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Bit Of A Yarn

Jesse Alford

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  On 16/03/2021 at 11:13 PM, Chief Stipe said:

No it isn't obvious.  You are reading through a conceptual lense primed by your knowledge of the racing industry and presumably common veterinarian practice.  Your average uninformed reader wouldn't understand that.

You say "Good work by the RIU".  Can you explain their inconsistency across and within codes in publicising this information?  Why can they release information to the media and not bother to update their website with the information first?  Or it seems even notify HRNZ!?

Piss poor work in my opinion.  Who rang who first?  The Journalist or the RIU?  


You consistently never say anything positive when they catch someone trying to cheat.  All you do is criticise those who enforce the rules and those that report it. 

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  On 17/03/2021 at 5:17 AM, Brodie said:

This Sam Sherwood understudy to Van Beynon is a plonker!

FFS why on earth does everytime he wants to report on something  bad, he has to bring up Mitch Kerr etc!

Gutter journalism!!




The taxpayer-funded Stuff has it in for harness racing. I agree why does Mitchell Kerr and usually McGrath also get mentioned in every negative harness article. Where is the balance?

It would be OK it they did the negative thing on everyone. Take St Jacinda for example. You are not likely to get many negative articles about her on the taxpayer-funded Stuff but there have been a few lately. Why not finish those rare articles with a list of her failings of which there are many to choose from. Homelessness four-fold increase. Kiwibuild failure. Soaring house prices. Child poverty little change. Fuel and electricity prices rising. Plummeting education standards. Record coal imports. Racist policies ... to name a few.

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  On 17/03/2021 at 2:39 AM, the galah said:

What a pedantic thing to say. You know what he meant,and so does anyone reading it. 


I don't. It's BS!!! How can horses plot to to take to the track? I am sure most horses would rather be in a nice grassy paddock or hay-lined loose box than plotting to take the track. Poorly written garbage.

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I cant work out whether sherwood is a real ignoramus is just extremely lazy

not the first time he has stated this re mitch kerr "The now 29-year-old star had 87 wins to his credit by that time, and had won nearly $900,000 in stake money in his three-year solo training career."

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  On 17/03/2021 at 5:54 AM, Davis said:

I don't. It's BS!!! How can horses plot to to take to the track? I am sure most horses would rather be in a nice grassy paddock or hay-lined loose box than plotting to take the track. Poorly written garbage.


He said "2 hours before they were to take to the track".

 I will spell out for you what that means...... It means 2 hours before they were due to race(on the racetrack)...  

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This gutter posting journalist who has learnt everything from Van Beynon, is also asking in his BS for anyone to email him if they know more!!

So he wants people to grass on people in the harness industry!!!

Well yes Mr Sam Sherwood, I do know more?

Carry on with this blatant attack on harness racing and its participants and you are going  to be extremely disliked !

If this is the best you can do and think that you are doing a great job straight out of journo school, I suggest you go and change your career!

We are over this continuation of this BS assassination of harness racing!

Instead of trying to hang young harness participants that may do wrong, lets see if you will write some of your stories about men in gangs that do wrong and use their names!!!  

No one knows who on earth you are and you are just trying to make a name for yourself on the back of Van Beynon!!!

I suggest you make yourself more useful by not rehashing the same shit week in week out!!!!!!!!!







Edited by Brodie
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  On 17/03/2021 at 9:22 AM, the galah said:

So all this focus on condemning who writes the stories,and not one reference from all those making the recent posts condemning the actions of those he writes about.   Says a lot,and i'm giving up pointing that out. 


Galah, not defending the actions of those that have been written about by Van Beynon and now Sherwood!

However the continued assassination of young harness trainers week in and week out by journalists has worn very thin!

FFS every week their stories contain  the mention of previous indiscretions that are not relevant!

Van Beynon wrote the crap about Operation Inca  being the crimes of the century and yet still nothing!

As I say, lets see them publish the names of gang members that are doing crimes and then mention other gang members names that did crimes last year!

Of course he wont because for some reason they are targeting harness!

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