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Rally Cramner Square.


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Just back from the rally. Good crowd, at least a thousand of very concerned citizen's. GP from Methven addressed crowd, she is losing her job next week because of refusal to be jabbed with poison. Next rally October 30th, same place and time. This will grow, October 30th will be huge. No media or Police attended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rally this Saturday Cramner Square 11am.  This rally is about freedom. This rally is about choice. This rally is about meeting like minded people that care about the direction NZ is headed. Its also about the freedom to have medical procedures forced on you against your will. If you value these basic choices in a democracy then show up.. There will be a huge crowd of brave citizens.

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Another good rally yesterday, big crowd and growing, maybe 2000 there. Auckland big crowd, as did Wellington, Tauranga, Napier, Timaru. Next rally November 13th same place, same time. We are in a war folks, if you value freedom of speech, freedom as we once had it before the evil ones took over, then get on the streets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 to 4 thousand concerned souls turned up. We then marched through the central city bringing traffic to a halt and finished in the square. Not to wet, and crowd in good spirits. Was on the main news channels last night, but under reported by the lying media. Next rally 11am next Saturday Cramner Square. Will be marching again through central city bringing roads to a close. If you value your freedom and rights, turn up next week, this is only going to grow. This Gov is out of control, and you the people have a clear choice of either dictatorship, socialism, mandates and lock ups. Your choice.

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For those that are unvaxed and do not intend to be, I have sent and paid for an order of Ivermectin. It will be about 1 month before it arrives. I have ordered it through an outfit called alldaychemist.com and its for Ivermectin 12mg (Austro) Ivermectin, pack size 60 Tablet/s 1 pack,  price US$108, shipping and handling US$20.   You can google alldaychemist.com. I now await what happens and will get back on it after arrival or non arrival.

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  On 15/11/2021 at 9:53 PM, aquaman said:

For those that are unvaxed and do not intend to be, I have sent and paid for an order of Ivermectin. It will be about 1 month before it arrives. I have ordered it through an outfit called alldaychemist.com and its for Ivermectin 12mg (Austro) Ivermectin, pack size 60 Tablet/s 1 pack,  price US$108, shipping and handling US$20.   You can google alldaychemist.com. I now await what happens and will get back on it after arrival or non arrival.


I bet you it will be intercepted at the border.  Especially now that you have posted online.

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  On 17/11/2021 at 1:14 AM, Nostradamus said:

Jacinda has decided to try and boycott these protests on Saturday by getting people to cause a stir and violence, and wanting to label them as terrorist attacks 


They are experts at disinformation and propaganda, dividing and labeling is part of the Nazi Labour coalition handbook. These terrorist selfish unclean protestors are having an effect, and it is growing. Saturday 11am Cramner Square will be big. I shall be there with thousands of other true patriots fighting against enslavement.

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Israel Hit with Covid Blizzard After 3rd Dose via Stranger Than Fiction News | Prophecy | Before It's News
You replied on Fri 19/11/2021 11:02 AM
You replied on Fri 19/11/2021 11:02 AM
Fri 19/11/2021 12:03 AM
Israel Hit with Covid Blizzard After 3rd Dose via Stranger Than Fiction News Banned by screwtube and fakebook, our videos have been viewed over a billion times. What do you think? Let us know in the comments. Hope everyone has a great week. The Native Americans Have been using Humic & Fulvic Minerals...

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Went to my 4th rally today. No news media or police were obvious. Biggest crowd yet, at least 5000 concerned citizens. Marched from Cramner Square through the CBD and back to Cramner Square. Vocal parade but very peaceful. Lying news media did not show Ch Ch rally as it was to large for them to stomach, instead showed smaller rally in Auckland which had about 2000. Traffic was brought to a halt whilst marchers paraded through inner city for about 30 minutes. This was the biggest crowd yet filling up Cramner Square. This has got bigger each time I have attended and is only going to grow here in Ch Ch. Next rally December 4th 11am Cramner Square.

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Bloody Brilliant, and the brave buggers have lost their jobs, in a decade or less when legal action is rife the culprits/bureaucrats will have taken cover or bolted leaving a trail of destruction.

Ardern has nothing between the left and right ear anyway, but how so many Doctors turn on more learned contemporaries and peers is astounding, our previous CHO here in QLD was a GP, and ordinary GP to boot, no Epidemiologist either, but it was she who called the shots, our Premier would always bow to Janet Young's learned education and expertise........neither of them would listen to much more talented and experienced physicians who should have had the platform to express their concerns.

I just hope down the track Both Palachook and Janet are wearing pyjamas with arrows on them as the emotional and financial destruction by their hands is incalculable!

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New Zealand Nurse explains what she's currently seeing in hospital.
Fri 26/11/2021 12:04 AM
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  On 25/11/2021 at 8:41 PM, aquaman said:
New Zealand Nurse explains what she's currently seeing in hospital.
Fri 26/11/2021 12:04 AM
This advertisement has been selected by the BitChute platform. By purchasing and/or using the linked product you are helping to cover the costs of running BitChute.
Certainly great straight talking facts on this issue, one just shakes there head, and to think my grandkids will possibly be subject to this bloody poison, to think the government can sacrifice all of these professionals from all different jobs, without out even any thought on the loss to the community, just leaves me dumbfounded and feeling quite sick, as I feel the decision is coming for me, huge thanks to aquaman for sharing this for all to see.


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Shad, you have to hang in there, eventually the truth will surface. Refuse the poison at all costs, especially if you are healthy. I feel confident these Nazi's will be exposed for what they are, and the people will turn on them.

I suspect this new variant coming out of Africa will render the poison that they have been injecting into the worlds populations ineffective, but early days yet, probably couple of months before data is in on that. What I do know is the poison is useless after 6 months requiring the recipient to endless booster shots of more cellular destroying vaccine.

Myself, I concentrate on building my own God given immune system that is built perfectly for fighting incoming virus's such as Covid 19. Once you have had it, your own immune system will be strengthened for future variants down the track. Meanwhile the poor people on the poison will live or die according to big Pharma's dictates.

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  On 26/11/2021 at 9:46 PM, aquaman said:

Shad, you have to hang in there, eventually the truth will surface. Refuse the poison at all costs, especially if you are healthy. I feel confident these Nazi's will be exposed for what they are, and the people will turn on them.

I suspect this new variant coming out of Africa will render the poison that they have been injecting into the worlds populations ineffective, but early days yet, probably couple of months before data is in on that. What I do know is the poison is useless after 6 months requiring the recipient to endless booster shots of more cellular destroying vaccine.

Myself, I concentrate on building my own God given immune system that is built perfectly for fighting incoming virus's such as Covid 19. Once you have had it, your own immune system will be strengthened for future variants down the track. Meanwhile the poor people on the poison will live or die according to big Pharma's dictates.


Cheers for your support, it's my intention not to roll over on this one, will see how much loyalty will be shown to a person that works hard, never complains, always has a smile on their face, and been there for 12 years, it's more on the health and safety chesnut there pushing.

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Why Are So Many Healthy Athletes Dropping Like Flies? - Videos - VidMax.com
Sun 28/11/2021 9:53 PM
As of 2 weeks ago, dozens of news reports have confirmed young athletes have suddenly dropped due to heart issues in America and around the world. Many of these include pro and semi-pro athletes in prime health, dropping dead or ending up in the hospital from heart attacks. 33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack 5 days after 32 year old Olympic Tennis player Joachim Gerard ...
I am putting this out there, make what you will.
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