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Bit Of A Yarn

Canterbury Harness- Very busy week!


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Harness racing in Canterbury is in fir s busy week.

Addington on Friday night 127 nominations

Motukarara Saturday 194 Noms

Methven Sunday 159 noms

Compare this to the north Island and it does show where the strength surely is for harness racing!

Auckland with much larger stakes on offer has only 87 starters and only 9 races!

What is it that makes canterbury so much more popular than the North Island?

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50 minutes ago, Brodie said:

Harness racing in Canterbury is in fir s busy week.

Addington on Friday night 127 nominations

Motukarara Saturday 194 Noms

Methven Sunday 159 noms

Compare this to the north Island and it does show where the strength surely is for harness racing!

Auckland with much larger stakes on offer has only 87 starters and only 9 races!

What is it that makes canterbury so much more popular than the North Island?

How many times are you going to post the same thing?

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24 minutes ago, Spatchcock said:

How many times are you going to post the same thing?

Many,like myself consider bit of a yarn a tool to balance what i would call the 'propoganda",that comes out of hrnz and often the media.A means of facilitating our voices,of sorts.

Propoganda is defined as"communication used to influence or persuade, to further an agenda which may not be objective, and is selectively promoting facts to encourage a perception,often by using reptition and language which produces an emotional rather than rational response".

in this case the subject matter is the auckland trotting club.

We have been told repeatedly by hrnz and the harness racing media of the importnace and significance of auckland and the necessity to subsidize auckland harness racing ,for the betterment of harness racing in nz as a whole.

In other words we are constanly being subjected to propoganda to further the auckland agenda, which we view as irrational.

so the likes of brodie,or me,and others chip away at providing what we believe is balance.

So,for me, that is what i consider to be the answer to the question you pose.


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2 hours ago, Brodie said:

Compare this to the north Island and it does show where the strength surely is for harness racing!

North has a fine tradition just as the South. ????

Why should they 'cave in'  when you have great players like Barry Purdon winning the NZ FFA and Velocity recently, Ray Green winning the NZ Cup twice recently (before the Aussies) , One of the greatest harness men ever seen in Tony Herlihy driving and training, The Butcher Team , outstanding horsepeople like The Neals, The Hacketts,  McGowans, the Fergusons , the Blanchards the Cooneys, Arna Donnely doing great job lately .

I'd argue the Better Strength Is in the North . 👍🏆

you guys a bit weak down there lately 😅🤣 TABman would argue that Oscar B is a northerner now ? along with Mark😋. and he saved the day beating Just Believe . go the Northerner !!! lol.

1 hour ago, the galah said:

We have been told repeatedly by hrnz and the harness racing media of the importnace and significance of auckland and the necessity to subsidize auckland harness racing ,for the betterment of harness racing in nz as a whole.

In other words we are constanly being subjected to propoganda to further the auckland agenda, which we view as irrational.

Propaganda a Poor Choice of word outside of War-fare lol...😉 

Of course Auckland is struggling with the debt. . BUT You don't just kick a wounded dog and let it die ???.

You get motivated with ideas to 'Save the Beast' and keep it going. 

It's IRRATIONAL Not to help out . Of Course they should be Subsidised with as much as HRNZ can give . And Support All those amazing People who Put The Face on our great sport over decades. 

grizzling because there's more players in the South Island each week  ???? for goodness guys . always has been. but have some respect for the players and their owners in the North. and the horses.

The harness racing is Good to Have in  BOTH Islands. ya all sound like North Korea v South Korea or something 🤣


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1 hour ago, Gammalite said:


Propaganda a Poor Choice of word outside of War-fare lol...😉 



no its not. Every element of the definition ofthe word propoganda exists if you read or listen to what we are being fed.I can be more specific if you like.

You know you talk about personalities and people you respect in the north island,as if we have criticised them or undermined them.

Yet nothing brodie or i have written on this topic has ever been negative or detrimantal towards industry participants as relates to the number of starters or the auckland clubs financal woes. 

when brodie talks about strength in his posting on this topic,its very obviously talking about horse and industry participant numbers.

all you are doing is deflecting from facts presented relating to horse numbers,public following and financial matters.

I guess you don't talk about the subject matter we talk about because the numbers don't lie,so deflecting is what your left with.

when you say its not irrational to help out. i agree.

We disagree on the rationality of the help being offered.

I believe you are basing your point of view around emotional thoughts,obviously influenced by your lifes experiences involving north island harness racing and the personalities involved.

i do love the fact that you are still so passionate about north island harness racing and we need to hear from people like yourself.

All i'm saying,is decisions have to be made on data and facts and balance sheets.

I believe its wrong for you to infer that the very people you talk about,will be worse off if decisions made are based on the things i've just mentioned,when logic says they will be better off.

Short term thinking will undermine long term survival. 


Edited by the galah
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8 hours ago, the galah said:

no its not. Every element of the definition ofthe word propoganda exists if you read or listen to what we are being fed.I can be more specific if you like.

You know you talk about personalities and people you respect in the north island,as if we have criticised them or undermined them.

Yet nothing brodie or i have written on this topic has ever been negative or detrimantal towards industry participants as relates to the number of starters or the auckland clubs financal woes. 

when brodie talks about strength in his posting on this topic,its very obviously talking about horse and industry participant numbers.

all you are doing is deflecting from facts presented relating to horse numbers,public following and financial matters.

I guess you don't talk about the subject matter we talk about because the numbers don't lie,so deflecting is what your left with.

when you say its not irrational to help out. i agree.

We disagree on the rationality of the help being offered.

I believe you are basing your point of view around emotional thoughts,obviously influenced by your lifes experiences involving north island harness racing and the personalities involved.

i do love the fact that you are still so passionate about north island harness racing and we need to hear from people like yourself.

All i'm saying,is decisions have to be made on data and facts and balance sheets.

I believe its wrong for you to infer that the very people you talk about,will be worse off if decisions made are based on the things i've just mentioned,when logic says they will be better off.

Short term thinking will undermine long term survival. 


a few interesting points. There is a lot of overlap. I'm always concerned for the long term survival of the participants. 

they will be worse off if the trotting collapses. 

It's just a sport . A lot of people's involvement is just for fun. The South Island have much more people participating in that capacity at the moment.

The persons 's writing on this thread all enjoy the sport , and participate via betting and even expressing ideas on forums, etc and doing stuff like Unhinged ,etc. Brodie (and others) often points out the betting product is Poor in the North due to numbers and quality. ( say compared to odds at Motukarara the other day and Cup week with some good winners ) that may be so , but condemn it because of that seems harsh. 

I attended Albion Park yesterday (along with 6-10 other patrons 😆) in a city of millions , and observed some mild action , no one bets on it. It's just people enjoying their sport. a bit like Manawatu say.

The ATC has problems that everyone knows. The fields are good this week though on Friday , but you guys writing don't support them greatly,  because you like the South Island numbers/betting / Clubs better.  A bit like some folk support a footy club over others. Fair enough.

But like the footy (where in the AFL Victoria has over half the teams , and they always cry 'foul' because the 7 interstate teams gets lots of concessions to remain established and get a base of players in their states. )

But NZ is STILL a  One STATE Nation. and this Constant Splitting of North Island v South Island Harness is just Rubbish to be honest , and of course HRNZ has to support both Islands to the best of their Capabilities. If the Southerners are crying Foul , because racing for less money , maybe they should Move there ??? 👍😅 Bit warmer, nicer for training horses, keeps the industry going. that would help. Dean Shannon popped 17 horses with Barry/Scott and is helping.

Telfers and Dunns are doing this with Northern Satellite stables  already as are very clever ,and fine operators,  and helping out , while getting a few dollars there (with Jolly Roger and co.)  good on em' !!! that's the way !!.   get in and race there and keep it going instead of all the shunning. (JMHO) 


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34 minutes ago, Gammalite said:

a few interesting points. There is a lot of overlap. I'm always concerned for the long term survival of the participants. 

they will be worse off if the trotting collapses. 

It's just a sport . A lot of people's involvement is just for fun. The South Island have much more people participating in that capacity at the moment.

The persons 's writing on this thread all enjoy the sport , and participate via betting and even expressing ideas on forums, etc and doing stuff like Unhinged ,etc. Brodie (and others) often points out the betting product is Poor in the North due to numbers and quality. ( say compared to odds at Motukarara the other day and Cup week with some good winners ) that may be so , but condemn it because of that seems harsh. 

I attended Albion Park yesterday (along with 6-10 other patrons 😆) in a city of millions , and observed some mild action , no one bets on it. It's just people enjoying their sport. a bit like Manawatu say.

The ATC has problems that everyone knows. The fields are good this week though on Friday , but you guys writing don't support them greatly,  because you like the South Island numbers/betting / Clubs better.  A bit like some folk support a footy club over others. Fair enough.

But like the footy (where in the AFL Victoria has over half the teams , and they always cry 'foul' because the 7 interstate teams gets lots of concessions to remain established and get a base of players in their states. )

But NZ is STILL a  One STATE Nation. and this Constant Splitting of North Island v South Island Harness is just Rubbish to be honest , and of course HRNZ has to support both Islands to the best of their Capabilities. If the Southerners are crying Foul , because racing for less money , maybe they should Move there ??? 👍😅 Bit warmer, nicer for training horses, keeps the industry going. that would help. Dean Shannon popped 17 horses with Barry/Scott and is helping.

Telfers and Dunns are doing this with Northern Satellite stables  already as are very clever ,and fine operators,  and helping out , while getting a few dollars there (with Jolly Roger and co.)  good on em' !!! that's the way !!.   get in and race there and keep it going instead of all the shunning. (JMHO) 


Of course it is in the best interests for harness racing to have it string in the North Island.

My postings are always to try and improve harness racing and point out where I think there are right or wrong decisions bring made and improvements.

Auckland unfortunately are suffering from some business decisions that ultimately were financially very costly.

Why does Auckland with its large population not be able to attract sufficient owners to race horses when Canterbury are able to?

Without new owners and trainers coming through you would have to question any viability going forward?

Some of the decisions that HRNZ and the Auckland Club make seem hard to fathom.

I appreciate they are caught between a rock and a hard place but some soul searching needs to take place.


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14 hours ago, Brodie said:

Harness racing in Canterbury is in fir s busy week.

Addington on Friday night 127 nominations

Motukarara Saturday 194 Noms

Methven Sunday 159 noms

Compare this to the north Island and it does show where the strength surely is for harness racing!

Auckland with much larger stakes on offer has only 87 starters and only 9 races!

What is it that makes canterbury so much more popular than the North Island?

As an industry or sport we seem to have an obsession with breeding bonuses in the hope that breeding more horse's will make people race more North and South, i see that as  flawed. Surely supply and demand the first principle in every other business applies here, why not focus on  promoting ownership opportunities  throughout the country  Nah makes to much sense I'll give myself an uppercut. 

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1 hour ago, JJ Flash said:

Probably about as many as his 2 other favorite topics, how he is restricted and how he hates mile racing😃

They are in the close to 100 category

Probably a real pain being restricted when you want to cut loose lol. He doesn't need the money anyway so don't know why worry about it so much . just put 50 on for a bit of fun .

And don't worry mate, we'll convert him to LOVING Mile racing shortly 😉. With Swayzee winning the last 2 NZ Cups , Better Eclipse the Auckland Cup , Just Believe the Rowe Cup and Dominion this year ,. Space>>

that's the FIVE Big '2 Milers' in a row to the tougher Aussies . Bang bang bang bang bang . The Brodster will be sick of this invasion of stayers shortly and be Screaming for the One Mile only Mobile  ?  burn the Aussies with speed ??🤣

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1 hour ago, JJ Flash said:

Probably about as many as his 2 other favorite topics, how he is restricted and how he hates mile racing😃

They are in the close to 100 category

JJ can you please state when I last mentioned being restricted??

Doubt it would be this year, unless you can advise us otherwise?

Mile racing is not great for the industry so my humble duty to continue to point this out!

Anyway have you got anything constructive to say to help out the harness industry??

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54 minutes ago, JJ Flash said:

I know you have to assist Brodie  but whose the troll now?

Keep obsessing🤭

JJ, Brodie doesnt need any assistance with anything.

Chief posts what he wants to, and not too sure why you want to be a smart arse, without the smarts?

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3 minutes ago, Spatchcock said:

on this occasion, it was neither new or constructive.


You are wrong Mr SpatchCock!

I was merely pointing out the the big number of noms for the Csnterbury Racing compared to the North!

The fact that you live in the North is very surprising that you can not answer why there are very few in the North that want to race a horse nowadays?

You can  try and belittle the Brodster as much as you like but at the end of the day it does not change the fact that harness racing in the North is on life support unless it can be turned around.

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5 hours ago, Westview said:

As an industry or sport we seem to have an obsession with breeding bonuses in the hope that breeding more horse's will make people race more North and South, i see that as  flawed. Surely supply and demand the first principle in every other business applies here, why not focus on  promoting ownership opportunities  throughout the country  Nah makes to much sense I'll give myself an uppercut. 

i agree.

the way i see it,theres only one way to interpret HRNZ's focus.

that is,lets invest industry funds in rewarding the high achievers as they are the showcase of the industry and greater participation will follow. 

and lets divert funds from the areas that generate a profit and use them to subsidise the areas that run at a loss to ensure they keep going.

To me thats HRNZ's strategy going forward under current and recent past leadership.

I've previously discussed all the flaws in their strategy. No point going over them again as it would take too long.

But like i said recently,in my opinion i think the industry have leadership who simply, while well meaning,are just not very clever.

And i know,a lot of people agree with me.

You know,you can tell people that you are there to promote grass roots participation and that decisions will be made to benefit the vast majority.But if your actions don't match your words,then its inevitable you will no longer be believed.Trust,respect,confidence in the words spoken evaporates. People just start thinking,do they really believe what they are saying,do they really think i'm that stupid,or,like me say, maybe they are just not very clever.

as forrest gumps mother used to say,stupid is as stupid does.

Edited by the galah
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2 minutes ago, paleface adios said:


Yeah they had too much borer in them, so lost a big supply.

Never bagged Purdon Stable either, quite the opposite, Paleface.

Keep up!

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