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Bit Of A Yarn

Maiki Sherman....the "Breaking News" - "Crisis" that wasn't.


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How relevant are political polls ?

Context is always important. National, NZ First and ACT are now Government due mostly to the fact large numbers of New Zealanders despised what the previous Labour Government did and wanted a Government to do virtually the opposite. That's pretty much what they got. In what way are those voters represented in TV New Bulletins? They aren't. All we've had since the election in October is a relentless flood of vested interest nonsense bagging the Government dressed up as news. There is zero balance. As always, media agendas dictate the direction of travel. After six months of that crap it would be a shock to see political polls showing anything other than a fall in support for the new Government.   This is exactly why another poll seen in news bulletins on April 8th 2024 is far more relevant. What a shame Maiki Sherman like other media have chosen to ignore it.


https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/2018933239/people-s-trust-in-news-has-tumbled-over-the-past-year-survey-shows#:~:text=For the first time since,40 per cent in 2023.


How relevant is the timing of political polls? Three months out from an election polls are relevant. A month out they are more important. Two weeks out they are even more relevant.

130 weeks out from the next election polls mean absolutely squat. Opposition parties are in a dripping water on a stone campaign mode but the Government couldn't possibly care less and rightly so.

Nobody runs an election campaign better and smarter than Winston Peters so what NZF is polling at two and a half years out from election day has zero relevance. If you want a reminder of that just look at the 2% he was polling at six weeks out from election day 2023. How quickly has vested interest Maiki Sherman forgotten that? 

ACT and National are also just getting on with being Government. As time ticks over and the positive results of some of their policies start to come in you'll see folk knowing they are so much a better alternative to the previous load of Muppets who farcically still believe Hipkins is the right person to lead NZ despite conclusively proving he's absolutely not......unless of course you're Maori or Pacifica demanding and receiving special treatment, unemployed, gay, transgender or an unskilled immigrant.  Labour's new voter base. Forget blue collar workers. Why? Because that's what Labour has done.

When you have to clean up a mess left behind and start rebuilding things take time. Our media place zero relevance on that fact. It contradicts their agenda.

If the way TVNZ's new political editor presented the new poll result last night is any guide she's not fit for purpose. It was presented like a major crisis and how NZF would no longer be in Parliament if an election was held tomorrow. All context was lost as there is no election for 130 far king weeks. David Seymour copped the same sort of bullshit. 

It's not "Breaking News" and it's absolutely not a "Crisis".

What it is in reality is an irrelevant snapshot completely bereft of context. 


Edited by Walt
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What is being said, now, about the revelations surrounding the management - financial and otherwise - of Kianga Ora?   I defy anyone, whatever their political persuasion to find something positive in that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/30/2024 at 10:31 AM, Walt said:

Nobody runs an election campaign better and smarter than Winston Peters so what NZF is polling at two and a half years out from election day has zero relevance. If you want a reminder of that just look at the 2% he was polling at six weeks out from election day 2023.


LMAO, what??? Winston is known to be an absolute campaing imbecile. His 2020 campain post covid success in govt should've been impossible to lose, strategists regard it as the biggest botch in NZ campaign history.

2% weeks out in 2023? There were many polls and it was a lot tighter. The guy has no real talent. All he knows how to do is selective negativity, every time he's been in Government he's been kicked out of parliament the next election, because Kiwis remember how much he sucks.

If he was even remotely good at campaining he wouldn't get crushed in his own district's electorate race.

The kind of people who think Winston is skilled are either the oldies who have mostly carked it or easily duped who think Trump is a "stable genius".

In 2026 he's done.

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