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Last BIG Place Punt Challenge, similar rules as before but slightly different - ALL WELCOME


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Was thinking to do another selections game, the Big place punt was quite popular. So thinking could do it again.

I still need a bit more practice at it, before trying my actual hand placing actual $.

Selections can be put forward for any meeting this week or weekend.

Ill put down my selections down most likely for Addington tomorrow once TAB shows odds as trying to focus on South.

Record to bet is Gospels think of $9,400k. BUT focus is not a completion against one another focus is on to try to beat the TAB & return anything above $3k.

Last Big Place Punt Challenge Ill do on here. So why not have a crack, same rules as before apply. BUT you do not have to pick 3. You can pick anywhere between 1-6 bets/horses. So you can have 6 x $500 bets or maybe 1 @ $1k & 1 @ $2k. Total must add to $3k and no more than 6 bets in total. ALL must be place punts. 1 minimum bet - 6 maximum bets. 

If you got 1 selection come in last time, have another crack. Try to improve. Try to get 2. Same for those including myself that got 2 in. Try to get 3 in. Just a bit of fun for us.

All welcome to participate even Ranga, who has NEVER participated. Yet has mocked Brods for non participation. (& yes you do have a question I fired at you today, YET cat has got your tongue). Perhaps you should of started your thread in Vent, seems a more appropriate place for it. You & Ludwig can go play with yourselves in there. Hope everyone can understand  the rules, everyone did last time. Have had feedback from 1 poster Ranga that he finds me hard to understand.

Anyway honestly moving on. To focus on horses.


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  On 15/09/2021 at 1:41 AM, Trotsfan said:

Is gospels restricted this time asking for a friend


Haha, the Dark Horse - Gospel.

Actually gave me an idea, should be doing this every week, then just take peeps selections that have the highest percentage wins on a regular basis & actually punt on their selections lol.

Never mind - Last Big Place Punt Challenge.

Can we ALL improve?

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Just taking a look for potential selections & looking at Alex P but being run at Cambridge & note that T Williams & B Hope will be up. Prob due to Auckland drivers still being in lockdown.

Williams has 9 drives out of 9 races & Hope has 5 drives. Williams obviously mostly will be on Telfers runners.

Anyway good for them, coming up North for the drives.

Have made my selections, see 2 I like at Addington, BUT yet need to see how much they are paying. Ohh Lala can Karrots give Gospel a run for his money. 


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Auckland at Cambridge   500 place R1  9 Miss Hathaway. at $3.20 a place

                                         500 place    R2  2 Romeo Foxtrot. at $4.50 a place

                                         500 place   r5 8 Safrakova  at $ 3.60 a place 

Addington Friday     500 a place r1 2 Mark Dunnett at $ 1.80 a place

                                 500 a place r3  14 Magnifique Diamache at $2.30 a place

                                500 a place  r 10  11 Life of Art at $2.30 a place. 

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  On 16/09/2021 at 4:21 AM, Gospel of Judas said:

Auckland at Cambridge   500 place R1  9 Miss Hathaway. at $3.20 a place

                                         500 place    R2  2 Romeo Foxtrot. at $4.50 a place

                                         500 place   r5 8 Safrakova  at $ 3.60 a place 

Addington Friday     500 a place r1 2 Mark Dunnett at $ 1.80 a place

                                 500 a place r3  14 Magnifique Diamache at $2.30 a place

                                500 a place  r 10  11 Life of Art at $2.30 a place. 


Thanks Gospel for your selections,

BTW think Trotsfan was passing out a compliment to you in a cheeky way lol.

Im taking 1 bet only for selections game, on Mogul @2.20 fixed place top 4. So $3k on it. Addington tomorrow.

My other selection was Mitsi Gaynor as that was 1 of the 2y-os I was following as per our 2 year old thread. BUT is fav. Cant believe it a maiden in a race win race. 

Congrats too your 1st selection in. Wow can't believe she paid $3.20. Great find.

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  On 16/09/2021 at 4:21 AM, Gospel of Judas said:

Auckland at Cambridge   500 place R1  9 Miss Hathaway. at $3.20 a place

                                         500 place    R2  2 Romeo Foxtrot. at $4.50 a place

                                         500 place   r5 8 Safrakova  at $ 3.60 a place 

Addington Friday     500 a place r1 2 Mark Dunnett at $ 1.80 a place

                                 500 a place r3  14 Magnifique Diamache at $2.30 a place

                                500 a place  r 10  11 Life of Art at $2.30 a place. 


Sheez Gospel that is 2 from 2! On fire. Your horse won the race even.

Well folks, anyone else wanting to join. selections open until Sunday. Gospel has made a FLYER!

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Final post for today, as tonights selections close out. Update, Gospel has 2 hits & a close miss 4th. But still away out in front.

While on here topic re Cambridge, last time Ill mention this, but wanted to point this out as evidence to back up my opinion/reason, why I prefer a commentator that is a Harness Specialist over one that is NOT. No disrespect to the commentator at Cambridge tonight. Probably a fantastic commentator at Gallops or Dogs which ever he specialises in. In fact I bet he is.

However what is noticeable is MULTIPLE mistakes on calling wrong horses all over the show & over MULTIPLE races. More noticeable when the fields are bigger.

Apologies to anyone if Im getting a bit annoying posting a lot over this lockdown extended time.   


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  On 16/09/2021 at 7:17 AM, Karrotsisback said:

Final post for today, as tonights selections close out. Update, Gospel has 2 hits & a close miss 4th. But still away out in front.

While on here topic re Cambridge, last time Ill mention this, but wanted to point this out as evidence to back up my opinion/reason, why I prefer a commentator that is a Harness Specialist over one that is NOT. No disrespect to the commentator at Cambridge tonight. Probably a fantastic commentator at Gallops or Dogs which ever he specialises in. In fact I bet he is.

However what is noticeable is MULTIPLE mistakes on calling wrong horses all over the show & over MULTIPLE races. More noticeable when the fields are bigger.

Apologies to anyone if Im getting a bit annoying posting a lot over this lockdown extended time.   



You ain't the most regular poster, I don't think I am either but we can spend a lot of time online, gee how did we exist before the net, as for me being here at 6 in the morning, sometimes I have a habit of going to sleep on the couch, then waking up at some odd hour, sometimes 2 or 3  or 4 in the morn then I go to bed, sometimes I listen to zb, sometimes I follow the football from Europe, sometimes watch you tube, one thing leads to another and when I should be dead to the world I'm still awake, no one can deny the net and our computer, smartphones are very addictive..

As for the picking comp may look into that tomorrow, the other site does has a comp on a Saturday sorting out some picks can take up a lot of time, lots of toil for little return, life can be like that sometimes too.


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  On 16/09/2021 at 9:49 AM, mikeynz said:

You ain't the most regular poster, I don't think I am either but we can spend a lot of time online, gee how did we exist before the net, as for me being here at 6 in the morning, sometimes I have a habit of going to sleep on the couch, then waking up at some odd hour, sometimes 2 or 3  or 4 in the morn then I go to bed, sometimes I listen to zb, sometimes I follow the football from Europe, sometimes watch you tube, one thing leads to another and when I should be dead to the world I'm still awake, no one can deny the net and our computer, smartphones are very addictive..

As for the picking comp may look into that tomorrow, the other site does has a comp on a Saturday sorting out some picks can take up a lot of time, lots of toil for little return, life can be like that sometimes too.



Hey Mikey NZ,

So pleased you posted this. Too good message not to reply now. My message was partly to you. G.d me too, atm, fall asleep on couch, the last few days. Up then not. Up now, but yesterday asleep early. This lockdown extended is challenging to say the least. Brutal. Just want to go outside.

You know, when you come at me that time re Jewels review thing. First time you ever did. I 100% took it onboard. Heres why.

Simply as Mikey NZ, NEVER COMES AT POSTERS. I thought f..k. Iv gone too far. Crossed the line. I actually respected that. Yes I bit back initially, BUT notice how the thread soon came to an END.

Same again, just recently, yes, altho bit back, I have taken it onboard too. Gosh hope we haven’t scared off the other posters yikes. The argue argue. Oppsey daisy.

The other site you mention, I took a look at it just now havent it so long, as you mentioned it & yikes this commentator thing has come up too on there. Yeah it was not the best tonight. Anyway moving on. Iv said my peace on it.

No worries re if you don’t make selections. I just wanted another mock run for myself. Ill start soon enough re real thing.

Re the swinging lol. You know it might seem like West field but it did happen. And YES I prob should not of mentioned it. Stupid of me really to bringing it up. But as I already did it was from someone from A HIGH PROFILE STABLE. My mate was like, if they were like 8 deep in beer they would of actually thought about it. But they WERE NOT laughing.

Anyway so cool to get your post/message.

Peace & Nite.


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Ok I'm a bit tired today and a bit busy so here is a couple I've sorted

Race 5 I think it is, American Sniper  2000 a place,2 40 FO

Last race, Life of Art, 1000 a place at 2 40 Fixed.

American Sniper needs to place or I lose, strange as it I am very accomplished at that already 😂


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Yes Im a bit tired too, funny tho haven’t been doing anything all day.

Great, Unhinged has presented selections too. Thanks to you all for finding the time to do it. Selections open til Sunday for anyone else wanting to join.

Going into tonight Gospel sits on $3850 after 2 collects yesterday.

Good luck tonight with your actual punting & lets see how ALL our selections go, if Mogul doesn't hit Im out $3k pretend money    

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  On 17/09/2021 at 6:48 AM, Rangatira said:

I think I was on course.


Yes & it was probably amazing times for you, but as Mikey NZ has highlighted here, times have changed. And as Brods stated if you don’t move with the times instead staying stuck in the past, “then turn the lights out the last one out”.

Feel free to pop your selections down since you have posted on this thread. Still 5 races to go.

Update - Unhinged has had his 1st runner place so is on $2100 😃

Mikey NZ 1st runner is up next 😃

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  On 17/09/2021 at 7:20 AM, Rangatira said:

Lights flickered here before.

Just an earthquake............phew


Please don't take a dump on this thread too Ranga. Post your selections that is what the thread is about.

Update just like that Mikey NZ grabs $4800.

Kerri M who won race was my place punt last selections game. Good to see her get the win to bring Williams 600th driving win.

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  On 17/09/2021 at 7:28 AM, Karrotsisback said:

Please don't take a dump on this thread too Ranga. Post your selections that is what the thread is about.

Update just like that Mikey NZ grabs $4800.

Kerri M who won race was my place punt last selections game. Good to see her get the win to bring Williams 600th driving win.


I could do with $4800.

I was looking at a horse in the next, Folklore but will just watch and see.

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  On 17/09/2021 at 8:03 AM, mikeynz said:

I could do with $4800.


Yes that would be nice $4800.

Lucky for Karrots its just pretend money tho, as my horse putted out badly. What the heck. Maybe its sick or I just need more practice lol.

Unhinged 2nd & 3rd selections came in. SO ALL 3. Hope you had a punt on some of these tonight Unhinged!

Final Totals in bold

Karrots $0

Unhinged $5800

Mikey NZ $4800 with 1 selection to go

Gospel $3800 with 1 selection to go

(Both posters on same runner Race 10 Life of Art)

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  On 17/09/2021 at 8:25 AM, Karrotsisback said:

Yes that would be nice $4800.

Lucky for Karrots its just pretend money tho, as my horse putted out badly. What the heck. Maybe its sick or I just need more practice lol.

Unhinged 2nd & 3rd selections came in. SO ALL 3. Hope you had a punt on some of these tonight Unhinged!

Final Totals in bold

Karrots $0

Unhinged $5800

Mikey NZ $4800 with 1 selection to go

Gospel $3800 with 1 selection to go

(Both posters on same runner Race 10 Life of Art)


Might need more practise perhaps before using real dish lol.

Are you a punter?

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  On 17/09/2021 at 8:35 AM, mikeynz said:

Might need more practise perhaps before using real dish lol.

Are you a punter?


Do fun small bets a couple times a month.

It came 23.9 lengths last, so think something must of been up with it. Those are the viables I suppose when horse betting.

Was actually thinking about Cya Doit another Telfer runner who got 2nd, but wasn’t keen on 2nd row draw. Knew it from the North. Still learning South horses, know most of the North ones.

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And that is a wrap for tonight. Some EXCELLENT RESULTS. With 3 posters beating the odds!

Current leader is Mikey NZ, so if no-one puts forth selections for Sunday then we have a new reining champ with both his selections coming in & based on dollars jumps ahead of Unhinged.

Final points/dollar scores tonight:

Mikey NZ $7200

Unhinged $5800

Gospel $5000

Karrots $0 (needs more practice on South horses)

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Gamms you are rather quiet. I spy Ned Kelly starts Sunday. TAB form comments about NK.

Win or bust type with his best draw this time in. Shouldn't be underrated.

Will you be on him again or give it a miss & stick to the Hannon?

Speaking of Hannon who will win? You going for Classie B?

Galah recall you saying recently to watch out for Kiwi X Factor, well it won last nite. Were you on it?

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