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Revealed: estranged partner alerted stewards to Kah, Melham Covid scandal

Jamie Kah returns to the mounting yard after winning the BECK Probuild Quezette Stakes at Caulfield Racecourse on August 14, 2021 in Caulfield, Australia. (Pat Scala/Racing Photos via Getty Images)Jamie Kah returns to the mounting yard after winning the BECK Probuild Quezette Stakes at Caulfield Racecourse on August 14, 2021 in Caulfield, Australia. (Pat Scala/Racing Photos via Getty Images)
By Gilbert Gardiner
12:16pm • 27 August 2021

An estranged partner of one of the jockeys at the rogue Mornington house party on Wednesday night alerted Racing Victoria stewards to the illegal gathering, it can be revealed.

The state’s premier jockey Jamie Kah is among four riders sensationally stood down by Racing Victoria late on Thursday night in relation to a rogue Mornington house party on Wednesday night.

On Friday, police issued six $5452 fines in relation to the incident.

Group 1 star Ben Melham, Ethan Brown and talented apprentice Celine Gaudray, along with Kah, cannot ride for the next 14 days after attending the Airbnb past the 9pm greater Melbourne curfew.

The jockeys, who defied the State Government “stay at home directions”, were at the short-stay rental with two other non-licensed people.

Stewards have launched an inquiry into the alleged illegal gathering, which was in breach of not only current racing regulations, but also and more importantly the State Government orders.

In a statement on Friday morning, police said: “Officers were called to the property on Tallis Drive following reports of a noise complaint about 11.50pm.”

“Upon arrival officers located six people inside, all allegedly outside their 5km radius and in breach of curfew,” they said.

“All have been issued with a $5452 infringement notice for breaching Chief Health Officer directions.”

News Corp Australia has chosen not to name the estranged partner of one of the jockeys who alerted the gathering to stewards.

RV chief medical officer Gary Zimmerman rubber-stamped the 14-day stand down on Thursday night, which results in Kah and Melham losing the rides on Group 1 Memsie Stakes favourite Behemoth and Beau Rossa respectively.

Kah was also due to ride boom galloper Ayrton in the last race at Caulfield on Saturday.

RV chief executive Giles Thompson slammed the quartet’s behaviour.

“The alleged behaviour of these four jockeys is a slap in the face to every member of the racing industry that has worked incredibly hard to protect the sport and the community while continuing to race since Covid restrictions were first introduced in March 2020,” Thompson said.

“These individuals could have put at risk the very continuance of our sport and also blatantly disregarded the broader community implications through their selfish and thoughtless actions.

“The stewards have elected to lay significant charges against these individuals, which is appropriate given the potential impact their actions could have had on community safety, the livelihoods of the 25,000 Victorian jobs supported by racing and the welfare of the horses who rely on the daily care and exercise the industry provides.

2020 Seppelt Wines Stakes Day

Ben Melham misses the ride on Beau Rossa in the Memsie Stakes this weekend.

“To see all of that potentially thrown away by the reckless behaviour of a small few is incredibly disappointing and far from what is expected of our industry participants.

“While these actions do not reflect the majority, I want to make it extremely clear to all industry participants of the critical need to abide all industry and Government directives, especially as we enter the Spring Racing Carnival period.

“Thank you to those that continue to do the right thing by the industry at all times and I hope this serves as a firm reminder of how fortunate we are to continue racing and the importance of adhering to the protocols.”

The jockeys will be stood down at least until September 9.

Stewards adjourned the inquiry to 9.30am Friday.

Racing Victoria confirmed the inquiry will be held behind closed doors.

 The “sensitive” nature of evidence already given to Stewards is behind the in-camera proceedings.

 The jockeys and any representatives will join the phone hook-up with Stewards from 9.30am.

 Victorian Racing Minister Martin Pakula said: “These allegations are beyond disappointing – they’re actually mind-boggling.

“We all need to do our bit to get infections down so that we can open businesses and schools and get crowds back to events – including the spring carnival – and industry participants should be setting an example. To think that some would, instead, put all of that at risk is just infuriating.”

Private gatherings for persons otherwise living with one another are prohibited in Victoria.

Kah’s manager James Henderson was contacted for comment on Thursday night.

Read all news by
Gilbert Gardiner

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Racing Victoria (RV) Stewards have today concluded an inquiry into the conduct of licensed jockeys Ethan Brown, Jamie Kah and Ben Melham and apprentice jockey Celine Gaudray upon receipt of information of possible breaches of COVID-19 protocols.

The Stewards yesterday charged Ethan Brown, Celine Gaudray, Jamie Kah and Ben Melham with breaching AR 232(b) which reads as follows:

AR 232 Failure to observe processes and directions of PRAs or Stewards

(b) fail or refuse to comply with an order, direction or requirement of the Stewards or an official

The particulars of the charge are summarised as follows:

  • On 25 August 2021, Jamie Kah, Ethan Brown, Ben Melham and Celine Gaudray were present at an “Airbnb” in Mornington after 9pm with two other non-licensed individuals.
  • This conduct is in breach of the current State Government Regulations (namely the Stay at Home Directions) which prohibit private gatherings for persons not otherwise living with one another. The conduct is also in breach of the imposed curfew for Metropolitan Melbourne.
  • Racing Victoria’s COVID Protocols state that any failure to comply with State Government Regulations will be deemed to be a failure or refusal to comply with an order, direction, or requirement of the Stewards or an official.

The Stewards continued their inquiry this morning with all four jockeys pleading guilty to their respective charges.

Stewards heard submissions on penalty and after doing so took into consideration their guilty pleas, each of the riders’ personal circumstances, that this was their first offence of this nature, that any suspension this time of year includes missing feature race meetings, and that the individuals expressed remorse.

The Stewards also took into consideration the serious nature of the offending, the potential severe ramifications that could flow from a breach of Racing Victoria’s COVID-19 Protocols, and that the penalty must be sufficient enough to deter others from breaching the COVID-19 Protocols. The penalty must also be seen to publicly address the seriousness of the offending and make clear that compliance with the COVID-19 Protocols is non-negotiable.

Taking into account the above considerations, the Stewards have determined that all four jockeys will have their licence to ride in races suspended for a period of three months.

The suspension begins at midnight on 26 August 2021 and will expire at midnight on 25 November 2021.

In addition, all jockeys were notified in writing today of their requirements to fulfil the recommendations of Racing Victoria’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO) which includes a stand down order of 14 days (beginning today) from all licensed premises and that negative COVID-19 tests must be provided over that period.

The jockeys will be permitted to participate in trackwork, jump-outs and official trials once the 14 day stand down order from the CMO concludes on 9 September 2021.

All jockeys were advised of their rights of appeal which must be lodged with the Victorian Racing Tribunal within three days.

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I see Kah will be able to ride jumpouts and trials in 14 days.

I wonder if they will appeal the 3 month race ban.  Seems to be unjust to me.  Arguably you get less for worse directly related to racing.  For example how many weeks do you get for hospitalising a jockey and killing a horse?

Add to that the fact that they have already been fined by Dan Andrews.

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7 minutes ago, nomates said:

They could have kept racing going here , but our hierarchy can't plan for tomorrow .

I might be wrong but Level 3 looks like it has been tightened.  Level 4 with takeaways.  I just can't see how racing can be allowed.  Although that said manufacturers are allowed to operate so.....  It is just the Government employees that have to stay at home during Level 3 afterall aside from Doctors and Nurses none of them are "essential services" are they?

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Racing here could have kept going , but we would have needed 3 things , 1 , the Govt to allow it which considering how conservative they have been i doubt would have happened , secondly our mob would have had to come up with a comprehensive plan on how to manage it throughout any lockdown levels , they have issues ordering their sausage rolls . Thirdly trusting everybody involved to play their bit and having knowledge of the standard we have now that would have been an ask .

The Aussie administrators are a different level , remember we have their offcasts , just look at V'landys , has kept racing and rugby league going , can you imagine the difference in the force of his argument as against what our pitiful bunch would have produced . V'landys even got rugby league moved to Queensland in a lockdown .

That is an administrator .

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Performance Ratings so far:

Melham: Dipshit personified. If he had half a brain he would be still be mentally challenged

Kah: Those in the know say the $40,000 gross she would have earned yesterday still wouldn't satisfy her cravings for lust and love

Zahra: He got the text to say "get out - the boys in blue are on their way" so he offed it quick, but someone said "If I'm gone, so are you" and spilled the beans

Brown: A huge talent but thick as mud and easily led. 

Gaugray: Starstruck by Kah. Another very good young rider who followed the wrong road.


The sixth person is still to be outed in public- yet.

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21 minutes ago, KickintheKods said:

Performance Ratings so far:

Melham: Dipshit personified. If he had half a brain he would be still be mentally challenged

Kah: Those in the know say the $40,000 gross she would have earned yesterday still wouldn't satisfy her cravings for lust and love

Zahra: He got the text to say "get out - the boys in blue are on their way" so he offed it quick, but someone said "If I'm gone, so are you" and spilled the beans

Brown: A huge talent but thick as mud and easily led. 

Gaugray: Starstruck by Kah. Another very good young rider who followed the wrong road.


The sixth person is still to be outed in public- yet.

Who knows maybe they are the brave amongst us.  Those that are willing to not kowtow to the insane rules.  Weren't they all part of a bubble?

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15 minutes ago, aquaman said:

Just more crap from the tyrant Andrews. Those jockeys should be given medals for daring to rail against the fascists that now run Victoria. History will look kindly on them.

I don't know about how history will look on them but as I've posted many many times I just don't like the way we put sports people on pedestals and double jeopardise them.  That is they get punished by the Courts then the sports and racing administrations hammer them ten times more.

In Kah's case she was fined $5,500 by the Police but essentially fined $40k in one day missing her rides yesterday.  She earn't $16.7m in stakes last year so cleared $835k.  Getting a 3 month holiday means a loss in income of a minimum of $200k.  Doesn't seem like justice to me. 

Yes by all means stand them down but would 1 month have been enough instead of 3 months?

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Well they are all probably going to get hammered again and have kissed any chance of an appeal away now that it is come out that they all forgot to mention the other two that were there.  One unknown the other being Mark Zahra.

One would have thought the older jocks would have known better.

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