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Bit Of A Yarn

Peters and the Messara 'report'


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Unfortunately for this Grande Coalition Simple Slimon's a dead man walking...

Fortunately the Knats are too stupid to realise it and they'll replace him with Paul Benefit...who's universally hated...just before the Election...and then her tie back will explode with the pressure...

Reefton and all you yocal locals down there should be over the moon this Great Coalition has recognised the need for INFRASTRUCTURE and donated a sheet load to keep the Tourists in toilet paper...

Something the Knats didn't have a clue about...enjoy

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12 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Unfortunately for this Grande Coalition Simple Slimon's a dead man walking...

Fortunately the Knats are too stupid to realise it and they'll replace him with Paul Benefit...who's universally hated...just before the Election...and then her tie back will explode with the pressure...

Reefton and all you yocal locals down there should be over the moon this Great Coalition has recognised the need for INFRASTRUCTURE and donated a sheet load to keep the Tourists in toilet paper...

Something the Knats didn't have a clue about...enjoy

I guess keeping up on the toilet paper issue is important when you produce as much s#*t as you do T

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On 15/08/2018 at 3:02 PM, mumbles said:

That can't be right.Have Labour never been in power before.


if you look at this century! it was Lab/nzf who brought in the tax changers etc... if you look at any board be in nztr or nzrb the are ALWAYS dominated totally by tory types!  tell me one person that has ever had a organic connection to organised labour!  re Labour today! very much tory lite! most mp could move over to Nats and be at home! you do know who started ACT...

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2 minutes ago, mumbles said:

I would have thought that the Minister of Racing,nat or Lab would be the top man,the fact that none of them did nothing must mean the blame lays with Nats or Lab.

None of them come out of this smelling any good.Every minister must have been weak.

Annette King/Winnie delivered the tax breaks on betting (and tax write offs for the well to do)...  there have been a scary amount of Ministers in the roll, starting with Fallon...

But the  main reasons it's a Sunset Industry is 'the % of disposable income (in real terms) has gone down for the majority of Nzers'  during the last 30+ years -the neoliberal period - on top of that it has been a Industry that has SHIT on so many of its customers.. a good example being Riccarton charging $15 for public entrance when there was NOTHING undercover!!   Total Rip Off! 


my tragic! is! I fecking actually care!

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26 minutes ago, Murray Fish said:


if you look at this century! it was Lab/nzf who brought in the tax changers etc... if you look at any board be in nztr or nzrb the are ALWAYS dominated totally by tory types!  tell me one person that has ever had a organic connection to organised labour!  re Labour today! very much tory lite! most mp could move over to Nats and be at home! you do know who started ACT...

And what long term effect did those funding changes have?

Agree with you re the Labour Party though - it was formed in Blackball and those poor pricks working their guts out down the mine would turn in their graves at the way the party has abandoned mining.  Too many Lawyers, school, teachers, political scientists(and wankers) in the Labour Party today.

My own ancestors would have been fervent Labour supporters(being essentially working or small businessmen) but the Labour party they supported disappeared long long ago.

17 minutes ago, mumbles said:

I would have thought that the Minister of Racing,nat or Lab would be the top man,the fact that none of them did nothing must mean the blame lays with Nats or Lab.

None of them come out of this smelling any good.Every minister must have been weak.

Why oh why would any political party worry about racing?(except Winnie so he can suck on free drinks and ride around in the Vela helicopter) .  There are not enough votes in the game.  Just like the West Coast - the Greens and Labour can drive their boot fair into our guts knowing there are only 30,000 of us and our votes don't count.

Much as Nathan Guy annoyed the shit out of me I am not turning to the other side just because of racing.

No politician thinks of anyone but themselves

16 minutes ago, Murray Fish said:

Annette King/Winnie delivered the tax breaks on betting (and tax write offs for the well to do)...  there have been a scary amount of Ministers in the roll, starting with Fallon...

But the  main reasons it's a Sunset Industry is 'the % of disposable income (in real terms) has gone down for the majority of Nzers'  during the last 30+ years -the neoliberal period - on top of that it has been a Industry that has SHIT on so many of its customers.. a good example being Riccarton charging $15 for public entrance when there was NOTHING undercover!!   Total Rip Off! 


my tragic! is! I fecking actually care!

I think it is more the way life is changing - have a look at the pubs or the local sports ground on a Saturday afternoon.  Between drink driving, Sky TV, the consumer society(easy trips to Aussie and flat screen TV's for instance) and a devotion to our children there are an awful lot of other things to do and the social structure of life has changed dramatically in the last forty years.

People are FAR better off than they used to be(whatever the real wage might have done)but their priorities have changed.


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3 hours ago, Reefton said:

And what long term effect did those funding changes have?

Agree with you re the Labour Party though - it was formed in Blackball and those poor pricks working their guts out down the mine would turn in their graves at the way the party has abandoned mining.  Too many Lawyers, school, teachers, political scientists(and wankers) in the Labour Party today.

My own ancestors would have been fervent Labour supporters(being essentially working or small businessmen) but the Labour party they supported disappeared long long ago.

Why oh why would any political party worry about racing?(except Winnie so he can suck on free drinks and ride around in the Vela helicopter) .  There are not enough votes in the game.  Just like the West Coast - the Greens and Labour can drive their boot fair into our guts knowing there are only 30,000 of us and our votes don't count.

Much as Nathan Guy annoyed the shit out of me I am not turning to the other side just because of racing.

No politician thinks of anyone but themselves

I think it is more the way life is changing - have a look at the pubs or the local sports ground on a Saturday afternoon.  Between drink driving, Sky TV, the consumer society(easy trips to Aussie and flat screen TV's for instance) and a devotion to our children there are an awful lot of other things to do and the social structure of life has changed dramatically in the last forty years.

People are FAR better off than they used to be(whatever the real wage might have done)but their priorities have changed.


Yes going be interesting with all these new taxes from horse teeth lady, whats going to happen to entertainment dollar? go down and spending on betting and racing go down. Why found it so funny why all these Thomas types are so silly to support Labour and there pack of idiots!. Peters is just useless old drunk, think find quiet a few National liking being on otherside!. As cause the amounts billions and corruption to keep Peters on you're side is not worth the pain.

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42 minutes ago, Gospel of Judas said:

Yes going be interesting with all these new taxes from horse teeth lady, whats going to happen to entertainment dollar? go down and spending on betting and racing go down. Why found it so funny why all these Thomas types are so silly to support Labour and there pack of idiots!. Peters is just useless old drunk, think find quiet a few National liking being on otherside!. As cause the amounts billions and corruption to keep Peters on you're side is not worth the pain.

Destroying business confidence will do a lot to increase the entertainment dollar as well.  She ought to get back to packing fish and chips.  The other day she had no idea about her own industrial relations  law. tonight she repeatedly called one of her MP's McNulty when his name is McAnulty(even he lost patience eventually), she is apparently trying to do a deal that will see Ron Mark step aside in the Wairarapa(you do the deal so the minor party wins you stupid girl!) and her deputy is apparently in failing health.  The wheels are falling off!


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Business confidence schmofidence...

I think you'll find Cam Bagbrie put that fallacy to bed...

....besides 'Business' has always been anti left...going into a deep depression if they have to pay above minimum wage...

...or they can't understand MMP...born to rule Cullen said..."pricks"

And how did I know you'd be a typical Coasty Misogonist..."girly's" should be in a Coast Bar serving poitin after hours shouldn't they?


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3 hours ago, Reefton said:

Destroying business confidence will do a lot to increase the entertainment dollar as well.  She ought to get back to packing fish and chips.  The other day she had no idea about her own industrial relations  law. tonight she repeatedly called one of her MP's McNulty when his name is McAnulty(even he lost patience eventually), she is apparently trying to do a deal that will see Ron Mark step aside in the Wairarapa(you do the deal so the minor party wins you stupid girl!) and her deputy is apparently in failing health.  The wheels are falling off!


Backed up by man with drinking problem, NZ First who half of mps want vote for National!. She never do any real work like all left bourgeoisie class of arts grads!. Deal is keep nz first going, as Peters health problems and drinking could see them wiped out. Thought McAnulty was that great TAB bookie, going to take Labour by storm! , according to all these racing greats ! nope not good and got thrown under the bus!

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15 hours ago, Thomass said:

Business confidence schmofidence...

I think you'll find Cam Bagbrie put that fallacy to bed...

....besides 'Business' has always been anti left...going into a deep depression if they have to pay above minimum wage...

...or they can't understand MMP...born to rule Cullen said..."pricks"

And how did I know you'd be a typical Coasty Misogonist..."girly's" should be in a Coast Bar serving poitin after hours shouldn't they?


First the man's name is Cameron Bagrie not Bagbrie you idiot.  If you want to take part in the conversation at least try to be coherent and accurate in your contribution.

Bagrie came down here once when he was ANZ economist - stood there with a look an his face as if to say 'look at me I'm Cameron Bagrie'.  A frigging showoff and like most economists talked utter piffle and plenty of it - a trait they share with weather forecasters.  If he (and I hear that Adrian Orr another economist and Reserve Bank Governor saying this the other day as well) does not know the link between business confidence and economic fortunes then they didn't listen too well when they were at Varsity.  Business confidence is EVERYTHING if you want your country to go well.  The businessmen, large and small, are the risk takers who drive the economy forward by doing exactly that - identifying opportunities and employing people to take advantage of them(and by definition taking risk).  That is how the economy grows not by Teethcinda and her silly public servant and politician mates spending up large on money we haven't got.

As for calling me Muldoonist - well let me say the racing industry was in an effing lot better shape when Muldoon was PM and your friend Peters unashamedly admired Muldoon immensely.  What ultimately brought Muldoon down incidentally was a huge dive in business confidence.  They had no idea what he was going to do next with the consequent uncertainty.

Having said that you are like a lot of Muldoon critics(mainly journalists) in that you bag him when he is not around to defend himself.  Had you talked like that in his heyday you would have been swatted like an errant sandfly(which would be good for all of us incidentally).

As for that imbecile Cullen well he leaves Parliament and gets onto Tranz Rail and the NZ Post Boards(and makes a - predictable - mess of them).  English and Key are immediately snapped up onto the huge private sector boards Air NZ, ANZ and Westfarmers.  Big companies that know quality when they see it.  Jenny Shipley, Bolger and Ruth Richardson the same.  That's the difference between your mob and the Nats - they always have something else to do and usually a hell of a lot more lucrative that politics whereas Cullen and co swim around in the same public service cesspool they always have swum around in due to their no hoper outlooks and lack of skills.


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On 16/08/2018 at 4:28 PM, Reefton said:


People are FAR better off than they used to be(whatever the real wage might have done)but their priorities have changed.


wow! not to sure how you can claim that...  I could flood the site with a mountain of academic research showing you claim is wrong...    

eg https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/monitoring/household-incomes/


Max Rashbrooke has written widely on the topic...  Stats NZ has a ton of stats negating your claim...  B Easton Vic uni has covered the topic in depth..  CTU's Bill Rosenberg covers it in 

By Bill Rosenberg

A new study, “Shrinking portions to low and middle-income earners: Inequality in Wages and Self-Employment 1998-2015” shows rising inequality in the hourly rates of gross earnings (before tax and benefits) among both wage and salary earners and the self-employed over the period 1998-201

I've tried to post some graphs without luck.. 


And on top of all that the Tab has over the years spent a massive amount of time propagating bet types that have massive 'betting take outs'.. eg Quin 25%  etc.. leading to less and less churn...  sigh... 



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10 hours ago, Murray Fish said:

wow! not to sure how you can claim that...  I could flood the site with a mountain of academic research showing you claim is wrong...    

eg https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/monitoring/household-incomes/


Max Rashbrooke has written widely on the topic...  Stats NZ has a ton of stats negating your claim...  B Easton Vic uni has covered the topic in depth..  CTU's Bill Rosenberg covers it in 

By Bill Rosenberg

A new study, “Shrinking portions to low and middle-income earners: Inequality in Wages and Self-Employment 1998-2015” shows rising inequality in the hourly rates of gross earnings (before tax and benefits) among both wage and salary earners and the self-employed over the period 1998-201

I've tried to post some graphs without luck.. 


And on top of all that the Tab has over the years spent a massive amount of time propagating bet types that have massive 'betting take outs'.. eg Quin 25%  etc.. leading to less and less churn...  sigh... 



Rosenberg is another economist but even worse a leftie economist - most economists preach doom and gloom and leftie ones are the worst of the lot. You only need to look at the unions - years ago you had to be in one to stop bosses walking all over you.  Now hardly anyone is and the boss has to look after you because it is impossible to find decent staff.

But let me ask you a question(as an example) - how many people do you know who have not got TV and have never had an international trip?  Of how many familes you know who do not own at least one less than ten year old car(and generally at least two)?  Cast your mind back 40 years and ask yourself the same question.

The issue in this world is that TV and social media shoves in our faces the vast gap between the really really rich and the rest of us.  Jealousy is a natural reaction and I am prone to it too but I suggest you read a book called 'The subtle art of not giving a f*#k' which talks about the fact that wherever you are in life and whatever the perceived (invariably in your own mind) inequities that afflict you just get on with it and accept life as it is.

My Father has been dead for 51 years but he went to the second World War and served in Egypt Crete and Italy.  When he arrived back in NZ do you think there was counselling, social support services and an MSD that fell over itself to help him get back to a decent life back here in NZ? Not bloody likely! It was get back to work! When he married and produced a tribe of kids then got crook do you think MSD(or Social Welfare as it was then) rushed to his aid? Not effing likely!  No he was left to struggle with a wife and seven kids to feed, no job because he could no longer work as a mechanic and what must have been an incredibly bleak outlook.  He even said to Mum 'you would be better off if I was dead'.  Soon enough he did die and Mum was treated like a criminal by the aforementioned Social Welfare - being the wonderful and diligent money manager she was Mum would knit someone a jersey and put the $2 she received in the bank - the next day Social Welfare would ring and ask where the money came from! Imagine the outrage today.  The bastards treated Mum and my Father before her like shit!  And yet their kids have gone on to repay whatever pittance they got ten thousand  times over (and I do not exaggerate there - I reckon the various taxes my siblings and my businesses would have paid would be in the $30-40m range and they ain't finished yet).

Mum always used to say 'They talk about the good old days - I only remember the bad old days!'.  Ironically my mothers only job prior to marriage was in the Mines Office in Blackball  - the birthplace of the NZ Labour Party no less.  In those days if you didn't vote Labour and you lived in Blackball you certainly didn't make use of the Blackball polling booth at election time - they would burn your bloody house down! 

I am not looking for sympathy here - theirs would have been a story shared by hundreds of couples but please don't tell me people are worse off today. When I was at school nobody seemed particularly rich to me but in my view the difference today is TV and having the wealthy shoved fair in your face.

Rosenberg and his unionist ilk's trouble is not being worse off - it is that they are becoming less and less relevant and people are paying less and less attention to them - and that problem mirrors the more that NZ racing finds itself in in this day and age.

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My dad was also a mechanic before the war but unable to continue after the war.Spent 18 months in hospital due to illness he picked up during WW2.

Never joined the RSA,very bitter regarding how he was treated and how the higher echelon of officers looked down on the ordinary soldier.

Suffered from PTSD in his later years and was locked away in an institution.

If war ever breaks out again they certainly won't be getting the services of any of my family if i can prevent it.


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14 minutes ago, muzenza365 said:

A bit different to NZ First Leader in a bus from one end of the country to another to listen to the citizen's concerns!

As opposition leader, an elected constituent MP and leader of comfortably the largest party in Parliament Simon deserves a limo.

As a bloke who knowingly defrauded the NZ taxpayer over many years Winston deserves jail.

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8 hours ago, mumbles said:

My dad was also a mechanic before the war but unable to continue after the war.Spent 18 months in hospital due to illness he picked up during WW2.

Never joined the RSA,very bitter regarding how he was treated and how the higher echelon of officers looked down on the ordinary soldier.

Suffered from PTSD in his later years and was locked away in an institution.

If war ever breaks out again they certainly won't be getting the services of any of my family if i can prevent it.


Sorry to hear that Mumbles.  I don't think my father was involved in the front lines but I believe he saw plenty of horrific sights. Tragically from my perspective he died long before I could talk to him about his experiences (I was four and the other family member on the other channel eleven or twelve I think). It does make me laugh how Kiwis fought for Britain in two wars but when the EEC came along the Poms forgot about Kiwis and our dependence on agricultural trade.  And as for Anzac Day well they make a huge fuss now but when those guys came home they hardly wanted to know them.

But I am not wanting to dwell on that just pointing out that (comparatively) people don't know they are alive today and people like Bill Rosenberg mouthing off - well those still in the union movement are paying his wages and getting piss poor value in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Reefton said:


But I am not wanting to dwell on that just pointing out that (comparatively) people don't know they are alive today and people like Bill Rosenberg mouthing off - well those still in the union movement are paying his wages and getting piss poor value in my opinion.

When I think about it NZ Racing has that problem too - a heap of 'experts' running the show providing piss poor value for money.

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