow it to spread,(e.g exported birds) and then kaboom.I used that word kaboom because i used to be a batman fan. 

then there seems a school of thought that the vaccinations are directly linked to how the virus is currently evolving.Some uk research found the unvaccinated got the virus more,but in countries with the vacciantion, the virus just mutated and evolved,making the vaccines less effective.

Meaning, the chickens really needed to keep getting booster type jabs to keep up .

I wonder if the chickens immune system was effected. i wonder how many suffered side effects. 

Hang on,doesn't that sound fimiliar. I may give robert kennday a ring to see what he thinks. i think he talks a lot of common sense.

gee,what if they did start vaccinating and boosting chickens,would that put me off eating them.

I'm beginningn to think i should not have replied to your post chief as its causing my brain to hurt.

i need to spend some time on my perch contemplating what is ,in reality, a very serious subject.

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On 4/02/2025 at 10:21 AM, the galah said:

Every time i turn on our tv news,its always about how bad the coalition governement are treating the maoris and also a story about how bad something donald trump has done.No wonder people don't watch them like they used to.



i just finished my post about bird flu,turned on the tv 1 news and there you go.

The very first  thing that i see is a segment about unemployment and they interview a maori man who goes on about how it is the maori and pasifika people who seem to be impacted the most.Then they show the PM luxon,making out its somehow his fault.

of course i said to myself,why do i watch this crap and why does our media continue to sow division and tell the maoris they are always victims of governments decisions. 

our news media really are pitiful.

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