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Bit Of A Yarn

race 5 methven/victorian stipes.

the galah

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On 9/02/2025 at 6:29 PM, the galah said:

fair enough.

so if you look at the blown up picture on the peter profit website ...

c hart has definitely breached rule 170(1) a and possibly b as well. And breached rule 170(2).

The focus all coming about as a result of the moran case. Thats what happens when you open a can of worms like the victorian stipes did.

Yes but to apply your approach  the penalty should represent a quantum of the breaches of the above rules - obviously some of the misdemeanours carry more weight that others.

Moran broke more rules than Hart.  

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4 hours ago, the galah said:

what would you have done?

Sounds great. your assessment is harsh but fair . Moran obviously did something wrong so is good you punish him instead of the horse Captain hammerhead. Cam Hart I would of disqualified both New Zealand Cups on Swayzee , (because of nice collects on 2nd Placegetter's Akuta and Don't Stop Dreaming that went MIA that I would of got )  .I feel he was wearing the wrong boots.  The Vic Stewards you would take out to lunch ?. well you do have to eat in-between races/meetings I spose so you are a generous man. 👍 

Pete and Dexter might be an issue. I'll do another thread to see some pictures. 

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On 4/02/2025 at 10:21 AM, the galah said:

I'll move on now from this topic.

All those chickens that are dieing or being put down because of the bird flu, in the usa, is something that interests me.Quite an amazing story that our media seem to be ignorining.Every time i turn on our tv news,its always about how bad the coalition governement are treating the maoris and also a story about how bad something donald trump has done.No wonder people don't watch them like they used to.

 In the usa its being reported 17 million chickens died or were put down because of it in just a couple of months.

That bird flu seems to be sending panic around many parts of the world. A lot of the talk about vaccinations to protect the chickens,although i recently read the vaccine they are considering doesn't work on the stain of bird flu killing everything.I read about one big egg laying company who has 6 million chickens who is seeing ten thousand die every day as they try and implement putting down so many of their chikens. The ceo of that company saying what they are doing to halt the spread isn't working anymore. Apparently some of the big companies changed things about 10 years ago ,when they had an outbreak,like busing in workers,workers showering before and after work on sitye,all vehicles coming onto the site of the factories being washed and disinfected.

If i was a chicken or bird living in otago,i would be feeling a little bit concerned about my and my neighbouring featherr friends welfare. coincidencwe they put down all those laying chikens at that big pultry farm and then not that far down the road,as the crow flies,they have had all thsoe birds die of what they say is botulism.


Just watching rfk jnr. 

interestingly he was saying all the heads of his agencies have said the chickens should not be vaccinated,because if you use a vaccine that is not sure to protect the birds against the disease, you turn those flocks into possible mutation factories which may end up with something that is much more likely to jump to other species.

He said most of his scientiests are against the culling of flocks that suffer infections,saying instead the best strategy is to isolate the sick flocks,treat them with theraputics and let the disease go through the flocks and the birds that survive,identify their gentetics and in the future those birds with those genetics should be the ones that are bred from.. He said the reason bird flu doesn't have the same effect on the wild population of birds is because the wild birds have evolved to being the ones that have the genetics to not be effected by the virus.

He also went on to say,as far as the theraputics being given to sick birds,if they could identify the theraputics that worked on the chickens that would be a good starting point to identifying the theraputics which work best on humans who get infected.

also he said chicken farns should be trying to avoid allowing wild birds to drop in and mingle with chicken flocks. Apparently you can get just  one duck swooping in for a quick feed and it possible that one bird could lead to a whole chicken flock being infected.

he said 166 million chickens have been culled in the usa since the latest outbreak about 18 months ago.

nothing to do with harness racing,but nonetheless, i thought it interesting and seems such a logical approach.

Edited by the galah
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