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Bit Of A Yarn

Why does Opee Bosson feel the need to CHEAT?


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So once again Opee gets handed a 'wet slap' Whip violation...this time in the Counties Cup on the winner...IN A TWINKLING

The limit before the 100M is 5...I counted 9...which enabled him to get a break on the rest...before the 100M by ...CHEATING....

Remember the latest research shows @ 3L advantage cf whip/non whip racing in the NH...

Bosson's illegal use enabled IAT to maintain that rolling momentum and get a vital break...just holding on at the finish...

2 weeks before he was handed a suspension after smashing his mount 20 times up the straight...again just holding on by a head...while the runner up obeyed the rules...

And 'they say' Opee's the MVP here...maybe...but he's good at CHEATING as well...

Rubber stamped and condoned with wet bus slaps of 1k fines...while keeping 2k in profit after Saturday's wet slap...

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To emphasise his cheating ways he tried this back on October 10 when weighing out sans vest..."a genuine attempt"...not half assed or even a human error...

Mr Jones said that Mr Williamson observed the weigh-out and that it was a genuine attempt to weigh out without a vest by Mr Bosson.

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So just before the Whip cheating race Opee decided he didn't want to be in a pocket and simply went hard down left handlebars..

....into poor Jockey Dells mount which caused mayhem further out...then spat Dell out Opee's rear...and tailed off

Not only was he just 1/2 L clear...where the rule is your length and another before changing ground...

....Cheating Opee decided to use his elbows into Dell's arms...a real 'don't argue'

Got sfa suspension under the relatively new system of counting every meeting...even though the only time Opee's been to Cromwell was to pick Apricots...the 2 day meeting was included...

So in reality he got 3 days for this video nasty

Watch and weep at the 300M mark


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So we all pretty much realise by now Opee has 'favoured son' status in NZ..

Just read this load of old tosh to confirm...its about his Whip rap sheet...

Youll note his best mate Oatham convienently forgets to mention his rap sheet in Sydney at Easter...(of course they're supposed to include any suspension/fines overseas) where he had another fine of 1K for overuse

..and the equally hopeless JCA rapidly accepts the RIU's inaccurate report...while ignoring Opee's long hiatus over winter...continually telling us he's a "busy rider"

yea na

Submission For Penalty:

Mr Oatham said that Mr Bosson had had 2 breaches of this Rule in the last 12 months one of those being at the Tauranga RC meeting on the 14th of October 2020 where he incurred a 5 day suspension and the other was on the Counties Cup day on the 23rd of November 2019 when he received  a $500.00 fine.

Mr Oatham said that although this was the 3rd breach in a 12 month period he asked the Committee to exercise discretion and impose a fine rather than the mandatory suspension. He said that the first breach was only 2 days inside the 12 month period. He also said that a Committee in Christchurch had recently exercised discretion for Mr C Johnson and imposed a fine rather than a suspension.

He said that the fine under the Guidelines was $500.00 but because this was a Group 2 Race there should be an uplift in the fine as was the case for Mr Johnson.

Mr Bosson said he would prefer a fine.

Reasons For Penalty:

The number of strikes is agreed. The Committee has pointed out to Mr Bosson the importance of Animal Welfare and also the fact that members of the Public watching races at home do not like seeing horses being struck excessively with the whip and they complain to NZTR.

Notwithstanding that this was Mr Bosson's third breach in 12 months the Committee has decided to exercise discretion and deal with this matter by way of fine rather than a suspension. Mr Bosson is a very busy Rider and he should be given credit for the long gap between the 23rd of November 2019 and the 14th of October 2020.

Bearing in mind that this is a Group 2 Race any fine needs to be significant and the Committee thinks that a fine of $1000.00 is appropriate.


This Committee imposes a fine of $1000.00 on Mr Bosson.

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57 minutes ago, Thomass said:

So we all pretty much realise by now Opee has 'favoured son' status in NZ..

Just read this load of old tosh to confirm...its about his Whip rap sheet...

Youll note his best mate Oatham convienently forgets to mention his rap sheet in Sydney at Easter...(of course they're supposed to include any suspension/fines overseas) where he had another fine of 1K for overuse

..and the equally hopeless JCA rapidly accepts the RIU's inaccurate report...while ignoring Opee's long hiatus over winter...continually telling us he's a "busy rider"

yea na

Submission For Penalty:

Mr Oatham said that Mr Bosson had had 2 breaches of this Rule in the last 12 months one of those being at the Tauranga RC meeting on the 14th of October 2020 where he incurred a 5 day suspension and the other was on the Counties Cup day on the 23rd of November 2019 when he received  a $500.00 fine.

Mr Oatham said that although this was the 3rd breach in a 12 month period he asked the Committee to exercise discretion and impose a fine rather than the mandatory suspension. He said that the first breach was only 2 days inside the 12 month period. He also said that a Committee in Christchurch had recently exercised discretion for Mr C Johnson and imposed a fine rather than a suspension.

He said that the fine under the Guidelines was $500.00 but because this was a Group 2 Race there should be an uplift in the fine as was the case for Mr Johnson.

Mr Bosson said he would prefer a fine.

Reasons For Penalty:

The number of strikes is agreed. The Committee has pointed out to Mr Bosson the importance of Animal Welfare and also the fact that members of the Public watching races at home do not like seeing horses being struck excessively with the whip and they complain to NZTR.

Notwithstanding that this was Mr Bosson's third breach in 12 months the Committee has decided to exercise discretion and deal with this matter by way of fine rather than a suspension. Mr Bosson is a very busy Rider and he should be given credit for the long gap between the 23rd of November 2019 and the 14th of October 2020.

Bearing in mind that this is a Group 2 Race any fine needs to be significant and the Committee thinks that a fine of $1000.00 is appropriate.


This Committee imposes a fine of $1000.00 on Mr Bosson.

Just scratching the surface  Thomo!

What about "pee cup gate"?

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19 minutes ago, Mooncoin said:

Just scratching the surface  Thomo!

What about "pee cup gate"?

Yes that was next Mooner!

And the reason he gets his Nic name...Opee!

Brucey I wasn't a stoner Herd gets asked by the nich nursey to provide a 'sample'

This was the early days when testing was taken as a trust thingy and very lax...the days of Lisa fried Cropp...who continually escaped detection...with meth out of the system within 48 hrs usually

Opee gets hit up by Bwucey to flip out his pecker for him...The I show you his ill show you mine thing we used to do down behind the trees at play time

Anyway...being a friendly Jocks look after Jocks room as per the norm..

Opee slips Bwucey his wee wee...and not a drop was spilt...

Excepting this nursey was no ordinary white coat...and smelt a swapped wee at 5 paces...

And alerted the Feds....

...nowadays it's like a proper Sports Sample...where said nurse has to view the full on pecker...

But it turns out even the best peckers can look fake....today Mike Tyson admitted he had a fake pecker which he pulled out and provided a fake sample!

Who knew wrinkly skin could look so real in so many phases...just watch your Moon TV Mooner and Leigh Harts fake gardner with his fake short pants!

Anyway thanks to the Gods today's Nurses are all over the wee ruses!

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  • 3 months later...

So yet again when the pressure's on Opee decides to revert to the default standard...


At least 8 strikes before the 100M...when the limit is 5...

...and worst of all...which gives horses added momentum on their rivals..

....consecutive strikes before the 100M


Actually worst of all is the total number of strikes


5/8 total strikes is the European variance between countries now...imagine them looking down at their colonial country cuzzies and laughing at the pathetic Integrity here...

One abiding by the RULES....one not....yet winning by a nose in a Black Type race

Big Dave Ellis HATES cheats as well

"In short, I detest cheats, laziness, and any type of shortcut attitude. I simply do not want to win any race by any sort of unfair advantage. I reiterate, zero tolerance"

Oh the hypocrisy!

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47 minutes ago, Thomass said:

So yet again when the pressure's on Opee decides to revert to the default standard...


At least 8 strikes before the 100M...when the limit is 5...

...and worst of all...which gives horses added momentum on their rivals..

....consecutive strikes before the 100M


Actually worst of all is the total number of strikes


5/8 total strikes is the European variance between countries now...imagine them looking down at their colonial country cuzzies and laughing at the pathetic Integrity here...

One abiding by the RULES....one not....yet winning by a nose in a Black Type race

Big Dave Ellis HATES cheats as well

"In short, I detest cheats, laziness, and any type of shortcut attitude. I simply do not want to win any race by any sort of unfair advantage. I reiterate, zero tolerance"

Oh the hypocrisy!

Grylls was just as bad , so in my opinion Bosson got no advantage over the 2nd horse , his only advantage IMO is that he has better balance whilst using the whip . Plus he was on a better strip .

Both jocks should have been outed not just the winner , and both horses would have been disqualified if the rule was that excessive use meant disqualification . 

I was cringing watching it , especially as it was fillies . It's simply not a good look . 

I'll put my hands up and admit i have told jocks not to miss a beat when they go for the whip , but now it makes my heart sink when i think about it , perhaps i am just getting soft i don't know but i think there must be a better way .

Perhaps an absolute limit a horse can be hit behind the saddle in a race , with limits within the last 400/200 . Clear and definined , no excuses , disqualified if guilty . It wont take long to get it sorted out , 2/3 disqualifications to show serious and everyone will fall into line .

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1 hour ago, nomates said:

Grylls was just as bad , so in my opinion Bosson got no advantage over the 2nd horse , his only advantage IMO is that he has better balance whilst using the whip . Plus he was on a better strip .

Both jocks should have been outed not just the winner , and both horses would have been disqualified if the rule was that excessive use meant disqualification . 

I was cringing watching it , especially as it was fillies . It's simply not a good look . 

I'll put my hands up and admit i have told jocks not to miss a beat when they go for the whip , but now it makes my heart sink when i think about it , perhaps i am just getting soft i don't know but i think there must be a better way .

Perhaps an absolute limit a horse can be hit behind the saddle in a race , with limits within the last 400/200 . Clear and definined , no excuses , disqualified if guilty . It wont take long to get it sorted out , 2/3 disqualifications to show serious and everyone will fall into line .

23 Beats 12!

Grylls has had problems with 'before the 100M' previously but..

He now adopts the rule while Opee was outside the 5 at 8 and gained extra power by using the illegal "consecutive" strikes

Makes absolute sense to DQ...but they'll never do it...

Interesting when asked about Opee's opinion of the whip, Emily said...

"he's strongly for it"

Im picking when the new Whip rules comes in he'll spit the dummy and retire

Edited by Thomass
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3 minutes ago, Thomass said:

23 Beats 12!

Grylls has had problems with 'before the 100M' previously but..

He now adopts the rule while Opee was outside the 5 at 8 and gained extra power by using the illegal "consecutive" strikes

Makes absolute sense to DQ...but they'll never do it...

Interesting when asked about Opee's opinion of the whip, Emily said...

"he's strongly for it"

Im picking when the new Whip rules comes in he'll spit the dummy and retire

No wonder your tips are crap.

Are you saying Grylls should have started whipping 300m out or conserved as much as he could to fend off any late challenges?

As for your "picking Bosson will retire" some time well that is about as certain as the sun will come up tomorrow.

As for the momentum - Armarelinha ran the fastest last 800m, 600m, 400m and was faster than Needle and Thread over the last 200m.  That's with Armarelinha covering a heap more ground as well!

Um....when did Opie apply the whip first?  Was it the 800m?  Yeah na!

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2 hours ago, Thomass said:

23 Beats 12!

Grylls has had problems with 'before the 100M' previously but..

He now adopts the rule while Opee was outside the 5 at 8 and gained extra power by using the illegal "consecutive" strikes

Makes absolute sense to DQ...but they'll never do it...

Interesting when asked about Opee's opinion of the whip, Emily said...

"he's strongly for it"

Im picking when the new Whip rules comes in he'll spit the dummy and retire

So you reckon the 3 extra before the 100 was the difference , because he got extra power out of his horse by these 3 illegal strilkes , i would suggest the 15 strikes by OB to CG's 9/10 inside the 100 would have been the difference considering Bosson never looked the winner till the line . Perhaps Grylls should have been more aggressive inside the last 100 . Or maybe as often happens the horse on the wider slightly better strip was the difference .

IMO the whole thing is a bad look , no horses should be hit that much , especially fillies .

IMO the rules should be changed so both those horses would be disqualified for excessive use .

Both those fillies had a gut buster yesterday , especially the winner , going to be interesting to see how they come thru it heading towards the Oaks in 2 Saturday's , could have flattened them .

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30 minutes ago, nomates said:

Both those fillies had a gut buster yesterday , especially the winner , going to be interesting to see how they come thru it heading towards the Oaks in 2 Saturday's , could have flattened them .

According to the trainer of the winner she still had improvement.  Will depend on the state of the track. A Trentham bog would find them out.  A good track would suit the Sunline Vase winner.

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If she had any improvement it would have been found after yesterday , but that was tough yesterday and often you don't know how much it has taken out of them till the next race , then it can be too late to realise it took out more than thought . 

Both in good stables tho . They are the formline for the oaks .

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29 minutes ago, nomates said:

If she had any improvement it would have been found after yesterday , but that was tough yesterday and often you don't know how much it has taken out of them till the next race , then it can be too late to realise it took out more than thought . 

Both in good stables tho . They are the formline for the oaks .

I was thinking similar after watching it yesterday, particularly the step up in trip at Trentham.

Highlight of the day was the performance of Entriviere imo , looks an amazing animal, I'd walk across hot coals to watch that one gallop!

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20 minutes ago, Huey said:

Highlight of the day was the performance of Entriviere imo , looks an amazing animal, I'd walk across hot coals to watch that one gallop!

You would be surprised if you had bought her expecting an Oaks filly , has an exceptional turn of foot . Be interesting if she goes to Aus to see if she just has NZ speed or she can match the Aussie speed , been a while since we had one that could really match them .

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15 hours ago, nomates said:

So you reckon the 3 extra before the 100 was the difference , because he got extra power out of his horse by these 3 illegal strilkes , i would suggest the 15 strikes by OB to CG's 9/10 inside the 100 would have been the difference considering Bosson never looked the winner till the line . Perhaps Grylls should have been more aggressive inside the last 100 . Or maybe as often happens the horse on the wider slightly better strip was the difference .

IMO the whole thing is a bad look , no horses should be hit that much , especially fillies .

IMO the rules should be changed so both those horses would be disqualified for excessive use .

Both those fillies had a gut buster yesterday , especially the winner , going to be interesting to see how they come thru it heading towards the Oaks in 2 Saturday's , could have flattened them .

Well it certainly helped...especially the illegal consecutive strike momentum gain just before the 100m...while Opee was winding into a final thrashing Grylls was obeying the rules...

...without the 3 extra that's still 20 v 12...Grylls may have thought his mount was giving her best while maintaining better balance in the softer rail footing?

And remembering Aus form analyst Dan O'Sullivan calculates Whip races v non Whip to gain 3L inside the final straight and obviously more within the last 100 where its unrestricted 

NZTR should hide their head in shame for pissing around with this matter for so long...when the rest of the modern racing World's moved on...

5/8 Max strikes Europe v Opee's 23

And the Whip doyens like Chef here say it's "only the noise of the Whip that makes them faster...an encouragement...padded whips don't leave marks"

Take a look at the welts that Opee left



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6 minutes ago, Thomass said:

Well it certainly helped...especially the illegal consecutive strike momentum gain just before the 100m...while Opee was winding into a final thrashing Grylls was obeying the rules...

Absolute BULLSHIT.  Don't you read race sectionals?  Armarelinha had the momentum from the 800m running the fastest 200m sectionals of the race bar the LAST 200m!

8 minutes ago, Thomass said:

And remembering Aus form analyst Dan O'Sullivan calculates Whip races v non Whip to gain 3L inside the final straight and obviously more within the last 100 where its unrestricted 


Yeah?  And the Professor/Scientist you quote writes a research paper saying it makes no DIFFERENCE!

10 minutes ago, Thomass said:

And the Whip doyens like Chef here say it's "only the noise of the Whip that makes them faster...an encouragement...padded whips don't leave marks"

Where is the direct quote that I said that?  You are crossing the line misquoting.  You screen shot a picture of a horse whose identity we have no idea of and assert that Bosson did it.  

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16 hours ago, nomates said:

IMO the whole thing is a bad look , no horses should be hit that much , especially fillies .

But geldings should be?  Are you sexist?

16 hours ago, nomates said:

IMO the rules should be changed so both those horses would be disqualified for excessive use .

But those aren't the rules nor is disqualification a penalty.  If you go down that path the only option is to ban whips entirely to the point where they are not carried.  Do you really want that?

If whips are banned then any interest I have in racing will be down to zero.  Not because of the whips but because there is only one eventual outcome of stepping down that slippery slope the banning of racing.

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17 hours ago, curious said:

That document doesn't seem to have a link from the main menu on the website.  Is this only available to licensees or those who login to the website?

In terms of rules it is a nonsense.  Words like "MAY be penalised" if outside these "GUIDELINES".  Why do the Jumpers have different rules? They are able to be hit twice as much prior to the 100m.  Bit of a bugger is there is more than 10 jumps!

BUT the important point is they are NOT rules!  Rules don't have words like "MAY" and "GUIDELINES"!!!!!!


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Notice the difference in wording with the Australian Rules of Racing - should not vs SHALL NOT:



Also with regard to Trainers/Owners or others paying fines or inducing a Jockey to break the rules:


Note AR137A (9) - protests can be made by the beaten brigade if they believe breaking the AR137A (3) or (5) rules has occurred.

Easy to locate these rules for Australia than NZ.  Begs the question though why do we write our own?  Why not just have the same?  Stuff being World Leaders for no financial gain.

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