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We all accept the Maori protests on Waitangi Day this Tuesday will be loud, confused and angry. We may even see some Palestinian flags despite that having absolutely zero to do with our National day.

Maori protestors will be keen to intimidate the Crown and have them and other New Zealanders believe their numbers are much bigger than they are. 

Of concern is that one or two of the protestors may believe "any" action they take is reasonable and justified regardless of how diabolical it is. May even gift some nobody the opportunity to become some type of hero or martyr to other Maori and gain their 15 minutes of fame.

The question of the day is this.





2) POO




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11 hours ago, Walt said:


Maori protestors will be keen to intimidate the Crown and have them and other New Zealanders believe their numbers are much bigger than they are. 


I don't have any problem with maori protesters or activists doing what they do,they are just are trying to get as much as they can to help themselves and their families,whether it be through settlements  or influence or consultation or whatever.I don't agree with a lot of what they say,but i undersatnd why they say it.

What i have a problem with is the media reporting in a way that suggests that everything they say is credible and that the current government is harming race relations by implementing policies that they said they would pre election.

for example.I used to watch tv3,but everytime i see  that woman that is there parliamentary reporter,shes all about stoking division. She reports on current and previous labour politicians comments as if they are speaking for the majority of new zealanders,which of course we know from the last election results ,they aren't.

Some of these reporters act like they have nothing but contempt for the views of their audience and that the only way to change the uneducated viewers is to double down on reporting pieces that they think can influence their viewers thoughts enough to change our minds.

if they do throw something at david seymour like you suggest,hopefully he ducks and it lands on a reporter. That at least would be worth watching.

Edited by the galah
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10 hours ago, the galah said:

don't have any problem with maori protesters or activists doing what they do,they are just are trying to get as much as they can to help themselves and their families,whether it be through settlements  or influence or consultation or whatever.I don't agree with a lot of what they say,but i undersatnd why they say it.

But the rank and file Maori don't actually get anything and the measured outcomes don't improve.

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11 hours ago, the galah said:

I don't have any problem with maori protesters or activists doing what they do,they are just are trying to get as much as they can to help themselves and their families,whether it be through settlements  or influence or consultation or whatever.I don't agree with a lot of what they say,but i undersatnd why they say it.

What i have a problem with is the media reporting in a way that suggests that everything they say is credible and that the current government is harming race relations by implementing policies that they said they would pre election.

for example.I used to watch tv3,but everytime i see  that woman that is there parliamentary reporter,shes all about stoking division. She reports on current and previous labour politicians comments as if they are speaking for the majority of new zealanders,which of course we know from the last election results ,they aren't.

Some of these reporters act like they have nothing but contempt for the views of their audience and that the only way to change the uneducated viewers is to double down on reporting pieces that they think can influence their viewers thoughts enough to change our minds.

if they do throw something at david seymour like you suggest,hopefully he ducks and it lands on a reporter. That at least would be worth watching.

If we use the old Coal miners strike in Northern England as an example Galah, I'm with you. Protesting becomes an important part of the process but that's where the comparison ends. Miners went out on strike "after" dramatic changes were implemented that negatively impacted on them. They had to have a voice as their very way of life was under threat.

Now look at what's unfolding in NZ at this time.

One of the many reasons Labour were arseholed out of Government relates to the priority, care and support gifted to a minority in NZ based on ethnicity rather than need.

Why for example should a mother in a Maori family jump the queue for health treatment for a potential life threatening issue over a mother from a non Maori family with a similar issue at a similar stage? When that call is made based on skin colour, you've stepped onto thin ice. That is even more so when the Maori patient is morbidly obese and is a smoker where as the non Maori patient with a similar health issue is a non smoker and is a normal healthy weight. 

Te Reo is a beautiful language and I'm happy for it to be used in context and when appropriate. If this is done in a slow respectful way the result will be widespread buy-in. That hasn't occurred. It's been force fed in a time frame that fit electoral cycles. If you don't embrace it, you're a dinosaur and perhaps even a racist dinosaur. This should never be the way forward. I come into contact with many people across the board and it was very telling to hear so many good people pushing back from the prioritizing of all things Maori. The main concerns were the sense of entitlement it would create among Maori when all that non Maori were being served up with was guilt for ancient issues that have absolutely nothing to do with them. These people were born and live in New Zealand. It's their country. Their ancestors fought and died for their country. That country is most definitely not "Aotearoa". They have family, not whanau. Their offspring are their children, not their Tamarika. They go to "work" not mahi etc etc. Important words in English are being changed to Maori. It's being done quickly and in a brainwashing way. Disturbingly, the pace of that change is ramping up. What next? Where does it end?  Maori should be proud of their language just like we should be proud of the English language. Change should be slow and respectful or you will see resentment and division.

Changing the name of your fav area to a Maori name to accommodate Maori was welcomed by Maori while growing resentment from non Maori was becoming tangible. The word "inclusive" is now seen by many as prioritizing minorities and rejecting the majority. Minority = Good.....Majority = Bad.

We saw Labour appoint Poto Williams a Maori woman as the Minister of Police. The backdrop of this was Labour wanting to reduce the prison population (Maori) by 30%. A crime wave followed where the involvement of Maori in that crime wave was obvious to everyone with their eyes open. Williams was eventually dumped but only after horrendous damage had been done. Ardern stated Williams had lost her focus. How does the Minister of Police lose their focus during a crime wave? Truth is Williams never had any focus and was completely unsuitable for her important role. Her appointment was yet more virtue signaling from Labour, something they were famous for. Williams is widely regarded as New Zealand's worst ever Minister of Police. Her legacy is a country less safe for all of us.

Kiri Allan was remarkably the Minister of Justice. Less said there the better. 

Gangs in NZ are predominantly Maori. There is no doubting the fact Labour were soft on gangs. That fit in with their goal of prioritizing Maori and clearing out 30% of the prison population. Serious crimes were routinely downgraded to accommodate Labour's target. Home Detention became the Crowns gift to serious Maori offenders. Anyone who doesn't think Maori offenders were aware of this have not been paying attention. 

The dynamic which is seen in virtually every area of Government / media needs to pause / stop.

The force feeding and guilt must stop. Dividing a country to serve an agenda should never be the way forward. 

We live in a democracy. Sometimes the elections throw up a result many don't want but that's how democracy works. You can't pick and choose when you respect democracy based on what a minority demand. 

On October 14th 2023, New Zealanders voted for change.  Part of that change was hitting pause / stop in some areas and examining things that may be hurting our country rather than helping it. The new Government won a mandate to do this via the very people of New Zealand.

Now we have a group of entitled Maori that want to flush our democracy down the shitter because it's not prioritizing them as they have become accustomed to in recent years. There has been widespread fearmongering and misinforming from within Maori and via our media over what the Government will and won't do. Jenna Lynch of TV3 is truly nauseating. She is stoking the fires of division to curry favour, serve an agenda and win brownie points.  

Some Maori are demanding the new Government say "fck you" to everyone that voted for them because their policies may or may not suit Maori. 

You listen to the two Maori reporters on TVNZ at Waitangi and you see an agenda at work. Make all New Zealanders believe every Maori is against the new Government and their numbers are enormous and their actions unprecedented. Bullshit! Waitangi Day has been Maori Protest day for decades. Maori have been protesting every week of every month of every year for as long as I can remember. It's become their go-to. If you want more lollies, protest. If you want more priority, protest. If you want to increase the impetus, just choose your platform and add in a ton of fearmongering and guilt. Demand demand demand. The TV networks have been leading their 6pm news bulletins since Thursday with Waitangi protests and anger. The beast is being fed. Today and tomorrow will see an even bigger ramping up of this. 

This is not about protesting "wanting" a better deal. It's the divisive and entitled demanding that democracy is ignored exactly as if the group of Maori involved are the entire population of New Zealand. I hope the new Government confirm to the protestors being swept up by a wave of entitled fearmongering and misinformation that they are only one small group of New Zealanders.

A lesson in how democracy is also overdue.

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24 minutes ago, Freda said:

Gold star, Walt.   Even a choccy fish.  Very well put.

Thank you Freda. 

Not everyone will agree with my perspective but it reflects my observations and those of the overwhelming majority of people I've spoken with over the last few years who are just everyday New Zealanders from all walks of life. 


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6 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

But the rank and file Maori don't actually get anything and the measured outcomes don't improve.


Well i think they do get something.

Some definitely get a chip on the shoulder,and that sense of entitlement that walt refers to.Just a minority,but a vocal minority of maori.

I remember when the waitangi tribunal hearings and settlements were all the go. I remember interacting with a lot of maori from one area,and it was the young maori in their 20's that all of a sudden seemed to feel maori deserved entitlements for what they perceived as past wrongs. It lasted for a few years,but as the media and political hype died in subsequent years,so did the confrontational race based language of those i interacted with.I didn't imagine it. Other people in the job i did at the time felt the same about the rise in race based intimidation that went on.

a real life example of a consequence that all this divisive talk the media and labour promote.

As you infer chief,most get very little that improves their every day life,and that perpetuates the cycle of resentment.

Edited by the galah
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The winston peters speech today at waitangi was a good one.Only 4 minutes long.its worth a watch.

i've always been a fan of winston,but had thought he was running out of energy and had lost his way a bit in recent years.But the winston i respect and the media love to hate,is back and firing on all cylinders at the moment. i hope he can keep it up as nz needs leaders like him to fight for the average new zealander.

personally i like the way this coaltion government is performing. I'm not really a national or act supporter,but i think the combination of them and nz first has come at a time when they are badly needed. I'm pleased the nz voters and system enabled that to happen.

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