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Bit Of A Yarn

It's Prime Minister Ardern...OK.?


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On 27/09/2018 at 10:33 AM, Weasel said:

Apart from the politics of governing, very interesting all this.  Who could honestly put their hand on their heart and predicted Ardern would have become such a charismatic leader ...

A story for you, Hesi ... in 2010 (?) or thereabouts I was walking up College Hill en route to a business appointment and happened to see the outdoor sign for"MP Jacinda Ardern" as I walked past an old house that was her office at the time. I thought, stuff it I'll go in and ask to see her for a moment ..if she's in ...and she wasn't. (She had been getting quite a profile for herself on TV and radio around the time)
I had only one brief message for her, so I left it with her secretary: "Tell her  that a businessman  came in from the provinces who said "you'll be Prime Minister one day".

That's one hell of a story mustelid

Businessman from the provinces - check

Tall story - check

Must be Winston on BOAY

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2 minutes ago, barryb said:

Getting a bit tiring now Gav, this is a racing forum I thought.

It is Barry. I've made my perspective known in a thread I didn't start. Always makes me smile when National Party folk who were previously supremely confident they were 100% correct are confronted with the uncomfortable reality that they just might be completely wrong and start then looking for a parachute. Good fun.  

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Just out of interest, this was the NZ First racing policy, formally adopted by the coalition

  • Return a greater proportion of industry taxation to the racing codes.
  • Introduce a new (below Premier Meeting) category of meeting where every race will be for $15,000 minimum, with relativity across the codes.
  • Enhance employment and export opportunities by working with the industry to improve the international status of New Zealand Group 1 races to attract greater international interest.
  • Restore marque racing plans and prize money initiatives in line with New Zealand First policy implementation 2005 –2008
  • Return New Zealand racing to what it was good at. Racing needs breeding programmes to re-establish New Zealand as a first tier country in racing. That means policies assisting importation of quality mares, and properly using the sire cost write down.
  • Urgently review the operations and costs of the New Zealand Racing Board
  • Continue to support projects and initiatives, e.g. the Racing Safety Development Fund (a contestable fund of $1.5 million per annum, matching dollar for dollar contributions from racing clubs) that enhances safety and improves the quality of facilities in the racing industry, including the safety of riders, handlers, spectators, officials and others involved in racing codes, as well as the health and safety of animals.
  • Direct IRD and Treasury to respect the spirit of the laws passed to assist racing so we do not have specious departmental interpretations of laws that are clear to the industry.
  • Further improve the appeal of the racing industry to a wider audience by encouraging the promotion of “family-friendly” activities in conjunction with race meetings in all codes.
  • Defend the historic, modest share of the racing industry, to lawful gambling proceeds, against unreasonable attacks.
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8 hours ago, Gavin said:

It is Barry. I've made my perspective known in a thread I didn't start. Always makes me smile when National Party folk who were previously supremely confident they were 100% correct are confronted with the uncomfortable reality that they just might be completely wrong and start then looking for a parachute. Good fun.  

Don't worry Gavin the fun will really start soon. Meantime you just keep penning eloquent letters to the other leftards in your echo chamber. This blind loyalty to what has, in effect, turned into a personality cult is really hilarious.



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55 minutes ago, pete said:

Don't worry Gavin the fun will really start soon. Meantime you just keep penning eloquent letters to the other leftards in your echo chamber. This blind loyalty to what has, in effect, turned into a personality cult is really hilarious.



Why do you, like so many National Party worshipers feel compelled to be condescending toward anyone who has the audacity to value people over $$ ?  You accuse Government supporters of blindly strolling around like Mr Magoo to whats been unfolding in our beautiful country despite that ironically being the exact same thing National Party supporters have been doing since Key became PM in 2008. They were doing fine thanks very much so the rest of you can go fark yourselves. Never once have I read anywhere a National Party supporter expressing concern about a housing crisis created mainly by greed that prevented so many young NZ families especially from owning their own family home in their home town or the worsening state of our health system negatively impacting on so many. Nurses and teaches being routinely ignored while infrastructure became overwhelmed. The gap between the rich and poor reached a record diabolical new level. National's answer was to just deny there were serious issues despite the carnage being created for so many. NZ was being gifted to offshore investors in what is best described as a treasonous short sighted ethos. Our country was changing forever and those with their eyes open could see our children and their children would pay a very high price for the farcical and alleged rock star economy. National painted the letter box so it appeared all new, but meanwhile, the actual house in the background was going up in flames. Despite that situation being so overt, they couldn't due to a warped selfish ideology, acknowledge it. 

Along comes a female leader determined to restore a much healthier balance to NZ. Anyone who supports that is deemed to be part of a "cult". I think for myself thanks and follow no person or party with blind loyalty. Time you and your ilk got over the fact your time has been and gone. Young NZ is rejecting National's "them and us, conquer and divide".  Our Government is inclusive. The previous was all about me me me and is incredibly divisive. Thankfully and mercifully thanks mostly to the very astute Winston Peters, National have been sent to Coventry. Have they learned anything? Absolutely not. Still as arrogant and divisive as ever. Still no hope of any coalition partners .

Apart from the superb leadership of Ardern, we also have more great news. That being that National and their supporters actually believe that Simon Bridges is their answer. Hilarious. He's their version of David Cunliffe on steroids morphing into Andrew Little. Has as much hope of being PM as either of those inadequate leaders ever did. Hilarious. Please retain him as your new Messiah and the rest of NZ will continue enjoying the sunshine.  Happy days.   

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25 minutes ago, Justamugpunter said:

Dear I ask then?  why  then is there a Minister for Racing then?

Set up by the Nats if I recall correctly? 

Because the government should have overview of the money they are dishing out to the industry. And ideally stop it when those in charge are useless. If the industry can't do a good job with the largess, it would be a good idea for the government to simply stop the giving. It is government money after all.

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4 minutes ago, Gavin said:

Why do you, like so many National Party worshipers feel compelled to be condescending toward anyone who has the audacity to value people over $$ ?  You accuse Government supporters of blindly strolling around like Mr Magoo to whats been unfolding in our beautiful country despite that ironically being the exact same thing National Party supporters have been doing since Key became PM in 2008. They were doing fine thanks very much so the rest of you can go fark yourselves. Never once have I read anywhere a National Party supporter expressing concern about a housing crisis created mainly by greed that prevented so many young NZ families especially from owning their own family home in their home town or the worsening state of our health system negatively impacting on so many. Nurses and teaches being routinely ignored while infrastructure became overwhelmed. The gap between the rich and poor reached a record diabolical new level. National's answer was to just deny there were serious issues despite the carnage being created for so many. NZ was being gifted to offshore investors in what is best described as a treasonous short sighted ethos. Our country was changing forever and those with their eyes open could see our children and their children would pay a very high price for the farcical and alleged rock star economy. National painted the letter box so it appeared all new, but meanwhile, the actual house in the background was going up in flames. Despite that situation being so overt, they couldn't due to a warped selfish ideology, acknowledge it. 

Along comes a female leader determined to restore a much healthier balance to NZ. Anyone who supports that is deemed to be part of a "cult". I think for myself thanks and follow no person or party with blind loyalty. Time you and your ilk got over the fact your time has been and gone. Young NZ is rejecting National's "them and us, conquer and divide".  Our Government is inclusive. The previous was all about me me me and is incredibly divisive. Thankfully and mercifully thanks mostly to the very astute Winston Peters, National have been sent to Coventry. Have they learned anything? Absolutely not. Still as arrogant and divisive as ever. Still no hope of any coalition partners .

Apart from the superb leadership of Ardern, we also have more great news. That being that National and their supporters actually believe that Simon Bridges is their answer. Hilarious. He's their version of David Cunliffe on steroids morphing into Andrew Little. Has as much hope of being PM as either of those inadequate leaders ever did. Hilarious. Please retain him as your new Messiah and the rest of NZ will continue enjoying the sunshine.  Happy days.   

thanks gav  just a couple of questions  why didnt the nurses and teachers strike when national was in  .   re housing do you think all the migrants that came in help push the market price up and availability .  note i am not aligned to any party 

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1 minute ago, wally said:

thanks gav  just a couple of questions  why didnt the nurses and teachers strike when national was in  .   re housing do you think all the migrants that came in help push the market price up and availability .  note i am not aligned to any party 

Hey Wally. Teachers made numerous protests to the previous Government regarding serious issues in many areas of the education system. Their compelling anecdotal evidence was treated with total contempt. People don't strike if they know the outcome will be more Government indifference. Exactly the same scenario with the health system. Nurses made dozens of submissions regarding woefully inadequate incomes and unsafe staffing levels to then health minister Jonathan Coleman who most involved in the health system described as NZ's worst ever health minister. He displayed his usual complete indifference. All of these workers knew well they would be pissing into the wind if they striked. The outcome would be more Government indifference while their patients and or students were let down. That all changed when a new Government took over that actually listens to and values them. Biggest mistake the teachers and the NZNO nurses union made was not to strike in the lead up to the 2017 election. No Government could ever afford to ignore such action at their most sensitive time. Politicians as a breed are highly motivated by power and self preservation. The boat was well and truly missed there.

As for the housing situation. Supply and demand is huge. Domestic housing should never have been opened up to investors, especially offshore investors. Chinese buyers especially dominated the NZ market which is exactly why Governments around the world do their best to hide the actual numbers involved. They will happily push the 3% number despite it having as much credibility as a $6 banknote. I know many people who attended hundreds of Auckland house auctions over several years hoping to buy a family home. They had 0% hope of success. Every auction was dominated by Chinese buyers with very deep pockets. The only real competition these Chinese buyers had was from other Chinese buyers. House prices started to go through the roof. The immigration floodgates remained wide open. The outcome was only ever going to be a serious shortage of housing and unrealistic house prices. A crisis with all the connotations of that was encouraged. There are numerous investors who have added many houses to their investment portfolio who will happily leave their properties vacant and write the loss off via tax yet happily are spared any kind of capital gains tax. Investors in Hong Kong especially had the NZ domestic housing money tree and all it's huge advantages displayed to them up in lights on a daily basis. I witnessed it myself both times I was in Hong Kong. NZ was being sold as a country of rich mugs just waiting to be exploited and a Government that will help you achieve that. Treasonous for certain. The usual scenario is that the tea lady in the office ends up paying more tax than the investors. 

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Most transparent government ever.

How's that going?

Didn't bother reading your latest diatribes Gavin. You're clearly in a certain camp and I doubt anything would change your mind.

Presumably you'll be rooting for a Labour government in Britain as well seeing socialism has been so successful through history and your Princess tells us that capitalism is a failed experiment.

Venezuela anyone?

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Come on guys, this is a racing forum, at least try to include the word Racing in each post:)

Just think positive, SAT March 9, Auckland Cup, sense has prevailed, Jacinda oncourse with Neve, somehow they have got around the Health and Safety regs, cameras and TV crews everywhere, great coverage for racing.

Only question, who is going to win

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Just now, hesi said:

Come on guys, this is a racing forum, at least try to include the word Racing in each post:)

Just think positive, SAT March 9, Auckland Cup, sense has prevailed, Jacinda oncourse with Neve, somehow they have got around the Health and Safety regs, cameras and TV crews everywhere, great coverage for racing.

Only question, who is going to win

march 9 hesi  long time away although it seems time is racing on she may not be there

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7 minutes ago, hesi said:

Come on guys, this is a racing forum, at least try to include the word Racing in each post:)

Just think positive, SAT March 9, Auckland Cup, sense has prevailed, Jacinda oncourse with Neve, somehow they have got around the Health and Safety regs, cameras and TV crews everywhere, great coverage for racing.

Only question, who is going to win

i think you will find curran and handley will be presenting the auckland racing club trophy

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Newcastle today.

Race 1 horse 1 sums up the Governments performance over National. Preformance if your name is Brendon.

Race 2 horse 5 at the same meeting sums up our PM.

 Race 3 horse 3 there beautifully describes yours truly. 

Race 5 horse 11 there is the National Party cry at Bwidges being their leader,

Race 6 horse 6 is what we are all expressing here on BOAY.

Race 7 horse 3 there is a very astute man.

Race 8 horse 11 there is what National Party supporters have in copious amounts and will continue to have for many years to come. 


Hope you all back a few winners today boys. As long as you support our Government you will be backing a winner. Nice. Enjoy. 

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2 hours ago, mardigras said:

Because the government should have overview of the money they are dishing out to the industry. And ideally stop it when those in charge are useless. If the industry can't do a good job with the largess, it would be a good idea for the government to simply stop the giving. It is government money after all.

And also because they own the TAB so need to oversee it and its governance.

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