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Support the Messara report!


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48 minutes ago, hesi said:

I think it is inappropriate that NZTR or RB has anything to do with implementation, commenting etc etc of the Messara report.

AFTER ALL, Peter's went straight to Messara to get a report, and the report was back to him, therefore going over the top of all the people in charge at NZTR and NZRB.

A clear vote of no confidence

The report clearly signals the RB to be replaced by Wagering NZ, NZTR to be replaced by Racing NZ in conjunction with the 2 other codes.  How much more of a message do those currently in charge need

Many of the aspects of the report are non-negotiable, such as the 2 points above.  Maybe a few changes in the venue plan, but that will be it



Hasn't NZTR been replaced by LoveRacing?

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If Avondale JC's land is to be a $200m sacrificial lamb, I think that's sad but understandable ...only because it is clearly not up to modern raceday standard and the club has not got the wherewithal to build and pay for the facilities required ..and those facilities aren't really needed now in Auckland, where Ellerslie and Counties are already functioning reasonably well. Something's gotta give and AJC has its head above the parapet with its appalling grandstand, car park etc etc 

IMO the major recommendations of the Messara Report are fine. NZRB governance has been poor for many years. Winston has to wait til Mar/Apr to be assured of $$$$ in the May 2019 Budget to do everything that is to be done...Saundry made this clear on Weigh In yesterday.

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I was a bit taken aback when I was asked this.

It is a very blunt message asking for a mono-syllabic and broad brush response it seems: "yes I support the Messara Report" (or presumably no I don't - or alternatively -- you didn't hear from me because the email went to my junkmail ... or I am apathetic or illiterate).

All or nothing.  In or out.  One size fits all.

I do care - I am invested - but it just seemed very ... ummm .... basic.  And like someone was counting raised hands in a room rather than wanting to hear my actual opinion or ideas.  Or am I just over-thinking it & puttingit through the cpmplicator .....

All the best, Jess.


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26 minutes ago, von Smallhaussen said:

who is this RITA? Is it another shotputter?

Don't they know that the game is almost TED - as in roo Ted !

"A transition agency (Racing Industry Transition Agency or RITA) will be put in place to oversee racing's changing landscape and Peters did not try to hide his lack of faith in the New Zealand Racing Board structure and performance.

"I know a dead horse when I see one," he quipped."

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'Roo Ted is undoubtedly Australian!

I'd be curious to hear from club reps on here , but I assumed that NZTR's member clubs would have all been canvassed before their national body published an unequivocal endorsement of this report and that if some clubs held dissenting views, that would have been indicated in the publication. I'm hearing that some member clubs may not have even been consulted? Surely that can't be right.

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22 hours ago, Horseboy said:

All that matters is the make up of RITA. Will it be independent, industry experts or same-old, vested interests.

Seriously, is anyone surprised NZTR put this out? The report says their stakes will double - why the hell would they not support it...

Vested interests are behind this e-mail correspondence..you can tell that from the fact that only a selection of clubs have been consulted.


..it's 'gloves off' folks..a dirty fight is building at the hands of these suits who just never learn.

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They will soon send out an email saying that due to overwhelming support from the industry people that supported us by clicking yes to  the email.  Then no doubt they will never let you know how many people actually replied.   It sounds like nothing but the ultimate con job by your racing governance.

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17 minutes ago, theshu said:

They will soon send out an email saying that due to overwhelming support from the industry people that supported us by clicking yes to  the email.  Then no doubt they will never let you know how many people actually replied.   It sounds like nothing but the ultimate con job by your racing governance.

Well then its just a continuation of the con job taking place with the so called coalition government we find ourselves saddled with..can't trust them, Can't trust NZTR or the Racing Board, Common denominator....Peters, the chameleon...( chameleon: a lizard with the ability to change colors )

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4 hours ago, Hedley said:

Vested interests are behind this e-mail correspondence..you can tell that from the fact that only a selection of clubs have been consulted.

Sadly, you are probably right Hedley.

I thought these two lines in the email were kinda funny, especially when a large number of members of some of the so called supporting organisations were never consulted and clearly don't give wholesale support to the recommendations in the report.

" we need to show the Government we are a united industry."

" We also encourage you to put forward your own submissions.  These can be emailed to racingreview@dia.govt.nz. "

Are they so naive that they think a range of submissions from stakeholders will demonstrate unity in the industry? All they've done by this is to further demonstrate their total incompetence to govern or manage anything.

Edited by curious
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11 hours ago, von Smallhaussen said:

Interesting to see the NZ Trainers Assoc branding at the top of this email.....

what are they going to do to support their members who are evicted from current training tracks if they are sold?

That's a bloody good question von. I'm no longer a member of the TA but if I were, and I were also a trainer at a potentially affected track and didn't support the Messara report in it's entirety, I think I'd at least be filing a grievance complaint against the NZTA executive committee for making the decision to support that.

That has to be considered on the following basis:

The process followed by the Executive Committee must at all times adhere to the principles of natural justice.
I think that it is at least challengeable that the issue of betting licences to clubs can be made contingent on the signing over of their assets in some form or that this can be legislated in compliance with the principles of natural justice. That the TA exec supported this email and the Messara report without either consultation with or the support of potentially affected trainers is atrocious.
I'm sure if I've got the wrong end of the stick here, Pitty or someone on here will correct me but that's how I see it.
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On 24/09/2018 at 2:49 PM, Chief Stipe said:

Well we haven't seen any turnover results since about mid-May.  Reserves have gone.  So the previous initiatives didn't deliver on promises so why will these?

I'm wondering if BOAY could request those results from the NZRB and publish them here. If that has to be via an OIA request they may end up being a month behind but at least they'd be available to stakeholders.

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1 hour ago, curious said:

That's a bloody good question von. I'm no longer a member of the TA but if I were, and I were also a trainer at a potentially affected track and didn't support the Messara report in it's entirety, I think I'd at least be filing a grievance complaint against the NZTA executive committee for making the decision to support that.

That has to be considered on the following basis:

The process followed by the Executive Committee must at all times adhere to the principles of natural justice.
I think that it is at least challengeable that the issue of betting licences to clubs can be made contingent on the signing over of their assets in some form or that this can be legislated in compliance with the principles of natural justice. That the TA exec supported this email and the Messara report without either consultation with or the support of potentially affected trainers is atrocious.
I'm sure if I've got the wrong end of the stick here, Pitty or someone on here will correct me but that's how I see it.

Good post...that's how I see it too, but typically you put it much more succinctly .

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I'm going to be Devil's Advocate ?

Wasn't track closures proposed back in 2010 by Stiassny and NZTR? From memory, there was a huge uproar back then because a whistle blower exposed the "Secreted Documents" and "Non Consultation" with claims it was equivalent to night time theft.

Back at the time, I was a proponent of Race Course Rationalisation on Racechat, but not of the Stiassny and NZTR's secretive approach to achieving this. Today, I am still a strong proponent of Rationalisation.

SO here we are  again re Race Course Rationislation! With the exception of the Clubs and race Courses being a part of the consultation process.

So the question I ask is: 8 years later, Is NZ racing better for NOT reducing the number of Race Courses back in 2010?

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NZ racing is certainly NOT better,  but I'm not at all sure that tracks/less tracks are totally the reason for that.

We've had, in recent memory,  Foxton and Levin not used and Otaki,  after industry-funded renovation,  not used either.

Marton,  Bulls,  Fielding all centralised to Awapuni - and possibly others that I'm not aware of.  Amberley,  Hororata, Rangiora all running at Riccarton.

We now have Riccarton and Awapuni tracks under heavy pressure.

Tell me again how that has improved the balance sheets?   

For what it's worth,  if anything is to be sold,  Trentham is a prime candidate along with the beleaguered Avondale.

That should give the present incumbents plenty of money to further piss away and waste.

Edited by Freda
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