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Peters and the Messara 'report'


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And hasn't Winn done an outstanding job in the last 6 weeks...

He had Slimon Bwidges for breakfast every morning...the ref should have stepped in after the first round...

But let's hope Bwidges gets to stay as leader for the next ewection....

No slight on his speech impwediament...but politics is cruel and Cindy will expose him as a complete twit lookalike 

But getting back to Winnie

He'll do what's best for the industry...as opposed to the awful f in Knats who had 9 long years and delivered what Paddy shot at...

...and some have the audacity to question Winn's motives??

And some dickheads down the Viaduct are already promoting another Knat...before the report comes out...

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Someone is standing behind Winston on the Racing issue.  Three guesses who they are.

The All Weather Tracks are a distraction and an expensive one at that.  I'd say be careful what you wish for.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out that the figure Winnie spouts about 40+ race meetings being abandoned as justification for AWT is crap.  Firstly what meetings has he been counting?  Secondly in terms of budgeted meetings/races per year NZTR have largely been on target.  If those 40+ meetings (if they are in fact 40+) had gone ahead then there would have been a significant shortfall in funding.  The revenue generated by those 40+ meetings would not have matched the stakes paid.

So who is telling porkies?  Winnie?  The NZRB?  NZTR? Or those standing behind Winnie?

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50 minutes ago, Thomass said:

And hasn't Winn done an outstanding job in the last 6 weeks...

He had Slimon Bwidges for breakfast every morning...the ref should have stepped in after the first round...

But let's hope Bwidges gets to stay as leader for the next ewection....

No slight on his speech impwediament...but politics is cruel and Cindy will expose him as a complete twit lookalike 

But getting back to Winnie

He'll do what's best for the industry...as opposed to the awful f in Knats who had 9 long years and delivered what Paddy shot at...

...and some have the audacity to question Winn's motives??

And some dickheads down the Viaduct are already promoting another Knat...before the report comes out...

The guys is a fraud and a hypocrite.   Heard him on radio a few days denying that NZ First had any agreement with the Greens to support them in the mad hatters coalition...now it turns out that the Greens are 'reluctantly' supporting NZ First re the so called ' waka jumping Bill' as IT IS PART OF THE COALITION AGREEMENT. Get over him Thomarss, he'll be in the old folks home soon, sucking on a whiskey and telling all the other old codgers what a great Prime Minister he was...NOT.    

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It's classic MMP working well kopia...

Have you seen him interviewed lately?

Tore the olde Knats apart when questioned about Slimon's 'new policies'

"they had 9 longggggg years now suddenly they've got all the answers"

hahah dead right

Just enjoy him while you've got him...

And lap up Messara's report...

..anythings better than NOTHING under the Knats ffs

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56 minutes ago, Thomass said:

It's classic MMP working well kopia...

Have you seen him interviewed lately?

Tore the olde Knats apart when questioned about Slimon's 'new policies'

"they had 9 longggggg years now suddenly they've got all the answers"

hahah dead right

Just enjoy him while you've got him...

And lap up Messara's report...

..anythings better than NOTHING under the Knats ffs

You know something pal? I'd rather have Donald Trump in charge of the country than the bunch of simpering pillow biters and bitter old codgers we've got at present.?

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9 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Someone is standing behind Winston on the Racing issue.  Three guesses who they are.

The All Weather Tracks are a distraction and an expensive one at that.  I'd say be careful what you wish for.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out that the figure Winnie spouts about 40+ race meetings being abandoned as justification for AWT is crap.  Firstly what meetings has he been counting?  Secondly in terms of budgeted meetings/races per year NZTR have largely been on target.  If those 40+ meetings (if they are in fact 40+) had gone ahead then there would have been a significant shortfall in funding.  The revenue generated by those 40+ meetings would not have matched the stakes paid.

So who is telling porkies?  Winnie?  The NZRB?  NZTR? Or those standing behind Winnie?

Always found it interesting, that the first All Weather track was go in where the people standing behind Winston were. Suppose they would benefit from selling off more horses to Hong Kong and Singapore more easily.

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Racing: Messara delivers review of NZ industry to minister

2 Aug, 2018 5:00am
 Quick Read
Mr. John Messara - Chairman Racing NSW (right). Photo / Supplied
Mr. John Messara - Chairman Racing NSW (right). Photo / Supplied
Otago Daily Times
By: Jonny Turner

Australian administrator John Messara has delivered his review of the New Zealand racing industry to Racing Minister Winston Peters.

Messara's review is set to recommend revolutionary change to revitalise the three racing codes.

The report is not likely to see daylight for some time.

Peters' office said he would review the report in the coming weeks.

The minister recently pledged the racing industry would be better off once he was able to implement the recommendations of the report.


Messara helped bring wide landmark change when administrating racing in New South Wales.

He led reforms to increase and boost long-term revenue streams in the state when chairman of Racing NSW and Racing Australia.

Peters recently signalled the type of changes Messara effected in Australia would form the basis for the change he will recommend for the New Zealand racing industry.

The report looks set to recommend consolidation of the country's racecourses and the building of all-weather racetracks. Peters' preference was for all-weather tracks in Waikato, Manawatu and Christchurch.

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As I said.


Translation?    This govt is farked. Business confidence plummeting. Dairy industry in trouble. They've stopped oil/gas exploration. Stopped coal mining on West Coast. Construction industry failing. Liquidations starting to appear daily..Where's the money going to come from?  Trade unions ( nurses/teachers/IRD/etc etc ) are blackmailing  Labour- as they usually do. Labour will crumble in the face of union pressure.

So...how does Peters announce 30-40 million to help racing get new racetracks? ( Don't forget that it was the dickhead Michael Cullen who used the words 'rich pricks') Convenient that he buggers off overseas to try and come up with another ' I'm the hero' plan. What a tosser. To say that he hasn't had time to read a report-that he supposedly commissioned-is bullshit.

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45 minutes ago, Kopia said:

As I said.


Translation?    This govt is farked. Business confidence plummeting. Dairy industry in trouble. They've stopped oil/gas exploration. Stopped coal mining on West Coast. Construction industry failing. Liquidations starting to appear daily..Where's the money going to come from?  Trade unions ( nurses/teachers/IRD/etc etc ) are blackmailing  Labour- as they usually do. Labour will crumble in the face of union pressure.

So...how does Peters announce 30-40 million to help racing get new racetracks? ( Don't forget that it was the dickhead Michael Cullen who used the words 'rich pricks') Convenient that he buggers off overseas to try and come up with another ' I'm the hero' plan. What a tosser. To say that he hasn't had time to read a report-that he supposedly commissioned-is bullshit.

Oh dear you've got it bad ain't ya?

You sound like that Horowhenua Horo show that used to post on the other site Kop

As the Unions have stated...these actions all started during the last term and have nothing to do with the present Gumment

Hekia Pearata thrashed the teachers into working harder and harder...then requiring screeds of paper work to appease the suits

Its all coming to a head...thanks to the pathetic hands off Key Gumment...

....too scared to actually GOVERN...in case they were labelled..."nanny state"

Just enjoy a This Government Kop...and relax in the knowledge Cindy's in control 

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2 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Oh dear you've got it bad ain't ya?

You sound like that Horowhenua Horo show that used to post on the other site Kop

As the Unions have stated...these actions all started during the last term and have nothing to do with the present Gumment

Hekia Pearata thrashed the teachers into working harder and harder...then requiring screeds of paper work to appease the suits

Its all coming to a head...thanks to the pathetic hands off Key Gumment...

....too scared to actually GOVERN...in case they were labelled..."nanny state"

Just enjoy a This Government Kop...and relax in the knowledge Cindy's in control 

both you and i know tommy its got harder to make couple of dollars to buy our maccas brekkie with a lot more  homeless on the street since cindy and johnny walker took over

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You were right Kopia Winnie is going to hold it and hold it to  retain everyone's attention on him just like he did last year with the election result. 

And if he had said that in parliament yesterday about a woman MP they would be screeching their guts out.

It is pretty clear the rumours about his mental state are close to the mark

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32 minutes ago, Reefton said:

You were right Kopia Winnie is going to hold it and hold it to  retain everyone's attention on him just like he did last year with the election result. 

And if he had said that in parliament yesterday about a woman MP they would be screeching their guts out.

It is pretty clear the rumours about his mental state are close to the mark

Yep. And I reckon he's sitting in a hotel room in Singapore right now, large Johnny Walker in one hand, Messara's 'report' in the other....and he'll be thinking, fark how am I going to screw this much moolah out of my tight arsed coalition partners...GREENS and LABOUR .......

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3 hours ago, Kopia said:

Yep. And I reckon he's sitting in a hotel room in Singapore right now, large Johnny Walker in one hand, Messara's 'report' in the other....and he'll be thinking, fark how am I going to screw this much moolah out of my tight arsed coalition partners...GREENS and LABOUR .......

More like paper go out to leading NZ First  backers, to check if going major effect them. If need be, changed. Then go to policy advisers in various govt departments, for suitability and costing.Then be argued out at cabinet, where threats and other dodge deals be worked out. Then be released and followed up with NZTR and NZRB roadshows.

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Judging from what is being said on the dark side I think NZ First's leading racing backers might be pretty pissed with Winston so I don't know whether he will get much of a reception with them regardless.

And I don't know that Messara would be that keen for radical change to his report anyway would he?  If NZ Racing ignores his recommendations then I do not see it as any skin off his nose.  

Winston is just being his usual plonker self keeping us in suspence


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As Shane Dye would say....yous are all far too negative

Peters will take Messiahs report...read it from cover to cover in his St Marys Bay condo...ably assisted by his blonde bombshell hotty...

...and as per usual the Woman will make the decision on how things should operate...

rest easy in knowing that...

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9 hours ago, hesi said:

Sorry to be the harbinger of optimism, but I think he will release the report in full before the end of Aug.

How much of it he acts upon and when, might be a different story

Be disappointed to be proven wrong

Going for the quadrella

Legs already correctly selected

Trump wins the Presidency

The British and Irish Lions win one or more tests

Winston picks Jacinda(some thought it would be Nats/Greens, and we are still laughing)



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31 minutes ago, hesi said:

Going for the quadrella

Legs already correctly selected

Trump wins the Presidency

The British and Irish Lions win one or more testa

Winston picks Jacinda(some thought it would be Nats/Greens, and we are still laughing)



Let's hope you get the quaddie Hesi. I'd be sitting on it too. I'd agree that whether it results in anything useful being implemented in the near term or not is a different question, though I suspect it will probably kill the Racing Amendment Act in its current form pretty quickly.

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No reason why he won't release the report fairly quickly, nothing to lose, he commissioned it, Messara who is the most credible and able person  around did it.  Probably a bit of an all care no responsibility scenario for Peters.

There will be all sorts of barriers to implementation, headache city, that if they come into play and it prevents such, then Peters can simply say he tried, the racing industry resisted, they deserve what they get

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On 3/08/2018 at 9:27 AM, hesi said:

No reason why he won't release the report fairly quickly, nothing to lose, he commissioned it, Messara who is the most credible and able person  around did it.  Probably a bit of an all care no responsibility scenario for Peters.

There will be all sorts of barriers to implementation, headache city, that if they come into play and it prevents such, then Peters can simply say he tried, the racing industry resisted, they deserve what they get

Actually your'e right hesi...in fact he has apparently said he is going to release it 'in its' entirity'...once he's read it..

SO...why not release it right away? Why shouldn't all of us, i.e. anyone who has any interest or part to play in the racing industry read it at the same time he does?  Only one reason that I can think of, and thats because he's in the crapper with his coalition partner/s GREENS and LABOUR over promises he has made and is trying to figure out how to extract himself before we all get to see what Mr Massara is predicting.

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More than likely has to come out before Aug 17, as Messara has agreed to a Q+A session at Waikato Racing Club on that date

Messara added to Te Rapa function billing

  • Sat, 04 Aug 2018
  • Dennis Ryan

Already guaranteed to be entertaining through the presence of Australian jockey legend Johnny Letts, the race eve function scheduled for Te Rapa later this month is now bound to be a sellout with John Messara added to the billing.

The Waikato Racing Club today announced that the author of the widely touted Messara Report has agreed to attend the function on Friday August 17 ahead of the Gr. 2 Lisa Chittick Foxbridge Plate raceday.

After being commissioned by Racing Minister Winston Peters to conduct a full review of the New Zealand racing industry and immersing himself in that task with trademark alacrity and wisdom, the former head of Racing NSW delivered his report earlier this week.

Messara’s appearance at the Te Rapa function, which will take the form of a Q+A session with broadcaster and committed racing enthusiast Simon Doull, could well be very timely given his report is now in the hands of the Minister.

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1 hour ago, Kopia said:

Actually your'e right hesi...in fact he has apparently said he is going to release it 'in its' entirity'...once he's read it..

SO...why not release it right away? Why shouldn't all of us, i.e. anyone who has any interest or part to play in the racing industry read it at the same time he does?  Only one reason that I can think of, and thats because he's in the crapper with his coalition partner/s GREENS and LABOUR over promises he has made and is trying to figure out how to extract himself before we all get to see what Mr Massara is predicting.

You're so so negative Kop

Why not celebrate the report....yes, thanks to De Lore....and the winner of the T Media Award this year...no doubt

...but Winn got the whole thing actioned...after 9 lonnnngggg years of doing absolutely f all with that goon from Kapiti

..mind you that's what the Knats did...sat on their hands for fear of being labelled "nanny state"

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