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Bit Of A Yarn

Worst named horse in NZ! Why would you seriously????


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  On 25/04/2022 at 10:11 AM, Gammalite said:

See Ranga's omen 'Tip' for you ran a distant last in the last Ashburton race . Perhaps the Winner of that last race at Ashburton should of been the 'Brodster omen tip' for you going by these things you write on this thread ? lol. wink.  


The ones that voted Labour in should very much be doing exactly that Gamma!

Not much thought went into their actions unfortunately!

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  On 25/04/2022 at 1:56 AM, holy ravioli said:

There is not one skerrit of evidence that National are better economic managers than...Labour.


That's an interesting admission by you @holy ravioli that Labour are piss poor economic managers.

I suppose you have the solutions.  Xi Jinping?

  On 25/04/2022 at 1:56 AM, holy ravioli said:

Everyday Luxon shows how little intellect is required to...'run an airline'.

Everyday another gaffe.He is ...hopeless.

His party of 'talent' is so bereft of it


How are Cindy's conversations going with Kelvin?  Isn't he the third talent on Labour's Bench?

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By 2017 the Natz had exploded NZ debt to $90,000,000,000.

Managed to run deficits for 80% of their term.

Defunded health,education along with the Cullen fund=hopeless bunch of self serving born to rule ....nion performers.

Chrome dome is meant to be the new Key,but has not managed the fake sincerity Key...mastered.

  • Fake News! 1
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  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

By 2017 the Natz had exploded NZ debt to $90,000,000,000.

Managed to run deficits for 80% of their term.

Defunded health,education along with the Cullen fund=hopeless bunch of self serving born to rule ....nion performers.

Chrome dome is meant to be the new Key,but has not managed the fake sincerity Key...mastered.


Waste of time even debating anything with someone that wants to defend the worst Prime Minister with absolutely no qualifications that NZ has ever had!!!!

Personally will not abide by anything that the Communist wants!!!!!

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  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

By 2017 the Natz had exploded NZ debt to $90,000,000,000.

Managed to run deficits for 80% of their term.

Defunded health,education along with the Cullen fund=hopeless bunch of self serving born to rule ....nion performers.

Chrome dome is meant to be the new Key,but has not managed the fake sincerity Key...mastered.


Labour Party debt is??

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  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

By 2017 the Natz had exploded NZ debt to $90,000,000,000.


Fake news.  Disinformation.

  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

Managed to run deficits for 80% of their term.


Fake news.  However what is your point?

  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

Defunded health,education along with the Cullen fund




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  On 27/04/2022 at 6:51 AM, hunterthepunter said:

Labour Party debt is??


The debt under Labour will be circa 120 billion.

You may not have noticed that they had to deal with a pandemic.

That involved unfortunately, a transfer of even more wealth to the...rich.

Everyone became socialists...with their hands out.

Companies like Harvey Norman boosted profit ,had a special divvy...but wouldnot repay the subsidy.

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  On 27/04/2022 at 11:44 PM, holy ravioli said:

Not surprised to see that you do not understand the difference between net debt and total govt borrowings.

Not sure I can be bothered educating ...you either!🙄


You're a Left Wing (probably CCP card carrier) moron.  You said:

  On 27/04/2022 at 3:52 AM, holy ravioli said:

By 2017 the Natz had exploded NZ debt to $90,000,000,000.


Whatever this ambiguous statement of yours means it is wrong.  There was NO explosion of debt of any kind and the figure you quote isn't in any definition of debt for 2017.

You aren't really that good at this are you?

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  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

The debt under Labour will be circa 120 billion.


Stop the ambiguity - What Debt exactly?  How much of that was inflationary QE?

  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

You may not have noticed that they had to deal with a pandemic.


Which they didn't manage very well at all.  What did they actually fund with printing money (QE) - i.e. artificially increasing money supply while suppressing supply.  Essentially creating an inflationary powder keg.

  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

That involved unfortunately, a transfer of even more wealth to the...rich.


Not directly.  The majority of the funding went towards wage subsidies.  Of course that meant some rather large businesses that met the criteria for those subsidies incurred lower costs and sustained lower revenue but not as greater drop as the costs.  Therefore profit margins were maintained or improved on lower turnover.

  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

Everyone became socialists...with their hands out.


Everyone was FORCED to become socialists due to the authoritarian regime that had no idea about economic management.  Those that had their hands out had so only for what they were entitled to.  Fraud was comparatively low.

However there was some dubious spending e.g. the 500m to Maori Health Authorities and the special deals for the chosen few in Tourism.  But that is just two examples.

Of course spending on the white elephant AWT's continued as did the 350m gift to upgrade Maori Marae.  

  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

Companies like Harvey Norman boosted profit ,had a special divvy...but wouldnot repay the subsidy.


Why should they?  They played by the rules and only received what they were entitled to.  I explained the reason for the profit above.  That said companies like Harvey Norman are now experiencing serious supply chain problems as well as substantial inflation in costs.  They'll need every bit of their false profit to weather the head winds.

I guess the biggest positive of this Labour Government is that they have showed every New Zealander the futility of a centrally controlled command economy fuelled by social credit (QE) and socialist ideals.  It is an abject failure!!!

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  On 27/04/2022 at 9:31 PM, holy ravioli said:

The debt under Labour will be circa 120 billion.

You may not have noticed that they had to deal with a pandemic.

That involved unfortunately, a transfer of even more wealth to the...rich.

Everyone became socialists...with their hands out.

Companies like Harvey Norman boosted profit ,had a special divvy...but wouldnot repay the subsidy.


Incompetent communists making the decisions and many were shockers!

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  On 28/04/2022 at 12:15 AM, Chief Stipe said:

You're a Left Wing (probably CCP card carrier) moron.  You said:

Whatever this ambiguous statement of yours means it is wrong.  There was NO explosion of debt of any kind and the figure you quote isn't in any definition of debt for 2017.

You aren't really that good at this are you?


Perhaps you can take a break from your ad homs and learn something.Treasury good enough for you.....As for who is not good at this 🙄!


Treasury statements- 2017 Gross debt was $90 bill by sept 2017


Gross debt is the outstanding amount borrowed – which is to be repaid and has interest owed.

Net debt is just offset by sovereign wealth funds like EQC, ACC and Cullen funds 

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  On 28/04/2022 at 2:24 AM, holy ravioli said:

Perhaps you can take a break from your ad homs and learn something.Treasury good enough for you.....As for who is not good at this 🙄!


Treasury statements- 2017 Gross debt was $90 bill by sept 2017


Gross debt is the outstanding amount borrowed – which is to be repaid and has interest owed.

Net debt is just offset by sovereign wealth funds like EQC, ACC and Cullen funds 


Right so now you are defining what the hell you are talking about instead of making ambiguous statements.

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  On 28/04/2022 at 1:11 AM, Brodie said:

Incompetent communists making the decisions and many were shockers!


While some of their economic and social policies have been shockers and their policies on rental housing is sheer economic lunacy,  can we please stop calling them Communist.

The term Communism obviously derives from commune,  meaning the government alone controls the means of production, distribution and exchange.   Under Communism private ownership of property and businesses is not allowed.

If we label everyone who is left of center 'Communist' what term is  left to describe and define those who  actually are Communist? 

This government has reached its used by date and has many faults, some unforgivable, but being Communist isn't one of them.

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  On 28/04/2022 at 8:07 AM, With A Dream said:

While some of their economic and social policies have been shockers and their policies on rental housing is sheer economic lunacy,  can we please stop calling them Communist.

The term Communism obviously derives from commune,  meaning the government alone controls the means of production, distribution and exchange.   Under Communism private ownership of property and businesses is not allowed.

If we label everyone who is left of center 'Communist' what term is  left to describe and define those who  actually are Communist? 

This government has reached its used by date and has many faults, some unforgivable, but being Communist isn't one of them.


With respect to you, Ardern is a Communist and several of her Labour Party have already shown this!

You only need to watch her Comrade rant on video where you can clearly see that she is a COMMUNIST!!!

Her dictatorship ways and everything that makes for communism control of people, media, making people reliant on govt. etc. is Communism!

No it is not here yet but it is their plan without doubt, and there is no way we should be obeying what they are trying to do!!!

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  On 28/04/2022 at 9:24 AM, Brodie said:

With respect to you, Ardern is a Communist and several of her Labour Party have already shown this!

You only need to watch her Comrade rant on video where you can clearly see that she is a COMMUNIST!!!

Her dictatorship ways and everything that makes for communism control of people, media, making people reliant on govt. etc. is Communism!

No it is not here yet but it is their plan without doubt, and there is no way we should be obeying what they are trying to do!!!


I used to have that COVID app on my phone, which I used sparingly. Until one day I received a message which told me that I had not left the house that week, and what had I been doing. The app was quickly deleted. I thought this was a free country.

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  On 28/04/2022 at 9:32 AM, Ludwig said:

I used to have that COVID app on my phone, which I used sparingly. Until one day I received a message which told me that I had not left the house that week, and what had I been doing. The app was quickly deleted. I thought this was a free country.


Ludwig, this lot are a controlling bunch of arseholes that want to meddle in every bit of your life!

Robertson is so out of his depth with finance but he does not care and Ardern well she is the most UNKIND person of all time.

The COVID BS is the biggest scam in history and had nothing at all to do with keeping people safe and well!!

You only need to look at the state of Robertson, Megan Woods and co. to realise that they have no interest in keeping people healthy!!!

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  On 28/04/2022 at 9:24 AM, Brodie said:

With respect to you, Ardern is a Communist and several of her Labour Party have already shown this!

You only need to watch her Comrade rant on video where you can clearly see that she is a COMMUNIST!!!

Her dictatorship ways and everything that makes for communism control of people, media, making people reliant on govt. etc. is Communism!

No it is not here yet but it is their plan without doubt, and there is no way we should be obeying what they are trying to do!!!


Clearly you have no idea what a communist is.

You are probably a pensioner who was fed a daily diet of 'reds under the beds' and has no no capacity to form an objective view on political...expediency.😜

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