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Excessive use of the whip -


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The old excessive use of the whip thing again!

I note that Andrew Fitzgerald got done last week at Forbury for excessive use of the whip.

It was a first breach of the rule and the penalty was only $200 fine.

Andrew is a Junior driver who is trying to make his way in the harness racing industry which is a major battle for young ones today.

He was on an outside drive Being Sugar Cane, and would’ve been keen to win the race to please the connections of the horse as well as himself so he can pick up more drives.

Yes I realise there is a rule in place and that is 10 hits within the last 400metres and everyone is meant to abide by that but doesn’t take into account the strength of the hits or whacks, it is set at 10.

however, watch the video of the race over the last 400metres and see if you think that Mr Fitzgerald was excessive with the whip.

Personally have no problem with what he did and he was fairly vigorous with his movement in the cart but didn’t think he was excessive at all, and I am sure the trainer and owner had no problem with Andrews effort to win the race.

He wasn’t continually hitting the horse either and as we all know, the horse is a bit of a fruitcake at best, so probably needed the persuader.

Yes I know some will say rules are rules and he pleaded guilty, but I dont beleive it was excessive and certainly not a bad look for harness racing.

Edited by Brodie
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It doesn't appear anyone has been charged for excessive use, according to the RIU's "News In Brief".

Four drivers were charged for merely "use of whip"




A Fitzgerald | Forbury Park 21 June; use of whip; fined $200.

G O’Reilly | Marlborough 24 June; use of whip; fined $300.

S Abernethy | Marlborough 24 June; use of whip; fined $200.

J Dunn | Marlborough 24 June; use of whip; fined $200.



The RIU is so inadequate at what they are responsible for, including report writing, they should be the ones receiving the fines. 

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A Fitzgerald got done for hitting 13 tines when maximum is 10 even though he paused and wasn’t continuous.

The rule change was unnecessary and worked fine as it was.

No one was concerned about it including all the animal rights activists.

Detrimental rule change for harness racing  implemented for no beneficial reason.

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Yes Brodie, we know you like hitting horses — you've told us so many times! But I suggest you watch Exhibit A in the case against doing so:


The assaulted horse — Arden Rooney — never raced again after that week (little wonder). Kieran Manning should have been banned for life, at least from NZ, after that sorry performance.

And if you think the "animal rights activists" don't care about whip use in racing, my advice would be to think again.  They currently have bigger fish to fry, but that they'll eventually fix their beady eyes on racing is a racecourse certainty. And when that day comes, it would behove us not to give them easy targets.

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1 minute ago, Basil said:

Yes Brodie, we know you like hitting horses — you've told us so many times! But I suggest you watch Exhibit A in the case against doing so:


The assaulted horse — Arden Rooney — never raced again after that week (little wonder). Kieran Manning should have been banned for life, at least from NZ, after that sorry performance.

And if you think the "animal rights activists" don't care about whip use in racing, my advice would be to think again.  They currently have bigger fish to fry, but that they'll eventually fix their beady eyes on racing is a racecourse certainty. And when that day comes, it would behove us not to give them easy targets.

Basil, The previous rule worked just fine and didn’t need altering to this 10 hits as it makes it stupid.

You can whack the shit out of a horse 10 times and that is fine but 11 times a lot softer is not.

A horseman wants to win a race but if he is counting and is 10 metres short of the post and has used the whip 10 times he can’t give the horse another tap with the whip, and gets beaten!

As I have said many times before Basil, hard enough driving a horse without having to also count the number of times you have used the whip from the 400m

Dumb rule, go back to what it was before that worked.


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On 26/06/2018 at 9:44 AM, Brodie said:

Basil, The previous rule worked just fine and didn’t need altering to this 10 hits as it makes it stupid.

You can whack the shit out of a horse 10 times and that is fine but 11 times a lot softer is not.

A horseman wants to win a race but if he is counting and is 10 metres short of the post and has used the whip 10 times he can’t give the horse another tap with the whip, and gets beaten!

As I have said many times before Basil, hard enough driving a horse without having to also count the number of times you have used the whip from the 400m

Dumb rule, go back to what it was before that worked.


The previous rule did not work at all fine — that's why it was changed.

I agree with you that the new law is dumb — how many harness drivers can count to 10 under pressure anyway? — but the solution is not to go back to the old rule. Rather it's to get rid of the whip entirely. All horses would then be on an entirely level footing. Nothing could be simpler.



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15 hours ago, Basil said:

The previous rule did not work at all fine — that's why it was changed.

I agree with you that the new law is dumb — how many harness drivers can count to 10 under pressure anyway? — but the solution is not to go back to the old rule. Rather it's to get rid of the whip entirely. All horses would then be on an entirely level footing. Nothing could be simpler.



Great, get rid of the whip and gets rid of more punters

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3 hours ago, Brodie said:

Great, get rid of the whip and gets rid of more punters

What part of "level footing" do you not understand Brodie?

It's very simple: anybody who claims to be against the 10-strikes rule on the grounds of complexity but then doesn't support doing away with the whip altogether is either (i) insincere about wanting to get rid of the 10-strikes rule or (ii) believes hitting horses is a good thing. That's it, there are no other options — you can't have your cake and eat it too! QED.

Edited by Basil
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44 minutes ago, Basil said:

What part of "level footing" do you not understand Brodie?

It's very simple: anybody who claims to be against the 10-strikes rule on the grounds of complexity but then doesn't support doing away with the whip altogether is either (i) insincere about wanting to get rid of the 10-strikes rule or (ii) believes hitting horses is a good thing. That's it, there are no other options — you can't have your cake and eat it too! QED.

Nothing at all wrong with the previous whip rule Basil.

How many drivers were actually fined or suspended prior to the new rule being railroaded in thru the back door without support from the affected party that being the drivers?

What is the current Australian rule?

Thats right they haven’t changed their rule have they Basil?

Harness Racing will lose out big time if the whip was outlawed.

It is hard enough already to attract new punters into the game without watching horses not being given every chance

We will continue to disagree but then that is both of our perogatives!






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It is not now “ excessive use of the whip”;  it is”used whip more than permitted”.

What this is now saying is that the drivers are not being too,hard on the horses, but there has been a number of hits allowed and if you do hit one more than the permitted it is an infringement.

Time the no. Was taken away as it is ridiculous and go back to the old rule, so it is fair on everyone.

It is ridiculous now, as I have said, there are too many variables.

Some drivers barely touch the horse but it is counted as a whip action.


Edited by Brodie
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While I am supportive of the reduction in the use of the whip and conscious of the image of harness racing, I think these 2 latest examples exemplify why it is a frustrating rule for some.

After watching both races at Timaru (Queen of Glory and A Better Dancer), I severely doubt any spectator would even notice the actions of the drivers. The stipes must spend an enormous amount of time ploughing through the race replay to work out the exact number of strikes.

One or two too many hits equates to $$ fines or suspensions.  It must be frustrating for those nailed. No wonder Colleen Negus couldn't be bothered turning up.

It will be one of those rules where it will displease someone regardless.

Mrs Negus had activated her gear and then proceeded to use her whip on 12 occasions within the final 400m and was in breach of the rule specifically clause (b) of the Use of the Whip Regulations.

She also endorsed the Information indicating that she did not wish to attend the hearing.

Mr Hope had activated his gear and then proceeded to use his whip on 11 occasions within the final 400m and was in breach of the rule specifically clause (b) of the Use of the Whip Regulations.

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