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Over The Top Costs.

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16 hours ago, Gammalite said:

Well it's not as bad as all that . Afterall NZ rates higher than nearly every country in just about everything.

Here's the world rankings and NINE of them are just too Cold !!!! so give me Number 4 anyday !!  lol........

  1. Denmark (192.53)
  2. Switzerland (190.92)
  3. Finland (186.40)
  4. Australia (185.03)
  5. Netherlands (184.18)
  6. Austria (181.68)
  7. Iceland (180.74)
  8. New Zealand (178.22)
  9. Germany (177.25)
  10. Estonia (175.99)

The table below has each country’s index score for safety, health care, pollution, climate, and the overall quality of life index score.

I notice no Sweden on this list. I guess that's what extreme socialism does to a country.

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9 hours ago, Chief Stipe said:

Hardly a gift.  It wasn't exactly a profitable business at the time.

He borrowed $12m to buy it - sold it.  Invested elsewhere and is now worth $12 Billion.  I guess he didn't invest in racehorses or All Weather Tracks.

Yea na....actually

Those schmucks at low life Brierleys knew an asset Strip when they saw it...

The Auckland businessman is still halfway between impressed and outraged at this deal. "That was unbelievable. They allowed him to pay for it out of earnings, which was a sweet deal if there ever was one." Brierley Investments, a competitor for the GPO, was forced to concede it had missed a trick. As Brierley's chairman, Bruce Hancox, later said: "As it transpired ... it was stolen and I was very disappointed we did not steal it."

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1 minute ago, Thomass said:

Yea na....actually

Those schmucks at low life Brierleys knew an asset Strip when they saw it...

The Auckland businessman is still halfway between impressed and outraged at this deal. "That was unbelievable. They allowed him to pay for it out of earnings, which was a sweet deal if there ever was one." Brierley Investments, a competitor for the GPO, was forced to concede it had missed a trick. As Brierley's chairman, Bruce Hancox, later said: "As it transpired ... it was stolen and I was very disappointed we did not steal it."

What's your point?

At least Hart tendered for the purchase of Government Print which like a lot of Government "assets" at the time was underperforming in terms of return on capital.

Hart paid the Government $12m for it.

Compare that to the steal by NZ Racing of $100m in handouts from the Government in the last 12 months alone!  I don't see NZ Racing multiplying that "investment" by a comparable amount to what Hart has done!  More than likely they'll be back within a year asking for more!

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Would there be anywhere else in the world where the Government has bailed out the racing industry. I asked my friend and former business partner based in Buenos Aires would this happen in Latin/South America, definitely not he said, he asked his friend and owner based in Miami USA......he just laughed, they both mentioned mainstream media would be all over it and the general populace wouldn't stand for it, he continued, ''but it's NZ and it's run by Aussies'', oh god that's a worry.

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7 minutes ago, Dark Beau said:


Well your great Cindy and Granty really stuffed up with the printing money approach as in Quantitative Easing.

Both Treasurey and the Reserve Bank warned them that it would lead to an even wider asset inequality gap.  So the Labour Chardonnay Socialists have actually made the poor poorer and the rich richer.

Who would have thought that a Labour Government would give $100m to bail racing out of its debts and build 3 white elephants?!

Inflation is already starting to track upwards.  You wait until fuel and import costs start moving.

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49 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

So the Labour Chardonnay Socialists have actually made the poor poorer and the rich richer.

Completely reversing what National was trying to achieve , go figure .

This just proves that the major parties have all gone so much to the center that their policies intertwine so much there is no left or right any more .

National will now do or say they will do , or backtrack on whatever they have to , to regain power . Maori Seats anyone .

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1 hour ago, Chief Stipe said:

Well your great Cindy and Granty really stuffed up with the printing money approach as in Quantitative Easing.

Both Treasurey and the Reserve Bank warned them that it would lead to an even wider asset inequality gap.  So the Labour Chardonnay Socialists have actually made the poor poorer and the rich richer.

Who would have thought that a Labour Government would give $100m to bail racing out of its debts and build 3 white elephants?!

Inflation is already starting to track upwards.  You wait until fuel and import costs start moving.

So you are now a economist, not that they are worth more than three pence!

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On 5/02/2021 at 8:55 AM, Chief Stipe said:

What's your point?

At least Hart tendered for the purchase of Government Print which like a lot of Government "assets" at the time was underperforming in terms of return on capital.

Hart paid the Government $12m for it.

Compare that to the steal by NZ Racing of $100m in handouts from the Government in the last 12 months alone!  I don't see NZ Racing multiplying that "investment" by a comparable amount to what Hart has done!  More than likely they'll be back within a year asking for more!

My point is the Bigg Boys are going to pay big time...eventually

Mark my words...Poor Eric should have stayed with Wussel Warwick instead of fiddling with Owen Glenn's business...and ending up in the Grey Bar Hotel

Then Won Bwrierly should have stopped stripping and fiddling things years ago 

Hes going down big time...

As for the Racing Industry being lumbered by Gumment appointments big boys Jobs for Knat Party sweethearts...

We deserve every penny that the Knat Party appointments squandered ffs

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11 hours ago, Dark Beau said:

So you are now a economist, not that they are worth more than three pence!

Nope just have a good memory of history, read a lot and a pragmatic view of most things which isn't driven by ideology.  

You don't need to be an economist to read and understand Treasury and Reserve Bank advice - just literate!  Supply and demand are basic Economics 101 that anyone with a decent High School education would understand.

If you increase the money supply artificially by printing it and then it is spent on non-productive things you create inflationary tinder.  The first signs of that have been the surge in property prices.  Businesses weren't expected to weather the Covid-19 storm by using normal market funding but had their staff and themselves paid by the Government's printed money.  Good old socialist thinking. 

Now all it will take is imported inflation to light that tinder and the Government has nowhere to go.  They've already fired their best shot.  With regard to memory it doesn't have to be that good to recall when 91 Octane petrol was $2.40 in October 2018.  Currently the price is $1.92.  Oil prices have risen 50% since October and 8% in the last week alone.  When the world economy starts moving again this Spring those prices will quickly surpass 2018.  Watch the flow on effects in New Zealand!  Add to that the cost of importing all the materials for the big infrastructure projects - steel and cement for example.  To build light rail to the Auckland Airport?  Geez we used to be a net exporter of the highest quality cement in the world made from the highest grades of limestone and coal.  Now we rely on imported crap from China which is subject to overseas prices and transport costs!

Getting back to Cindy and Granty.  Oh the irony of printing $100m and giving it to the racing industry!  Where did the majority of that money go?  In the first instance to two overseas companies.  Who paid Paddy Power the overdue rent for the crap TAB software?  The NZ Labour Government.  Who paid the American Broadcasting company for overdue rent for the over-specced broadcasting system?  Now we are paying a UK/Australian company for three AWT tracks!

So Dark Beau what are Cindy and Granty going to do next?  The political liability of the Minister of Finance being the Minister for Racing when the hand comes out again is immense!  I guess they will just suck on another Chardonnay and to hell with the workers!

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27 minutes ago, Thomass said:

As for the Racing Industry being lumbered by Gumment appointments big boys Jobs for Knat Party sweethearts...

Even if that made sense nothing has changed under 4 years of a Labour Government.  As I said above they dished out $100m to pay overseas creditors!  Then invested in 3 AWT's without any semblance of a business case or a long term strategy!  Brilliant!

29 minutes ago, Thomass said:

My point is the Bigg Boys are going to pay big time...eventually

But what is your point - pay how in terms of what they done business wise?

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