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Holiday period best bets by Thomaas


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2 minutes ago, curious said:

I also agree in principle. I think the free speech question is interesting. Probably doesn't preclude trolling and inflammatory remarks or others responding in kind. However there is the question of it intimidating others from speaking freely and engaging with a  topic.

The issue for me is derailing threads with completely off topic remarks. I think BOAY could consider some kind of rule, not preventing the remarks even if they are insulting or rubbish, but insisting that they must remain on topic or be removed, either altogether or to another thread.

I appreciate the irony that I'm writing this post in a thread titled "Holiday Period Best Bets". :)

I agree Curious we probably need to moderate more when posts get off topic.  

I've drawn the line with the astrologer as he writes muck elsewhere that has impacted some good friends of mine.

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1 hour ago, pete said:

Agree in principle but why should everyone be obliged to just ignore the constant crap.

If you're not careful you will find it will just drive a lot of people away.

Thomas really doesn't worry me but that Starman bloke just gets on my tits (moobs?)

That's the concern, that people get fed up and it drives them away and it has been hard work to get to where we are without squandering it on some idiot who can't or won't act with some decorum

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3 minutes ago, hesi said:

That's the concern, that people get fed up and it drives them away and it has been hard work to get to where we are without squandering it on some idiot who can't or won't act with some decorum

Agreed Hesi, sort it out or its full time back to cafe.

Get the fark rid of PD and Dickhead, NO ONE wants those fruitcakes on this site. They add no value what so ever, both are a waste of space.

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I'm certainly not trying to tell Chief what he should do with his own site but, to my mind, this is a new venture and there will necessarily be some modification to your initial thoughts about letting everyone say pretty much what they like.

I love the idea of free speech but it's a question of balance. 

I don't have any answers really. At the end of the day you will run this the best way you see fit and I'm fine with that.

Total kudos because these things always attract idiots and lowlifes and handling them is an ongoing problem.


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2 hours ago, pete said:

Agree in principle but why should everyone be obliged to just ignore the constant crap.

If you're not careful you will find it will just drive a lot of people away.

Thomas really doesn't worry me but that Starman bloke just gets on my tits (moobs?)

There's also the matter that we've had people like John Allen and the Strathayr guy come on here and respond to questions. Will they continue to do so if there are idiots wandering around here making random and inflammatory comments and disrupting decent discussions and threads?

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8 minutes ago, hesi said:

Plus in the New Year, I know the Chief intends to try and ramp up the promotion of BOAY.

Not going to be a good look for any prospective people looking at the site and seeing a plethora of threads like those we have seen over the last few days

I pledge to not exacerbate any further threads by inflammatory responses to the resident troll or any other thread he has contaminated. I still reserve the right to disagree. In the spirit of BOAY moving forward in a positive way and in support of the Chief and others who have given me the forum to interact and learn from others, I will do my best to monitor my responses. My apologies for my part in adding to any negativity or distress I may have caused. I make this declaration under the influence of a very nice Cabernet Sauvignon Longview Devil's Elbow. Cheers

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As a suggestion

Perhaps a paragraph under the Welcome All message, along the lines of

The site owner, reserves the right to remove anyone from the site, whose behaviour over a sustained period of time, in posting, is deleterious to the overall good of the site.  It is expected this will be a rare occurrence

Basically trolling, which as you say Curious, does not breach the principle of free speech.

And I'm not talking about the occasional shit stirring comment, but sustained, ongoing behaviour 

Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument 
Describe anyone we know:)


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