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Bit Of A Yarn

It's Prime Minister Ardern...OK.?


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I did say the government owns the TAB. I have never said it is a SOE. It is a statutory body. Next time, try and read. All revenue obtained by the TAB is dispensed at the discretion of the NZ government. Period.

The only mentally challenged one on this particular topic would be you.

Edited by mardigras
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19 minutes ago, Justamugpunter said:

you said that The Sate 'owns' the Tab...  


my last post here... you are welcome to the company of the likes of Barrby and Pete... mental midgets like so many in racing!!!

And still no examples of state owned 'things' that don't have their own minister. Interesting.

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5 hours ago, pete said:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Bloody poor show Pete. I left the oxidation pond several years ago as robust discussion was not welcomed. There was a narcissistic flea of a man on that site desperate for power over others who tried to bully and ridicule anyone who had the audacity to hold a different perspective to him. It actually put me off horse racing and online communication for about 18 months. This site does not need yes men / women unless of course it only wants sterile yarns.

I'm no apologist for Labour or their cheerleader. I do however think Ardern is the bees knees. I have good reason for believing so. I'm not a typical red supporter. I'm university educated but have a lot of colour in my life. I generally don't vote as I subscribe to the ethos of Billy Connolly. "Don't vote, it only encourages them".

No issue whatsoever with people who disagree with Ardern's politics but I do have issue with the open contempt and ridicule that anonymous misogynistic far quits routinely direct at her online. They think it's being astute and funny but they are neither. Most are gutless trolls who will happily target a female online. Worthy of contempt only. Right up the top of those I detest most are the cowards who feel it's fair play to talk down to others in a condescending manner because they don't share the same political perspective. If you confronted them offline most would have piss running down their leg as they tell you it's all been a big misunderstanding. I've had experience with such people. 

Since when is it ok to routinely butcher a woman's given name just to show what a true hero a man is? When is it ok to ridicule a ladies teeth ? There has been an incessant and cowardly campaign against Ardern from day one. If she was my wife, sister, daughter etc I would happily hunt down and confront the arseholes involved. Charlotte Dawson was a beautiful lady but was targeted by cowardly trolls. I hoped our society would have learned something from that tragic situation.

The hospital pass Andrew Little gave Ardern several weeks out from the 2017 election should have resulted in Labour being thrashed at the polls but remarkably It took an underhanded National Party campaign to stop Labour having their nose in front on election day. National had no meaningful opposition since Helen Clark was Labours leader. A series of inadequate male leaders guaranteed that.  What Ardern achieved in the election campaign was unprecedented in NZ politics. I'm absolutely convinced of two things about that. The first is there was no other person in NZ who could have achieved what Ardern did. The fact she did it going up against the extremely well oiled National Party machine desperate to retain power only increases the gravity of her achievement. Any person capable of that is more than capable of being our PM. Secondly, I feel many Kiwi's are just too bias and or too far king stupid to truly understand the enormity of what Ardern achieved. 

What sort of NZ do you want to leave behind for your children and grandchildren? One where disgraceful and extremely divisive abuse is routinely directed at our female PM? One where on the very day Ardern's grandmother passed away, three days from election day, hundreds of National Party trolls attacked her online with despicable abuse and accused her of being the nasty lowlife who would exploit her grandmothers death for votes? How about the sort of cowardly and obnoxious shitheels who celebrated online the death of Ardern's pet cat who was run over and killed outside her home? How about the mostly male input where Ardern's marital status is incessantly ridiculed and her very young daughter is bastardized in a desperate attempt to gain political traction? There is no end to the vile directed at Ardern and no depths the brave souls will sink to when attacking her. 

I'd like to see her given the 3 year electoral cycle to put her vision in place. If she fails, she will rightfully be sent packing in 2020. This bullshit from online superheroes every step of the way is chunder material.    

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8 hours ago, Justamugpunter said:

you said that The Sate 'owns' the Tab...  


my last post here... you are welcome to the company of the likes of Barrby and Pete... mental midgets like so many in racing!!!

Bro, I respect your call to walk away from a site you feel robust but respectful yarns are not possible but I ask you to reconsider. This site needs people with gonads and colour. You have both and I enjoy your input.



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6 hours ago, Gavin said:

Bloody poor show Pete. I left the oxidation pond several years ago as robust discussion was not welcomed. There was a narcissistic flea of a man on that site desperate for power over others who tried to bully and ridicule anyone who had the audacity to hold a different perspective to him. It actually put me off horse racing and online communication for about 18 months. This site does not need yes men / women unless of course it only wants sterile yarns.

I'm no apologist for Labour or their cheerleader. I do however think Ardern is the bees knees. I have good reason for believing so. I'm not a typical red supporter. I'm university educated but have a lot of colour in my life. I generally don't vote as I subscribe to the ethos of Billy Connolly. "Don't vote, it only encourages them".

No issue whatsoever with people who disagree with Ardern's politics but I do have issue with the open contempt and ridicule that anonymous misogynistic far quits routinely direct at her online. They think it's being astute and funny but they are neither. Most are gutless trolls who will happily target a female online. Worthy of contempt only. Right up the top of those I detest most are the cowards who feel it's fair play to talk down to others in a condescending manner because they don't share the same political perspective. If you confronted them offline most would have piss running down their leg as they tell you it's all been a big misunderstanding. I've had experience with such people. 

Since when is it ok to routinely butcher a woman's given name just to show what a true hero a man is? When is it ok to ridicule a ladies teeth ? There has been an incessant and cowardly campaign against Ardern from day one. If she was my wife, sister, daughter etc I would happily hunt down and confront the arseholes involved. Charlotte Dawson was a beautiful lady but was targeted by cowardly trolls. I hoped our society would have learned something from that tragic situation.

The hospital pass Andrew Little gave Ardern several weeks out from the 2017 election should have resulted in Labour being thrashed at the polls but remarkably It took an underhanded National Party campaign to stop Labour having their nose in front on election day. National had no meaningful opposition since Helen Clark was Labours leader. A series of inadequate male leaders guaranteed that.  What Ardern achieved in the election campaign was unprecedented in NZ politics. I'm absolutely convinced of two things about that. The first is there was no other person in NZ who could have achieved what Ardern did. The fact she did it going up against the extremely well oiled National Party machine desperate to retain power only increases the gravity of her achievement. Any person capable of that is more than capable of being our PM. Secondly, I feel many Kiwi's are just too bias and or too far king stupid to truly understand the enormity of what Ardern achieved. 

What sort of NZ do you want to leave behind for your children and grandchildren? One where disgraceful and extremely divisive abuse is routinely directed at our female PM? One where on the very day Ardern's grandmother passed away, three days from election day, hundreds of National Party trolls attacked her online with despicable abuse and accused her of being the nasty lowlife who would exploit her grandmothers death for votes? How about the sort of cowardly and obnoxious shitheels who celebrated online the death of Ardern's pet cat who was run over and killed outside her home? How about the mostly male input where Ardern's marital status is incessantly ridiculed and her very young daughter is bastardized in a desperate attempt to gain political traction? There is no end to the vile directed at Ardern and no depths the brave souls will sink to when attacking her. 

I'd like to see her given the 3 year electoral cycle to put her vision in place. If she fails, she will rightfully be sent packing in 2020. This bullshit from online superheroes every step of the way is chunder material.    

Good God man give it a rest. I respect your views but can we leave it at that?

These epistles of yours are totally over the top.

And, just for the record, I hardly think what I said to justamug was abusive.

Most people would recognize it as a throwaway comment. He had already instigated some abuse of his own.

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Bit of a tricky one

A balance between allowing robust debate with a bit of personal stuff, too much of which may stigmatise the site and deter others from posting, and trying to sanitise debate, and we've all seen how people react to that:)

I guess there is a middle ground somewhere

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9 hours ago, Gavin said:

Bloody poor show Pete. I left the oxidation pond several years ago as robust discussion was not welcomed. There was a narcissistic flea of a man on that site desperate for power over others who tried to bully and ridicule anyone who had the audacity to hold a different perspective to him. It actually put me off horse racing and online communication for about 18 months. This site does not need yes men / women unless of course it only wants sterile yarns.

I'm no apologist for Labour or their cheerleader. I do however think Ardern is the bees knees. I have good reason for believing so. I'm not a typical red supporter. I'm university educated but have a lot of colour in my life. I generally don't vote as I subscribe to the ethos of Billy Connolly. "Don't vote, it only encourages them".

No issue whatsoever with people who disagree with Ardern's politics but I do have issue with the open contempt and ridicule that anonymous misogynistic far quits routinely direct at her online. They think it's being astute and funny but they are neither. Most are gutless trolls who will happily target a female online. Worthy of contempt only. Right up the top of those I detest most are the cowards who feel it's fair play to talk down to others in a condescending manner because they don't share the same political perspective. If you confronted them offline most would have piss running down their leg as they tell you it's all been a big misunderstanding. I've had experience with such people. 

Since when is it ok to routinely butcher a woman's given name just to show what a true hero a man is? When is it ok to ridicule a ladies teeth ? There has been an incessant and cowardly campaign against Ardern from day one. If she was my wife, sister, daughter etc I would happily hunt down and confront the arseholes involved. Charlotte Dawson was a beautiful lady but was targeted by cowardly trolls. I hoped our society would have learned something from that tragic situation.

The hospital pass Andrew Little gave Ardern several weeks out from the 2017 election should have resulted in Labour being thrashed at the polls but remarkably It took an underhanded National Party campaign to stop Labour having their nose in front on election day. National had no meaningful opposition since Helen Clark was Labours leader. A series of inadequate male leaders guaranteed that.  What Ardern achieved in the election campaign was unprecedented in NZ politics. I'm absolutely convinced of two things about that. The first is there was no other person in NZ who could have achieved what Ardern did. The fact she did it going up against the extremely well oiled National Party machine desperate to retain power only increases the gravity of her achievement. Any person capable of that is more than capable of being our PM. Secondly, I feel many Kiwi's are just too bias and or too far king stupid to truly understand the enormity of what Ardern achieved. 

What sort of NZ do you want to leave behind for your children and grandchildren? One where disgraceful and extremely divisive abuse is routinely directed at our female PM? One where on the very day Ardern's grandmother passed away, three days from election day, hundreds of National Party trolls attacked her online with despicable abuse and accused her of being the nasty lowlife who would exploit her grandmothers death for votes? How about the sort of cowardly and obnoxious shitheels who celebrated online the death of Ardern's pet cat who was run over and killed outside her home? How about the mostly male input where Ardern's marital status is incessantly ridiculed and her very young daughter is bastardized in a desperate attempt to gain political traction? There is no end to the vile directed at Ardern and no depths the brave souls will sink to when attacking her. 

I'd like to see her given the 3 year electoral cycle to put her vision in place. If she fails, she will rightfully be sent packing in 2020. This bullshit from online superheroes every step of the way is chunder material.    

As you know I'm a proponent of free speech hence BOAY however can we keep the party political broadcasts to another part of the forum?  E.g. Other stuff or The Vent.

In any event you've nearly driven me to off load on a topic that I generally steer clear of on BOAY - the site is about sport and racing.

But I will say this Arden's minority government is as dangerous to the principles of democracy as is Trumps to the great republic.  Her Government IS a MINORITY government patched together with the looney greens and the reincarnation of a Maori Muldoon whose narcissistic ego is only matched by Trumps.

As far as I'm concerned it is open season on Ardern for the fact of what she has done and is doing to democracy in this country.  She has no principles but has glib shallow political slogans.  There are numerous reasons why I detest her Government but here are a few:

1.  It is a minority Government - the Labour Party did not win the largest percentage votes of any party;

2.  It appears Labour spent 9 years in Opposition sitting on their arses and have no policy instead we now have a plethora of committees and even stage managed conferences to develop policy.  All under the guise of "reaching out", "engaging communities" and "inclusiveness."  See it for what it is - the circumvention of democracy and the determination of government policy and action by committee which reports back to the politburo;

3.  Unilateral policy making by Ardern without consultation of cabinet or her coalition so called "partners".  There has been more than one example of this but the one that sticks in my mind is her decision to stop oil and gas exploration.  That single decision may eventually force us to third world status.  The lower income workers who diligently drive to and from work to help produce the goods we sell to the world won't be able to afford $3 a litre for petrol let alone $5.

4.  Lastly the "first baby".  For a start it isn't the first baby my own is first.  I've always said if there is one thing that I do in life it is to keep my baby safe - nowadays that includes keeping her safe by respecting her privacy.  Neve's mother has used the "first baby" as a political prop, has not defended her privacy, has paraded her on stage at the UN (albeit an empty one) and carted her across the world and all the attendant news media.  What for?  To further the cause of working mothers (real ones are struggling to pay for the fuel to get to work)?  Or further her own cause?  

Geez.....you should see when I really off load on stuff political!


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The politician we----that is anyone remotely interested in racing--should be really worried about is peters. His xenophobic behaviour is reaching a new, quite despicable level. If its true that he thinks any new immigrants should have to sign a document stating they will follow NZ's ( read Peters/Ardern/Greens here) ' policies' then we are in big trouble.  The words ' Big Brother' ( or sister ) spring to mind. Muldoon was a drunken old fool at times, however even he wouldnt sink this low.  And Peters is spruiking himself as the saviour of racing in this country? His sideshow at the HRNZ AGM on Friday night was all about 'me'..as is everything he has done since being elevated to the position of joint puppeteer on election day. 

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My concern is,  that if clubs resist the land-grab  - and why wouldn't they?  that portion of the M.Report will not be implementable [ hope that's a word ] ....and Peters may then stalk off,  not having gotten his own way,  with the Racing Board not disbanded and other good parts of the report not implemented.

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45 minutes ago, Chief Stipe said:

As you know I'm a proponent of free speech hence BOAY however can we keep the party political broadcasts to another part of the forum?  E.g. Other stuff or The Vent.

In any event you've nearly driven me to off load on a topic that I generally steer clear of on BOAY - the site is about sport and racing.

But I will say this Arden's minority government is as dangerous to the principles of democracy as is Trumps to the great republic.  Her Government IS a MINORITY government patched together with the looney greens and the reincarnation of a Maori Muldoon whose narcissistic ego is only matched by Trumps.

As far as I'm concerned it is open season on Ardern for the fact of what she has done and is doing to democracy in this country.  She has no principles but has glib shallow political slogans.  There are numerous reasons why I detest her Government but here are a few:

1.  It is a minority Government - the Labour Party did not win the largest percentage votes of any party;

2.  It appears Labour spent 9 years in Opposition sitting on their arses and have no policy instead we now have a plethora of committees and even stage managed conferences to develop policy.  All under the guise of "reaching out", "engaging communities" and "inclusiveness."  See it for what it is - the circumvention of democracy and the determination of government policy and action by committee which reports back to the politburo;

3.  Unilateral policy making by Ardern without consultation of cabinet or her coalition so called "partners".  There has been more than one example of this but the one that sticks in my mind is her decision to stop oil and gas exploration.  That single decision may eventually force us to third world status.  The lower income workers who diligently drive to and from work to help produce the goods we sell to the world won't be able to afford $3 a litre for petrol let alone $5.

4.  Lastly the "first baby".  For a start it isn't the first baby my own is first.  I've always said if there is one thing that I do in life it is to keep my baby safe - nowadays that includes keeping her safe by respecting her privacy.  Neve's mother has used the "first baby" as a political prop, has not defended her privacy, has paraded her on stage at the UN (albeit an empty one) and carted her across the world and all the attendant news media.  What for?  To further the cause of working mothers (real ones are struggling to pay for the fuel to get to work)?  Or further her own cause?  

Geez.....you should see when I really off load on stuff political!


Couldn't have put in any better myself Chief. You've encapsulated my thoughts on the subject.

Maybe time to close this off or move to another section? One thing I've learned in my 60 years on this planet is that politics in a minefield. 

You are likely to receive a 5000 word reply from Gavin now ?

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2 minutes ago, Freda said:

My concern is,  that if clubs resist the land-grab  - and why wouldn't they?  that portion of the M.Report will not be implementable [ hope that's a word ] ....and Peters may then stalk off,  not having gotten his own way,  with the Racing Board not disbanded and other good parts of the report not implemented.

A very legitimate concern Freda. Peters is the most vindictive person in NZ politics and very likely to throw his toys out of cot and walk away. Let's face it Labour and the Greens have zero interest in racing and would very likely ban it given half a chance.

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7 minutes ago, Freda said:

My concern is,  that if clubs resist the land-grab  - and why wouldn't they?  that portion of the M.Report will not be implementable [ hope that's a word ] ....and Peters may then stalk off,  not having gotten his own way,  with the Racing Board not disbanded and other good parts of the report not implemented.

Yep, this is going to be the 190 million dollar question.

The other concern, is who is going to head up RITA, to manage what looks like a huge huge transition.  If Peters appoints anyone currently in a position of governance, the industry will lack confidence.

He must be on the hunt for either Messara or someone outside the industry who has impeccable qualifications

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34 minutes ago, pete said:

Couldn't have put in any better myself Chief. You've encapsulated my thoughts on the subject.

Maybe time to close this off or move to another section? One thing I've learned in my 60 years on this planet is that politics in a minefield. 

You are likely to receive a 5000 word reply from Gavin now ?

One thing for sure Pete, my response would have substance and wouldn't be passive / aggressive fluff.

This website has completely lost it's appeal for me as it morphing into another oxidation pond. There has been no robust debate. Just condescending National Party supporters who not only target our female PM with derogatory abuse, but they then attempt to justify it with their blinkers on while ridiculing anyone who has the audacity to defend the woman.


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2 hours ago, Kopia said:

The politician we----that is anyone remotely interested in racing--should be really worried about is peters. His xenophobic behaviour is reaching a new, quite despicable level. If its true that he thinks any new immigrants should have to sign a document stating they will follow NZ's ( read Peters/Ardern/Greens here) ' policies' then we are in big trouble.  The words ' Big Brother' ( or sister ) spring to mind. Muldoon was a drunken old fool at times, however even he wouldnt sink this low.  And Peters is spruiking himself as the saviour of racing in this country? His sideshow at the HRNZ AGM on Friday night was all about 'me'..as is everything he has done since being elevated to the position of joint puppeteer on election day. 

Actually it's worse then I initially thought...so lets say peters gets his way ( extremely unlikely but you never know with the mess we've got as a govt)....a new 'law' immigrants sign to say they'll conform to the Troika's demands...what if they don't once theyre here?  Are we going to see another new government department? another Police force to hunt out these offenders who don't bow down to the left 10 times every day, lock them up without trial...? what a dickhead this guy is.

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1 hour ago, Gavin said:

One thing for sure Pete, my response would have substance and wouldn't be passive / aggressive fluff.

This website has completely lost it's appeal for me as it morphing into another oxidation pond. There has been no robust debate. Just condescending National Party supporters who not only target our female PM with derogatory abuse, but they then attempt to justify it with their blinkers on while ridiculing anyone who has the audacity to defend the woman.


Gavin - you are the one that is constantly off topic.  If you consider my post condescending or abusive of Ardern then do move on.  In my opinion it was neither of those.

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1 hour ago, Gavin said:

One thing for sure Pete, my response would have substance and wouldn't be passive / aggressive fluff.

This website has completely lost it's appeal for me as it morphing into another oxidation pond. There has been no robust debate. Just condescending National Party supporters who not only target our female PM with derogatory abuse, but they then attempt to justify it with their blinkers on while ridiculing anyone who has the audacity to defend the woman.


It's like I've got an identical twin Gav!!

Come back Gav...these RIGHTEOUS RIGHT have no f in idea about running a country

The previous evil Knats...were in the pockets of big business and basic Governence passed them bye bye...

....basic stuff like INFRUSTRUCTURE...was a complete mystery to them

And now it's JACINDA time..

Suk it up and enjoy the ride LOSERS

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