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Bit Of A Yarn

Another INCA case thrown out of Court! Then an RIU raid follows.


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This is not the end of this sad sorry saga. Mr Grim and co. will fight this to the end. They don't care how many names they drag through the mud. They are determined to win at all costs. They themselves should be charged with bringing racing into disrepute. Heads need to roll and the riu needs a major clean out. How dare they call themselves Integrity as they have shown none to any trainers.

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2 hours ago, Noodlum said:

So Justice Neave throws another INCA case out of court last week.  The RIU follow up a day later with another raid on the stables concerned.


Very vague post. "throws another case out of court." very unspecific.  I thought there were lots of charges. Are you suggesting there are no charges relating to operation inca,or just not many left? Or is the post deliberately vague and just another cheap shot at the RIU.

Say we accept there was always merit in the argument that some charges were always going to struggle to be proved,and so it turned out.

But what if there were some charges that were dismissed because evidence gathered was deemed inadmissible by the presiding judge.  What then? Does that all of a sudden clear those charged  of any nothing wrongdoing,and that what was alleged never happened. Besides, is that not a police procedural matter and whats that got to do with the RIU. The RIU don't run the police do they?

Just to be clear,we've heard from many on here and the other website about the injustices perpetrated on those they support, well how about they actually come out and  go one step further and say that they see nothing wrong with what those charged allegedly did. i'm not commenting on the gravity ,or lack of,just want to know the standards of those commenting.  Go on,have some balls and actually say it.  Put it on the record.  

As to the so called RIU raid. What do you classify as a raid?   Sounds like the sensationalism approach we would expect from P4P. 

Edited by the galah
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8 minutes ago, the galah said:

Besides, is that not a police procedural matter and whats that got to do with the RIU. The RIU don't run the police do they?

Why were the RIU wearing flak jackets and radios when in attendance with the Police in the original raids?

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29 minutes ago, Noodlum said:

Why were the RIU wearing flak jackets and radios when in attendance with the Police in the original raids?

What are you talking about?. The coordinated raids on stables and businessmen. Why do you care whether the RIU were there. Oh thats right,that just showed their true colours.

These cases may involve high profile personalities,but its their actions that are the subject of the scrutiny. The reason so many make it about the personalities is because that is the best way to deflect from the actions. And whats the bet if this involved someone within the industry that  no one liked,those doing all the attacks on the riu would never be heard from. Hypocrites 

Some appear to long for the leadership style of the administrator who tipped off all those involved in the blue magic scandal, so they could  get rid of any incriminating evidence.   Those were the good old days .  


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4 minutes ago, the galah said:

What are you talking about?. The coordinated raids on stables and businessmen. Why do we care whether the RIU were there. Oh thats right,that just showed their true colours.

Are you having a dollar each way?  On the one hand you say it was a Police matter and nothing to do with the RIU and then hedge your bet by saying there was nothing wrong with the RIU being there.

Earlier posts you suggest the RIU didn't influence the Police nor have all the information.

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7 minutes ago, the galah said:

I'm saying the police make decisions relating to their jurisdiction and the riu make decisions relating to their jurisdiction. If their evidence gathering overlaps then its common sense to pool resources.  

And never the twain shall meet.

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3 hours ago, Noodlum said:

Why were the RIU wearing flak jackets and radios when in attendance with the Police in the original raids?


i just confirmed with a friend of mine who was caught up in the raids with one of the main players and he said no Riu staff were there. Just the suits and a few local cops.

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6 hours ago, Noodlum said:

So Justice Neave throws another INCA case out of court last week.  The RIU follow up a day later with another raid on the stables concerned.


Another limp wristed decision from judge Neave!

A teenage girl stabbed with a broken bottle at a party, requiring 21 stitches and left with permanent scars, says the justice system failed her by discharging the personal responsible without a conviction.

Isabel Bisset, then 17, was attending a party at her sister’s home in Christchurch on January 4, 2019 with up to 40 others.

About 10pm a number of others who were not invited began arriving. At some point in the evening Bisset decided she wanted those who were not invited to leave, including Ena Schaapveld and her friend.

Schaapveld’s friend then hit Bisset in the head with a Jim Beam bottle, and tried to hit her a second time but was held back by other party-goers.


A crowd formed and as Bisset attempted to leave Schaapveld, then aged 17, grabbed the back of her hair. 

Bisset then turned around and grabbed Schaapveld’s hair before someone intervened between them. During the course of the altercation the bottle that Schaapveld was holding has been broken.


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Schaapveld said she was unaware the bottle had broken when she started swinging it as she held the Bisset by her left arm.

Isabel Bisset feels the justice system “failed” her by not convicting Ena Schaapveld.
Isabel Bisset feels the justice system “failed” her by not convicting Ena Schaapveld.

The swinging motion caused a cut to Bisset’s right bicep, left elbow and right forearm. 

Schaapveld screamed and swore as Bisset tried to get away. The 17-year-old suffered a four-centimetre laceration to her right bicep and a six-centimetre laceration to her right forearm to muscle level, and required 21 stitches as well as further internal stitches.

Schappveld was charged with wounding with reckless disregard. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced in the Christchurch District Court in March before Judge Raoul Neave where she was discharged without conviction and ordered to pay $700 in emotional harm, $350 in a lump sum and the rest drip fed at $5 a week.

Judge Neave said it was clear the attack had a significant impact on Bisset. The victim impact statement described the incident as being “horrible”, leading to a series of problems with Bisset’s arm afterwards.

She lost feeling in most of it and had to have surgery to try and repair it. At the time of sentencing Bisset seemed to have spots where she could not feel anything and it was anticipated it may be up to two years before the nerve damage repairs. The scars would be with Bisset forever.

In debating a discharge without conviction Judge Neave said the offending was assessed as moderate. 

Schaapveld’s lawyer raised concerns that her friend, who also hit Bisset and was just as culpable, seemed not to have attracted the attention of police. 

Isabel Bisset has permanent scars on her arm from the incident.
Isabel Bisset has permanent scars on her arm from the incident.

Judge Neave said there was an element of “unfairness” that there were two people who attacked Bisset, both in quite identical ways, with one luckier than the other in terms of ultimate injuries sustained.

He added there were some “clearly significant” difficulties in Schaapveld’s background, which were over and above those that might be experienced by the general public. He declined to go into them in detail at sentencing.

“There has been an awful lot going on in the defendant’s life which I am sure has affected her, it has affected her decision making and I am sure it has in no small measure contributed to her alcohol problems from which the defendant undoubtedly suffers.”

The offending had already had a significant impact on Schaapveld’s employability. While she originally considering doing a law degree, Schaapveld was now interested in veterinary nursing. 

“There is clear evidence that whilst it is not cast in stone that she is likely to struggle to obtain appropriate work placement opportunities with the inevitable result that she would not be able to pursue her newly chosen career.”

Judge Neave said Schaapveld had been volunteering with the City Mission and was engaged with drug and alcohol counselling.

In her affidavit Schaapveld said she made a “foolish mistake”, which had “devastating consequences” for Bisset, while she felt she had ruined her chances to make something of her life.

“I am so angry at myself for letting myself get in that situation and I feel so bad about what I did to Isabel and I wish that it had never started.

“I feel like I have closed so many doors to my future due to the mistake I made on the night of 4 January 2019 and I don’t know what options I have left.”

The 17-year-old suffered a four-centimetre laceration to her right bicep, anda six-centimetre laceration to her right forearm to muscle level, and required 21 stitches plus further internal stitches.
The 17-year-old suffered a four-centimetre laceration to her right bicep, anda six-centimetre laceration to her right forearm to muscle level, and required 21 stitches plus further internal stitches.

She ended her affidavit by apologising.

“I am sincerely sorry for what I have done.”

Neave said given the clear evidence of the potential effects on the Schaapveld’s future, the steps she had already taken, her willingness to make emotional harm reparation, a discharge without conviction was appropriate.

“This is a case where the consequences of the offending are outweighed by the seriousness of the offence.”

In a statement provided to Stuff Bisset said the incident had impacted her physically and mentally.

“This crime has affected me big time I have major nerve damage, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and physical scars. 

“I’ve cried for hours over this and made very small physical tasks for months after the attack very difficult which would have me sitting there in tears wishing it would be over,” Bisset said.

“I have to live with an emotional burden that goes with the injury and no matter what happens in my life I’ll always have big scars for a big reminder of a terrible life long upsetting memory about the event.”

She felt the justice system had “failed” her by not convicting Schaapveld.

“I think she should have gotten it on her record because I feel like that’s a mistake you can’t just brush under the carpet and forget about," she said.

"My life has completely changed because of Ena and I don’t feel like she should get to resume the way she’s going. Life’s not fair, but she sure is getting it pretty fair.”

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1 hour ago, Rangatira said:

not in a month of sundays

That is the exact reason why that horse was driven like it was. Who do you see that team drives to the benefit of their weakest chance?  Shouldn't you have worked that out ? Go watch the  video of that race if you want to see how team driving works. 

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20 minutes ago, Brodie said:

Yeah and I wanted to be a monk when I was younger, so Would I have got of any crime I committed!

I get vilified by the TAB for wanting to wager and yet this girl gets off with no conviction!!!!

Judge  Neave should be sacked!!!

What's that got to do with throwing out one of the INCA cases?  I suppose the Police and RIU will be appealing?

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16 minutes ago, the galah said:

That is the exact reason why that horse was driven like it was. Who do you see that team drives to the benefit of their weakest chance?  Shouldn't you have worked that out ? Go watch the  video of that race if you want to see how team driving works. 

So who was impeded or assisted?  

The comments made by McGrath could be interpreted differently depending on your viewpoint.

Either way the RIU could have laid charges without spending millions of taxpayers and industry money.

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43 minutes ago, Noodlum said:

What's that got to do with throwing out one of the INCA cases?  I suppose the Police and RIU will be appealing?

Not a lot really, just responded to the posting re the blatantly stupid decision not to convict someone who did a serious offence, just because they wanted to be a vet nurse!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Brodie said:

Yeah and I wanted to be a monk when I was younger, so Would I have got of any crime I committed!

I get vilified by the TAB for wanting to wager and yet this girl gets off with no conviction!!!!

Judge  Neave should be sacked!!!

I disagree.  We are not privy to all the information that was available to the Judge.  It isn't as if she got off scot free.  Of course the prosecutor could have asked for a review of the sentence.

Contrast that with what has happened to McGrath.  Even though he had no case to answer in the Court he has been financially broken and forced from his career.  As well as suffering constant harassment by the RIU.

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Noodlum, exactly my point!

There is so much inconsistency in our justice system in NZ!
Letting her off without conviction is BS but won’t set any precedent.

The George Floyd protest and rioting is another lot of BS!!!

They have made him a martyr and yet he was a career criminal not that I condone what the cops did,

Who would want to be a cop in Minneapolis, when you can see the type of  thugs that live there, that are only wanting to create chaos and pillage and steal and burn buildings?

Not much between their ears when all they are doing is shitting in their own neighbourhood!

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2 hours ago, Brodie said:

Yeah and I wanted to be a monk when I was younger, so Would I have got of any crime I committed!

I get vilified by the TAB for wanting to wager and yet this girl gets off with no conviction!!!!

Judge  Neave should be sacked!!!

It certainly was no surprise as to who the judge was in this case. He has a long history of being soft on crims!

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51 minutes ago, Noodlum said:

I disagree.  We are not privy to all the information that was available to the Judge.  It isn't as if she got off scot free.  Of course the prosecutor could have asked for a review of the sentence.

Contrast that with what has happened to McGrath.  Even though he had no case to answer in the Court he has been financially broken and forced from his career.  As well as suffering constant harassment by the RIU.

Why was he forced from his career?

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