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Bit Of A Yarn

Dear Mark & Nat,


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  On 14/02/2019 at 9:33 AM, globederby12 said:

Take a bow Chestnut. As an owner and pro active Harness nut I don't give a fat rats arse for the Purdon barn.  And I dont mean that in a negative sense as I applaud their success. A quote from a well known movie comes to mind. " You can get busy living, or you can get busy dying ". The Harness scene won't die with the right attitude from those that strive to overcome the seemingly unsurmountable odds stacked againsted them from certain quarters.  Harness in NZ has far too much rich History and ingrained character  for it to curl up and die. 

Frankly some on here have very  narrow lives. 




Narrow lives? 0/10

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Joe Kidd, you are a very intelligent person, and I couldn’t have said it any better!

The only ones in NZ that would think that this juggernaut that plunders all the big stakes in NZ Harness Racing is good for harness racing, are either coneected with the stable or lacking intelligence!


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  On 14/02/2019 at 5:40 AM, Happy Sunrise said:

I am not asking your name.

I am asking what gives you the right to call someone out using their first name? It is your choice to use your first name but not to use it with others. Your mate from racecafe, FTM, would agree with that.


Ahh happy ftm was the biggest Gossip and digger for info going on race cafe, always emailing others to try and find people's names, ( little did he know 90% of people on there wouldn't piss on  him if he was on fire!)JJs a big cry baby that has been attacking us all from the bossom of R.C till he came on here to play the victim so his girly hissy fit's hold no substance. We have a great little group on here, we don't always agree on everything but we have a lot of good banter and good humour, so I think we can move on and ignore tossers that come our way!!

Below a snippet of some dodgy tossers, what we all need to avoid moving forward.







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  On 14/02/2019 at 8:15 AM, Chestnut said:

Some folk can only respond if it's in the negative vein..   hunter if you ever post anything slightly positive I might be more inclined to take your posts seriously as with the rest of you.. I guess this is a vent for the majority for other frustrations, but I really feel ... what is killing racing in NZ is all the so called enthusiasts forum postings that strive to point out what is wrong with it, instead of rejoicing anything slightly positive.   Sure there are downsides.. but as in any grouping there are those that live off negativity because it's easier than saying something positive, because you then may have to smile a little...  enjoy life a little...  be open to being disappointed.. but if that's your bent.. you always will be sadly disappointed.

If this is what people see when they come all excited to racing forum to talk about something they might have an interest in..   why blame anyone else for the state of racing.

Would you dare to post about Chris Waller's dominance in Australian racing?   No, because it keeps people interested... imagine if he suddenly decided to stop.

You criticise purdons all the time.. do you know their history?  do you know their relations, in laws, cousins, daughters, sons, partners  ??? that are keeping NZ racing going ..  imagine if they all went... don't you think the public would go?

How short sighted are you all?

What you really need to be focussing on is making owner trainer facilities more available, getting more horses out there, making harness viable, making it able to be run with full fields anywhere.. but instead you just blame anyone in the infrastructure who is actually trying to make a living, with no ideas or suggestions on how to improve it.. 

So go on... post ideas, send them to HRNZ, send them to the Racing Minister, get yourselves out there, be proactive..   happily surprise me... or just continue to moan, to try and catch people out whenever they post something that you think you can better them on, and blame everyone but yourselves, for the state of racing.


Very good post but your likely to upset a few.


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  On 14/02/2019 at 9:33 AM, Joe Kidd said:


I'm not part of any mob fella and I'm not "anti All Stars so save your precious and condescending generalizations for elsewhere. I've spent my adult life fronting as an individual and don't appreciate your patronizing choice of words.

Attempting to portray anyone who is not cheer leading the All Stars as being negative or envious of their success is a gross misrepresentation of the way I see things myself and the other input I read here about the subject. It is however exactly the sort of "in club" crap that is intended to shut down discussion and ridicule anyone that doesn't have their adoring nose wedged firmly up the All Stars arse. That leads me to believe the misrepresentation of the concerns raised is very deliberate and often motivated by vested interest.  

The total dominance the A.S have achieved in the last few seasons is unprecedented in NZ Harness Racing. At first, I was hugely impressed with everything about their achievements. Then I started to see the complete dominance at virtually every feature meeting. There is only so much of the cream to go around. That cream and the hope of it is what keeps many in the game. As a result, when you see one stable with the usual names in the ownership, taking almost all the cream at almost every feature meeting, it is no longer a positive for NZ Harness Racing. It starts to become a negative and that process is well under way. The long term ramifications are potentially devastating. If we stay on this track, I sincerely believe we will have no harness racing left in NZ within 20 years, at least not in it's present form. NZ is just too small a pool to have a long term total domination of elite races from one stable. The A.S have the 2 and 3 year old features done and dusted before the races have even been run. You could virtually dispense with the formality of running the races and just send the prize money straight to the A.S and their owners. Obviously this is a significant issue especially as 2 and 3 year olds are the future. If people give up the futile chase, the writing is on the wall and I feel that process is now under way.

Mark Purdon is a magnificent conditioner of a race horse and has a great eye for buying yearlings. He's also an under rated driver. I've always seen him as a world class driver. My respect of his skills started in the early 90's with Pride Of Petite who I followed from day one. It was a master class. I was also a big fan of her dam the great Petite Evander.

Add the skills of Natalie and owners with deep pockets and you have the perfect recipe for success.

Unfortunately, when they have multiple runners in feature races, they choose to turn the race into a farcical choreographed pantomime. I wouldn't call it team driving. Mark does not do what Barry did in the 80's when he used stable runners with the purpose of being the sacrificial lamb.. They were there to burn out Dillon Dean, Franco Ice and The Bru Czar etc and set the victory up for another stable runner. Mark does not resort to that. He just uses his numerical advantage to control / manipulate the outcome of the race. Rivals are squeezed out. If it just happened for one or two seasons for some of the races it wouldn't be an issue. It is however happening in most feature races, especially the high value 2 and 3 year old events and it's season after season after season. The trotters seem to be spared but there are only a few elite trotting races for older horses each season. If they dominated those also, the end for many would in my opinion, be hastened. 

My genuine concern is about the future of NZ harness racing and the "anti AS" you see from others is motivated only by that exact same genuine concern.  


Never said you were.

Perhaps everyone should stop obsessing about Purdon's present domination, be like Globe , If your that worried about it go to the sales next week and show some real fight by doing something about it.


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  On 14/02/2019 at 7:13 PM, JJ Flash said:

Never said you were.

Perhaps everyone should stop obsessing about Purdon's present domination, be like Globe , If your that worried about it go to the sales next week and show some real fight by doing something about it.



Greg, what a simplistic thing to say!

Until everyone is on the same playing field, nothing is going to change!

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I know it's petty, I know it hints of jealousy BUT the one thing that gives me the shits is having to watch (yes I could switch channels but I like throwing things at the tele) the wife of the slimy real estate agent (he sold all of Rolleston you know) wrapping her arms around Mark and giving him a juicy big sloppy kiss on the cheek when he brings the horse back to the victory area.

I swear I see Mark tense up when he sees her coming - he looks like he is about to get showered with last week's garlic prawns and pinot.

For some reason Nat seems to enjoy it when it's her turn, why I can only speculate, but whatever, it is nauseous viewing.



Edited by The Diceman's Been
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  On 14/02/2019 at 7:13 PM, JJ Flash said:

Never said you were.

Perhaps everyone should stop obsessing about Purdon's present domination, be like Globe , If your that worried about it go to the sales next week and show some real fight by doing something about it.



Do you set out to be deliberately obtuse and passive / aggressive or is that just part of your nature?

You did refer to the "anti AS mob" so at least own your bullshit.

The only things I obsess about are protecting my loved ones and winning money. I certainly don't obsess about the All Stars. I have a perspective on it that I express motivated by my long term concern for the industry.

I'm pleased for Globe that he is not concerned by the All Stars dominance. Perspective however is always important when searching for balance. He's passionate about the trotters which is an area largely spared from the AS dominance. He,as part of a large group own a hair on the tail of trotters. He didn't outlay a huge amount to be involved and I suspect he gets a lot of pleasure from the hairs he owns. Good on him. I wish him well. It's safe to assume however that his monthly syndicate account would be less than I spend on Auckland car parking each month. Please leave your patronizing advice to "be like Globe" in the latrine where it belongs.

Same goes for your pathetic statements about showing some fight and if I'm worried about the All Stars dominance go to the sales next week and do something about it. What a bloody stupid thing to say. Did you even read the part in my previous message about more and more people having an increasing reluctance to spend big money on buying yearlings as they recognize futility when they see it? I along with my family have owned numerous standardbreds since 1970 with modest success. We own none at this time and are less likely to spend money on a yearling now than at any time in the last 49 years. I do however maintain strong friendships with several trainers that have remained family friends. Brodie is on the money when he speaks of people within the industry who are not connected to the AS being very concerned for the future of the game and their own involvement due to the AS complete dominance. It's ironic that the AS have several horses that have "Dream" in their name. For an increasingly large group, they have become the dream killers.

I once respected Mick Guerin. He was a pallbearer at the funeral of a mutual friend from the Balkans who took his own life. I always saw Mick as a man who would speak up about the greater good of the game but he is now so entrenched with his tongue up Mark Purdon's arse that vested interest prevents him from expressing concern. Far more likely that he would say something pointless such as "other trainers will need to lift their game"

Mick has a line straight to MP . If he speaks up, he then misses out on all the information from his good mate and everyone connected to MP. That would hurt Micks job and negatively impact on the many tens of thousands of dollars he collects on the punt via horses mouth information. Apart from that, Mick has now made an art form of pouting to the camera. Turns my stomach. As a result, I can no longer watch The Box Seat. Who else in a similar position will speak out? Greg O'connor? haha. More chance of me winning lotto four weeks in a row...and I don't buy lotto tickets. 

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  On 14/02/2019 at 8:26 PM, Joe Kidd said:

Do you set out to be deliberately obtuse and passive / aggressive or is that just part of your nature?

You did refer to the "anti AS mob" so at least own your bullshit.

The only things I obsess about are protecting my loved ones and winning money. I certainly don't obsess about the All Stars. I have a perspective on it that I express motivated by my long term concern for the industry.

I'm pleased for Globe that he is not concerned by the All Stars dominance. Perspective however is always important when searching for balance. He's passionate about the trotters which is an area largely spared from the AS dominance. He,as part of a large group own a hair on the tail of trotters. He didn't outlay a huge amount to be involved and I suspect he gets a lot of pleasure from the hairs he owns. Good on him. I wish him well. It's safe to assume however that his monthly syndicate account would be less than I spend on Auckland car parking each month. Please leave your patronizing advice to "be like Globe" in the latrine where it belongs.

Same goes for your pathetic statements about showing some fight and if I'm worried about the All Stars dominance go to the sales next week and do something about it. What a bloody stupid thing to say. Did you even read the part in my previous message about more and more people having an increasing reluctance to spend big money on buying yearlings as they recognize futility when they see it? I along with my family have owned numerous standardbreds since 1970 with modest success. We own none at this time and are less likely to spend money on a yearling now than at any time in the last 49 years. I do however maintain strong friendships with several trainers that have remained family friends. Brodie is on the money when he speaks of people within the industry who are not connected to the AS being very concerned for the future of the game and their own involvement due to the AS complete dominance. It's ironic that the AS have several horses that have "Dream" in their name. For an increasingly large group, they have become the dream killers.

I once respected Mick Guerin. He was a pallbearer at the funeral of a mutual friend from the Balkans who took his own life. I always saw Mick as a man who would speak up about the greater good of the game but he is now so entrenched with his tongue up Mark Purdon's arse that vested interest prevents him from expressing concern. Far more likely that he would say something pointless such as "other trainers will need to lift their game"

Mick has a line straight to MP . If he speaks up, he then misses out on all the information from his good mate and everyone connected to MP. That would hurt Micks job and negatively impact on the many tens of thousands of dollars he collects on the punt via horses mouth information. Apart from that, Mick has now made an art form of pouting to the camera. Turns my stomach. As a result, I can no longer watch The Box Seat. Who else in a similar position will speak out? Greg O'connor? haha. More chance of me winning lotto four weeks in a row...and I don't buy lotto 



They have a block function. If you struggle with my posts don't read them.

None of what I wrote was directed at you in the first instance so you've missed the target right from the off.


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  On 14/02/2019 at 8:41 PM, Rangatira said:

i think you will find the few prickly members will in time warm to you and your honesty and integrity.


Haha. I can label 3 already who show no such adulation. And no Joe K your not one of them.

Back to studying for tonight's events. Shame the ones I really like are drawn 7-9 over 1980.Not many win from out there. ??

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  On 14/02/2019 at 9:34 AM, Brodie said:

Pointless writing to HRNZ pointing out the errors of their ways as they are a law unto theirselves.

  On 14/02/2019 at 9:34 AM, Brodie said:

Would be great if HRNZ would take on board suggestions from people but they don’t tend to!

  On 14/02/2019 at 9:34 AM, Brodie said:

We post our ideas on this site in the hope that they will at least consider our sjggestions and as you will know Brodie is always on the money!






okay then

so your advice is not to write to hrnz but to post on here hoping despite their poor history they take the suggestion on board 

i think seldom or hardly ever the best cap fit for you

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