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1 hour ago, holy ravioli said:

The Chief jumps into topics and comments from a position of ignorance.

Hardly!  Whereas you throw out slogans that have no substance!

Tell us why the BRICS is THE group to belong to?  None of the countries in it have a civil/human rights record that you supposedly aspire to and are riddled with government and corporate corruption.

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1 minute ago, Chief Stipe said:

Hardly!  Whereas you throw out slogans that have no substance!

Tell us why the BRICS is THE group to belong to?  None of the countries in it have a civil/human rights record that you supposedly aspire to and are riddled with government and corporate corruption.

Too funny.

The U.S.A is   clearly riddled with corruption if you take off your blinders.

Look at the treatment of Julian Assange....dispicable.

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1 minute ago, holy ravioli said:

Too funny.

The U.S.A is   clearly riddled with corruption if you take off your blinders.

Look at the treatment of Julian Assange....dispicable.

I'm asking you to justify your BRICS slogan!!!!  Typical tactic by you when you can't.  You dream up a counterfactual and ask everyone else to justify it.  

Let's face it you are superficial and a hypocrite.  You promote BRICS only because it is anti all Western Alliances.

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Just now, Chief Stipe said:

I'm asking you to justify your BRICS slogan!!!!  Typical tactic by you when you can't.  You dream up a counterfactual and ask everyone else to justify it.  

Let's face it you are superficial and a hypocrite.  You promote BRICS only because it is anti all Western Alliances.

What was the 'slogan'?

FORBES(U.S.A)-'expansion will further establish the group as a counterbalance to the G7’s global influence, catapulting BRICS’ share of global GDP to 36% as well as covering nearly half of the world’s population. With dozens more nations expressing interest in joining the bloc, the BRICS are clearly positioning themselves for a multipolar world, one that is not dominated by the U.S. and other members of the West.'

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3 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

What was the 'slogan'?

FORBES(U.S.A)-'expansion will further establish the group as a counterbalance to the G7’s global influence, catapulting BRICS’ share of global GDP to 36% as well as covering nearly half of the world’s population. With dozens more nations expressing interest in joining the bloc, the BRICS are clearly positioning themselves for a multipolar world, one that is not dominated by the U.S. and other members of the West.'

So how does that excuse your hypocrisy?  You've just agreed with what I posted.  You are only pro-BRICS because you are anti-Western Alliances.  To the point where you'd rather align with dictators, despots and the corrupt.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran and the UAE.

Do you have ANY principles?

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

So how does that excuse your hypocrisy?  You've just agreed with what I posted.  You are only pro-BRICS because you are anti-Western Alliances.  To the point where you'd rather align with dictators, despots and the corrupt.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran and the UAE.

Do you have ANY principles?

No slogan,no hypocrisy.....!

You are a product of a lifetime of indoctrination.

You seem to think the world is black and white.

Capitalism- good-socialism-bad.Christianity -good,other religions- bad,faux democracy-good,faux freedom good.

Never fear Western Alliances will protect you from manufacture bogeymen.You do not understand how the world and Empire works.

Heres an American that worked for the state dept,explaining so a 5 y.o would understand.


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14 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

No slogan,no hypocrisy.....!

You are a product of a lifetime of indoctrination.

You seem to think the world is black and white.

Capitalism- good-socialism-bad.Christianity -good,other religions- bad,faux democracy-good,faux freedom good.

Never fear Western Alliances will protect you from manufacture bogeymen.You do not understand how the world and Empire works.

Heres an American that worked for the state dept,explaining so a 5 y.o would understand.


Describing yourself.

Meanwhile more slogans and ideology.  No substance and a distinct reluctance to explain how BRICS is any good for the world.

We await.

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4 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Describing yourself.

Meanwhile more slogans and ideology.  No substance and a distinct reluctance to explain how BRICS is any good for the world.

We await.

We presently live in a uni polar world where the U.S reigns supreme.It gives any country 2 choices if they oppose -1-we will bomb you back to the Stoneage or 2-we will make your economy ...scream.

The BRICS seek to end this repugnant foreign policy.

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4 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

We presently live in a uni polar world where the U.S reigns supreme.It gives any country 2 choices if they oppose -1-we will bomb you back to the Stoneage or 2-we will make your economy ...scream.

The BRICS seek to end this repugnant foreign policy.

Really?  How?  Give us all one reason to trust Putin or Xi Jinping?

Let one Iran!

As for the USA it wasn't long ago you were telling us they have no power or influence.  Make your mind up.  It's like arguing with a schizophrenic!

Try living in India, Russia or China.  Actually please do.

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11 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

Really?  How?  Give us all one reason to trust Putin or Xi Jinping?

Let one Iran!

As for the USA it wasn't long ago you were telling us they have no power or influence.  Make your mind up.  It's like arguing with a schizophrenic!

Try living in India, Russia or China.  Actually please do.

Citation needed-'As for the USA it wasn't long ago you were telling us they have no power or influence. '

Making shit up...AGAIN.🙄

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16 minutes ago, holy ravioli said:

Just produce it...you know you can't...give up 'Second'....this is NOT your forte.

Geez you are predictable.  Same old pattern.  You're becoming more boring and irrelevant.

Meanwhile the new Government keeps pressing on.  Got your protest marching boots polished?

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On 25/01/2024 at 10:36 AM, Chief Stipe said:

What's more what is the point of having a Defence Force if they don't engage in real defence activities?  Or are you suggesting they should help out Yemen?

If NZ had any morals at all it would support brave Yemen, a country of 30 million people that is in the ten poorest countries on earth. A country that has been under attack for the last 7yrs by the US and UK through their proxy Saudi Arabia. Brave Yemen only want the genocide being committed by the Zionists running Israel and the IDF to cease. So in answer to the question on should NZ support Yemen, absolutely. We should also be supporting Russia in their just war with the Nazis running Ukraine, another proxy war being waged by US/UK/NATO. These western war mongers will not stop until they have started a thermo nuclear WW3. Pull your head out of the sand and stop believing the crap and lies that are being forced fed via the Goebbes main stream media. Surely the plandemic gave a hint of where we are heading in regards to the cabal thats trying to takeover the world.

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6 minutes ago, aquaman said:

If NZ had any morals at all it would support brave Yemen, a country of 30 million people that is in the ten poorest countries on earth. A country that has been under attack for the last 7yrs by the US and UK through their proxy Saudi Arabia. Brave Yemen only want the genocide being committed by the Zionists running Israel and the IDF to cease. So in answer to the question on should NZ support Yemen, absolutely. We should also be supporting Russia in their just war with the Nazis running Ukraine, another proxy war being waged by US/UK/NATO. These western war mongers will not stop until they have started a thermo nuclear WW3. Pull your head out of the sand and stop believing the crap and lies that are being forced fed via the Goebbes main stream media. Surely the plandemic gave a hint of where we are heading in regards to the cabal thats trying to takeover the world.

There is some truth in what you say Aquaman. The one thing you'll get absolutely zero argument on is that we can trust the vested interest media about as far as you can throw an adult Elephant. 

I can no longer watch CNN for example. It's vomit inducing. They should be honest and rename it "The Democrat Network"

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1 hour ago, Walt said:

There is some truth in what you say Aquaman. The one thing you'll get absolutely zero argument on is that we can trust the vested interest media about as far as you can throw an adult Elephant. 

I can no longer watch CNN for example. It's vomit inducing. They should be honest and rename it "The Democrat Network"

CNN make me vomit to Walt. Use to be a Fox fan, but after dumping Tucker it also became polluted. My only MSM channel left to me is AlJazeera. 95% of my news now comes to me online.

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23 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

What Nazis running Ukraine?  Are you on the Putin Koolaid as well?  What right did Russia have to invade the Ukraine?

Putin for mine is the only adult in the room when it comes to the war with Nazi run Ukraine. Ukraine has a long history of Nazism dating back to WW11. Waffen SS Ukraine division. Whats left of their army is led by Nazi interests. It was the Nazis divisions that started this war with their bombarding Russian citizens living in the Dombas area of Ukraine. Russia had to move in to protect these people.

Zolensky is a cross dressing Western puppet installed by the CIA/MI5 about 2015 when they deposed the democratically elected President Yanukovych. Putin has shown great leadership and restraint when it comes to the war, unlike Biden, Sunak, Trudeau etc. Putin could steamroll Ukraine in a month if he wanted to, but he does not want this war which has been forced on him by the West. And do not forget, Ukraine has always been part of mother Russia.

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21 minutes ago, aquaman said:

Putin for mine is the only adult in the room when it comes to the war with Nazi run Ukraine. Ukraine has a long history of Nazism dating back to WW11. Waffen SS Ukraine division. Whats left of their army is led by Nazi interests. It was the Nazis divisions that started this war with their bombarding Russian citizens living in the Dombas area of Ukraine. Russia had to move in to protect these people.

Zolensky is a cross dressing Western puppet installed by the CIA/MI5 about 2015 when they deposed the democratically elected President Yanukovych. Putin has shown great leadership and restraint when it comes to the war, unlike Biden, Sunak, Trudeau etc. Putin could steamroll Ukraine in a month if he wanted to, but he does not want this war which has been forced on him by the West. And do not forget, Ukraine has always been part of mother Russia.

Bollocks.  Putin is a nut case.  Is the Dombas Ukrainian or Russian?

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When I see the word fact check I recoil. I know then for certain that lies will abound. Bit like the podium of truth, only get your facts from here, we are all sources of truth. Fact checkers for twitter, facebook etc, all liars. Fuck you need to up your game Chief, fact checkers, fell out of my chair laughing.

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5 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Bollocks.  Putin is a nut case.  Is the Dombas Ukrainian or Russian?

I think you should watch anything professor John mearsheimer,from the university of chicago has said.

Hes an expert on the history of ukarine and is someone i followed when they first started talking about the possiblity of war.

Hes the fellow who for years has been saying that the wests policy,primarily driven by the USA, of pushing ukraine to join NATO was inevitably going to end up in destroying Ukraine.

Hes the fella who consistently has been able to predict what later has unfolded in ukraine.

He said the war stems from a huge mistake in 2008 the west made,which was to openly say and pursue policies that would enable ukraine to join NATO.

He said putin has been saying since then that unless ukraine remains neutral,that russia had no choice but to wreck and weaken ukraine.

He has consistently said the idea russia wanted to conqueror ukraine was a nonsense. He said russia have worked into their strategy of having a neutral ukraine,to include conquering the more natural resource rich part of ukraine,but that putin and russia never wanted a war to start with.

He said it was the bidens administration policies which pushed the matter of ukraine joining nato with more active rhetoric and policies,which pushed the russians even more into a corner so they saw a western backed,nato joining ukraine as an existensial threat.

the professor insists the west is directly to blame for the war.

like i have said ,he has consistently been right on predicting what will and has happened.His views on ukraine and where it was heading have been accurate for years if you look at when and what he has said.

He has recently said that the usa and the british did intially think ukraine may win the war but through 2023 they now realise the russians clearly have a good chance of winning the war if they want to commit the necessary resources.

The professor was heavily critical of the USA,saying even when it became obvious ukraine was going to be destroyed,the biden administration doubled down . Of course so many establishment republicans have supported the policies that have destroyed ukraine.

So when chief you say Putin is a nut case,you are just ignoring history.

Edited by the galah
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