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The BIG 8 Hunter Cup challenge. NZ v Aus


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Well while waiting for the Hunter Cup R6  and Great Southern StarR8  tonight , better get some support in the support races 🏆.

A team challenge to give some BOAY players a runner ( or  7) to cheer on and beat up their comrades.

The field for Race 8 the final Leg not drawn up yet as the heats are races 2 and 3 . So good Luck qualifying for the Final 🤣 of the Comp. in the Great Southern Star.

BLACKIE and BRODSTER rolling with the kiwi breds , to give the New Zealand market a boost. 

'TAB Forever' has the champions of Aus and NZ in  Luke McCarthy  and Mark Purdon driving them home for him. 

CHIEF has THE BIGBOSS naturally and YOUcantFINDaBETTERman of course. He has a 'Chucky' now and then so better give him that one as well lol 😉.

The GALAH will be flying into action with An Emma Stewart runner , and he is hoping 'Captain Hammerhead Moran' keeps his foot up tonight . 😎

GAMMA rolling with young gun James Herbertson for his drives and a odd  Couple of Interdominion Champions thrown in too . 🍻  


Horses drawn will be up very shortly !!!!  

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Eight Points for a Winner , 6 pts for 2nds,  4 points for 3rds, 2 pts for 4th .

Eight horse each .

First Eight races at Melton tonight . 

Best of Luck with your Team 🏆  to be Hunter Cup night champion.

BRODIE (with some kiwi breds)  R1/  HugoMacguire   R2/  AardiebyTheHill   R3/ Queen Elida   R4/ Smokin Ace 

R5/  Triple Eight   R6/  Republican Party (with Brodster fav Carter steering)  R7/  Aardies Express  R8/  unknown.

Ex-pat kiwi Kyle Marshall training HugoMacguire and Smokin Ace for Brodster too


BLACKIE (with some kiwi breds)  R1/   Dawson   R2/  BennyandThe Jets   R3/  Mufasa Metro  R4/  MikiTo Success

R5/  Tango Tara   R6/  Don't Stop Dreaming ( with Blackie fav driver Marky Boy)  R7/  My Moonlite Dream    R8/ .....

A lot of Dreaming being done by Blackie there,  if he thinks he can win tonight  😎


TABman  (Tab Forever' with some champ Luke McCarthy drives   R1/  Rudy Gee  R2/ Oscar Bonavena ( since TAB thinks it is a North Islander and tried to claim him as suc😂 )  R3/  Watts Up Party time   R4/  Kingman

R5/  Exotic Bushranger   R6/   Don Hugo  (current Interdom champion)   R7/  Eye Keep Smiling  R8/   unknown


CHIEF STIPE   (chucking in a nice trotter for Chief in the Great Southern Star in a Keayang Zahara stable-mate and nice horse Keayang Chucky )

R1/  Heza Sweetie  R2/   Love Me Too NZ ( a kiwi for Chief in the Big trot as well )  R3/  Keayang Chucky 

R4/   The BIG Boss   R5/  Rock N Roll Doo (past his best now 😉)  R6/  CantFindaBettorMan (might be passed his best lol)  R7/  Sweet Nikkiou   R8/   to be determined.....


The GALAH   ( a NZ champ gets the Nz Cup champ )  R1/  Heez All rock   R2/  Aldebaran Zeus (ex-pat kiwi trainer ) 

R3/  Aroha Koe (sounds like a kiwi)   R4/  Bay of Biscay ( go Emma !! )  R5/  Captain Hammerhead  (driven by Galah favourite driver Mr David Moran , will the horse kick on to Victory tonight !! 😆)  R6/  Swayzee (yikes)  

R7/   Sweet Bella ( Emma does it well for the Galah)  R8/  unknown as yet.


GAMMALITE   rolling with some James Herbertson drives and d the current Interdominion trotting champion THE LOCOMOTIVE because Gamma always going like a train 😉💰

R1/  Snow Hunter  R2/  The Locomotive  R3/  Nephew of Sonoko  R4/  War Dan Buddy  R5/  Operative Line 

R6/  Leap To Fame (a former Interdom winner like Gammalite 😆👍)  R7/  Sweet Mama  R8/  unknown.


Gentleman ...........start your engines !!!!!!!!!! 🚂🚂🚂🏆.  may the best man (or horse) win tonight !

(Results and points update here after each race) 


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Hallelujah . the 3 Kiwi horses run the Trifecta in Race 1 .   (only $66 , but beggers can't be choosers lol.) 

Got Mick Guiren rabbiting on no end on national TV though , busting with Monotone excitement lol 🤣

SheezaSweetie wins first up in Australia with our Superman reinsman Cam Hart steering .

2nd home is HugoM  for Brodie and ex-pat trainer Kyle Marshall , Blackie in 3rd with Dawson

1st 5   HEZASWEETIE CAMERON HART FT     2.30 1.30


POINTS after Race 1 

Chief 8 points,       Brodster  6 points,     Blackie  4 points .

for fs, yet again they're just trying to explain the difference between pacers and trotters on TV . just treat their audience like dummies every time 🙄

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Just tuned in to watch ex nz horse,Laver at menagle,one of my wifes favorite horses.

A very courageuos horse over here.

Unfortunately it looked like he pulled up with a very serious injury. Hopefully its not as sad as it looked for laver.

Edited by the galah
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1.51.6 for THE LOCOMOTIVE in the 2nd race . The Interdominion Champion might be better than Just Believe.?

He zoomed away from them with the nice NZ horses LoveMeToo 2nd and OscarB 3rd. 

8 straight wins for THE LOCOMOTIVE now . he is a superstar trotter like Maori's Idol.

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8 minutes ago, the galah said:

ex nz horse,Laver at menagle,one of my wifes favorite horses.

A very courageuos horse over here.

Unfortunately it looked like he pulled up with a very serious injury.

that seems a bit sad . He had been going very well too. will see what the report brings later.

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Race 2 Result 

The Interdominion champ THE LOCOMOTIVE ,   whose mum La Coocaracha won a Rowe Cup for Kerryn Manning , Who drove the 2nd placed horse., has 'Steamed away with that heat of the Great Southern Star.

Chief in the money 2nd , so keeps the lead in the Hunter BOAY Cup. LoveMeTo had won the Victoria Trotters Derby for Rogerson and Ferguson from Cambridge in Oct 2023.


Points after Race 2 

Chief  14 points,   Gamma  8 pts,     Brodie  6pts,    TABman and  Blackie  4 pts,   The Galah 2 pts.


1st 1   THE LOCOMOTIVE BRAD HEWITT FT - - 1.40 1.04




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Race 3 Results

TAB 4ever is the Man partying after the 2nd Heat of the Great Southern Star. 

Kate Gath and Andy Gath ( the Team that won with Tornado Valley and majestuoso in this race)  win  with Watts Up Partytime.  they're trying to say on TV it was 100-1 but really it was 20-1. 

1st   3     WATTS UP PARTYTIME    KATE GATH    FT          20.70    4.10
2nd  6     QUEEN ELIDA    CHRIS ALFORD       FT                              1.30
3rd   10   KEAYANG CHUCKY    JASON LEE                                      1.20
4th    9    AROHA KOE        

Brodie gets 2nd with the NZ owned Queen Elida trained by ex-pat kiwi Brent Lilley. 

'Chucky' is 3rd for the Chief so he picks up another 4 points . Mr Galah gets his 2nd 4th place '


POINTS after Race 3 


Chief  18 points,   Brodster and TABman   12pts,  Gamma  8 pts,     ,    Blackie  4 pts and   The Galah 4 pts.

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7 minutes ago, TAB For Ever said:

Just noticed Oscar having a nice warm up for final with strong sprint at end.

Didn't actually see the start.....

Oscar walked out of the gate carefully , so not to gallop, as was drawn out too, but got home nicely.

The Locomotive nearly Bolted on it's driver I reckon. That will take some of the sting out of him . 

Stewards have scratched LoveMeTo already. Why Not Run the Heats last night or at previous meeting ? would be best for the horses . 

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Race 4 Result 

They just go flat out the whole way these days . 1.50 in the 4 yearold Bonanza just then . I get tired watching em go that fast lol. 

An Emma Stewart trained Trifecta but THE Galah misses out with the Emma Stewart favourite Bay of Biscay unplaced.

1st      1    MIKI TO SUCCESS    JACKIE BARKER    FT    -    -    5.90    1.90
2nd    8   KINGMAN    LUKE MCCARTHY    BL        -                            3.70
3rd    2   WAR DAN BUDDY    JAMES HERBERTSON    FT        -          2.10
4th    3    THE BIGBOSS    GREG SUGARS    FT  

Blackie racks up a winner and 8 points,  with TABman 2nd with Luke McCarthy, Gamma 3rd with Herbertson 

and THE BIG BOSS gets The BIGGER BOSS Chief 2 points for 4th . well done Boss ! 

Chief Stipe keeps the lead but being pressured heavily by TABman   (as always 🤣👍)   


POINTS after Race 4   (and halfway home) 


Chief  20 points,  TABforever 18pts,         Brodster  and  Gamma  and  Blackie  ALL  12  pts ,    The Galah 4 pts.

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Race 5 Result . The PURE Steel for tough horses . 

and fittingly the tough NZer Triple Eight Wins . my pick for the race too as won it last year. 

He still has a kiwi part owner in Scott Plant too , who took him to Open class in NZ 6 or 7 years ago.

TRIPLE EIGHT , the tough kiwi wins !!!!! for Brodie in the Comp too.

Blackie zipped home for 3rd with kiwi bred Tango Tara , the other kiwi bred was 4th for Chief = Rock and Roll Doo. 

TABman had Luke drive a great race for him again to grab 6 points with 2nd placing 2 races in a row. 

and he takes the Lead ! off Chief. 

1st       12  TRIPLE EIGHT    GREG SUGARS    BL    -    -           11.70    2.60
2nd     5  EXOTIC BUSHRANGER    LUKE MCCARTHY    FT        -        1.50
3rd    13   TANGO TARA    KATE GATH            -                                      4.10
4th    11   ROCK N ROLL DOO    ANTHONY BUTT       

CAPTAIN HAMMERHEAD unplaced for the Galah after an ordinary Moran drive in the death . Maybe should of dropped a foot or something ? 

POINTS after Race 5

TABman  24 points,   Chief  22 pts,    Brodster  20 points,    Blackie  16pts,   Gamma   12  pts ,    The Galah 4 pts.

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I hate Swayzee . a new track record. keeps beating me all the time . Akuta in the NZ Cup , and then DSD in a 2nd NZ Cup , and now Larry bites the dust. 🙄.

Cam Hart just drove too well . Mick G the genius is on saying swap the positions and the other one wins and gems like that. 🤣. can't he just congratulate the winner and stop anal- lizing now the race has finished.

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Race 6 Result The Hunter Cup 

The Galah gets a win at last with the mighty Swayzee. 

That's one win each for the 6 players in the Comp across the 6 races so far. All very civil lol. 🤣.

The mighty QUeenslander had his chance but couldn't do it .

The 2 well drawn kiwi's both finished hard . Republican Party might have won if he led then trailed Swayzee but Carter's Uncle Ant's got in the way a bit lol 🤣.

1st 11   SWAYZEE CAMERON HART BL     5.60 1.90
2nd 8   LEAP TO FAME GRANT DIXON BL       1.04
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POINTS after Race 6. 

The Galah picked up 8 with Swayzee, Gamma 6 with the Queenslander,

Brodie got the 4 points with Carter .  so moves up to attack the TAB for the lead and the Money !! 💰😉💰.

nothing new there with the Brodster getting stuck into the TAB. 😎 

POINTS after Race 6        2 races to go.

TABman  24 points +  Brodster  24 points,  Chief  22pts,   Gamma  18 pts,    Blackie  16pts ,    The Galah 12 pts.

Edited by Gammalite
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Aardies Express gives it another NZ Win and Brodie runs down TAB4ever in 1.50  and a tick in the Mares FFA.

Grimson and Cam Hart once again . they're on the money tonight. 

A great '8'  for Brodster, with TABman right there getting 6 points with Luke 2nd placing again . 

The Galah had a 3rd spot with Herbertson 4th for Gamma and 2 points. 

1st        7   AARDIES EXPRESS    CAMERON HART    FT    -    -    4.50    1.50
2nd     2    EYE KEEP SMILING    LUKE MCCARTHY    FT        -        1.20
3rd     4    SWEET BELLA    RYAN DUFFY    FT        -        3.50


POINTS after Race 7     Just The GREAT SOUTHERN STAR to go. 

Brodie  32 points,  TABman  30 points ,  Chief  22pts,   Gamma  20 pts,    Blackie  and   The Galah 16 pts.

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Great Southern Star FINAL tonight   

1    QUEEN ELIDA      CHRIS ALFORD    and  Brodie 💰

2   THE LOCOMOTIVE      BRAD HEWITT   and Gamma 🚂

3   AROHA KOE         TAYLOR YOUL   and The Galah 🦅


5    KEAYANG CHUCKY      JASON LEE    and the Chief 🍟

6    ALDEBARAN ZEUS        LUKE MCCARTHY   and the Galah 2nd string 🎉

7   NEPHEW OF SONOKO       JAMES HERBERTSON   and Gamma again 🍻

8   WATTS UP PARTYTIME         KATE GATH    and TABman   🎂

9   OSCAR BONAVENA           MARK PURDON   and  the TAB running for BOAY Victory 🏆


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in the NZ -bred v Aus -bred challenge across the 7 races so far (on a 3-2-1 points basis) .

Race 1 /   6 points NZ  -         0 Aus   

Race 2/   3 pts NZ   2nd+3rd      3 Aus with The Locomotive

Race 3/   2 pts Queen Elida          4 pts Aus 

Race 4/   2 pts Kingman                 4 pts Aus

Race 5/   4 pts Triple Eight + 3rd      2 pts Aus

Race 6/    1 pt Republican Party     5 pts Aus   Swayzee and Leap To Fame

Race 7/    3 pts Aardies Express    3 pts Aus

TOTAL      21   Nz        v           21   Aus bred   a great night for the NZ horses tonight with their smaller numbers. 

 Race 8/   The Great Southern Star


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The Commentators and hosts keep saying the horse won twice at 100-1 on the same night.  BS they come out with. 

They're talking rubbish. was only 20 and then 25 -1 QLD tote.  ,  20 and 31-1 NZ tote. 

Kate Gath and Andy Gath know how to win this race with 2 with Tornado Valley and Majestuoso as well.


1st 8   WATTS UP PARTYTIME KATE GATH BL     31.50 3.00
3rd 5   KEAYANG CHUCKY JASON LEE FT       2.60
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FINAL SCORE for the Hunter Cup Challenge 

With a second Win on the night , the Karaka cracker  party man  TAB Forever has nailed the trotting blokes asking them WATTS UP ? Its-PARTYTIME. 

and is the Great Southern BOAY Star, as he takes out the Final race. Congratulations TABman !!! 🏆🎉

The Brodster needed the kiwi owned/trained/bred great mare 'Queen Elida '  to Win , but 4th was her lot. 

the TAB 💰  once again collects the cash from Brodie , with Chief and Gamma under the whip in 3rd spot. 

POINTS after Race 8      The GREAT SOUTHERN STAR  


TABman  38 points and BOAY Hunter Cup winner !

  Brodie  34 points,   The Chief  and  Gamma  26 pts,    Blackie  and   The Galah 16 pts.

Edited by Gammalite
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8 hours ago, Gammalite said:

I hate Swayzee . a new track record. keeps beating me all the time . Akuta in the NZ Cup , and then DSD in a 2nd NZ Cup , and now Larry bites the dust. 🙄.

Cam Hart just drove too well . Mick G the genius is on saying swap the positions and the other one wins and gems like that. 🤣. can't he just congratulate the winner and stop anal- lizing now the race has finished.

Won well, fought strongly. Republican Party a bit unlucky, Ants good driving tried blocking Carter, I think if RP had a clearer run to post, probably wins.

How crazy that trotter, paid $100 when winning both times, that will never happen again

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13 minutes ago, Newmarket said:

Won well, fought strongly. Republican Party a bit unlucky, Ants good driving tried blocking Carter, I think if RP had a clearer run to post, probably wins.

How crazy that trotter, paid $100 when winning both times, that will never happen again

Those 100 to one odds are bullshit.

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Probably the only disappointment (slightly) was Oscar Bonavena. had every chance

As Marky gave him a very cosy trip in the Great Southern Star Final, travelling 1-1 sit. but just plugged into 6th.

KEAYANG Chucky went round him 4 wide from the back to get narrowly beaten into 3rd. 

Make No mistake though. That was no Fluke by the Winner . Watts Up Partytime . He won his Heat very well (untouched almost) earlier in the evening when travelled kindly.  The Gath Team are great trainers of trotters like the Williamsons in NZ. and have won this race with Tornado Valley (2x) and Majestuoso in the recent past. 

And were given last years Great Southern Star winner Call Me The Breeze to train, to try and win with this year but it went amiss unfortunately . But a good 2nd string chance in Watts Up Partytime gets the prize instead. It was a good 2 yearold winning the Group 1 Vic Sires stakes as a 2 yearold 2 years ago  ( a bit like 'Meant To Be' did over there last season) so is no slouch.  Now a Great Southern Star Winner . well driven Kate Gath too. 

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23 hours ago, Gammalite said:

FINAL SCORE for the Hunter Cup Challenge 

With a second Win on the night , the Karaka cracker  party man  TAB Forever has nailed the trotting blokes asking them WATTS UP ? Its-PARTYTIME. 

and is the Great Southern BOAY Star, as he takes out the Final race. Congratulations TABman !!! 🏆🎉

The Brodster needed the kiwi owned/trained/bred great mare 'Queen Elida '  to Win , but 4th was her lot. 

the TAB 💰  once again collects the cash from Brodie , with Chief and Gamma under the whip in 3rd spot. 

POINTS after Race 8      The GREAT SOUTHERN STAR  


TABman  38 points and BOAY Hunter Cup winner !

  Brodie  34 points,   The Chief  and  Gamma  26 pts,    Blackie  and   The Galah 16 pts.

Thanks Gamma....I'm just a lucky person !

Had it been a test of skill I would be in the hunt as usually provide stiff opposition for any 'average talents'. !!!!!!!! Modest too !

Certainly enjoyed watching the big races last night...our syndicate had a Hunter Cup runner back in the day , and had a Group 3 winner at both Melton and Menangle in more recent times so familiar with the tracks !

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